Eat Your Greens

We speak truth to power and we eat our greens

    political ideology

    Leadership, Economic Ideology, Neo-liberalism, Identity Politics
    Morrison’s day of reckoning may bring down his temples - Pearls and Irritations (May ’21)

    Morrison backs away: The PM muddies the water on the India travel ban | The Monthly (May ’21)

    PM warns identity politics, abuse of social media are undermining society | SMH (Apr ’21)

    Normal disservice: Any “normal” we might return to under Morrison’s leadership will see political problems relegated to the too-hard basket | The Monthly (Apr ’21)

    As Australia's vaccination bungle becomes clear, Morrison's political pain is only just beginning | The Conversation (Apr ’21)

    Madonna King: Scott Morrison just isn't good at his job | The New Daily (Mar ’21)

    There's a sense Scott Morrison's edifice of processes is teetering. Will it come crashing down? - ABC News (Mar ’21)

    With the government in crisis, Morrison's leadership might be safe but damage has been done - ABC News (Mar ’21)

    Australia is facing a revolution on sexual assault. Where is Scott Morrison? | Crikey (Mar ’21)

    Canberra's pale, stale and male tribe is missing the moment – as it did with Julia Gillard's misogyny speech | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar ’21)

    As gut-wrenching scandals shake the government, Scott Morrison fumbles when he should lead | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Mar ’21)

    Scott Morrison accused of 'pandering' to Trump and damaging relations with Biden | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian (Jan '21)

    Scott Morrison: how he went from Artful Dodger to political shapeshifter | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

    Why good leaders need to hold the hose: how history might read Morrison’s coronavirus leadership | The Conversation (May ’20)

    Morrison needs new roadmap and more humility - Pearls and Irritations (Mar ’20)

    Scott Morrison, here’s what you should do in 2020 to show leadership | SMH (Jan ’20)

    Scott Morrison’s biggest failure in the bushfire crisis: an inability to deliver collective action | The Conversation (Jan ’20)

    I marched against John Howard but he showed leadership in a way Scott Morrison is refusing to | The Guardian (Dec ’19)

    Scott Morrison lectured the states against snap border closures – now he’s done exactly that | Katharine Murphy | The Guardian (May ’21)

    Backflips on China no problem for Morrison's inconsistent government | Crikey (May ’21)

    Look at Morrison and see for yourself - Pearls and Irritations (Apr ’21)

    Morrison now claims he never mocked electric vehicle technology | The Driven (Apr ’21)

    Michael Pascoe: Morrison’s mud throwing is worse than it seems | The New Daily (Mar ’21)

    The moral deadening | The Monthly (Feb ’21)

    Yeah, right. Harold Holt's in China and PM knew nothing | New Daily (Feb ’21)

    Scott Morrison summed up | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)

    Australia Day: Scott Morrison loves playing politics, hates it when others do | Crikey (Jan '21)

    Scott Morrison’s attempt at distance from Trump was as tepid as it was late | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)

    Atkins: All politicians lie, but Scott Morrison's untruths transcend the usual | New Daily (Dec ’20)

    Morrison government asks ABC to justify why explosive Four Corners episode was impartial and newsworthy | SBS (Dec ’20)

    'One side of politics': Morrison attempts to paint ABC affair reports as bias | The Mandarin (Nov ’20)

    In a single press conference, Scott Morrison showed us exactly what it's like to be a woman in politics. | Mama Mia (Nov ’20)

    ScoMo Has Been Called Out For Hypocrisy, Again, This Time Over The Branch Stacking Scandal | Junkee (Aug '20)

    The blatant hypocrisy of Scott Morrison’s Christian faith | Independent Australia (Sep ’19)

    Scott Morrison claims medevac bill will disrupt Australians' healthcare |SBS (Mar '19)

    How Scott Morrison changed his tune on the banking royal commission | SMH (Apr ’18)

    Morrison sees votes in anti-Muslim strategy | SMH (Feb ’11)

    Where can small-government conservatives turn in the new Coalition? | Crikey (May '21)

    Michael Pascoe: Federal government doesn’t care about the housing crisis | The New Daily (Apr '21)

    Morrison fixed on tax cuts as US and Britain embrace big government | The Saturday Paper (Apr '21)

    Move over neoliberalism; rentier capitalism is now king | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)

    Scrapping responsible lending laws a 'disaster' that could drown Australians in debt, consumer groups say | Banking | The Guardian (Jan '21)

    Covid-19 has exposed the catastrophic impact of privatising vital services | The Guardian (Oct '20)

    Some say neoliberals have destroyed the world, but now they want to save it. Is Scott Morrison listening? | The Conversation (Oct '20)

    The spread of coronavirus in Australia is not the fault of individuals but a result of neoliberalism | The Guardian (Aug ’20)

    Will ideology assert itself in Australia's recovery? That's the question as we head into budget week | The Guardian (Oct '20)

    The perils of privatisation and private greed | John Menadue (Aug '20)

    The Morrison government is using the COVID-19 crisis to devastate the public service, the ABC, the arts and tertiary education | The Monthly (Aug '20)

    Archaic ideas of market liberalism continue to wreak havoc | Ind Aust (Jun '20)

    Trickle-down theory continues to feed the rich | Ind Aust (May '20)

    Vital Signs: Australia’s nation-building opportunity held hostage by the deficit daleks | The Conversation (Dec '19)

    Election 2019: Another dose of fear | Per Capita (May '19)

    Win or lose the next election, it may be time for the Liberals to rethink their economic narrative | The Conversation (Feb '19)

    India travel ban: Our policy on India leaves us in a weird place - Waleed Aly | SMH (May ’21)

    Scott Morrison hits out at identity politics despite deploying them himself | Crikey (May ’21)

    How Trump changed Australian politics forever - 7am Podcast (Jan ’21)

    What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)

    Asio to review terror terms including ‘rightwing extremists’ which Liberal MP says causes anxiety | The Guardian (Oct '20)

    A primary school–aged child in court surely represents the ultimate failure of society, yet Australia won’t raise the age of criminal responsibility | The Monthly (Jul '20)

    Defunding arts degrees is the latest battle in a 40-year culture war | The Conversation(Jul '20)

    Free childcare doesn’t suit the Coalition’s ideology – we get what we voted for | The Guardian (Jun '20)

    Has coronavirus killed ideology? No, it’s just cycled it around again | The Conversation (Apr '20)

    Dissecting Prime Ministers' Australia Day speeches | Sydney University (Jan '20)

    Australian government axes federal arts department, leaving institutions ‘gobsmacked’ | Classic FM (Dec ’19)

    Government greenlights churches’ freedom to discriminate | Crikey (Dec '19)

    Scott Morrison asks for removal of signs giving people choice of bathroom on basis of gender identity | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Aug ’19)

    Australia could add 'values test' for migrants, Malcolm Turnbull says | Australian immigration and asylum | The Guardian (Jul ’18)

      secrecy of government

      Commonwealth prosecutors wrong on Witness K case, former NSW DPP says | Witness K case | The Guardian (Apr '21)

      Judge rules Australian government's attempt to obstruct Bernard Collaery's use of barrister 'unfair' | Witness K case | The Guardian (Feb '21)

      Secrecy in trial of Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery an offence against open justice: law council | The Guardian (Oct '20)

      Australian government cites 'chilling effect' on cabinet in bid to block release of papers in Timor-Leste spy case | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

      Witness K is in the dock but institutions vital to Australia’s democracy are on trial | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

      Coalition’s push for secret trials: behaviour of a tin-pot dictatorship | Michael West (Sep ’20)

      Australian government spends almost $3m waging ‘war’ on whistleblowers in court | The Guardian (Aug ’20)

      The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny | The Guardian (Jul '20)

      Christian Porter and a secret trial have destroyed my practice, Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery says - ABC News (Jun ’20)

      Coalition spends $2m on prosecution of Bernard Collaery and Witness K, before trial | The Guardian (Jun ’20)

      'I am unable to say much': anger simmers as Timor bugging hearing goes ahead in secret | The Guardian (Jun ’20)

      Why Bernard Collaery’s case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression | The Conversation (Jul ’20)

      Q+A: Australia likened to North Korea in its secret trial of Bernard Collaery | The Guardian (Jun ’20)

      Since when is it a crime to report a crime? Bernard Collaery exposes the Timor Sea betrayal | Michael West (Apr ’20)

      Coalition legal action sends chills through whistleblowers | Michael West (…)

        funding cuts


          Controlling the Narrative, Announcements, Dog Whistling, Totalitarianism, Suppressing Dissent

            Corruption & Cover Up


              Rorts, Conflict of Interest, Incompetence
              Sports rorts: Coalition approved at least six grants without an application form, documents reveal | The Guardian (Jul '20)

              Failing the pub test: how can Australian voters call time on MPs' expense claims? | The Guardian (Jun '20)

              Michael McCormack and wife billed taxpayers for Melbourne Cup flights | The Guardian (Jun '20)

              Bridget McKenzie was told to seek Scott Morrison's 'authority' for sports grants program (may '20)

              Sport Australia warned Bridget McKenzie over sports grants decisions, emails reveal (Mar '20)

              Sports rorts: football body in marginal seat awarded $500k on top of $800k from state (Mar '20)

              Bridget McKenzie warned by legal expert 'ignorance of the law is no excuse' (Mar ’20)

              Covid-19 is pushing sports rorts from the news. But at least one potential crime must be investigated – Tony Harris (Mar '20)

              Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet (Mar ’20)

              Bridget McKenzie could be personally liable over sports grants, expert tells Senate hearing (Mar ’20)

              Sport Australia defies Senate on questions over sports rorts grants (Mar ’20)

              Sports rorts changes everything. It's time for a federal Icac (Mar '20)

              Nigel Scullion approved $560m in grants in lead-up to election (Mar '20)

              This Rorting Life … the Prime Minister is up to his neck in it (Mar '20)

              Bridget McKenzie reignites sports rorts affair by denying late changes to grants (Mar '20)

              NSW Nationals deputy Bronwyn Taylor notified instantly of $8m grant to husband's organisation (Mar '20)

              Sports rorts: agency admits failing to tell Senate about second McKenzie email (Mar '20)

              Scott Morrison has been caught out over sports rorts (Mar '20)

              Senior public servant tells inquiry she destroyed sports grants meeting notes (Feb '20)

              Scott Morrison maintains sports grants were decided before final emails to his office (Feb '20)

              Bridget McKenzie gave Sport Australia final list of grant projects in caretaker period (Feb '20)

              The PM is squarely in the frame over the sports rorts affair (Feb '20)

              Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices exchanged 136 emails about sports grants program (Feb '20)

              The sports rorts remind us politics is a 'game of mates'. We need an independent umpire (Feb '20)

              The sports grants saga isn't going away, and it means Scott Morrison will need to change tack – David Speers (Feb '20)

              ‘Unprecedented’ $400k grant given to aged-care home operator in Nationals electorate (Feb '20)

              Bridget McKenzie gave 'spare' $150,000 to shooting study rather than major games for intellectually impaired (Feb '20)

              Audit Office says Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices shared partisan colour-coded spreadsheets (Feb '20)

              Coalition dished out $636m in grants in six months before 2019 election (Feb '20)

              Coalition pledged $4.5m for tidal pool despite opposition from local council (Feb '20)

              Liberal MP linked $500,000 sports grant to 'great strategising' that led to victory (Feb '20)

              If we move on from the sports grants now as the Coalition wants, we tolerate corruption – Tony Harris (Feb '20)

              View from The Hill: We need to see Gaetjens’ report on McKenzie – not least for Gaetjens’ sake (Feb '20)

              Coalition quietly spent another $150m sports grant fund during election campaign (Feb '20)

              Hard evidence that Scott Morrison’s office was up to its collective neck in the rorting (Feb '20)

              Scott Morrison wants the sports rorts mess to be over with McKenzie's exit. It won't be (Feb '20)

              Ministers like Bridget McKenzie have no discretion to break the rules – Prof. Anne Twomey (Feb '20)

              Don't hold your breath waiting for the truth on Bridget McKenzie's sports rort – Anne Davies (Feb '20)

              Morrison's twisted logic on the sports rort is perfectly Trumpian – and no surprise (Feb '20)

              Sports rorts: almost half the projects funded were ineligible, audit office says (Feb '20)

              The sports rorts saga has become a political vulnerability that can't be explained away (Feb '20)

              Government's sport grants leaked spreadsheet reveals more secrets about the scheme (Feb '20)

              Bridget McKenzie's sport grant cash splash is a particularly brazen example of pork-barrelling – David Speers (Jan '20)

              Bridget McKenzie's sports grants program may be unconstitutional, expert warns – Prof. Anne Twomey (Jan '20)

              The ‘sports rorts’ affair shows the government misunderstands the role of the public service (Jan '20)

              Sports rorts: attorney general defends ministers' powers while awaiting McKenzie review (Jan '20)

              Sports grants: Coalition rejected 12 grant applications for female change rooms at local sport grounds (Jan '20)

              Bridget McKenzie granted $500,000 to Coalition colleague's Northern Territory gun club (Jan '20)

              Shameless – Scott Morrison defends the indefensible (Jan '20)

              Sport Australia complained about political interference in the Government's sports grants program (Jan '20)

              Sport Australia warned Bridget McKenzie's grants program compromised its independence (Jan '20)

              Whistleblower in Bridget McKenzie’s office reveals grant fears were silenced Jan '20)

              The PM’s upset election win looks very different now (Jan '20)

              Bridget McKenzie’s office told ‘not appropriate’ to approve sports grants after applications closed (Jan '20)

              We missed out on a sports grant for our club – now we know how unethical the process has been (Jan '20)

              Grattan on Friday: Bridget McKenzie has made herself a sitting duck (Jan '20)

              Mosman Rowing Club donates paddle to assist Bridget McKenzie escape shit creek (Jan '20) – The Chaser

              Federal ICAC would investigate sports grants affair, former NSW auditor-general says (Jan '20)

              'Sports rorts' grants explained: how we got here and why it all matters (Jan '20)

              Sports grants: rugby club gets funding for female change rooms but has no women's team (Jan '20)

              Audit office blasts roll-out of Coalition’s $200m regional jobs and investment program (Nov '19)

              Deputy Nationals leader rejected more than 600 grants recommended by Sport Australia (Oct '19)

              Election cash splash coming from government grants (May '19)

                Foreign Policy & Defence

                  covid-19: economic support & recovery

                    covid-19: public health response

                    Ruby Princess passengers let off ship after border force officer confused flu and coronavirus test results | The Guardian (Jul '20)

                    A foreseeable catastrophe: how Covid-19 swept through Victoria’s nursing homes | The Guardian (Jul '20)

                    Restaurants on footpaths: why Australia's indoor gatherings should be pushed outside in the Covid-19 era | The Guardian (Jul '20)

                    Vital Signs: Victoria’s privatised quarantine arrangements were destined to fail | The Conversation (Jul '20)

                    Scott Morrison says Australia cannot shut down to contain second wave of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jul '20)

                    4 steps to avert a full-blown coronavirus disaster in Victoria’s aged care homes | The Conversation (Jul '20)

                    Multiple sclerosis drug may help treat COVID-19 and lead to faster recovery | The Conversation (Jul '20)

                    Why Australia should switch course and try to eliminate COVID-19 Grattan Institute (Jul '20)

                    Experts call for Australia to replace coronavirus suppression strategy with elimination plan | ABC (Jul '20)

                    Scott Morrison set to slow the arrival home of Australians amid coronavirus fears | The Conversation (Jul '20)

                    Victoria's coronavirus surge could easily get away from us. This is the action we need now | ABC (Jul '20)

                    Melbourne’s lockdown came too late. It’s time to consider moving infected people outside the home | The Conversation (Jul '20)

                    'They change the rules': confusion reigns for frightened and stressed Melbourne public housing residents | The Guardian (Jul '20)

                    Overcrowding and affordability stress: Melbourne’s COVID-19 hotspots are also housing crisis hotspots | The Conversation (Jul '20)

                    Protecting the psychological health of children through effective communication about COVID-19 | The Lancet (Jul '20)

                    If we want workers to stay home when sick, we need paid leave for casuals (May ’20)

                    How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? (May ’20)

                    Whoever invents a coronavirus vaccine will control the patent – and, importantly, who gets to use it (May ’20)

                    Exclusive: Gov’s $5.8m aged-care app offers ‘no duty of care’ (May ’20)

                    Coronavirus has left Australian women anxious, overworked, insecure — and worse off than men again (May ’20)

                    Anatomy of a cruise: how the Ruby Princess came to dock and disembark with coronavirus (May ’20)

                    Arm yourself with trusted information and support during COVID-19 - Lung Foundation (May ’20)

                    This weekend is giving Australia its first glimpse of winter. Does that mean coronavirus will get worse? (May ’20)

                    Job Blooper: A $60 billion ‘error’ proves the wage subsidy has been weaponised (May ’20)

                    Australians are beginning to act as if the coronavirus is defeated. The biggest danger now is complacency (May ’20)

                    Worker claims unfair dismissal after questioning cleaning requirement for JobKeeper (May ’20)

                    Some Australians with a disability left without face-to-face care during coronavirus crisis (May ’20)

                    Coronavirus weekly: balancing a ‘new normal’ while keeping COVID-19 in check (May ’20)

                    Could blood thinners be a lifesaving treatment for COVID-19? Here’s what the science says and what it means for you (May ’20)

                    The government will spend $48 million to safeguard mental health. Extending JobKeeper would safeguard it even more (May ’20)

                    Stranded without support, international students across Australia rely on free food to survive (May ’20)

                    Vital Signs: rules are also signals, which is why easing social distancing is such a problem (May ’20)

                    Coronavirus: Ten reasons why you ought not to panic (May ’20)

                    How the coronavirus is affecting women’s work in Australia (May ’20)

                    Protect: Prevention is your best protection (Lung Foundation Australia) (May ’20)

                    Woman who suffered miscarriage in coronavirus quarantine was forced to return to hotel (May ’20)

                    The calculus of death shows the COVID lock-down is clearly worth the cost (May ’20)

                    Australians may not be ready to go back to normal even if coronavirus restrictions are lifted, survey finds (May ’20)

                    Scott Morrison indicates ‘eliminating’ COVID-19 would come at too high a cost (Apr ’20)

                    Coronavirus cases in Victoria rise by seven as Chief Health Officer flags total elimination of virus in Australia (Apr ’20)

                    COVID lockdowns have human costs as well as benefits. It’s time to consider both (Apr ’20)

                    No, Aussie bats won’t give you COVID-19. We rely on them more than you think (Apr '20)

                    We’ve known about pandemic health messaging since 1918. So when it comes to coronavirus, what has Australia learnt? (Apr ’20)

                    COVID lockdowns have human costs as well as benefits. It’s time to consider both (Apr ’20)

                    Morrison says 'early mark' of eased restrictions depends on uptake of Covidsafe tracing app (Apr ’20)

                    Australia pushes for global inquiry into outbreak (Apr ’20)

                    Coronavirus app: will Australians trust a government with a history of tech fails and data breaches? (Apr ’20)

                    Vital Signs: Modelling tells us the coronavirus app will need a big take-up, economics tells us how to get it (Apr ’20)

                    'I haven't left my building': life gets harder for vulnerable Australians during coronavirus crisis (Apr ’20)

                    The $130bn wage subsidy that united unions and Coalition, but left millions in the cold (Apr ’20)

                    90,000 foreign graduates are stuck in Australia without financial support: it’s a humanitarian and economic crisis in the making (Apr ’20)

                    Here's what Scott Morrison had to say after the National Cabinet meeting (Apr ’20)

                    JobKeeper wage system pushing small businesses to the edge (Apr ’20)

                    Australia's coronavirus relief exclusions prove we are not all in this together (Apr '20)

                    Aged care facilities sticking to coronavirus visitor restrictions despite federal advice (Apr '20)

                    New Zealand wants coronavirus elimination, Australia wants COVID-19 'suppression' — but can we have both? (Apr '20)

                    'We feel abandoned': international students in Australia facing coronavirus alone (Apr '20)

                    Australians want to open their homes to locked-down refugees. The government should let them (Apr '20)

                    Australia's landlords and tenants: what support is available in the coronavirus crisis? (Apr '20)

                    Coronavirus crisis sees evictions banned but some tenants still don't know how they'll pay the rent (Apr '20)

                    Those talking about a fast end to social distancing should consider the cost paid in human lives (Apr '20)

                    The Oncology Podcast: Cancer and COVID-19 with Professor Eva Segelov (Apr '20)

                    Are other countries looking at easing coronavirus restrictions and lockdown measures? (Apr '20)

                    Transmitting COVID-19 to another person could send you to prison for life. Here’s why this is worrisome (Apr '20)

                    Smoking increases your coronavirus risk. There’s never been a better time to quit (Apr '20)

                    Coronavirus has sped up changes to global order and sovereignty is making a comeback (Apr '20)

                    Corporate suppliers of masks and gowns price-gouging not-for-profit aged care providers (Apr '20)

                    Australian government experts at odds with health department over using hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus (Apr'20)

                    Coronavirus data modelling has Australia in good position, but COVID-19 'here to stay' (Apr '20)

                    Young people are anxious about coronavirus. Political leaders need to talk with them, not at them (Apr '20)

                    Australian children remain trapped in al-Hawl camp as region braces for coronavirus (Apr '20)

                    Hotel quarantine a ‘disaster’ and vulnerable people should be allowed home, doctor says (Apr '20)

                    The two meetings that changed the trajectory of Australia's coronavirus response (Apr '20)

                    Many hand sanitisers are ineffective against coronavirus, experts warn (Apr '20)

                    WHO considers changing guidance on wearing face masks (Apr '20)

                    I am a frontline doctor: here's how you can help me (Apr '20)

                    If coronavirus cases don’t grow any faster, our health system will probably cope (Apr ‘20)

                    Now the lucky country must decide: what is our least-worst option on COVID-19? (Apr '20)

                    Regaining control: the case for a short, sharp lockdown (rather than the slow trickle we’ve had so far) (Apr ‘20)

                    Australian officials again refuse to release coronavirus modelling (Apr '20)

                    'Left with nothing': Australia's migrant workforce face destitution without coronavirus safety net (Apr '20)

                    ABC's Norman Swan denies 'rancour' with chief medical officer after PM's office intervention on coronavirus | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | The Guardian (Mar ’20)

                    Coronavirus: what the 2009 swine flu pandemic can tell us about the weeks to come (Mar ’20)

                    Australian government did not commission coronavirus campaign until a month after first case (Mar '20)

                    What is the Coronavirus Supplement from Centrelink, am I eligible and when does it start? (Mar '20)

                    We need a red team for Covid-19 (Mar '20)

                    Australians in their 20s have more confirmed cases of coronavirus than any other age group (Mar ‘20)

                    Want to Skype your GP to avoid exposure to the coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know about the new telehealth option (Mar ‘20)

                    Australia is crying out for clearer messaging on coronavirus, 'rambling' politicians told (Mar ‘20)

                    'Covid-19 will slam the door shut': Australia's family services brace for domestic violence spike (Mar ‘20)

                    ‘We need a Shane Fitzsimmons’: Government's latest coronavirus advice sparks confusion (Mar ‘20)

                    Why Australia is not shutting schools to help control the spread of coronavirus (Mar ‘20)

                    The case for Endgame C: stop almost everything, restart when coronavirus is gone (Mar '20)

                    ‘Cabin fever’: Australia must prepare for the social and psychological impacts of a coronavirus lockdown (Mar '20)

                    Coronavirus: Australia orders all arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days (Mar '20)

                    Scott Morrison addresses the nation about Covid-19 response …and about going to the footy (Mar ’20)

                    Coronavirus: how long does it take to get sick? How infectious is it? Will you always have a fever? COVID-19 basics explained (Mar '20)

                    Coronavirus: How behaviour can help control the spread of COVID-19 (Mar '20)

                    Australian schools stay open amid coronavirus but NSW brings in social distancing (Mar '20)

                    New Zealand and Australia close borders to foreigners amid coronavirus crisis (Mar '20)

                      covid: around the world

                        climate Politics

                        Liberal backbencher urges environment minister to speed up new protections | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                        ‘Breathtaking’: what Joe Biden’s sweeping climate plan means for Scott Morrison | Environment | The Guardian (Jan '21)

                        Who should pick up the tab for the costs of climate change in north Queensland? | The Guardian (Jan '21)

                        Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | The Guardian (Dec '20)

                        World awaits action by 'suicidal' Australia, says former climate chief | SMH (Dec '20)

                        NSW's clean energy plan means the federal government is even more isolated on fossil fuels | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                        Suing for climate action: can the courts save us from the black hole of political inaction? | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                        New polling shows 79% of Aussies care about climate change. So why doesn’t the government listen? | The Conversation (Nov '20)

                        Does anyone really believe we are going to avert a climate catastrophe? | John Menadue (Oct '20)

                        Labor agrees to support new gas projects after public brawl sparked by Joel Fitzgibbon | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                        Australian company directors call for more infrastructure spending and a Green New Deal | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                        We want to learn about climate change from weather presenters, not politicians | The Conversation (Sep ’19)

                        Instead they saved the Dish | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)

                        Coalition's axing of funding to climate change adaptation body condemned | The Guardian (Jan '20)

                        Scott Morrison does not want kids to have 'anxieties' about climate change after Greta Thunberg's speech | ABC (Sep '19)

                        As Angus Taylor ducks, weaves and dithers, China zooms past | The Guardian (Jun '19)

                          climate change action/inaction/denial

                          Coalition government spent just 16 cents on climate crisis out of every $100, analysis finds | Australia news | The Guardian (May '21)

                          Morrison off target on climate | The Saturday Paper (Apr '21)

                          Australia has wasted so many years when it comes to climate change | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)

                          Morrison government can’t conceal inaction on climate from US with ‘smoke and mirrors’ | Australian politics | The Guardian (Apr '21)

                          Climate change is a security threat the government keeps ignoring. We'll show up empty handed to yet another global summit | The Conversation (Apr '21)

                          Wake up, Mr Morrison: Australia's slack climate effort leaves our children 10 times more work to do | The Conversation (Feb '21)

                          The government is stuck in the fallacy of debt and deficit while ignoring the climate crisis | Australian economy | The Guardian (Feb ’21)

                          Australia’s most senior former public servants and scientists reveal their anger about climate policy failure | ABC (may '20)

                          Top Australian former officials blast country’s ‘failure’ on climate change | Global Government Forum (May '20)

                          Morrison government dangles new carrots for industry but fails to fix bigger climate policy problem | The Conversation (May '20)

                          Transport is letting Australia down in the race to cut emissions | The Conversation (Mar '20)

                          30 years of Australia's hollow promises on climate policy | The Guardian (Feb '20)

                          As Angus Taylor ducks, weaves and dithers, China zooms past | The Guardian (Jun '19)

                          Coalition vetoes funding for wind and battery farm in northern Queensland | Energy | The Guardian (May ’21)

                          How Australia is blocking global climate action - 7am Podcast (Apr ’21)

                          Environment minister Sussan Ley says climate action not her portfolio in stoush with states | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr ’21)

                          Has the Australian government axed key climate adaptation projects? - Australian Associated Press (Feb '21)

                          Bad Investments: What will it take for the Coalition to give up its fossil-fuel addiction? | The Monthly (Dec '20)

                          Coalition's $100m scheme to fund recycled products has spent no money | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                          Coalition to divert renewable energy funding away from wind and solar | Energy | The Guardian (Sep '20)

                          Our government is choosing to fail on climate and trying to make a virtue of it | The Guardian (Jan '20)

                          Australia stops payments to Green Climate Fund | Climate Change News (Apr '19)

                          Australian government backs coal in defiance of IPCC climate warning | The Guardian (Oct '18)

                          Here’s 123 Things Our Leaders Did To ‘Confront’ Climate Change | New Matilda (Oct '18)

                          Australia tried to water down climate change resolution at Pacific Islands Forum: leader | Pacific Islands Forum | New Matilda (Sep '18)

                          Tony Abbott confirms cuts to Australia's carbon emissions reduction targets | Business Insider (Aug '15)

                          Renewable energy target slashed, wind farm commissioner to be established | SMH (Jun '15)

                          Clean Energy Finance Corporation directed by Government to stop funding wind farms | ABC (Jun '15)


                            Tipping Points, State of Decline, Extinction of Species, Habitat Destruction, Native Forest & Marine Protections, Land Clearing, Plastics
                            Australia’s plans for a $2 billion airstrip in the Antarctic is environmental vandalism | Pearls and Irritations | John Menadue (Feb '21)

                            'It's an ecological wasteland': offsets for Sydney toll way were promised but never delivered | Environment | The Guardian | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                            'Development should stop': serious flaws in offsets plan for new western Sydney airport | Sydney | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                            Morrison government flouts own review by proposing 'watered down' environmental standards | Environment | The Guardian | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                            A major report excoriated Australia's environment laws. Sussan Ley's response is confused and risky | The Conversation (Jan '21)

                            Changes to Australia's environment laws would risk return to 'confusion', inquiry told | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                            Australian threatened species at risk with no recovery plans finalised in past 18 months | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                            How much the budget undervalued conservation: 16 World Heritage sites received less than Sydney Harbour | The Conversation (Oct '20)

                            Nationals MPs threaten to quit NSW government unless koala protection watered down | The Guardian (Sep '20)

                            Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                            Let there be no doubt: blame for our failing environment laws lies squarely at the feet of government | The Conversation (Jun '20)

                            Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk … | The GuardianNational Audit Office (Jun '20)

                            Scientists fear Coalition's push to deregulate environmental approvals will lead to extinction crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                            Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                            Australia's national environment laws 'actually allow extinction to happen' | The Guardian (May '20)

                            A Record Of The Coalition's Environmental Vandalism. | Situation Theatre (May '19)

                            Pardoo Beef made big political donations as it sought Kimberley clearing permits | WA Today (Mar '21)

                            Plan to bulldoze almost 2,000 hectares of land in Great Barrier Reef catchment rejected | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                            NSW ‘koala war’ flares as Gladys Berejiklian sacks parliamentary secretary for crossing floor | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                            Bush and koalas found to be threatened by 'gratuitous' NSW land-clearing plan | Logging and land-clearing | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                            Deforestation in Australia: How does your state (or territory) compare? | ABC (Oct '20)

                            NSW will allow land to be cleared up to 25m from property boundary, citing bushfire concerns | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                            Logging after the Black Summer bushfires | The Saturday Paper (Sep '20)

                            Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                            Why aren’t Australia’s environment laws preventing widespread land clearing? | The Conversation (Mar '18)

                            NSW land-clearing approvals increased 13-fold since laws relaxed in 2016 | The Guardian(Mar '18)

                            To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws | The Conversation (Mar '19)

                            Land clearing on the rise as legal ‘thinning’ proves far from clear-cut | The Conversation (Jun '17)

                            Australia needs better policy to end the alarming increase in land clearing | The Conversation (Aug '16)

                            Queensland land clearing is undermining Australia’s environmental progress | The Conversation (Feb ‘16)

                              Fire & Drought


                                Coal giant AGL again tops list of Australia's biggest emitters | RenewEconomy (Feb '21)

                                Australia pumped out an extra six months' worth of emissions than previously recorded | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                                Morrison government deserves 'zero credit' for drop in emissions | The New Daily (Feb '21)

                                PM's claim Australian coal produces much lower emissions is 'nonsense' - Australian Associated Press (Feb '21)

                                Australia quietly updated its emissions targets, but it’s not the change climate advocates had hoped for | ABC News (Jan '21)

                                Australia's path to net zero emissions is massively behind schedule | The Guardian (Dec '20)

                                Industrial emissions set to rise for another decade despite Coalition's pledge to cut carbon pollution | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                                ‘No purpose’ to Coalition’s climate policy after big polluters increase emissions by 1.6m tonnes | The Guardian (Aug '20)

                                Yes, carbon emissions fell during COVID-19. But it’s the shift away from coal that really matters | The Conversation (May '20)

                                Australia's emissions reach the highest on record, driven by electricity sector | The Guardian (Jul '19)

                                Whichever way you spin it, Australia’s greenhouse emissions have been climbing since 2015 | The Conversation (Jun '19)

                                Quarterly Update of Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: June 2019 | (Jun '19)

                                Some observations on Australia's post-2020 emissions reduction target | Climate Change Authority - Climate Change Authority (Aug '15)


                                    renewable energy

                                      biodiversity, water, ecosystems, agriculture

                                        Fossil Fuel Industry

                                        NSW government pays Shenhua $100m to cancel coalmine project | New South Wales | The Guardian (Apr '21)

                                        Shell expects to pay Australia no resource tax on gas drawn from Gorgon project | Royal Dutch Shell | The Guardian (Apr '21)

                                        Pembroke's Olive Downs coal mine approved despite department's concerns about waterways - ABC News (Mar '21)

                                        Coalition granting fossil fuel companies up to $250,000 to attend industry events | Energy | The Guardian (Jan '21)

                                        How coal baron Trevor St Baker turned a $1m power plant into a money-making machine | The Guardian (Dec '20)

                                        ‘No purpose’ to Coalition’s climate policy after big polluters increase emissions by 1.6m tonnes | The Guardian (Aug '20)

                                        BHP to destroy at least 40 Aboriginal sites, up to 15,000 years old, to expand Pilbara mine | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                                        Queensland strikes royalties deal with Adani coalmine, allowing it to defer payment | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                                        Rio Tinto’s evidence condemned by Juukan Gorge traditional owners after revelation it could have avoided blowing up sacred sites | The Guardian (Aug '20)

                                        Rio Tinto did not tell traditional owners blowing up Juukan Gorge site was just one option for mine | The Guardian (Aug '20)

                                        New Acland coalmine fined just $9,461 for 34 separate noise violations | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                                        Australian government granted BHP repeated approval to increase carbon emissions | The Conversation (Feb '20)

                                        Big polluters again allowed to lift emissions without penalty | The Guardian(Feb '20)

                                        Resources industry to receive coronavirus boost with land release for coal and gas exploration in Queensland | ABC (May ’20)

                                        The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me | The Guardian (Oct ’19)

                                        Gas Gush: the toadies of mainstream media trot out government's fossil fuel fracking campaign - Michael West (Mar ‘21)

                                        'Zero return': government savaged over taxpayer grants to open up new gas basin in Australia | The Guardian (Dec '20)

                                        Gas for export 12 times larger than gas for manufacturing (Nov '20)

                                        Gas ‘completely dominated’ discussion about Covid-19 recovery, commission adviser says | The Gusrdian (Jun '20)

                                        No, Prime Minister, gas doesn’t ‘work for all Australians’ and your scare tactics ignore modern energy problems | The Conversation (Sep '20)

                                        Gas plan locks in decades of high emissions, experts warn | The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)

                                        Phasing out gas would benefit Australian manufacturers and households | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

                                        Morrison says you're either for gas or against it. Of course it's not as simple as that | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

                                        Australia's Chief Scientist is wrong on gas, say leading experts (Aug ’20)

                                        Sinking billions of taxpayer dollars into gas would make Australia an international pariah | The Guardian (Aug ’20)

                                        Narrabri Gas Project should be blocked, says ex-chief scientist (Aug '20)

                                        Hopes of a gas boom fizzle | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)

                                        New territory opens for keen gas explorers (Queensland Govt Announcement) (Jun '20)

                                        Trouble with gas: the Coalition is betting on fossil fuel for recovery – the sums don't add up | The Guardian(May '20)

                                        Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)

                                        Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | ABC (May '20)

                                        A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)

                                        Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere | The Conversation (Feb '20)

                                        Global Natural Gas Supplies to China … (Nature Magazine)

                                        AWA mining lobby says no new project would be approved under Graeme Samuel reforms | Western Australia | The Guardian (Apr '21)

                                        Andrew Liveris is back to tell us gas is great — even as consumption falls | Crikey (Mar '21)

                                        Gas industry donates millions to Australian political parties | Australian politics | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                                        Queensland election: why the resources council's jobs figures don't pass 'the laugh test' | The Guardian (Oct '20)

                                        Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | Renew Economy (May '20)

                                        Gas companies say they are working with Covid commission and expect federal support soon | The Guardian (Aug ’20)

                                        The gas cartel has bought Morrison lock, stock and barrel | Macro Business (Aug ’20)

                                        Is the Coalition's gas nirvana just an attempt to have its fossil fuel cake and eat it too? | The Guardian (May ’20)

                                        Gas lobby seizes Covid moment, and declares war on Australia’s future | Renew Economy (May ’20)

                                        Resources industry to receive coronavirus boost with land release for coal and gas exploration in Queensland | ABC (May '20)

                                        Zali Steggall calls for probe of Coalition plan to underwrite gas, hydro and coal power | The Guardian (Apr ’20)

                                        Melissa Price lobbied by energy company before coal-fired power review requested | The Guardian (Apr ’19)

                                        Coal baron and LNP donor blasts RBA for sounding alarm on climate change | Climate change | The Guardian (Mar ’19)

                                        Minerals Council's masterclass in spin and corporate lobbying - Michael West (Jan ’18)

                                          energy policy & markets

                                          This $1 billion energy deal promises to cut emissions and secure jobs. So why on earth is gas included? | The Conversation (Apr '21)

                                          Scott Morrison signs $1bn deal to shore up energy reliability in South Australia | Energy | The Guardian (Apr '21)

                                          Morrison government seeks greater powers to direct taxpayer funds into gas pipelines | RenewEconomy (Mar '21)

                                          Gas for export 12 times larger than gas for manufacturing (Nov '20)

                                          Gas ‘completely dominated’ discussion about Covid-19 recovery, commission adviser says | The Guardian (Jun '20)

                                          No, Prime Minister, gas doesn’t ‘work for all Australians’ and your scare tactics ignore modern energy problems (Sep '20)

                                          Gas plan locks in decades of high emissions, experts warn | The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)

                                          Phasing out gas would benefit Australian manufacturers and households | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

                                          Morrison says you're either for gas or against it. Of course it's not as simple as that | The Guardian (Sep ’20)

                                          Australia's Chief Scientist is wrong on gas, say leading experts | SMH (Aug ’20)

                                          Sinking billions of taxpayer dollars into gas would make Australia an international pariah | The Guardian (Aug ’20)

                                          Hopes of a gas boom fizzle | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)

                                          Trouble with gas: the Coalition is betting on fossil fuel for recovery – the sums don't add up | The Guardian (May '20)

                                          Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)

                                          Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | ABC (May '20)

                                          A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)

                                          Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere | The Conversation (Feb '20)

                                            Climate science

                                              climate emergency - the world view

                                              Australia's climate policies not ambitious enough for summit invite, Boris Johnson told Scott Morrison | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Mar '21)

                                              Australia accused of 'shamefully' holding back global action on climate change | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                                              Europe trade talks: Australia urged to be 'more ambitious' on climate | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian (Feb '21)

                                              Australia's new climate pledge to UN criticised for not improving on 2030 target | CNN (Jan '21)

                                              Australia is the last Western holdout on the climate crisis. But some states and businesses are calling for change | CNN (Dec '20)

                                              Scott Morrison yet to be granted speaking slot at weekend climate summit | The Guardian (Dec '20)

                                              Scott Morrison pressured by Britain, France and Italy to announce 'bold' climate action | The Guardian (Nov '20)

                                              IEEFA Australia: Renewables or gas – which will we choose? | IEEFA (Jul '20)

                                              Coronavirus and climate: Australia's chance to shift to green energy | BBC (Apr '20)

                                              Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)

                                              UN climate talks: Australia accused of 'cheating' and thwarting global deal | The Guardian (Dec '19)

                                              Australia ranked worst of 57 countries on climate change policy | The Guardian (Dec '19)

                                              About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)

                                              Climate talks at COP25 a 'disappointment' as Australia gets special mention | ABC (Dec '19)

                                              Australia needs to intensify efforts to meet its 2030 emissions goal | OECD (Jan '19)

                                              Poor countries urge Australia to honour Green Climate Fund commitments | The Guardian (Oct '18)

                                                Aotearoa (New Zealand)

                                                Jacinda Ardern is at her best in a crisis. Now she must tackle housing affordability (Dec '20)

                                                Life after Christchurch: one survivor's journey of recovery and reckoning (Nov '20)

                                                Gold star for you: New Zealand council puts stickers on bins of best recyclers (Nov '20)

                                                The 'staggering' potential of New Zealand's returning diaspora

                                                New Zealand media put Christchurch gunman in his place with focus on victims (Aug '20)

                                                Is the PM a transformer? Or just a manager? (Jul '20)

                                                Did a tragic family secret influence Kate Sheppard’s mission to give New Zealand women the vote? (Jul '20)

                                                Post-Covid New Zealand tackles a new threat – anxiety over an uncertain future (Jul '20)

                                                Reforming cannabis laws is a complex challenge, but New Zealand’s history of drug reform holds important lessons (Jun ’20)

                                                New Zealand supermarket chain becomes first to use 'period' label on menstrual products (Jun ’20)

                                                Trust, risk and routine arming: the killing of a frontline officer challenges New Zealand police practice (Jun ’20)

                                                Black Lives Matter outrage must drive police reform in Aotearoa-New Zealand too (Jun ’20)

                                                New Zealand drops armed police trial after public concern (Jun ’20)

                                                Armed police not what NZ needs (Jun ’20)

                                                New Zealand tackles 'period poverty' with free sanitary products for all schoolgirls (Jun ’20)

                                                Documents reveal serious lack of consultation before police armed response teams launched (May ’20)

                                                Like Christmas: New Zealand's post-Covid books boom (May ’20)

                                                'New Zealanders don't think like that': Kind Kiwi claps back at Melbourne woman after racist outburst (May ’20)

                                                Move over culture wars, New Zealand's post-virus election will be about economics (Apr ’20)

                                                The challenges and benefits of outdoor recreation during NZ’s coronavirus lockdown (Mar ‘20)

                                                As an MP in self-isolation, I’ve seen New Zealand’s collective power to respond to a crisis (Mar ’20)

                                                Ardern: New Zealand has ‘fundamentally changed’ since Christchurch shootings (Mar ’20)

                                                Far-right extremists still threaten New Zealand, a year on from the Christchurch attacks (Mar ’20)

                                                In New Zealand, we are starting to value women’s work fairly. It’s time for the world to follow (Mar ’20)

                                                Product of Australia – it’s fashionable to beat up on New Zealanders


                                                ‘These children are in limbo’: the New Zealanders locked out of Australia’s NDIS (Feb ’20)

                                                Not much love actually: Jacinda Ardern was right to call out Australia’s ‘corrosive’ policies (Feb ’20)

                                                Jacinda Ardern lashes Scott Morrison for ‘testing’ friendship over deportations to New Zealand (Feb ’20)

                                                Vested interests in New Zealand politics are too big to ignore – we need a Royal Commission (Feb ’20)

                                                The haka isn’t yours – stop performing it (Jan ’20)

                                                I pioneered the four-day week – now it must be used to fight the climate crisis (Jan ’20)

                                                New Zealand lobby group plans to sue Australia over citizenship law change (Jan ’20)

                                                Aotearoa is at last finding its voice, helping us heal after a year of tragedy (Dec ’19)

                                                New Zealand to get 10 Gbps fibre to premises in 2020 (Nov ’19)

                                                New Zealand’s well-being approach to budget is not new, but could shift major issues (May ’19)

                                                Jacinda Ardern urges leaders to widen their definition of ‘prosperity’ – video (Jul ’19)

                                                New Zealand's electoral system — is it better than ours? (may ’19)

                                                The paradox of happiness: the more you chase it the more elusive it becomes (May ’19)

                                                Four lessons we must take away from the Christchurch terror attack (Mar ’19)