Eat Your Greens
We speak truth to power and we eat our greenspolitical ideology
Morrison's government: the most amoral in 50 years | Pearls and Irritations
(Mar ’21)
National Cabinet to meet again with coronavirus vaccine, international arrivals on the agenda - ABC News (Jan ’21)
As stand-in leader, McCormack failed to take a stand in defence of truth and trust | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
In less than a week as acting PM, Michael McCormack has given conservatives a licence to lie | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
It is astonishing to witness the Australian 'border wars' given our Covid response so far | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Covid-19 saved Morrison, but climate is the real test | The Saturday Paper (Dec ’20)
The government does not need to import divisive leadership strategies from overseas | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Why do female leaders seem to be more successful at managing the coronavirus crisis? | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Young people are anxious about coronavirus. Political leaders need to talk with them, not at them | The Conversation (Apr ’20)
How should leaders respond to disasters? Be visible, offer real comfort – and don’t force handshakes | The Conversation (Jan ’20)
We’re Going To Need A ‘Scotty From Marketing’ When the Climate Refugees Start Flooding Australia | New Matilda (Jan ’20)
National Cabinet to meet again with coronavirus vaccine, international arrivals on the agenda - ABC News (Jan ’21)
As stand-in leader, McCormack failed to take a stand in defence of truth and trust | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
In less than a week as acting PM, Michael McCormack has given conservatives a licence to lie | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
It is astonishing to witness the Australian 'border wars' given our Covid response so far | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Covid-19 saved Morrison, but climate is the real test | The Saturday Paper (Dec ’20)
The government does not need to import divisive leadership strategies from overseas | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Why do female leaders seem to be more successful at managing the coronavirus crisis? | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Young people are anxious about coronavirus. Political leaders need to talk with them, not at them | The Conversation (Apr ’20)
How should leaders respond to disasters? Be visible, offer real comfort – and don’t force handshakes | The Conversation (Jan ’20)
We’re Going To Need A ‘Scotty From Marketing’ When the Climate Refugees Start Flooding Australia | New Matilda (Jan ’20)
Morrison’s day of reckoning may bring down his temples - Pearls and Irritations
(May ’21)
Morrison backs away: The PM muddies the water on the India travel ban | The Monthly (May ’21)
PM warns identity politics, abuse of social media are undermining society | SMH (Apr ’21)
Normal disservice: Any “normal” we might return to under Morrison’s leadership will see political problems relegated to the too-hard basket | The Monthly (Apr ’21)
As Australia's vaccination bungle becomes clear, Morrison's political pain is only just beginning | The Conversation (Apr ’21)
Madonna King: Scott Morrison just isn't good at his job | The New Daily (Mar ’21)
There's a sense Scott Morrison's edifice of processes is teetering. Will it come crashing down? - ABC News (Mar ’21)
With the government in crisis, Morrison's leadership might be safe but damage has been done - ABC News (Mar ’21)
Australia is facing a revolution on sexual assault. Where is Scott Morrison? | Crikey (Mar ’21)
Canberra's pale, stale and male tribe is missing the moment – as it did with Julia Gillard's misogyny speech | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
As gut-wrenching scandals shake the government, Scott Morrison fumbles when he should lead | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
Scott Morrison accused of 'pandering' to Trump and damaging relations with Biden | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Scott Morrison: how he went from Artful Dodger to political shapeshifter | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Why good leaders need to hold the hose: how history might read Morrison’s coronavirus leadership | The Conversation (May ’20)
Morrison needs new roadmap and more humility - Pearls and Irritations (Mar ’20)
Scott Morrison, here’s what you should do in 2020 to show leadership | SMH (Jan ’20)
Scott Morrison’s biggest failure in the bushfire crisis: an inability to deliver collective action | The Conversation (Jan ’20)
I marched against John Howard but he showed leadership in a way Scott Morrison is refusing to | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
Morrison backs away: The PM muddies the water on the India travel ban | The Monthly (May ’21)
PM warns identity politics, abuse of social media are undermining society | SMH (Apr ’21)
Normal disservice: Any “normal” we might return to under Morrison’s leadership will see political problems relegated to the too-hard basket | The Monthly (Apr ’21)
As Australia's vaccination bungle becomes clear, Morrison's political pain is only just beginning | The Conversation (Apr ’21)
Madonna King: Scott Morrison just isn't good at his job | The New Daily (Mar ’21)
There's a sense Scott Morrison's edifice of processes is teetering. Will it come crashing down? - ABC News (Mar ’21)
With the government in crisis, Morrison's leadership might be safe but damage has been done - ABC News (Mar ’21)
Australia is facing a revolution on sexual assault. Where is Scott Morrison? | Crikey (Mar ’21)
Canberra's pale, stale and male tribe is missing the moment – as it did with Julia Gillard's misogyny speech | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
As gut-wrenching scandals shake the government, Scott Morrison fumbles when he should lead | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
Scott Morrison accused of 'pandering' to Trump and damaging relations with Biden | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Scott Morrison: how he went from Artful Dodger to political shapeshifter | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Why good leaders need to hold the hose: how history might read Morrison’s coronavirus leadership | The Conversation (May ’20)
Morrison needs new roadmap and more humility - Pearls and Irritations (Mar ’20)
Scott Morrison, here’s what you should do in 2020 to show leadership | SMH (Jan ’20)
Scott Morrison’s biggest failure in the bushfire crisis: an inability to deliver collective action | The Conversation (Jan ’20)
I marched against John Howard but he showed leadership in a way Scott Morrison is refusing to | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
Morrison’s confusion over ‘identity’ and ‘community’ on display in criminalisation of Indian-Australians | Crikey
(May ’21)
It’s never 'the right time' for Morrison to talk about tough issues | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Why Scott Morrison tries to be the man who isn’t there | Crikey (Mar ’21)
Morrison sees every crisis as a political problem to manage away | Crikey (Mar ’21)
Morrison’s empathy gap: time to stop the damage control and start showing basic humanity | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
Scott Morrison, aerodynamic populism and the art of never choosing a side | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Scott Morrison refuses to condemn Trump for inciting ‘distressing’ violence in US Capitol | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Morrison, the man with no abiding beliefs, also lacks agenda, map or destination | John Menadue (Dec '20)
The unknown Scott Morrison - manipulating his way into federal parliament | New Politics (Nov '18)
It’s never 'the right time' for Morrison to talk about tough issues | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Why Scott Morrison tries to be the man who isn’t there | Crikey (Mar ’21)
Morrison sees every crisis as a political problem to manage away | Crikey (Mar ’21)
Morrison’s empathy gap: time to stop the damage control and start showing basic humanity | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
Scott Morrison, aerodynamic populism and the art of never choosing a side | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Scott Morrison refuses to condemn Trump for inciting ‘distressing’ violence in US Capitol | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Morrison, the man with no abiding beliefs, also lacks agenda, map or destination | John Menadue (Dec '20)
The unknown Scott Morrison - manipulating his way into federal parliament | New Politics (Nov '18)
Scott Morrison and Pentecostalism | The Saturday Paper
(May '21)
Ashes to ashes: Pentecostalism, the PM and the climate crisis | Environment | The Guardian (May '21)
The Devil and Scott Morrison | The Monthly(May ’21)
Allow me to fill you in on how Scott Morrison sees himself as our prime minister - » The Australian Independent Media Network(May ’21)
Scott Morrison’s partisan interpretation of biblical passages is disturbing for democracy | Kevin Rudd | The Guardian(May ’21)
Scott Morrison rejects idea he believes God chose him to be PM after warning against ‘identity politics’ | Scott Morrison | The Guardian(Apr ’21)
Scott Morrison tells Christian conference he was called to do God’s work as prime minister | Scott Morrison | The Guardian(Apr ’21)
Scott Morrison invites media into Pentecostal church amid election campaign ‘truce’ | Australian election 2019 | The Guardian(Apr ’19)
Ashes to ashes: Pentecostalism, the PM and the climate crisis | Environment | The Guardian (May '21)
The Devil and Scott Morrison | The Monthly(May ’21)
Allow me to fill you in on how Scott Morrison sees himself as our prime minister - » The Australian Independent Media Network(May ’21)
Scott Morrison’s partisan interpretation of biblical passages is disturbing for democracy | Kevin Rudd | The Guardian(May ’21)
Scott Morrison rejects idea he believes God chose him to be PM after warning against ‘identity politics’ | Scott Morrison | The Guardian(Apr ’21)
Scott Morrison tells Christian conference he was called to do God’s work as prime minister | Scott Morrison | The Guardian(Apr ’21)
Scott Morrison invites media into Pentecostal church amid election campaign ‘truce’ | Australian election 2019 | The Guardian(Apr ’19)
Have our governments become too powerful during COVID-19? | The Conversation
(Oct '20)
The Morrison government is using the COVID-19 crisis to devastate the public service, the ABC, the arts and tertiary education | The Monthly (Aug '20)
Why is the Australian government letting universities suffer? | The Conversation (May ’20)
Free childcare doesn’t suit the Coalition’s ideology – we get what we voted for | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Exclusive: New govt report targets ABC | The Saturday Paper (Jun ’20)
Fact check: Does Australia spend more on offshore processing than the UN spends on refugee programs in South East Asia? | ABC (Jul ’15)
Scott Morrison slams banking royal commission proposal as nothing more than a 'populist whinge' | SMH (Aug '16)
Scott Morrison describes paid parental leave as 'a first-world issue' | The Guardian (Aug ’15)
The Morrison government is using the COVID-19 crisis to devastate the public service, the ABC, the arts and tertiary education | The Monthly (Aug '20)
Why is the Australian government letting universities suffer? | The Conversation (May ’20)
Free childcare doesn’t suit the Coalition’s ideology – we get what we voted for | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Exclusive: New govt report targets ABC | The Saturday Paper (Jun ’20)
Fact check: Does Australia spend more on offshore processing than the UN spends on refugee programs in South East Asia? | ABC (Jul ’15)
Scott Morrison slams banking royal commission proposal as nothing more than a 'populist whinge' | SMH (Aug '16)
Scott Morrison describes paid parental leave as 'a first-world issue' | The Guardian (Aug ’15)
Scott Morrison lectured the states against snap border closures – now he’s done exactly that | Katharine Murphy | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Backflips on China no problem for Morrison's inconsistent government | Crikey (May ’21)
Look at Morrison and see for yourself - Pearls and Irritations (Apr ’21)
Morrison now claims he never mocked electric vehicle technology | The Driven (Apr ’21)
Michael Pascoe: Morrison’s mud throwing is worse than it seems | The New Daily (Mar ’21)
The moral deadening | The Monthly (Feb ’21)
Yeah, right. Harold Holt's in China and PM knew nothing | New Daily (Feb ’21)
Scott Morrison summed up | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Australia Day: Scott Morrison loves playing politics, hates it when others do | Crikey (Jan '21)
Scott Morrison’s attempt at distance from Trump was as tepid as it was late | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Atkins: All politicians lie, but Scott Morrison's untruths transcend the usual | New Daily (Dec ’20)
Morrison government asks ABC to justify why explosive Four Corners episode was impartial and newsworthy | SBS (Dec ’20)
'One side of politics': Morrison attempts to paint ABC affair reports as bias | The Mandarin (Nov ’20)
In a single press conference, Scott Morrison showed us exactly what it's like to be a woman in politics. | Mama Mia (Nov ’20)
ScoMo Has Been Called Out For Hypocrisy, Again, This Time Over The Branch Stacking Scandal | Junkee (Aug '20)
The blatant hypocrisy of Scott Morrison’s Christian faith | Independent Australia (Sep ’19)
Scott Morrison claims medevac bill will disrupt Australians' healthcare |SBS (Mar '19)
How Scott Morrison changed his tune on the banking royal commission | SMH (Apr ’18)
Morrison sees votes in anti-Muslim strategy | SMH (Feb ’11)
Backflips on China no problem for Morrison's inconsistent government | Crikey (May ’21)
Look at Morrison and see for yourself - Pearls and Irritations (Apr ’21)
Morrison now claims he never mocked electric vehicle technology | The Driven (Apr ’21)
Michael Pascoe: Morrison’s mud throwing is worse than it seems | The New Daily (Mar ’21)
The moral deadening | The Monthly (Feb ’21)
Yeah, right. Harold Holt's in China and PM knew nothing | New Daily (Feb ’21)
Scott Morrison summed up | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Australia Day: Scott Morrison loves playing politics, hates it when others do | Crikey (Jan '21)
Scott Morrison’s attempt at distance from Trump was as tepid as it was late | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Atkins: All politicians lie, but Scott Morrison's untruths transcend the usual | New Daily (Dec ’20)
Morrison government asks ABC to justify why explosive Four Corners episode was impartial and newsworthy | SBS (Dec ’20)
'One side of politics': Morrison attempts to paint ABC affair reports as bias | The Mandarin (Nov ’20)
In a single press conference, Scott Morrison showed us exactly what it's like to be a woman in politics. | Mama Mia (Nov ’20)
ScoMo Has Been Called Out For Hypocrisy, Again, This Time Over The Branch Stacking Scandal | Junkee (Aug '20)
The blatant hypocrisy of Scott Morrison’s Christian faith | Independent Australia (Sep ’19)
Scott Morrison claims medevac bill will disrupt Australians' healthcare |SBS (Mar '19)
How Scott Morrison changed his tune on the banking royal commission | SMH (Apr ’18)
Morrison sees votes in anti-Muslim strategy | SMH (Feb ’11)
A web of lies - we may never know when Morrison knew, but there’s no doubt he has lied
| The Monthly
(Feb ’21)
Scott Morrison's cunning plan to dump Malcolm Turnbull and become PM | SMH (Aug ’19)
Scott Morrison: Claims ScoMo secretly orchestrated leadership spill | News (Sep ’18)
How Malcolm Turnbull was replaced as Prime Minister in less than a week - ABC News (Aug ’18)
Nasty saga you nearly missed | SMH (Oct ’09)
Scott Morrison's cunning plan to dump Malcolm Turnbull and become PM | SMH (Aug ’19)
Scott Morrison: Claims ScoMo secretly orchestrated leadership spill | News (Sep ’18)
How Malcolm Turnbull was replaced as Prime Minister in less than a week - ABC News (Aug ’18)
Nasty saga you nearly missed | SMH (Oct ’09)
New Zealand's housing market is even worse than Australia. But at least their government is taking action | Housing | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Reserve Bank says wage rises are crucial. Scott Morrison says otherwise | Crikey (Mar '21)
The Liberals' agenda is bad for regional Australia - but the Nationals play along anyway | National party | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Inside Tim Wilson’s campaign against super | The Saturday Paper (Jan '21)
'Christmas present for corporate criminals': inquiry's support for weakening corporate disclosure laws condemned | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Coronavirus changed our world but Australia's economic debate still lacks humanity | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Jobmaker will make life harder for workers over 35. And the Coalition seems happy about that | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Jobseeker Covid payment extended till March but will be cut to $150 a fortnight | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The Morrison government is trying to lock in a less equitable economy for years to come | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
The Australian government is putting economic storytelling ahead of evidence | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Increasing the childcare subsidy will help struggling families — and the economy | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
Bankster Bailout: will the trickle-down package trickle beyond the banks and big business? | Michael West Media (Mar ’20)
Reserve Bank says wage rises are crucial. Scott Morrison says otherwise | Crikey (Mar '21)
The Liberals' agenda is bad for regional Australia - but the Nationals play along anyway | National party | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Inside Tim Wilson’s campaign against super | The Saturday Paper (Jan '21)
'Christmas present for corporate criminals': inquiry's support for weakening corporate disclosure laws condemned | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Coronavirus changed our world but Australia's economic debate still lacks humanity | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Jobmaker will make life harder for workers over 35. And the Coalition seems happy about that | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Jobseeker Covid payment extended till March but will be cut to $150 a fortnight | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The Morrison government is trying to lock in a less equitable economy for years to come | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
The Australian government is putting economic storytelling ahead of evidence | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Increasing the childcare subsidy will help struggling families — and the economy | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
Bankster Bailout: will the trickle-down package trickle beyond the banks and big business? | Michael West Media (Mar ’20)
Alan Kohler: The great Australian financial advice frauds | The New Daily
(Apr '21)
AUSTRAC muzzled by Canberra as Australia defies global money-laundering authorities - Michael West (Mar '21)
AUSTRAC muzzled by Canberra as Australia defies global money-laundering authorities - Michael West (Mar '21)
Borrower beware: how responsible lending changes could put more vulnerable Australians in debt | Banking | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Scrapping responsible lending laws a 'disaster' that could drown Australians in debt, consumer groups say | Banking | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Scrapping responsible lending laws a 'disaster' that could drown Australians in debt, consumer groups say | Banking | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Ideology triumphs over evidence: Morrison government drops the ball on banking reform | The Conversation
(Jan '21)
Banking royal commission: most recommendations have been abandoned or delayed | Australia news | The Guardian (Jan '21)
No accounting for banks? Frydenberg's response to the royal commission is on hold | Banking royal commission | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Vital signs. It's one thing to back down on Hayne's recommendation about mortgage brokers, it's another to offer nothing in its place | The Conversation (Mar '19)
Scott Morrison slams banking royal commission proposal as nothing more than a 'populist whinge' | SMH (Aug '16)
Banking royal commission: most recommendations have been abandoned or delayed | Australia news | The Guardian (Jan '21)
No accounting for banks? Frydenberg's response to the royal commission is on hold | Banking royal commission | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Vital signs. It's one thing to back down on Hayne's recommendation about mortgage brokers, it's another to offer nothing in its place | The Conversation (Mar '19)
Scott Morrison slams banking royal commission proposal as nothing more than a 'populist whinge' | SMH (Aug '16)
Who led Frydenberg down the path of empathy and rigour in fiscal policy? | Crikey
(May '21)
Michael Pascoe: Beware the Treasurer's double counting | The New Daily (May '21)
Coalition leaves largest underperforming funds out of super reform laws | The Guardian (Dec '20)
How Josh Frydenberg is backing the boss class amid capital-on-capital skirmishes | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Josh Frydenberg backs probe into banks not lending due to climate risks | SMH (Dec '20)
Frydenberg declares war on corporate regulator in a bid to reduce powers | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Why is the Coalition trying to abolish a valuable safeguard for consumers? (Nov '20)
Are Thatcherism and Reaganomics your best answers, Josh? | Michael West (Jul ’20)
Josh Frydenberg watered down company disclosure laws despite Asic warning against it | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Let's look at the Thatcher years | BBC (Apr '13)
Michael Pascoe: Beware the Treasurer's double counting | The New Daily (May '21)
Coalition leaves largest underperforming funds out of super reform laws | The Guardian (Dec '20)
How Josh Frydenberg is backing the boss class amid capital-on-capital skirmishes | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Josh Frydenberg backs probe into banks not lending due to climate risks | SMH (Dec '20)
Frydenberg declares war on corporate regulator in a bid to reduce powers | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Why is the Coalition trying to abolish a valuable safeguard for consumers? (Nov '20)
Are Thatcherism and Reaganomics your best answers, Josh? | Michael West (Jul ’20)
Josh Frydenberg watered down company disclosure laws despite Asic warning against it | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Let's look at the Thatcher years | BBC (Apr '13)
The Morrison government's hypocrisy on debt and deficit is galling | The Guardian
(Jul '20)
Jim Chalmers says two-thirds of the debt in the budget was borrowed before the start of the pandemic. Is he correct? | ABC News (Jun ’20)
We do not have to worry about paying off Australia's coronavirus debt for generations | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Some Facts About Debt | Per Capita … per capita (Apr ’20)
Jim Chalmers says two-thirds of the debt in the budget was borrowed before the start of the pandemic. Is he correct? | ABC News (Jun ’20)
We do not have to worry about paying off Australia's coronavirus debt for generations | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Some Facts About Debt | Per Capita … per capita (Apr ’20)
Australia urged to tighten anti-slavery laws as UK cracks down on Chinese forced labour | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian
(Jan ’21)
The Coalition can choose not to revert to trickle-down economics in the budget | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
This pandemic has exposed the uselessness of orthodox economics | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Archaic ideas of market liberalism continue to wreak havoc | Independent Australia (Jun ’20)
The Coalition can choose not to revert to trickle-down economics in the budget | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
This pandemic has exposed the uselessness of orthodox economics | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Archaic ideas of market liberalism continue to wreak havoc | Independent Australia (Jun ’20)
Coalition tax cuts blasted by former Reserve Bank boss in new ad campaign | The Guardian
(Sep ’20)
Morrison's tax cuts are not temporary or targeted – they are ideological and inequitable | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison thinks cutting taxes is 'economics 101'. As an economist, I beg to differ | Australia Institute | The Guardian (Feb ’19)
Morrison's tax cuts are not temporary or targeted – they are ideological and inequitable | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison thinks cutting taxes is 'economics 101'. As an economist, I beg to differ | Australia Institute | The Guardian (Feb ’19)
Where can small-government conservatives turn in the new Coalition? | Crikey
(May '21)
Michael Pascoe: Federal government doesn’t care about the housing crisis | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Morrison fixed on tax cuts as US and Britain embrace big government | The Saturday Paper (Apr '21)
Move over neoliberalism; rentier capitalism is now king | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)
Scrapping responsible lending laws a 'disaster' that could drown Australians in debt, consumer groups say | Banking | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Covid-19 has exposed the catastrophic impact of privatising vital services | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Some say neoliberals have destroyed the world, but now they want to save it. Is Scott Morrison listening? | The Conversation (Oct '20)
The spread of coronavirus in Australia is not the fault of individuals but a result of neoliberalism | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Will ideology assert itself in Australia's recovery? That's the question as we head into budget week | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The perils of privatisation and private greed | John Menadue (Aug '20)
The Morrison government is using the COVID-19 crisis to devastate the public service, the ABC, the arts and tertiary education | The Monthly (Aug '20)
Archaic ideas of market liberalism continue to wreak havoc | Ind Aust (Jun '20)
Trickle-down theory continues to feed the rich | Ind Aust (May '20)
Vital Signs: Australia’s nation-building opportunity held hostage by the deficit daleks | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Election 2019: Another dose of fear | Per Capita (May '19)
Win or lose the next election, it may be time for the Liberals to rethink their economic narrative | The Conversation (Feb '19)
Michael Pascoe: Federal government doesn’t care about the housing crisis | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Morrison fixed on tax cuts as US and Britain embrace big government | The Saturday Paper (Apr '21)
Move over neoliberalism; rentier capitalism is now king | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)
Scrapping responsible lending laws a 'disaster' that could drown Australians in debt, consumer groups say | Banking | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Covid-19 has exposed the catastrophic impact of privatising vital services | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Some say neoliberals have destroyed the world, but now they want to save it. Is Scott Morrison listening? | The Conversation (Oct '20)
The spread of coronavirus in Australia is not the fault of individuals but a result of neoliberalism | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Will ideology assert itself in Australia's recovery? That's the question as we head into budget week | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The perils of privatisation and private greed | John Menadue (Aug '20)
The Morrison government is using the COVID-19 crisis to devastate the public service, the ABC, the arts and tertiary education | The Monthly (Aug '20)
Archaic ideas of market liberalism continue to wreak havoc | Ind Aust (Jun '20)
Trickle-down theory continues to feed the rich | Ind Aust (May '20)
Vital Signs: Australia’s nation-building opportunity held hostage by the deficit daleks | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Election 2019: Another dose of fear | Per Capita (May '19)
Win or lose the next election, it may be time for the Liberals to rethink their economic narrative | The Conversation (Feb '19)
Michael Pascoe: Gutless government nudges and winks for wages austerity
| New Daily
(Apr ’21)
Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | Australian politics | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Conservatives once championed the sacredness of every human life – until Covid | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | Australian politics | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Conservatives once championed the sacredness of every human life – until Covid | The Guardian (Sep '20)
India travel ban: Our policy on India leaves us in a weird place - Waleed Aly | SMH
(May ’21)
Scott Morrison hits out at identity politics despite deploying them himself | Crikey (May ’21)
How Trump changed Australian politics forever - 7am Podcast (Jan ’21)
What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
Asio to review terror terms including ‘rightwing extremists’ which Liberal MP says causes anxiety | The Guardian (Oct '20)
A primary school–aged child in court surely represents the ultimate failure of society, yet Australia won’t raise the age of criminal responsibility | The Monthly (Jul '20)
Defunding arts degrees is the latest battle in a 40-year culture war | The Conversation(Jul '20)
Free childcare doesn’t suit the Coalition’s ideology – we get what we voted for | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Has coronavirus killed ideology? No, it’s just cycled it around again | The Conversation (Apr '20)
Dissecting Prime Ministers' Australia Day speeches | Sydney University (Jan '20)
Australian government axes federal arts department, leaving institutions ‘gobsmacked’ | Classic FM (Dec ’19)
Government greenlights churches’ freedom to discriminate | Crikey (Dec '19)
Scott Morrison asks for removal of signs giving people choice of bathroom on basis of gender identity | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Aug ’19)
Australia could add 'values test' for migrants, Malcolm Turnbull says | Australian immigration and asylum | The Guardian (Jul ’18)
Scott Morrison hits out at identity politics despite deploying them himself | Crikey (May ’21)
How Trump changed Australian politics forever - 7am Podcast (Jan ’21)
What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
Asio to review terror terms including ‘rightwing extremists’ which Liberal MP says causes anxiety | The Guardian (Oct '20)
A primary school–aged child in court surely represents the ultimate failure of society, yet Australia won’t raise the age of criminal responsibility | The Monthly (Jul '20)
Defunding arts degrees is the latest battle in a 40-year culture war | The Conversation(Jul '20)
Free childcare doesn’t suit the Coalition’s ideology – we get what we voted for | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Has coronavirus killed ideology? No, it’s just cycled it around again | The Conversation (Apr '20)
Dissecting Prime Ministers' Australia Day speeches | Sydney University (Jan '20)
Australian government axes federal arts department, leaving institutions ‘gobsmacked’ | Classic FM (Dec ’19)
Government greenlights churches’ freedom to discriminate | Crikey (Dec '19)
Scott Morrison asks for removal of signs giving people choice of bathroom on basis of gender identity | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Aug ’19)
Australia could add 'values test' for migrants, Malcolm Turnbull says | Australian immigration and asylum | The Guardian (Jul ’18)
Ignored and given scraps: Office for Women demeaned by Coalition | Crikey
(Feb ’21)
Scott Morrison Interrupts Anne Ruston As She Answers Question On Misogyny | Huffington Post …Huffington Post (Nov ’20)
In a single press conference, Scott Morrison showed us exactly what it's like to be a woman in politics. | Mama Mia (Nov ’20)
Scott Morrison Interrupts Anne Ruston As She Answers Question On Misogyny | Huffington Post …Huffington Post (Nov ’20)
In a single press conference, Scott Morrison showed us exactly what it's like to be a woman in politics. | Mama Mia (Nov ’20)
Morrison government quietly mothballs laws to protect gay students and teachers | SMH
(Mar ’20)
Government's religious discrimination bill enshrines the right to harm others in the name of faith | The Conversation (Feb ’20)
Religious discrimination bill will harm patients and discriminate against doctors, AMA warns | Law (Australia) | The Guardian (Jan ’20)
We're being sold a convenient lie in the religious discrimination debate | Lydia Shelly | The Guardian (Jan ’20)
The Coalition's religious discrimination bill: what's changed and can doctors refuse treatment? | Australian politics | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
Religious Discrimination Bill is a mess that risks privileging people of faith above all others | The Conversation (Aug ’19)
Government's religious discrimination bill enshrines the right to harm others in the name of faith | The Conversation (Feb ’20)
Religious discrimination bill will harm patients and discriminate against doctors, AMA warns | Law (Australia) | The Guardian (Jan ’20)
We're being sold a convenient lie in the religious discrimination debate | Lydia Shelly | The Guardian (Jan ’20)
The Coalition's religious discrimination bill: what's changed and can doctors refuse treatment? | Australian politics | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
Religious Discrimination Bill is a mess that risks privileging people of faith above all others | The Conversation (Aug ’19)
Scott Morrison responds to Four Corners report, misconduct allegations levelled at Christian Porter
(Nov '20)
It's not just public servants feeling the ire of the Morrison Government | ABC (Oct '20)
Hot air and pants on fire: Fact checking the PM’s gas lighting | The New Daily (Sep '20)
Pandemic bipartisanship is crumbling as Scott Morrison ramps up the politicking | The Guardian (Sep '20)
For the PM, attacking Victoria is an open-and-shut case | The Monthly (Sep '20)
To talk up Australia's coronavirus economic recovery, Scott Morrison found the perfect weapon | ABC (Sep '20)
Scott Morrison’s ‘work harder to earn more’ nonsense shows how out of touch with workers he is | Per Capita (Oct '19)
It's not just public servants feeling the ire of the Morrison Government | ABC (Oct '20)
Hot air and pants on fire: Fact checking the PM’s gas lighting | The New Daily (Sep '20)
Pandemic bipartisanship is crumbling as Scott Morrison ramps up the politicking | The Guardian (Sep '20)
For the PM, attacking Victoria is an open-and-shut case | The Monthly (Sep '20)
To talk up Australia's coronavirus economic recovery, Scott Morrison found the perfect weapon | ABC (Sep '20)
Scott Morrison’s ‘work harder to earn more’ nonsense shows how out of touch with workers he is | Per Capita (Oct '19)
ABC chair Ita Buttrose accuses government of 'political interference' in draft letter to Paul Fletcher
| The Guardian
(Dec ’20)
Fletcher bungles ABC hit job and leaves the government stuck | Crikey (Dec ’20)
ABC accuses Morrison government of using News Corp to attack its journalism | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
ABC has for too long been unwilling to push back against interference – at its journalists’ expense | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Coalition gives another $10m to Foxtel to boost women's sport on TV | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Australians say ABC saved lives during summer bushfires, royal commission told | The Guardian (Jun '20)
New government report targets ABC | The Saturday Paper (Jun '20)
ABC loses $793m funding since 2014 when Coalition made its first cuts – report | The Guardian (May '20)
Cutting the ABC cuts public trust, a cost no democracy can afford (Jun '20) | The Conversation
What if the greatest threat to a free media was from within? | ABC (Jun '19)
Why the ABC, and the public that trusts it, must stand firm against threats to its editorial independence | The Conversation (Jul '18)
ABC targeted in government deal with Pauline Hanson | The Conversation (Aug '17)
Fletcher bungles ABC hit job and leaves the government stuck | Crikey (Dec ’20)
ABC accuses Morrison government of using News Corp to attack its journalism | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
ABC has for too long been unwilling to push back against interference – at its journalists’ expense | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Coalition gives another $10m to Foxtel to boost women's sport on TV | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Australians say ABC saved lives during summer bushfires, royal commission told | The Guardian (Jun '20)
New government report targets ABC | The Saturday Paper (Jun '20)
ABC loses $793m funding since 2014 when Coalition made its first cuts – report | The Guardian (May '20)
Cutting the ABC cuts public trust, a cost no democracy can afford (Jun '20) | The Conversation
What if the greatest threat to a free media was from within? | ABC (Jun '19)
Why the ABC, and the public that trusts it, must stand firm against threats to its editorial independence | The Conversation (Jul '18)
ABC targeted in government deal with Pauline Hanson | The Conversation (Aug '17)
secrecy of government
Former NSW auditor general blasts Coalition for attempting to 'reduce scrutiny of government' activities | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Coalition accused of trying to avoid scrutiny after audit office budget cut | Australian budget 2020 | The Guardian (Oct '20)
More than half of government environmental scientists say their work has been suppressed: report | ABC (Sep '20)
Coalition trying to stop auditor general giving evidence on report critical of arms deal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Transparency around government decision-making is another casualty of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia May Well Be the Worldʼs Most Secretive Democracy | New York Times … New York Times - (Jun '19)
Govt says secret report shows contractors answer more Centrelink calls | Canberra Times (Oct '18)
Coalition accused of trying to avoid scrutiny after audit office budget cut | Australian budget 2020 | The Guardian (Oct '20)
More than half of government environmental scientists say their work has been suppressed: report | ABC (Sep '20)
Coalition trying to stop auditor general giving evidence on report critical of arms deal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Transparency around government decision-making is another casualty of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia May Well Be the Worldʼs Most Secretive Democracy | New York Times … New York Times - (Jun '19)
Govt says secret report shows contractors answer more Centrelink calls | Canberra Times (Oct '18)
The secret spending in the budget we're not allowed to see. So sensitive... | Crikey
(May '21)
Australian federal budget found to be the most secretive ever produced | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian federal budget found to be the most secretive ever produced | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Secret Australian trial ‘unprecedented’ and must never happen again, watchdog told | Australia news | The Guardian
(May '21)
Greens denounce secret prisoner case as evidence Australia is an 'authoritarian state' | Australian Capital Territory | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Greens denounce secret prisoner case as evidence Australia is an 'authoritarian state' | Australian Capital Territory | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The scandals he walks past: In Morrison’s government, a lack of accountability has become systemic | The Monthly
(Jan '21)
Morrison ditched Turnbull-era plans for greater transparency in political lobbying | SMH (Jul '20)
Morrison ruling by ‘Henry VIII’ clauses | The Saturday Paper (Jul '20)
Morrison broadens membership of Covid-19 commission but says advice to remain off-limits to public | The Guardian(Jul '20)
Morrison ditched Turnbull-era plans for greater transparency in political lobbying | SMH (Jul '20)
Morrison ruling by ‘Henry VIII’ clauses | The Saturday Paper (Jul '20)
Morrison broadens membership of Covid-19 commission but says advice to remain off-limits to public | The Guardian(Jul '20)
Peter Dutton refuses to say if he was notified of Brittany Higgins rape allegation | Peter Dutton | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Peter Dutton's push to use 'secret evidence' to revoke citizenship condemned | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Peter Dutton's push to use 'secret evidence' to revoke citizenship condemned | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Morrison government blocks release of instructions to ministers, citing cabinet confidentiality | Freedom of information | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Freedom of information: Coalition's refusal to reveal national cabinet discussions challenged | Coalition | The Guardian (Mar '21)
NBN Co bonuses, pandemic spending queries go unanswered | New Daily (Feb '21)
Why is the government hiding the Holgate 'Cartier' report? (Jan '21)
Sports rorts to Cartier: the scandal reports Morrison doesn't want to release | Crikey (Jan '21)
Suppressed auditor general's report warned $1.3bn Australian defence deal not value for money | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Prime minister’s department says granting FOI request on taxpayer-funded research would 'prejudice' government | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Government 'burying' report on Cartier watches for Australia Post executives, Labor says | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Government wrong to censor report to protect arms maker's interests, tribunal finds | Freedom of information | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Releasing Covidsafe app usage numbers could risk public safety, government claims | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australian PM's department refuses to release Covid-19 commission documents | The Guardian (Jul '20)
PM’s department tries to block release of navy chief’s diary in arms contract investigation | Australia news | The Guardian (Jun ’19)
Confidential documents left in closed Darwin detention centre, court papers say - ABC News (Jun ’17)
Freedom of information: Coalition's refusal to reveal national cabinet discussions challenged | Coalition | The Guardian (Mar '21)
NBN Co bonuses, pandemic spending queries go unanswered | New Daily (Feb '21)
Why is the government hiding the Holgate 'Cartier' report? (Jan '21)
Sports rorts to Cartier: the scandal reports Morrison doesn't want to release | Crikey (Jan '21)
Suppressed auditor general's report warned $1.3bn Australian defence deal not value for money | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Prime minister’s department says granting FOI request on taxpayer-funded research would 'prejudice' government | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Government 'burying' report on Cartier watches for Australia Post executives, Labor says | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Government wrong to censor report to protect arms maker's interests, tribunal finds | Freedom of information | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Releasing Covidsafe app usage numbers could risk public safety, government claims | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australian PM's department refuses to release Covid-19 commission documents | The Guardian (Jul '20)
PM’s department tries to block release of navy chief’s diary in arms contract investigation | Australia news | The Guardian (Jun ’19)
Confidential documents left in closed Darwin detention centre, court papers say - ABC News (Jun ’17)
FOI failure: The tricks government uses to keep Australians in the dark | The New Daily
(Apr '21)
Home affairs failing to meet Australia's freedom of information deadlines, watchdog finds | Freedom of information | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Australia's freedom of information regime labelled 'dysfunctional' in scathing audit | Freedom of information | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Australia's freedom of information regime heading for a 'train smash', senator says | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Prime minister’s department says granting FOI request on taxpayer-funded research would 'prejudice' government | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Australia’s FoI system worst of any country involved in Julian Assange case | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison's office met freedom of information deadlines in just 7.5% of cases | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australia's government agencies increasingly refusing environment-related FOIs, audit finds | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Prime minister's department broke the law delaying FOI request, watchdog finds | The Guardian(Feb '20)
Canavan delayed releasing documents about coal lobby interactions before resigning(Feb '20)
Government blocks access to emails about Angus Taylor's attack on Clover Moore | The Guardian(Nov '19)
Home affairs failing to meet Australia's freedom of information deadlines, watchdog finds | Freedom of information | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Australia's freedom of information regime labelled 'dysfunctional' in scathing audit | Freedom of information | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Australia's freedom of information regime heading for a 'train smash', senator says | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Prime minister’s department says granting FOI request on taxpayer-funded research would 'prejudice' government | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Australia’s FoI system worst of any country involved in Julian Assange case | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison's office met freedom of information deadlines in just 7.5% of cases | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australia's government agencies increasingly refusing environment-related FOIs, audit finds | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Prime minister's department broke the law delaying FOI request, watchdog finds | The Guardian(Feb '20)
Canavan delayed releasing documents about coal lobby interactions before resigning(Feb '20)
Government blocks access to emails about Angus Taylor's attack on Clover Moore | The Guardian(Nov '19)
A year on, COVID commission discussions are still held in secret. Why? | Crikey
(Mar '21)
Secret state: opaque national cabinet slammed by Senate committee | Crikey (Feb '21)
Australian PM's department refuses to release Covid-19 commission documents | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Morrison broadens membership of Covid-19 commission but says advice to remain off-limits to public | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Government refuses to release conflict-of-interest disclosures from Covid commission members | The Guardian (May ’20)
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals follow | Michael West (May ’20)
Covid-19 commission grants communications contract to firm headed by ex-Liberal staffers | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
By contrast: watch public meetings of the New Zealand Epidemic Response Committee | NZ Government (Jun ’20)
Secret state: opaque national cabinet slammed by Senate committee | Crikey (Feb '21)
Australian PM's department refuses to release Covid-19 commission documents | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Morrison broadens membership of Covid-19 commission but says advice to remain off-limits to public | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Government refuses to release conflict-of-interest disclosures from Covid commission members | The Guardian (May ’20)
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals follow | Michael West (May ’20)
Covid-19 commission grants communications contract to firm headed by ex-Liberal staffers | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
By contrast: watch public meetings of the New Zealand Epidemic Response Committee | NZ Government (Jun ’20)
Commonwealth prosecutors wrong on Witness K case, former NSW DPP says | Witness K case | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Judge rules Australian government's attempt to obstruct Bernard Collaery's use of barrister 'unfair' | Witness K case | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Secrecy in trial of Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery an offence against open justice: law council | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian government cites 'chilling effect' on cabinet in bid to block release of papers in Timor-Leste spy case | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Witness K is in the dock but institutions vital to Australia’s democracy are on trial | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Coalition’s push for secret trials: behaviour of a tin-pot dictatorship | Michael West (Sep ’20)
Australian government spends almost $3m waging ‘war’ on whistleblowers in court | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Christian Porter and a secret trial have destroyed my practice, Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery says - ABC News (Jun ’20)
Coalition spends $2m on prosecution of Bernard Collaery and Witness K, before trial | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
'I am unable to say much': anger simmers as Timor bugging hearing goes ahead in secret | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Why Bernard Collaery’s case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
Q+A: Australia likened to North Korea in its secret trial of Bernard Collaery | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Since when is it a crime to report a crime? Bernard Collaery exposes the Timor Sea betrayal | Michael West (Apr ’20)
Coalition legal action sends chills through whistleblowers | Michael West (…)
Judge rules Australian government's attempt to obstruct Bernard Collaery's use of barrister 'unfair' | Witness K case | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Secrecy in trial of Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery an offence against open justice: law council | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian government cites 'chilling effect' on cabinet in bid to block release of papers in Timor-Leste spy case | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Witness K is in the dock but institutions vital to Australia’s democracy are on trial | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Coalition’s push for secret trials: behaviour of a tin-pot dictatorship | Michael West (Sep ’20)
Australian government spends almost $3m waging ‘war’ on whistleblowers in court | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Christian Porter and a secret trial have destroyed my practice, Witness K lawyer Bernard Collaery says - ABC News (Jun ’20)
Coalition spends $2m on prosecution of Bernard Collaery and Witness K, before trial | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
'I am unable to say much': anger simmers as Timor bugging hearing goes ahead in secret | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Why Bernard Collaery’s case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
Q+A: Australia likened to North Korea in its secret trial of Bernard Collaery | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
Since when is it a crime to report a crime? Bernard Collaery exposes the Timor Sea betrayal | Michael West (Apr ’20)
Coalition legal action sends chills through whistleblowers | Michael West (…)
While Porter parties, his protection racket inflicts misery | Crikey
(Nov ’20)
East Timor bugging scandal: Attorney General’s push for secret trial diminishes us as a nation | Michael West (Sep ’20)
Australia's attorney general accused of abusing powers in whistleblower trial | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
East Timor bugging scandal: Attorney General’s push for secret trial diminishes us as a nation | Michael West (Sep ’20)
Australia's attorney general accused of abusing powers in whistleblower trial | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Morrison deflected parliamentary questions to other ministers almost 200 times since becoming PM | Scott Morrison | The Guardian
(Feb ’21)
Government refuses to release conflict-of-interest disclosures from Covid commission members | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
PM’s office refuses to release drought reports Barnaby Joyce says he sent via text | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
A government of lies, damned lies and gymnastics | Canberra Times (Mar ’20)
Morrison Ends Own Press Conference After Climate Q’s And Pressure On Fire Response | Pedestrian News (Jan ’20)
The 5 most uncomfortable moments from Scott Morrison's The Project interview with Waleed Aly. | Mama Mia (Mar ’19)
The PM’s problem with keeping secrets | News (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison refuses to release notes of call with NSW police chief over doctored document | The Guardian (Nov ’19)
‘Basic’ question Scott Morrison still can’t answer | News (Sep ’18)
Government refuses to release conflict-of-interest disclosures from Covid commission members | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
PM’s office refuses to release drought reports Barnaby Joyce says he sent via text | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
A government of lies, damned lies and gymnastics | Canberra Times (Mar ’20)
Morrison Ends Own Press Conference After Climate Q’s And Pressure On Fire Response | Pedestrian News (Jan ’20)
The 5 most uncomfortable moments from Scott Morrison's The Project interview with Waleed Aly. | Mama Mia (Mar ’19)
The PM’s problem with keeping secrets | News (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison refuses to release notes of call with NSW police chief over doctored document | The Guardian (Nov ’19)
‘Basic’ question Scott Morrison still can’t answer | News (Sep ’18)
Brian Houston cover-up smacks of government secrecy and deception | Crikey
(Nov ’19)
Scott Morrison refuses to say if he wanted Hillsong's Brian Houston invited to White House | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Morrison’s Pentecostal pal will continue to cause him headaches | Crikey (Sep ’19)
Morrison toasts 'unconventional' Trump – but Hillsong pastor reportedly rejected from guest list | The Guardian (Sep ’19)
Scott Morrison refuses to say if he wanted Hillsong's Brian Houston invited to White House | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Morrison’s Pentecostal pal will continue to cause him headaches | Crikey (Sep ’19)
Morrison toasts 'unconventional' Trump – but Hillsong pastor reportedly rejected from guest list | The Guardian (Sep ’19)
Scott Morrison's Hawaii horror show: how a PR disaster unfolded | The Guardian
(Dec '19)
‘Where’s the Prime Minister?’: Mystery surrounds Scott Morrison as he takes a holiday | New Daily (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison’s office won’t confirm his whereabouts this week, as heatwave threatens to intensify bushfires. | SBS (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison facing online criticism for pre-Christmas family overseas holiday | ABC (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison's Hawaii horror show: how a PR disaster unfolded | The Guardian (Dec '19)
‘Where’s the Prime Minister?’: Mystery surrounds Scott Morrison as he takes a holiday | The New Daily (Dec ’19)
‘Where’s the Prime Minister?’: Mystery surrounds Scott Morrison as he takes a holiday | New Daily (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison’s office won’t confirm his whereabouts this week, as heatwave threatens to intensify bushfires. | SBS (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison facing online criticism for pre-Christmas family overseas holiday | ABC (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison's Hawaii horror show: how a PR disaster unfolded | The Guardian (Dec '19)
‘Where’s the Prime Minister?’: Mystery surrounds Scott Morrison as he takes a holiday | The New Daily (Dec ’19)
Scott Morrison dodges questions about sports grants expansion revelations | The Guardian
(Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison refuses to take questions about timing of changes to sports grants (Mar '20)
'I have no words': PM criticised for silent treatment at coronavirus presser | Yahoo News (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Scott Morrison refuses to take questions about timing of changes to sports grants (Mar '20)
'I have no words': PM criticised for silent treatment at coronavirus presser | Yahoo News (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
funding cuts
End of national rental scheme to compound Tasmania's housing crisis as unaffordability sweeps the state - ABC News
(Mar '21)
CapTel text-captioned telephones will not work as of February in blow for Australia's deaf community | ABC (Jan '20)
Funding for Australia's only eating disorder helpline to be cut | SBS (May '16)
Social Services scraps funding for homeless and housing groups | SMH (Dec '14)
Dental cuts will 'hurt the most vulnerable', experts say | New Daily (Dec '16)
Diabetics fear for health after government removes blood sugar test subsidy | SMH (Jul '16)
CapTel text-captioned telephones will not work as of February in blow for Australia's deaf community | ABC (Jan '20)
Funding for Australia's only eating disorder helpline to be cut | SBS (May '16)
Social Services scraps funding for homeless and housing groups | SMH (Dec '14)
Dental cuts will 'hurt the most vulnerable', experts say | New Daily (Dec '16)
Diabetics fear for health after government removes blood sugar test subsidy | SMH (Jul '16)
Budget should reverse 'brazen’ Coalition cuts to transparency bodies that hold government to account | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Coalition MPs urge Scott Morrison to restore funding to auditor general | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Agency that uncovered sports rorts will be forced to cut back on audits without budget rescue | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Coalition MPs urge Scott Morrison to restore funding to auditor general | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Agency that uncovered sports rorts will be forced to cut back on audits without budget rescue | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Did funding cuts by the Abbott government hamper the CSIRO's pandemic preparedness? | ABC
(Jul '20)
CSIRO cuts researchers at high containment laboratory | SMH (Aug '14)
CSIRO cuts: as redundancies are announced, the real cost is revealed | The Conversation (May '16)
Long-term effect of CSIRO budget cuts | SMH (Dec '14)
CSIRO has 'cut into the bone' to implement successive government cuts, chairman says | ABC (Dec '14)
CSIRO cuts: as redundancies are announced, the real cost is revealed | The Conversation (May '16)
CSIRO cuts researchers at high containment laboratory | SMH (Aug '14)
CSIRO cuts: as redundancies are announced, the real cost is revealed | The Conversation (May '16)
Long-term effect of CSIRO budget cuts | SMH (Dec '14)
CSIRO has 'cut into the bone' to implement successive government cuts, chairman says | ABC (Dec '14)
CSIRO cuts: as redundancies are announced, the real cost is revealed | The Conversation (May '16)
Australian Medical Association warns hospital 'funding crisis' jeopardises patient safety | ABC
(Feb '19)
How Australia's 'panic and neglect' funding cycle has left us vulnerable to pandemics like coronavirus | ABC (Jun '20)
Why is the government restricting Medicare funds for ECGs when expert advice says exactly the opposite? | The Conversation (Jul '20)
How Australia's 'panic and neglect' funding cycle has left us vulnerable to pandemics like coronavirus | ABC (Jun '20)
Why is the government restricting Medicare funds for ECGs when expert advice says exactly the opposite? | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Coalition to cut $2 billion a year from university research | The Saturday Paper
(Sep '20)
'Our big, dirty secret': Funding runs out for top cancer researcher | SMH (Mar '20)
'Our big, dirty secret': Funding runs out for top cancer researcher | SMH (Mar '20)
Cutting the ABC cuts public trust, a cost no democracy can afford | The Conversation
(Jun '20)
ABC to slash programming and services as it grapples with Coalition funding cuts | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Q+A host Virginia Trioli rebukes arts minister over ABC funding cuts | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Ita Buttrose rejects Scott Morrison's claims the ABC's budget has not been cut | The Guardian (Jun '20)
ABC loses $793m funding since 2014 when Coalition made its first cuts – report | The Guardian (Apr '20)
ABC cuts to factual programming a blow to Australian TV industry, say independent producers | ABC (Apr '20)
Federal Budget 2014: Tony Abbott breaks election promise with cuts to ABC and SBS funding | News (May '14)
Budget 2014: ABC, SBS funding cut, Australia Network contract cancelled | ABC (Apr '14)
ABC to slash programming and services as it grapples with Coalition funding cuts | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Q+A host Virginia Trioli rebukes arts minister over ABC funding cuts | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Ita Buttrose rejects Scott Morrison's claims the ABC's budget has not been cut | The Guardian (Jun '20)
ABC loses $793m funding since 2014 when Coalition made its first cuts – report | The Guardian (Apr '20)
ABC cuts to factual programming a blow to Australian TV industry, say independent producers | ABC (Apr '20)
Federal Budget 2014: Tony Abbott breaks election promise with cuts to ABC and SBS funding | News (May '14)
Budget 2014: ABC, SBS funding cut, Australia Network contract cancelled | ABC (Apr '14)
Scott Morrison cuts government departments in major public service changes | The Guardian
(Dec '19)
Rare Australian species could slip into extinction as jobs axed at environment department | ABC (May '18)
National Parks left to burn after jobs and funding cuts | SMH (Nov '19)
Scientists calculate likelihood Australian birds, mammals will not survive next 20 years on Earth | ABC (Apr '18)
Rare Australian species could slip into extinction as jobs axed at environment department | ABC (May '18)
National Parks left to burn after jobs and funding cuts | SMH (Nov '19)
Scientists calculate likelihood Australian birds, mammals will not survive next 20 years on Earth | ABC (Apr '18)
Australia's pathway on climate change is as subject to global vagaries as COVID — but it never had to be - ABC News
(May '21)
Government review follows Tame appointment | The Saturday Paper (May '21)
Memo to Scott Morrison: stop playing dress-ups and start being a leader | Crikey (Mar '21)
How will Scott Morrison spin his way out of this one? | Crikey (Mar '21)
It's been a bad week for the government's messaging —and shocking for accountability - ABC News (Mar '21)
Can Scott Morrison's rhetorical style cut through the rising tide of anger? | The Conversation (Mar '21)
Straight-faced and bald-faced: the political lies that hoodwink the public - Crikey (Mar '21)
Prime Minister Morrison. The women of Australia have had ENOUGH | Womens Agenda (Mar '21)
Morrison government spent $128m on advertising in 2019-20, figures reveal | The Guardian (Dec '20)
'Siege mentality' as ABC's Four Corners bursts Canberra bubble | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Covid-19 response inquiry awaits answers | The Saturday Paper (Sep '20)
No Beef With Slavery: If Your History Hurts, Just Rebrand It! (Jun '20)
Cult that defines Trump's power is just a few scratches away from the surface in Australia | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Scott Morrison's political ad is a bizarre act of self-love as firefighters battle to save Australia | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Another nail in the coffin for democracy | New Politics (Oct '19)
Government review follows Tame appointment | The Saturday Paper (May '21)
Memo to Scott Morrison: stop playing dress-ups and start being a leader | Crikey (Mar '21)
How will Scott Morrison spin his way out of this one? | Crikey (Mar '21)
It's been a bad week for the government's messaging —and shocking for accountability - ABC News (Mar '21)
Can Scott Morrison's rhetorical style cut through the rising tide of anger? | The Conversation (Mar '21)
Straight-faced and bald-faced: the political lies that hoodwink the public - Crikey (Mar '21)
Prime Minister Morrison. The women of Australia have had ENOUGH | Womens Agenda (Mar '21)
Morrison government spent $128m on advertising in 2019-20, figures reveal | The Guardian (Dec '20)
'Siege mentality' as ABC's Four Corners bursts Canberra bubble | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Covid-19 response inquiry awaits answers | The Saturday Paper (Sep '20)
No Beef With Slavery: If Your History Hurts, Just Rebrand It! (Jun '20)
Cult that defines Trump's power is just a few scratches away from the surface in Australia | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Scott Morrison's political ad is a bizarre act of self-love as firefighters battle to save Australia | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Another nail in the coffin for democracy | New Politics (Oct '19)
NSW public servants at climate conference told not to discuss link with bushfires | Bushfires | The Guardian
(Nov '19)
Great Barrier Reef scientists told to focus on projects to make government look good | The Guardian (Sep ‘18)
Great Barrier Reef scientists told to focus on projects to make government look good | The Guardian (Sep ‘18)
Picture perfect PM: The PM’s image factory runs hot thanks to his official photographer so why don’t media stamp the photos as such? | ABC News
(Nov '20)
'Daggy dad' or 'propaganda'? The media's growing use of official Scott Morrison pictures | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Morrison government paid empathy consultant $190,000 | The Saturday Paper (Oct '19)
'Daggy dad' or 'propaganda'? The media's growing use of official Scott Morrison pictures | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Morrison government paid empathy consultant $190,000 | The Saturday Paper (Oct '19)
Lack of media deals with small firms ‘concerning’: Sims - InnovationAus
(Apr ‘21)
Alan Kohler: The News Bargaining Code is officially dead | New Daily (Mar ‘21)
Has Christian Porter been subjected to a 'trial by media'? No, the media did its job of being a watchdog | The Conversation (Mar ‘21)
Laughing Stock: Australia’s new media code rivals our climate policy for absurdity | Pearls and Irritations (Feb ‘21)
Australian media policy: of the mates, by the mates, for the mates | Crikey (Feb ‘21)
Diversity hit between the eyes as old media pockets 90% of big tech cash | Crikey (Feb ‘21)
Alan Kohler: The News Bargaining Code is officially dead | New Daily (Mar ‘21)
Has Christian Porter been subjected to a 'trial by media'? No, the media did its job of being a watchdog | The Conversation (Mar ‘21)
Laughing Stock: Australia’s new media code rivals our climate policy for absurdity | Pearls and Irritations (Feb ‘21)
Australian media policy: of the mates, by the mates, for the mates | Crikey (Feb ‘21)
Diversity hit between the eyes as old media pockets 90% of big tech cash | Crikey (Feb ‘21)
True Lies: Mathias Cormann caught by his own department for economic fairy tales | Michael West
(Oct '19)
Budget repair well under way? Not so fast Josh Frydenberg | Michael West (Sep '19)
MW30: Josh Frydenberg’s quest for a surplus holds a nation to ransom | Michael West (Sep '19)
Looking for Scott Morrison | The Monthly (Oct '18)
Budget repair well under way? Not so fast Josh Frydenberg | Michael West (Sep '19)
MW30: Josh Frydenberg’s quest for a surplus holds a nation to ransom | Michael West (Sep '19)
Looking for Scott Morrison | The Monthly (Oct '18)
Less is less -
The Morrison government’s underspending ways are catching up with it | The Monthly
(Oct '20)
The announcement artist: Scott Morrison is good at promising but not at delivering | The Monthly (Sep '20)
The announcement artist: Scott Morrison is good at promising but not at delivering | The Monthly (Sep '20)
Scott Morrison says Australia will attend climate ambition summit to 'correct mistruths' | The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Coalition's $100m scheme to fund recycled products has spent no money | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘A mockery’: Great Barrier Reef Foundation raises just $21m of $357m target | The Guardian (Jul ‘20)
Coalition's $100m scheme to fund recycled products has spent no money | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘A mockery’: Great Barrier Reef Foundation raises just $21m of $357m target | The Guardian (Jul ‘20)
Jobmaker will create just 10% 'genuinely additional' jobs of Coalition's total pledge, treasury says | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Arts rescue package worth $250m still waiting to be allocated, Senate estimates told | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Coalition's homebuilder scheme attracts fewer than 250 applicants and 'no payments have been made' | The Guardian(Aug '20)
Arts rescue package worth $250m still waiting to be allocated, Senate estimates told | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Coalition's homebuilder scheme attracts fewer than 250 applicants and 'no payments have been made' | The Guardian(Aug '20)
4 ways Australia's COVID vaccine rollout has been bungled | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
Scott Morrison's COVID-19 vaccine deal isn't all it's cracked up to be, according to the company which is supposed to be making it | Business Insider (Aug ’20)
Scott Morrison's COVID-19 vaccine deal isn't all it's cracked up to be, according to the company which is supposed to be making it | Business Insider (Aug ’20)
In the wake of the US Capitol attack, Australian politics is consumed by a reactionary free speech debate | US Capitol breach | The Guardian
(Jan '21)
Doctors demand government call out medical misinformation after acting PM says 'facts are contentious' | The Guardian (Jan '21)
English test for Australian partner visas reveals Coalition's true nationalist colours | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Border farce: Weaponising a Brisbane funeral was a bad idea | The Monthly (Sep '20)
Scott Morrison claims medevac bill will disrupt Australians' healthcare |SBS (Mar '19)
Doctors demand government call out medical misinformation after acting PM says 'facts are contentious' | The Guardian (Jan '21)
English test for Australian partner visas reveals Coalition's true nationalist colours | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Border farce: Weaponising a Brisbane funeral was a bad idea | The Monthly (Sep '20)
Scott Morrison claims medevac bill will disrupt Australians' healthcare |SBS (Mar '19)
Criminalising citizens returning from India signals some are more Australian than others | Tim Soutphommasane | The Guardian
(May '21)
Scott Morrison's 'bullets' for protesters comment stuns Australian UN representative - ABC News (Mar '21)
Is Scott Morrison angry that public servants got Cartier watches – or that the public found out? … the hypocrisy of the PM attacking Australia Post management while defending budget cuts to the National Audit Office is staggering | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison: Black Lives Matter protesters should be charged if they defy advice and march | The Guardian (Jun '20)
For Scott Morrison, one protester's free expression is another's dangerous activity | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Austerity and victim blaming: Scott Morrison goes back to the old politics | The Guardian (May '20)
As coronavirus spreads, 'it's time to go home' Scott Morrison tells visitors and international students | ABC (Apr '20)
Scott Morrison denounces ‘green criminals’ as vegan protests block Melbourne CBD | World news | The Guardian (Apr '19)
'Shorten wants to end the weekend': Morrison attacks Labor's electric vehicle policy | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Scott Morrison's 'bullets' for protesters comment stuns Australian UN representative - ABC News (Mar '21)
Is Scott Morrison angry that public servants got Cartier watches – or that the public found out? … the hypocrisy of the PM attacking Australia Post management while defending budget cuts to the National Audit Office is staggering | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison: Black Lives Matter protesters should be charged if they defy advice and march | The Guardian (Jun '20)
For Scott Morrison, one protester's free expression is another's dangerous activity | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Austerity and victim blaming: Scott Morrison goes back to the old politics | The Guardian (May '20)
As coronavirus spreads, 'it's time to go home' Scott Morrison tells visitors and international students | ABC (Apr '20)
Scott Morrison denounces ‘green criminals’ as vegan protests block Melbourne CBD | World news | The Guardian (Apr '19)
'Shorten wants to end the weekend': Morrison attacks Labor's electric vehicle policy | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Nanaia Mahuta hits back at Peter Dutton in deportee row: His comments 'only serve to trash his own reputation' | Newshub
(Mar '21)
Peter Dutton says women using rape and abortion claims as ploy to get to Australia | Peter Dutton | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Peter Dutton wants Australia to help white South African farmers who he says are facing violence, land seizures - ABC News (Mar '18)
Peter Dutton says Victorians scared to go out because of 'African gang violence' | Peter Dutton | The Guardian (Jan '18)
Peter Dutton says women using rape and abortion claims as ploy to get to Australia | Peter Dutton | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Peter Dutton wants Australia to help white South African farmers who he says are facing violence, land seizures - ABC News (Mar '18)
Peter Dutton says Victorians scared to go out because of 'African gang violence' | Peter Dutton | The Guardian (Jan '18)
'Are we now a totalitarian state?': case of Canberra's mystery prisoner alarms judge | Law | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
'Chilling attack on democracy': proposed Asio powers could be used against journalists | The Guardian (Oct '20)
What happens when a government chooses to lie? | The Saturday Paper (Oct '20)
Peter Dutton's ASIO bill amendment one more step towards a totalitarian state | SMH (May '20)
Cult that defines Trump's power is just a few scratches away from the surface in Australia | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Police raids and prosecution of whistleblower David McBride spark global condemnation | Michael West (Jun '19)
Australia May Well Be the Worldʼs Most Secretive Democracy … New York Times - (Jun '19)
Australian police accessed phone records of asylum whistleblower | The Guardian … (May '16)
'Chilling attack on democracy': proposed Asio powers could be used against journalists | The Guardian (Oct '20)
What happens when a government chooses to lie? | The Saturday Paper (Oct '20)
Peter Dutton's ASIO bill amendment one more step towards a totalitarian state | SMH (May '20)
Cult that defines Trump's power is just a few scratches away from the surface in Australia | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Police raids and prosecution of whistleblower David McBride spark global condemnation | Michael West (Jun '19)
Australia May Well Be the Worldʼs Most Secretive Democracy … New York Times - (Jun '19)
Australian police accessed phone records of asylum whistleblower | The Guardian … (May '16)
Critics blast federal government's 'immoral and un-Australian' ban on citizens returning from India - ABC News
(May '21)
Australia’s ban on travellers returning from India due to Covid crisis may be unlawful | Australian politics | The Guardian (May '21)
Australians who fly home from India during travel ban face jail term | The New Daily (May '21)
Greens denounce secret prisoner case as evidence Australia is an 'authoritarian state' | Australian Capital Territory | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australia’s ban on travellers returning from India due to Covid crisis may be unlawful | Australian politics | The Guardian (May '21)
Australians who fly home from India during travel ban face jail term | The New Daily (May '21)
Greens denounce secret prisoner case as evidence Australia is an 'authoritarian state' | Australian Capital Territory | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Government trust: Would you let your data be shared without consent? | The New Daily
(Apr '21)
No ‘fairness’ in the harm caused by algorithms - Innovation Aus (Apr '21)
Federal government paying millions in consulting fees for advice on subsidising gas industry, documents show - ABC News (Mar ’21)
No ‘fairness’ in the harm caused by algorithms - Innovation Aus (Apr '21)
Federal government paying millions in consulting fees for advice on subsidising gas industry, documents show - ABC News (Mar ’21)
Craig Kelly decries censorship but blocks dissenting voices from his Facebook page, constituents say | Craig Kelly | The Guardian
(Jan '21)
Australian public servant condemns censorship after blogpost cost him his job | Australia news | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Eureka flag ban shows government’s distaste for democracy | Mirage News (Feb '20)
Coalition may use government contracts to crack down on environment protests | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Terrorism police list Extinction Rebellion as extremist ideology | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Protesting and boycotting the Morrison Government way (Nov '19)
Why Is Australia Trying to Shut Down Climate Activism? | New York Times (Nov '19)
Scott Morrison threatens crackdown on protesters who would 'deny liberty' | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Australia’s prime minister pledges to outlaw climate boycotts, arguing they threaten the economy | Washington Post (Nov '19)
Australia doesn’t protect free speech, but it could | The Conversation (Jul '19)
Australian government may ban environmental boycotts (Apr '14)
Freedom of speech means freedom to boycott | ABC News (Sep '13)
Australian public servant condemns censorship after blogpost cost him his job | Australia news | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Eureka flag ban shows government’s distaste for democracy | Mirage News (Feb '20)
Coalition may use government contracts to crack down on environment protests | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Terrorism police list Extinction Rebellion as extremist ideology | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Protesting and boycotting the Morrison Government way (Nov '19)
Why Is Australia Trying to Shut Down Climate Activism? | New York Times (Nov '19)
Scott Morrison threatens crackdown on protesters who would 'deny liberty' | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Australia’s prime minister pledges to outlaw climate boycotts, arguing they threaten the economy | Washington Post (Nov '19)
Australia doesn’t protect free speech, but it could | The Conversation (Jul '19)
Australian government may ban environmental boycotts (Apr '14)
Freedom of speech means freedom to boycott | ABC News (Sep '13)
Tax office pushes ahead with prosecution of whistleblower Richard Boyle | Crikey
(May '21)
Government accused of pressuring experts who questioned its gas-fired recovery plan - ABC News (Apr '21)
Former ADF official says increasing climate-related weather events could overwhelm defence force - a former Australian defence official has spoken out about the political pressure she says she faced when analysing climate threats for the Department of Defence. - ABC News (Apr '21)
Research reveals shocking detail on how Australia’s environmental scientists are being silenced | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Australian scientists say logging, mining and climate advice is being suppressed | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australian War Memorial volunteers told they could lose role if they speak publicly about controversial expansion | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Aurora Australis officer asked to remove post criticising Scott Morrison's climate policy | The Guardian (Feb '20)
High court rules public servants can be sacked for political social media posts | Freedom of speech | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Police raids raise fears of Australian media crackdown | Australian media | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Government accused of pressuring experts who questioned its gas-fired recovery plan - ABC News (Apr '21)
Former ADF official says increasing climate-related weather events could overwhelm defence force - a former Australian defence official has spoken out about the political pressure she says she faced when analysing climate threats for the Department of Defence. - ABC News (Apr '21)
Research reveals shocking detail on how Australia’s environmental scientists are being silenced | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Australian scientists say logging, mining and climate advice is being suppressed | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australian War Memorial volunteers told they could lose role if they speak publicly about controversial expansion | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Aurora Australis officer asked to remove post criticising Scott Morrison's climate policy | The Guardian (Feb '20)
High court rules public servants can be sacked for political social media posts | Freedom of speech | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Police raids raise fears of Australian media crackdown | Australian media | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Corruption & Cover Up
'Senator, I agree': $30m Western Sydney airport land deal 'looks like' a cover-up, says infrastructure chief | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
'Thinly disguised political research' fed into Morrison government's pandemic ads | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian federal budget found to be the most secretive ever produced | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Transparency around government decision-making is another casualty of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Home affairs fought for three years to stop Serco detention centre manual release | The Guardian (Mar '20)
CSIRO unaware of $444m reef grant before announcement | The Guardian (Aug '18)
'Thinly disguised political research' fed into Morrison government's pandemic ads | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian federal budget found to be the most secretive ever produced | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The secrecy in the Witness K case is an attempt by the government to avoid scrutiny | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Transparency around government decision-making is another casualty of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Home affairs fought for three years to stop Serco detention centre manual release | The Guardian (Mar '20)
CSIRO unaware of $444m reef grant before announcement | The Guardian (Aug '18)
How destructive can Scott Morrison be? We only need ask our kiwi cousins | Crikey
(Apr '21)
Where the bloody hell is it? Did Scott Morrison lie about the report that saved his bacon at Tourism Australia? | Michael West (Nov '20)
Fresh documents in Morrison’s sacking | The Saturday Paper (Jun '19)
Sacking Scott Morrison | 7AM Podcast (Jun '19)
Senate chases Tourism Australia documents | The Saturday Paper (Dec '18)
Morrison ‘hijacked’ NZ tourism review | The Saturday Paper (Nov '18)
ScoMo Dundee: A future Aussie PM's role in New Zealand's great tourism wars | (Feb '16)
Where the bloody hell is it? Did Scott Morrison lie about the report that saved his bacon at Tourism Australia? | Michael West (Nov '20)
Fresh documents in Morrison’s sacking | The Saturday Paper (Jun '19)
Sacking Scott Morrison | 7AM Podcast (Jun '19)
Senate chases Tourism Australia documents | The Saturday Paper (Dec '18)
Morrison ‘hijacked’ NZ tourism review | The Saturday Paper (Nov '18)
ScoMo Dundee: A future Aussie PM's role in New Zealand's great tourism wars | (Feb '16)
Releasing Covidsafe app usage numbers could risk public safety, government claims | The Guardian
(Sep '20)
Federal government holds back vital Covid-19 spread data | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Federal government holds back vital Covid-19 spread data | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Federal officials shielded from Ruby Princess inquiry | SMH
(Aug '20)
Ruby Princess: NSW Premier refuses calls to extend inquiry to hear from official who refused to appear | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Coalition denies covering up border force role in letting Ruby Princess passengers go | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Ruby Princess: NSW Premier refuses calls to extend inquiry to hear from official who refused to appear | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Coalition denies covering up border force role in letting Ruby Princess passengers go | The Guardian (Jul '20)
John Barilaro thanked for $107,000 grant to agricultural group associated with Angus Taylor's family | Angus Taylor | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Angus Taylor v Clover Moore: WhatsApp messages reveal panic as minister's staff realised figures were wrong | The Guardian (Oct '20)
AFP’s failure to investigate Angus Taylor has corrosive consequences for our democracy | The Guardian (Feb '20)
PM stands by Angus Taylor despite NSW police investigation into doctored document | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Why Angus Taylor's statement on the council documents doesn't clear up anything | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Mystery of the doctored documents: Angus Taylor and the climate attack on Sydney's lord mayor | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Everything you need to know about the water buyback scandal | Crikey (Apr '19)
Angus Taylor v Clover Moore: WhatsApp messages reveal panic as minister's staff realised figures were wrong | The Guardian (Oct '20)
AFP’s failure to investigate Angus Taylor has corrosive consequences for our democracy | The Guardian (Feb '20)
PM stands by Angus Taylor despite NSW police investigation into doctored document | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Why Angus Taylor's statement on the council documents doesn't clear up anything | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Mystery of the doctored documents: Angus Taylor and the climate attack on Sydney's lord mayor | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Everything you need to know about the water buyback scandal | Crikey (Apr '19)
Coalition trying to stop auditor general giving evidence on report critical of arms deal | The Guardian
(Jul '20)
'Blanket secrecy' surrounds Australian weapons sales to countries accused of war crimes | The Guardian (Jan '20)
'Blanket secrecy' surrounds Australian weapons sales to countries accused of war crimes | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Minister described $30m western Sydney airport land purchase as 'perfectly sensible' | Coalition | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
'Senator, I agree': $30m Western Sydney airport land deal 'looks like' a cover-up, says infrastructure chief | The Guardian (Oct '20)
'Senator, I agree': $30m Western Sydney airport land deal 'looks like' a cover-up, says infrastructure chief | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Karen Synon: from Frydenberg campaign to top AAT job | Crikey
(Feb ’21)
Exception or the rule? When corruption becomes commonplace | ABC (Nov '20)
A new era of bigger government means bigger corruption and bigger rorts | Crikey (Oct '20)
Democracy, corruption and the erosion of political trust | ABC (Feb '20)
Who’s-in-the-room: Access and influence in Australian Politics |Grattan Institute (Oct ’18)
Exception or the rule? When corruption becomes commonplace | ABC (Nov '20)
A new era of bigger government means bigger corruption and bigger rorts | Crikey (Oct '20)
Democracy, corruption and the erosion of political trust | ABC (Feb '20)
Who’s-in-the-room: Access and influence in Australian Politics |Grattan Institute (Oct ’18)
A culture of corruption is engulfing the Morrison government - Pearls and Irritations
(Apr ’21)
Scott Morrison will leave a legacy of pork-barrelling without consequence | The New Daily (Feb ’21)
Mates first policy: Scott Morrison’s No. 1 value is seeing the country rot from the head down | MSN (Oct '20)
Health official ignored warning about Bridget McKenzie's authority to give sports grants | The Guardian (Sep '20)
A government reeking of corruption hits the panic button. | Aus Independent Media (Mar '20)
Liberal Party figure admits Chinese-language federal election signs were meant to look like AEC material | ABC (May '19)
Labor refers Tim Wilson to police over claims he shared voter details with fund manager | The Age (Feb '19)
Scott Morrison will leave a legacy of pork-barrelling without consequence | The New Daily (Feb ’21)
Mates first policy: Scott Morrison’s No. 1 value is seeing the country rot from the head down | MSN (Oct '20)
Health official ignored warning about Bridget McKenzie's authority to give sports grants | The Guardian (Sep '20)
A government reeking of corruption hits the panic button. | Aus Independent Media (Mar '20)
Liberal Party figure admits Chinese-language federal election signs were meant to look like AEC material | ABC (May '19)
Labor refers Tim Wilson to police over claims he shared voter details with fund manager | The Age (Feb '19)
‘Enormous sum of money’: $40m windfall from NSW environmental offsets sparks calls for inquiry | Environment | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
'The big guys get whatever they want': Western Sydney airport, wealthy landowners and the Coalition | The Guardian (Oct '20)
'The big guys get whatever they want': Western Sydney airport, wealthy landowners and the Coalition | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Rising secrecy across Australia allows corruption to thrive | Crikey
(Mar '21)
Money for influence: the core transaction at the heart of Australian politics | Crikey (Mar '21)
Corruption is pervasive in Australia — it's time to stop the rot | Crikey (Mar '21)
Money for influence: the core transaction at the heart of Australian politics | Crikey (Mar '21)
Corruption is pervasive in Australia — it's time to stop the rot | Crikey (Mar '21)
$13m mistake: valuer says $80m water buyback price was not in line with its advice | Australian politics | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Australian Border Force corruption investigation ensures after millions paid to Austal | SMH (Oct '20)
$1.1m of public money used to fund Liberal-linked market research sent to PM’s office | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Senate to probe Great Barrier Reef grant of $444m to small charity | The Guardian (Jun '18)
Australian Border Force corruption investigation ensures after millions paid to Austal | SMH (Oct '20)
$1.1m of public money used to fund Liberal-linked market research sent to PM’s office | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Senate to probe Great Barrier Reef grant of $444m to small charity | The Guardian (Jun '18)
Coalition's proposed anti-corruption body flawed and weak, police veteran warns
| The Guardian
(Apr '20)
Coalition's plan for anti-corruption body a 'sham' set up to protect MPs, former judge says | The Conversation (Jan '19)
Inland Rail corrupt? An independent ICAC could investigate but can an Integrity Commission? | Michael West (Dec '18)
Coalition's plan for anti-corruption body a 'sham' set up to protect MPs, former judge says | The Conversation (Jan '19)
Inland Rail corrupt? An independent ICAC could investigate but can an Integrity Commission? | Michael West (Dec '18)
Karen Synon: from Frydenberg campaign to top AAT job | Crikey
(Feb ’21)
Federal Labor attacks government for awarding PR contracts to firm with Liberal links | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Anthony Pratt's Visy wins $10m from Australia's bushfire recovery fund | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Mining giant given millions in grant by Coalition from fund for Indigenous disadvantage | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Urannah scheme: how money for a Queensland dam project flowed to LNP-linked firm | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Shine Energy invited to apply for power station grant two days after securing it | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Morrison defied Treasury's advice to reject help for Liberal donor's power company | The Guardian (May '19)
the Coalition 'stacking' tribunals with ideological friends |New Daily (Jan '19)
Coalition stacking Fair Work Commission with mates, Labor says | Industrial relations | The Guardian (Dec '18)
Federal Labor attacks government for awarding PR contracts to firm with Liberal links | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Anthony Pratt's Visy wins $10m from Australia's bushfire recovery fund | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Mining giant given millions in grant by Coalition from fund for Indigenous disadvantage | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Urannah scheme: how money for a Queensland dam project flowed to LNP-linked firm | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Shine Energy invited to apply for power station grant two days after securing it | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Morrison defied Treasury's advice to reject help for Liberal donor's power company | The Guardian (May '19)
the Coalition 'stacking' tribunals with ideological friends |New Daily (Jan '19)
Coalition stacking Fair Work Commission with mates, Labor says | Industrial relations | The Guardian (Dec '18)
How Christian Porter blitzed the AAT's robodebt division | Crikey
(Feb '21)
Christian Porter: abuses of process be damned, mates trump merit | Crikey (Feb '21)
Christian Porter: abuses of process be damned, mates trump merit | Crikey (Feb '21)
Louise Waterhouse met with top officials and Angus Taylor over land near Western Sydney airport
| The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Labor to push for inquiry into 'shocking' Western Sydney airport land deal | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Unredacted Documents Prove Commonwealth Paid Too Much for ‘Watergate’ | TAI (Aug '20)
Government rejected several offers on water rights before reaching $80m deal | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Government to spend millions buying water from company it already paid $80m | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Labor to push for inquiry into 'shocking' Western Sydney airport land deal | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Unredacted Documents Prove Commonwealth Paid Too Much for ‘Watergate’ | TAI (Aug '20)
Government rejected several offers on water rights before reaching $80m deal | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Government to spend millions buying water from company it already paid $80m | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Barnaby Joyce signed off $80m for Angus Taylor’s old company after zero was paid for same sort of water nearby
| Michael West
(Aug '20)
Barnaby's Boondoggle: documents reveal $80m price for 'Watergate' licences was nearly twice valuation | Michael West (Aug '20)
Barnaby's Boondoggle: documents reveal $80m price for 'Watergate' licences was nearly twice valuation | Michael West (Aug '20)
Smug silence and dogged stonewalling: the Morrison government really doesn't like being accountable | Australian politics | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
Peter Dutton slashed funding for highly regarded community safety projects. Then he selected his own list to fund - ABC News (Feb '21)
Under COVID cover : Ministers in the Morrison government can get away with anything | The Monthly (Dec '20)
Why can politicians so easily dodge accountability for their mistakes? The troubling answer: because they can | The Conversation (Dec ’20)
Robo-debt: a government-sanctioned debt sentence | The Saturday Paper (Nov ’20)
The ABC reveals Canberra’s sordid side — and it’s definitely in the public interest | Crikey (Nov ’20)
Morrison government’s Covid-19 aged care preparation ‘insufficient’, royal commission finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian ministers increasingly bypassing parliament to create laws, study finds | The Guardian (Sep '20)
When will politicians demonstrate the accountability they foist on the rest of us? | Michael West (Aug ’20)
Morrison broadens membership of Covid-19 commission but says advice to remain off-limits to public | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Federal officials shielded from Ruby Princess inquiry (Aug '20)
‘A mockery’: Great Barrier Reef Foundation raises just $21m of $357m target | The Guardian (Jul ‘20)
'Incompetence attack': MyGov website did not crash because of DDoS cyber attack, as Stuart Robert claimed | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Peter Dutton slashed funding for highly regarded community safety projects. Then he selected his own list to fund - ABC News (Feb '21)
Under COVID cover : Ministers in the Morrison government can get away with anything | The Monthly (Dec '20)
Why can politicians so easily dodge accountability for their mistakes? The troubling answer: because they can | The Conversation (Dec ’20)
Robo-debt: a government-sanctioned debt sentence | The Saturday Paper (Nov ’20)
The ABC reveals Canberra’s sordid side — and it’s definitely in the public interest | Crikey (Nov ’20)
Morrison government’s Covid-19 aged care preparation ‘insufficient’, royal commission finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian ministers increasingly bypassing parliament to create laws, study finds | The Guardian (Sep '20)
When will politicians demonstrate the accountability they foist on the rest of us? | Michael West (Aug ’20)
Morrison broadens membership of Covid-19 commission but says advice to remain off-limits to public | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Federal officials shielded from Ruby Princess inquiry (Aug '20)
‘A mockery’: Great Barrier Reef Foundation raises just $21m of $357m target | The Guardian (Jul ‘20)
'Incompetence attack': MyGov website did not crash because of DDoS cyber attack, as Stuart Robert claimed | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Christian Porter responsible for serial breaches of the law, now cries “rule of law” | Pearls and Irritations
(Mar ’21)
Christian Porter and the hypocrisy of the 'rule of law' crowd | Crikey (Mar ’21)
How Christian Porter blitzed the AAT's robodebt division | Crikey (Feb ’21)
Porter shredded the rule of law. He shouldn't hide behind what's left of it | Crikey (Mar ’21)
What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
Christian Porter has shown himself unfit to be federal Attorney–General | John Menadue (Oct '20)
Attorney General Christian Porter breaches law over three years, claims it was a mistake | Michael West (Aug ’20)
Christian Porter and the hypocrisy of the 'rule of law' crowd | Crikey (Mar ’21)
How Christian Porter blitzed the AAT's robodebt division | Crikey (Feb ’21)
Porter shredded the rule of law. He shouldn't hide behind what's left of it | Crikey (Mar ’21)
What’s in the ‘public interest’? Why the ABC is right to cover allegations of inappropriate ministerial conduct | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
Christian Porter has shown himself unfit to be federal Attorney–General | John Menadue (Oct '20)
Attorney General Christian Porter breaches law over three years, claims it was a mistake | Michael West (Aug ’20)
Paul Bongiorno: Dissembling and hypocrisy serves the nation poorly | The New Daily
(Apr '21)
Scott Morrison will leave a legacy of pork-barrelling without consequence | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Coalition's brazen 'within the rules' defence doesn't pass the pub test | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '21)
George Brandis flies home from UK for holiday while thousands of Australians remain stuck overseas | George Brandis | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Andrew Bragg is the great hypocrite of superannuation — and that’s saying something | Crikey (Dec '20)
PM must sack Michael Sukkar over Liberal party branch-stacking allegations, Labor says | Australian politics | The Guardian (Aug '20)
ScoMo Has Been Called Out For Hypocrisy, Again, This Time Over The Branch Stacking Scandal | Junkee (Aug '20)
Scott Morrison will leave a legacy of pork-barrelling without consequence | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Coalition's brazen 'within the rules' defence doesn't pass the pub test | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '21)
George Brandis flies home from UK for holiday while thousands of Australians remain stuck overseas | George Brandis | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Andrew Bragg is the great hypocrite of superannuation — and that’s saying something | Crikey (Dec '20)
PM must sack Michael Sukkar over Liberal party branch-stacking allegations, Labor says | Australian politics | The Guardian (Aug '20)
ScoMo Has Been Called Out For Hypocrisy, Again, This Time Over The Branch Stacking Scandal | Junkee (Aug '20)
McKinsey and the NDIA | The Saturday Paper
(May '21)
Michael Pascoe: The ‘expert’ consultants racket – opinions for sale | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Explosion in $79k contracts that don't need to go out to tender - Michael West (Apr '21)
Jobactive virus kickbacks top $500 million | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
‘Unprecedented’ $400k grant given to aged-care home operator in Nationals electorate | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Michael Pascoe: The ‘expert’ consultants racket – opinions for sale | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Explosion in $79k contracts that don't need to go out to tender - Michael West (Apr '21)
Jobactive virus kickbacks top $500 million | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
‘Unprecedented’ $400k grant given to aged-care home operator in Nationals electorate | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie directed to appear before sports rorts Senate inquiry | The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Millions more for sports grants hidden in budget | The Saturday Paper (Nov '20)
Bridget McKenzie was told to seek Scott Morrison's 'authority' for sports grants program | The Guardian (May '20)
Sport Australia defies Senate on questions over sports rorts grants | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Coalition approved at least six grants without an application form, documents reveal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices exchanged 136 emails about sports grants program | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Millions more for sports grants hidden in budget | The Saturday Paper (Nov '20)
Bridget McKenzie was told to seek Scott Morrison's 'authority' for sports grants program | The Guardian (May '20)
Sport Australia defies Senate on questions over sports rorts grants | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Coalition approved at least six grants without an application form, documents reveal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices exchanged 136 emails about sports grants program | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Sports rorts: Coalition approved at least six grants without an application form, documents reveal | The Guardian
(Jul '20)
Failing the pub test: how can Australian voters call time on MPs' expense claims? | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Michael McCormack and wife billed taxpayers for Melbourne Cup flights | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Bridget McKenzie was told to seek Scott Morrison's 'authority' for sports grants program (may '20)
Sport Australia warned Bridget McKenzie over sports grants decisions, emails reveal (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: football body in marginal seat awarded $500k on top of $800k from state (Mar '20)
Bridget McKenzie warned by legal expert 'ignorance of the law is no excuse' (Mar ’20)
Covid-19 is pushing sports rorts from the news. But at least one potential crime must be investigated – Tony Harris (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet (Mar ’20)
Bridget McKenzie could be personally liable over sports grants, expert tells Senate hearing (Mar ’20)
Sport Australia defies Senate on questions over sports rorts grants (Mar ’20)
Sports rorts changes everything. It's time for a federal Icac (Mar '20)
Nigel Scullion approved $560m in grants in lead-up to election (Mar '20)
This Rorting Life … the Prime Minister is up to his neck in it (Mar '20)
Bridget McKenzie reignites sports rorts affair by denying late changes to grants (Mar '20)
NSW Nationals deputy Bronwyn Taylor notified instantly of $8m grant to husband's organisation (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: agency admits failing to tell Senate about second McKenzie email (Mar '20)
Scott Morrison has been caught out over sports rorts (Mar '20)
Senior public servant tells inquiry she destroyed sports grants meeting notes (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison maintains sports grants were decided before final emails to his office (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie gave Sport Australia final list of grant projects in caretaker period (Feb '20)
The PM is squarely in the frame over the sports rorts affair (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices exchanged 136 emails about sports grants program (Feb '20)
The sports rorts remind us politics is a 'game of mates'. We need an independent umpire (Feb '20)
The sports grants saga isn't going away, and it means Scott Morrison will need to change tack – David Speers (Feb '20)
‘Unprecedented’ $400k grant given to aged-care home operator in Nationals electorate (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie gave 'spare' $150,000 to shooting study rather than major games for intellectually impaired (Feb '20)
Audit Office says Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices shared partisan colour-coded spreadsheets (Feb '20)
Coalition dished out $636m in grants in six months before 2019 election (Feb '20)
Coalition pledged $4.5m for tidal pool despite opposition from local council (Feb '20)
Liberal MP linked $500,000 sports grant to 'great strategising' that led to victory (Feb '20)
If we move on from the sports grants now as the Coalition wants, we tolerate corruption – Tony Harris (Feb '20)
View from The Hill: We need to see Gaetjens’ report on McKenzie – not least for Gaetjens’ sake (Feb '20)
Coalition quietly spent another $150m sports grant fund during election campaign (Feb '20)
Hard evidence that Scott Morrison’s office was up to its collective neck in the rorting (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison wants the sports rorts mess to be over with McKenzie's exit. It won't be (Feb '20)
Ministers like Bridget McKenzie have no discretion to break the rules – Prof. Anne Twomey (Feb '20)
Don't hold your breath waiting for the truth on Bridget McKenzie's sports rort – Anne Davies (Feb '20)
Morrison's twisted logic on the sports rort is perfectly Trumpian – and no surprise (Feb '20)
Sports rorts: almost half the projects funded were ineligible, audit office says (Feb '20)
The sports rorts saga has become a political vulnerability that can't be explained away (Feb '20)
Government's sport grants leaked spreadsheet reveals more secrets about the scheme (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie's sport grant cash splash is a particularly brazen example of pork-barrelling – David Speers (Jan '20)
Bridget McKenzie's sports grants program may be unconstitutional, expert warns – Prof. Anne Twomey (Jan '20)
The ‘sports rorts’ affair shows the government misunderstands the role of the public service (Jan '20)
Sports rorts: attorney general defends ministers' powers while awaiting McKenzie review (Jan '20)
Sports grants: Coalition rejected 12 grant applications for female change rooms at local sport grounds (Jan '20)
Bridget McKenzie granted $500,000 to Coalition colleague's Northern Territory gun club (Jan '20)
Shameless – Scott Morrison defends the indefensible (Jan '20)
Sport Australia complained about political interference in the Government's sports grants program (Jan '20)
Sport Australia warned Bridget McKenzie's grants program compromised its independence (Jan '20)
Whistleblower in Bridget McKenzie’s office reveals grant fears were silenced Jan '20)
The PM’s upset election win looks very different now (Jan '20)
Bridget McKenzie’s office told ‘not appropriate’ to approve sports grants after applications closed (Jan '20)
We missed out on a sports grant for our club – now we know how unethical the process has been (Jan '20)
Grattan on Friday: Bridget McKenzie has made herself a sitting duck (Jan '20)
Mosman Rowing Club donates paddle to assist Bridget McKenzie escape shit creek (Jan '20) – The Chaser
Federal ICAC would investigate sports grants affair, former NSW auditor-general says (Jan '20)
'Sports rorts' grants explained: how we got here and why it all matters (Jan '20)
Sports grants: rugby club gets funding for female change rooms but has no women's team (Jan '20)
Audit office blasts roll-out of Coalition’s $200m regional jobs and investment program (Nov '19)
Deputy Nationals leader rejected more than 600 grants recommended by Sport Australia (Oct '19)
Election cash splash coming from government grants (May '19)
Failing the pub test: how can Australian voters call time on MPs' expense claims? | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Michael McCormack and wife billed taxpayers for Melbourne Cup flights | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Bridget McKenzie was told to seek Scott Morrison's 'authority' for sports grants program (may '20)
Sport Australia warned Bridget McKenzie over sports grants decisions, emails reveal (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: football body in marginal seat awarded $500k on top of $800k from state (Mar '20)
Bridget McKenzie warned by legal expert 'ignorance of the law is no excuse' (Mar ’20)
Covid-19 is pushing sports rorts from the news. But at least one potential crime must be investigated – Tony Harris (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: Scott Morrison sidesteps question about late changes to spreadsheet (Mar ’20)
Bridget McKenzie could be personally liable over sports grants, expert tells Senate hearing (Mar ’20)
Sport Australia defies Senate on questions over sports rorts grants (Mar ’20)
Sports rorts changes everything. It's time for a federal Icac (Mar '20)
Nigel Scullion approved $560m in grants in lead-up to election (Mar '20)
This Rorting Life … the Prime Minister is up to his neck in it (Mar '20)
Bridget McKenzie reignites sports rorts affair by denying late changes to grants (Mar '20)
NSW Nationals deputy Bronwyn Taylor notified instantly of $8m grant to husband's organisation (Mar '20)
Sports rorts: agency admits failing to tell Senate about second McKenzie email (Mar '20)
Scott Morrison has been caught out over sports rorts (Mar '20)
Senior public servant tells inquiry she destroyed sports grants meeting notes (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison maintains sports grants were decided before final emails to his office (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie gave Sport Australia final list of grant projects in caretaker period (Feb '20)
The PM is squarely in the frame over the sports rorts affair (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices exchanged 136 emails about sports grants program (Feb '20)
The sports rorts remind us politics is a 'game of mates'. We need an independent umpire (Feb '20)
The sports grants saga isn't going away, and it means Scott Morrison will need to change tack – David Speers (Feb '20)
‘Unprecedented’ $400k grant given to aged-care home operator in Nationals electorate (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie gave 'spare' $150,000 to shooting study rather than major games for intellectually impaired (Feb '20)
Audit Office says Scott Morrison and Bridget McKenzie's offices shared partisan colour-coded spreadsheets (Feb '20)
Coalition dished out $636m in grants in six months before 2019 election (Feb '20)
Coalition pledged $4.5m for tidal pool despite opposition from local council (Feb '20)
Liberal MP linked $500,000 sports grant to 'great strategising' that led to victory (Feb '20)
If we move on from the sports grants now as the Coalition wants, we tolerate corruption – Tony Harris (Feb '20)
View from The Hill: We need to see Gaetjens’ report on McKenzie – not least for Gaetjens’ sake (Feb '20)
Coalition quietly spent another $150m sports grant fund during election campaign (Feb '20)
Hard evidence that Scott Morrison’s office was up to its collective neck in the rorting (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison wants the sports rorts mess to be over with McKenzie's exit. It won't be (Feb '20)
Ministers like Bridget McKenzie have no discretion to break the rules – Prof. Anne Twomey (Feb '20)
Don't hold your breath waiting for the truth on Bridget McKenzie's sports rort – Anne Davies (Feb '20)
Morrison's twisted logic on the sports rort is perfectly Trumpian – and no surprise (Feb '20)
Sports rorts: almost half the projects funded were ineligible, audit office says (Feb '20)
The sports rorts saga has become a political vulnerability that can't be explained away (Feb '20)
Government's sport grants leaked spreadsheet reveals more secrets about the scheme (Feb '20)
Bridget McKenzie's sport grant cash splash is a particularly brazen example of pork-barrelling – David Speers (Jan '20)
Bridget McKenzie's sports grants program may be unconstitutional, expert warns – Prof. Anne Twomey (Jan '20)
The ‘sports rorts’ affair shows the government misunderstands the role of the public service (Jan '20)
Sports rorts: attorney general defends ministers' powers while awaiting McKenzie review (Jan '20)
Sports grants: Coalition rejected 12 grant applications for female change rooms at local sport grounds (Jan '20)
Bridget McKenzie granted $500,000 to Coalition colleague's Northern Territory gun club (Jan '20)
Shameless – Scott Morrison defends the indefensible (Jan '20)
Sport Australia complained about political interference in the Government's sports grants program (Jan '20)
Sport Australia warned Bridget McKenzie's grants program compromised its independence (Jan '20)
Whistleblower in Bridget McKenzie’s office reveals grant fears were silenced Jan '20)
The PM’s upset election win looks very different now (Jan '20)
Bridget McKenzie’s office told ‘not appropriate’ to approve sports grants after applications closed (Jan '20)
We missed out on a sports grant for our club – now we know how unethical the process has been (Jan '20)
Grattan on Friday: Bridget McKenzie has made herself a sitting duck (Jan '20)
Mosman Rowing Club donates paddle to assist Bridget McKenzie escape shit creek (Jan '20) – The Chaser
Federal ICAC would investigate sports grants affair, former NSW auditor-general says (Jan '20)
'Sports rorts' grants explained: how we got here and why it all matters (Jan '20)
Sports grants: rugby club gets funding for female change rooms but has no women's team (Jan '20)
Audit office blasts roll-out of Coalition’s $200m regional jobs and investment program (Nov '19)
Deputy Nationals leader rejected more than 600 grants recommended by Sport Australia (Oct '19)
Election cash splash coming from government grants (May '19)
Karen Synon: from Frydenberg campaign to top AAT job | Crikey
(Feb ’21)
Jobs for the mates hits a new low as Bruce Billson makes a comeback | Crikey (Feb ’21)
Federal Labor attacks government for awarding PR contracts to firm with Liberal links | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Former Coalition adviser wins $190,000 bushfire agency contract without full tender | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Inside Australia's Secret Rich List - Michael West (Dec '20)
Warren Mundine was not recommended for the SBS board, but the Coalition chose him anyway | The Guardian (Nov '20)
ABC’s Fake ‘Anonymous Youth Worker’ Promoted To High Commissioner To Ghana - New Matilda (Jun '20)
$1.1m of public money used to fund Liberal-linked market research sent to PM’s office | The Guardian (Oct '20)
ABC board: secret shortlist of candidates ignored in favour of mining executive | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | The Guardian (Aug '19)
In political advertising, the Liberals have always looked after their mates | Crikey (Aug '19)
Lobbyist who provided Morrison’s lump of coal joins PM's advisory team | Renew Economy (Jun '19)
Jobs for the mates hits a new low as Bruce Billson makes a comeback | Crikey (Feb ’21)
Federal Labor attacks government for awarding PR contracts to firm with Liberal links | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Former Coalition adviser wins $190,000 bushfire agency contract without full tender | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Inside Australia's Secret Rich List - Michael West (Dec '20)
Warren Mundine was not recommended for the SBS board, but the Coalition chose him anyway | The Guardian (Nov '20)
ABC’s Fake ‘Anonymous Youth Worker’ Promoted To High Commissioner To Ghana - New Matilda (Jun '20)
$1.1m of public money used to fund Liberal-linked market research sent to PM’s office | The Guardian (Oct '20)
ABC board: secret shortlist of candidates ignored in favour of mining executive | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | The Guardian (Aug '19)
In political advertising, the Liberals have always looked after their mates | Crikey (Aug '19)
Lobbyist who provided Morrison’s lump of coal joins PM's advisory team | Renew Economy (Jun '19)
Australian National Audit Office launches review into grant fund overseen by Peter Dutton - ABC News
(Apr '21)
Peter Dutton slashed funding for highly regarded community safety projects. Then he selected his own list to fund - ABC News (Feb '21)
Peter Dutton denies request to fast-track grant was influenced by LNP donation | Australian political donations | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Peter Dutton slashed funding for highly regarded community safety projects. Then he selected his own list to fund - ABC News (Feb '21)
Peter Dutton denies request to fast-track grant was influenced by LNP donation | Australian political donations | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Mining giants make fresh bid to explore for gas with licence that covers land owned by Barnaby Joyce | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Labor accuses Coalition of 'stacking' Administrative Appeals tribunal as member revealed to be working as lobbyist | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Crown chair Helen Coonan conflicted in role of ombudsman chair | JOHN MANADUE (Oct '20)
Investigation that cleared MP Michael Sukkar of wrongdoing was carried out by his old law firm | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘Culture of Cosiness’: colossal conflicts of interest in Defence spending blitz | Michael West (Oct ’20)
The ties that bind: just how much does the deputy PM know about a $2.4m grant? (Feb ’20)
Peter Dutton's lunch with Chinese Communist Party-linked billionaire Huang Xiangmo after visa denial (Apr ’19)
Fake Rolex excuse is worse than accepting bribes | AFR (Feb ’16)
Tony Abbott and other Liberals took Rolexes they thought were fake | The Guardian (Feb ’16)
Labor accuses Coalition of 'stacking' Administrative Appeals tribunal as member revealed to be working as lobbyist | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Crown chair Helen Coonan conflicted in role of ombudsman chair | JOHN MANADUE (Oct '20)
Investigation that cleared MP Michael Sukkar of wrongdoing was carried out by his old law firm | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘Culture of Cosiness’: colossal conflicts of interest in Defence spending blitz | Michael West (Oct ’20)
The ties that bind: just how much does the deputy PM know about a $2.4m grant? (Feb ’20)
Peter Dutton's lunch with Chinese Communist Party-linked billionaire Huang Xiangmo after visa denial (Apr ’19)
Fake Rolex excuse is worse than accepting bribes | AFR (Feb ’16)
Tony Abbott and other Liberals took Rolexes they thought were fake | The Guardian (Feb ’16)
Covid Commission ignores conflict of interest issues of pro-gas taskforce | Renew Economy
… Renew Economy
(Jun '20)
Covid-19 commission grants communications contract to firm headed by ex-Liberal staffers | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Covid-19 commission grants communications contract to firm headed by ex-Liberal staffers | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Former Defence Minister Pyne hosts invite-only drinks with weapons firm at Parliament House | Jordon Steele-John
(Mar ’21)
Christopher Pyne's firm hired by defence contractor awarded $98m in government work while he was minister | Christopher Pyne | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Firm advised by Christopher Pyne wins federal government grants worth almost $7m | Christopher Pyne | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Christopher Pyne formally warned he is banned from lobbying for defence contractor | Australia news | The Guardian (Jan ’20)
Christopher Pyne's firm hired by defence contractor awarded $98m in government work while he was minister | Christopher Pyne | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Firm advised by Christopher Pyne wins federal government grants worth almost $7m | Christopher Pyne | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Christopher Pyne formally warned he is banned from lobbying for defence contractor | Australia news | The Guardian (Jan ’20)
Josh Frydenberg appoints Liberal party staffer Peter Crone to ACCC | The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Developer lobbied Frydenberg to de-list area of wetland for Queensland's Toondah Harbour complex | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Josh Frydenberg was 'keen' to accommodate Angus Taylor's grassland requests, documents suggest | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
Developer lobbied Frydenberg to de-list area of wetland for Queensland's Toondah Harbour complex | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Josh Frydenberg was 'keen' to accommodate Angus Taylor's grassland requests, documents suggest | The Guardian (Dec ’19)
Louise Waterhouse met with top officials and Angus Taylor over land near Western Sydney airport | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Angus Taylor met with environment department even as it investigated company he part-owns | The Guardian (Jun ’19)
Angus Taylor met with environment department even as it investigated company he part-owns | The Guardian (Jun ’19)
Close to the wind: the trials of Liberal Money-Man Stuart Robert | Michael West
(Oct ’18)
Stuart Robert silent on visa application for China trip | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb ’16)
Will heads roll? Ministerial standards and Stuart Robert | The Conversation (Feb '16)
Stuart Robert loses job as minister after China trip furore | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '16)
Stuart Robert silent on visa application for China trip | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb ’16)
Will heads roll? Ministerial standards and Stuart Robert | The Conversation (Feb '16)
Stuart Robert loses job as minister after China trip furore | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '16)
‘Clear conflict of interest’: Superannuation boss demands scrutiny of Tim Wilson’s use of economics committee | SMH
(Nov '20)
Tim Wilson helped IPA and solicited Liberal party endorsement while in human rights position | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Tim Wilson helped IPA and solicited Liberal party endorsement while in human rights position | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Why is the Morrison government so bad at getting things done? |Crikey
(Apr '21)
Extinction Rebellion has much to learn from Angus Taylor, Australia's "worst" minister | RenewEconomy (Jan '21)
Waning Trust: The Morrison government lurches from scandal to incompetence | The Monthly (Nov '20)
Anatomy of a coronavirus disaster: how 2,700 people were let off the Ruby Princess cruise ship by mistake | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Government paid 10 times too much for land at Western Sydney airport to be used after 2050 | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Backflip to the home: NBN to upgrade FttN areas with fibre | ZNet (Sep '20)
Morrison’s muppet show — a galaxy of grubs, duds and also-rans | Crikey (Aug '20)
Scott Morrison defends aged care minister who didn't know number of Covid deaths | Aged care (Australia) | The Guardian (Aug '20)
The people of Australia are a DDoS machine that the government cannot handle | ZDNet (Mar '20)
From robodebt to racism: what can go wrong when governments let algorithms make the decisions | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Extinction Rebellion has much to learn from Angus Taylor, Australia's "worst" minister | RenewEconomy (Jan '21)
Waning Trust: The Morrison government lurches from scandal to incompetence | The Monthly (Nov '20)
Anatomy of a coronavirus disaster: how 2,700 people were let off the Ruby Princess cruise ship by mistake | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Government paid 10 times too much for land at Western Sydney airport to be used after 2050 | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Backflip to the home: NBN to upgrade FttN areas with fibre | ZNet (Sep '20)
Morrison’s muppet show — a galaxy of grubs, duds and also-rans | Crikey (Aug '20)
Scott Morrison defends aged care minister who didn't know number of Covid deaths | Aged care (Australia) | The Guardian (Aug '20)
The people of Australia are a DDoS machine that the government cannot handle | ZDNet (Mar '20)
From robodebt to racism: what can go wrong when governments let algorithms make the decisions | The Conversation (Jun '20)
'Incompetence attack': MyGov website did not crash because of DDoS cyber attack, as Stuart Robert claimed | The Guardian (May '20)
Stuart Robert’s incompetence on MyGov should accelerate his own social isolation | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Stuart Robert’s incompetence on MyGov should accelerate his own social isolation | The Guardian (Mar '20)
‘Urgent’ extension to disability inquiry 'ignored' by Morrison and Porter for four months | Disability royal commission | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Christian Porter's new appointment: minister for lame ducks? | Crikey (Apr '21)
Christian Porter's new appointment: minister for lame ducks? | Crikey (Apr '21)
We put forward a way to govern ASIC better. The government said no | The Conversation
(Oct '20)
As the government drags its heels, a better model for a federal integrity commission has emerged | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison’s excuses for failing to establish a federal integrity commission don't hold water | The Guardian (Oct’20)
Timeline: Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog Overdue (Oct '20)
Budget should reverse 'brazen’ Coalition cuts to transparency bodies that hold government to account | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Why the federal government’s new integrity commission isn’t up to the job | The Conversation (Feb '19)
Government’s Commonwealth Integrity Commission will not stamp out public sector corruption — here’s why | The Conversation (Feb '19)
As the government drags its heels, a better model for a federal integrity commission has emerged | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison’s excuses for failing to establish a federal integrity commission don't hold water | The Guardian (Oct’20)
Timeline: Federal Anti-Corruption Watchdog Overdue (Oct '20)
Budget should reverse 'brazen’ Coalition cuts to transparency bodies that hold government to account | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Why the federal government’s new integrity commission isn’t up to the job | The Conversation (Feb '19)
Government’s Commonwealth Integrity Commission will not stamp out public sector corruption — here’s why | The Conversation (Feb '19)
Coalition accused of trying to avoid scrutiny after audit office budget cut | Australian budget 2020 | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
'Senator, I agree': $30m Western Sydney airport land deal 'looks like' a cover-up, says infrastructure chief | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Auditor-general takes PM&C to task | The Saturday Paper (Oct '20)
Coalition MPs urge Scott Morrison to restore funding to auditor general | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Agency that uncovered sports rorts will be forced to cut back on audits without budget rescue | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Coalition trying to stop auditor general giving evidence on report critical of arms deal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Murray-Darling Basin water buyback program flaws highlighted in Auditor-General's report | ABC (Jul '20)
Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Morrison government has failed in its duty to protect environment, auditor general finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Coalition gave out $100m in pre-election grants favouring targeted seats, audit office says | The Guardian (Jan '20)
'Senator, I agree': $30m Western Sydney airport land deal 'looks like' a cover-up, says infrastructure chief | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Auditor-general takes PM&C to task | The Saturday Paper (Oct '20)
Coalition MPs urge Scott Morrison to restore funding to auditor general | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Agency that uncovered sports rorts will be forced to cut back on audits without budget rescue | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Coalition trying to stop auditor general giving evidence on report critical of arms deal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Murray-Darling Basin water buyback program flaws highlighted in Auditor-General's report | ABC (Jul '20)
Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Morrison government has failed in its duty to protect environment, auditor general finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Coalition gave out $100m in pre-election grants favouring targeted seats, audit office says | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Foreign Policy & Defence
Australia's rejection of International Criminal Court decision on Palestine - Pearls and Irritations
(May '21)
Australia must change its mindset, especially on international affairs - Pearls and Irritations (Apr '21)
Without leadership, Australia is vulnerable to foreign powers including the US - Pearls and Irritations (Mar '21)
Australia’s plans for a $2 billion airstrip in the Antarctic is environmental vandalism | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)
Changing the culture of our SAS forces is no easy fix. Instead, we need to face the true costs of war | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Asylum or economic opportunity? The mixed messages in Australia’s new Hong Kong visa options | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Fast moves in India-Australia relations risk pushing millions more into modern slavery | The Conversation (May '20)
Australian government tells ICC it should not investigate alleged war crimes in Palestine | The Guardian (May '20)
‘Delicate moment’: was Scott Morrison’s Lowy speech a pivot towards Trumpism? | Australian politics | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Australia must change its mindset, especially on international affairs - Pearls and Irritations (Apr '21)
Without leadership, Australia is vulnerable to foreign powers including the US - Pearls and Irritations (Mar '21)
Australia’s plans for a $2 billion airstrip in the Antarctic is environmental vandalism | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)
Changing the culture of our SAS forces is no easy fix. Instead, we need to face the true costs of war | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Asylum or economic opportunity? The mixed messages in Australia’s new Hong Kong visa options | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Fast moves in India-Australia relations risk pushing millions more into modern slavery | The Conversation (May '20)
Australian government tells ICC it should not investigate alleged war crimes in Palestine | The Guardian (May '20)
‘Delicate moment’: was Scott Morrison’s Lowy speech a pivot towards Trumpism? | Australian politics | The Guardian (Oct '19)
We have already ceded our sovereignty, not to China but to America for no good reason. | Pearls and Irritations
(Mar '21)
‘Breathtaking’: what Joe Biden’s sweeping climate plan means for Scott Morrison | Environment | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Five questions for Joe Biden's biographer a week into the US President's first term - ABC News (Jan '21)
‘Breathtaking’: what Joe Biden’s sweeping climate plan means for Scott Morrison | Environment | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Five questions for Joe Biden's biographer a week into the US President's first term - ABC News (Jan '21)
Press reset: can the Morrison government rebuild bridges with China – or is it too late? | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian
(Jan '21)
Australia-China ties are at their lowest point in history, former ambassador says | ABC (Nov '20)
The Australian Government is pursuing economic suicide | John Menadue (Sep '20)
Asylum or economic opportunity? The mixed messages in Australia’s new Hong Kong visa options | The Conversation (Jul '20)
MICHAEL McKINLEY. Australia’s China policy: who rules, who governs and the SAS connection | John Menadue (Jun '18)
Who is in charge of Australia’s relations with China? The Australian Prime Minister or ASIO? | John Menadue (May '18)
Australia-China ties are at their lowest point in history, former ambassador says | ABC (Nov '20)
The Australian Government is pursuing economic suicide | John Menadue (Sep '20)
Asylum or economic opportunity? The mixed messages in Australia’s new Hong Kong visa options | The Conversation (Jul '20)
MICHAEL McKINLEY. Australia’s China policy: who rules, who governs and the SAS connection | John Menadue (Jun '18)
Who is in charge of Australia’s relations with China? The Australian Prime Minister or ASIO? | John Menadue (May '18)
How Australia sabotaged its own interests in relations with China. | Pearls and Irritations
(Mar '21)
In hunting for Chinese spies we hang on for dear life to Anglo-Saxon allies | John Menadue (Dec '20)
Does Australia really have to be so strident when it comes to China? | The Guardian (Nov '20)
How a 'vast ocean of goodwill' between China and Australia turned sour | CNN (Nov '20)
In hunting for Chinese spies we hang on for dear life to Anglo-Saxon allies | John Menadue (Dec '20)
Does Australia really have to be so strident when it comes to China? | The Guardian (Nov '20)
How a 'vast ocean of goodwill' between China and Australia turned sour | CNN (Nov '20)
Australia is at a dead end with China. There's only one kind of fix. | Crikey
(Apr '21)
Australia can repair its relationship with China, here are 3 ways to start | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Australia has dug itself into a hole in its relationship with China. It’s time to find a way out | The Conversation (May '20)
Australia can repair its relationship with China, here are 3 ways to start | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Australia has dug itself into a hole in its relationship with China. It’s time to find a way out | The Conversation (May '20)
J'Accuse! Peddling government propaganda, media over-hypes "drums of war" with China - Michael West
(May '21)
Where are the grown-ups? The talk about China and war is dangerous - Pearls and Irritations (May '21)
China does not want war, at least not yet. It's playing the long game | The Conversation (May '21)
Stoking fears of war could serve China’s goals. Australian policy needs rethinking | Natasha Kassam and Mark Harrison | The Guardian (May '21)
Where are the grown-ups? The talk about China and war is dangerous - Pearls and Irritations (May '21)
China does not want war, at least not yet. It's playing the long game | The Conversation (May '21)
Stoking fears of war could serve China’s goals. Australian policy needs rethinking | Natasha Kassam and Mark Harrison | The Guardian (May '21)
China Targets Some Australian LNG Cargoes as Trade Spat Widens - Bloomberg
(May '21)
Why Australia Must Take a Chance and Engage in Trade Diplomacy with China | The National Interest (Feb '21)
Australia has a great chance to engage in trade diplomacy with China, and it must take it | The Conversation (Feb '21)
Chinese investment in Australia plunged by 61% last year, new data shows | Foreign investment | The Guardian (Feb '21)
More than 50 Australian coal ships remain stranded off China's coast despite power blackouts | The Guardian (Dec '20)
China losing interest in Australian coal isn't about diplomacy – it's simply market dynamics | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The World’s Most China-Reliant Economy Reels From Virus Shockwaves | Bloomberg (Feb '20)
Why Australia Must Take a Chance and Engage in Trade Diplomacy with China | The National Interest (Feb '21)
Australia has a great chance to engage in trade diplomacy with China, and it must take it | The Conversation (Feb '21)
Chinese investment in Australia plunged by 61% last year, new data shows | Foreign investment | The Guardian (Feb '21)
More than 50 Australian coal ships remain stranded off China's coast despite power blackouts | The Guardian (Dec '20)
China losing interest in Australian coal isn't about diplomacy – it's simply market dynamics | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The World’s Most China-Reliant Economy Reels From Virus Shockwaves | Bloomberg (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison handled coronavirus by going against his political instincts. He could do the same with China
(Dec '20)
Refugee-torturing Climate Criminal Says China Should Be Totally Ashamed Of Its Memes | Situation Theatre (Dec '20)
Morrison could muzzle his China hawks – but he wants to be all things to all people | The Guardian (May '20)
Australia PM Morrison's call for coronavirus inquiry may harm long-term China trade, say business leaders | Straits Times (May '20)
Morrison pushes for global review into handling of COVID-19 | SMH (Apr '20)
Refugee-torturing Climate Criminal Says China Should Be Totally Ashamed Of Its Memes | Situation Theatre (Dec '20)
Morrison could muzzle his China hawks – but he wants to be all things to all people | The Guardian (May '20)
Australia PM Morrison's call for coronavirus inquiry may harm long-term China trade, say business leaders | Straits Times (May '20)
Morrison pushes for global review into handling of COVID-19 | SMH (Apr '20)
Scott Morrison denies his ‘one country two systems’ reference to Taiwan and China was an error | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian
(May '21)
Scott Morrison draws fire for 'One Country Two Systems' comment in relation to China and Taiwan - ABC News (May '21)
Scott Morrison demands apology from China over 'repugnant' tweet showing Australian soldier threatening to kill child - Politics - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (Nov '20)
Scott Morrison draws fire for 'One Country Two Systems' comment in relation to China and Taiwan - ABC News (May '21)
Scott Morrison demands apology from China over 'repugnant' tweet showing Australian soldier threatening to kill child - Politics - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (Nov '20)
China retaliates: suspending its Strategic Economic Dialogue with Australia is symbolic, but still a big deal | The Conversation
(May '21)
China dials up pressure on Australia as outrage brews over 'repugnant' fake war crimes photo (Nov '20)
Morrison blame game taking China-Australia ties into abyss - Global Times (Nov '20)
Grattan on Friday: China plays reverse ‘poke the bear’ | The Conversation (Nov '20)
What is China's endgame? That's the question Australia has no answer to | The Guardian (Nov '20)
‘The rot goes right up to Beijing’: Why detained professor Xu Zhangrun is such a threat to China’s leadership | The Conversation (Jul '20)
China's coercive behaviour a 'wake-up call', Australia's former top public servant says | The Guardian (May '20)
China has a new way to exert political pressure: weaponising its courts against foreigners | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Behind China’s newly aggressive diplomacy: ‘wolf warriors’ ready to fight back | The Conversation (May '20)
China dials up pressure on Australia as outrage brews over 'repugnant' fake war crimes photo (Nov '20)
Morrison blame game taking China-Australia ties into abyss - Global Times (Nov '20)
Grattan on Friday: China plays reverse ‘poke the bear’ | The Conversation (Nov '20)
What is China's endgame? That's the question Australia has no answer to | The Guardian (Nov '20)
‘The rot goes right up to Beijing’: Why detained professor Xu Zhangrun is such a threat to China’s leadership | The Conversation (Jul '20)
China's coercive behaviour a 'wake-up call', Australia's former top public servant says | The Guardian (May '20)
China has a new way to exert political pressure: weaponising its courts against foreigners | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Behind China’s newly aggressive diplomacy: ‘wolf warriors’ ready to fight back | The Conversation (May '20)
Australia to spend $270b building larger military to prepare for 'poorer, more dangerous' world
(Jun '20)
French submarine program 'dangerously off track' warns report urging Australia to consider nuclear alternative | ABC (Mar '20)
French submarine program 'dangerously off track' warns report urging Australia to consider nuclear alternative | ABC (Mar '20)
Coalition trying to stop auditor general giving evidence on report critical of arms deal | The Guardian (Jul '20)
'Blanket secrecy' surrounds Australian weapons sales to countries accused of war crimes | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Saudi Arabia is confident it can buy out the West, and Australia is happy to oblige | The Monthly (Mar '19)
Out of this war, ready for the next? - Pearls and Irritations (Apr '21)
'Blanket secrecy' surrounds Australian weapons sales to countries accused of war crimes | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Saudi Arabia is confident it can buy out the West, and Australia is happy to oblige | The Monthly (Mar '19)
Out of this war, ready for the next? - Pearls and Irritations (Apr '21)
Anzac and Australasia: war and democracy in our national museums - Pearls and Irritations
(Apr '21)
Memorial Rorts: how the Australian War Memorial expansion was rammed through despite public opposition - Michael West (Mar '21)
Australia’s haunted house | The Monthly (Feb '21)
Australia's war memorial provides worthless 'hot takes' of our Afghan war – a true history must now be written | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australian War Memorial: from keeper of the flame to hider of shame? | Michael West (Sep '20)
Experts deride 'snake oil' mental health claims for $498m Australian War Memorial expansion | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Memorial Rorts: how the Australian War Memorial expansion was rammed through despite public opposition - Michael West (Mar '21)
Australia’s haunted house | The Monthly (Feb '21)
Australia's war memorial provides worthless 'hot takes' of our Afghan war – a true history must now be written | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australian War Memorial: from keeper of the flame to hider of shame? | Michael West (Sep '20)
Experts deride 'snake oil' mental health claims for $498m Australian War Memorial expansion | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Reinventing ANZAC Day away from its imperial origins - Pearls and Irritations
(Apr '21)
The Anzac who spoke truth to power and called for an end to the war | Anzac Day | The Guardian (Apr '21)
It's high time to question Australia's culture of military hero-worship | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The Anzac who spoke truth to power and called for an end to the war | Anzac Day | The Guardian (Apr '21)
It's high time to question Australia's culture of military hero-worship | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Ben Roberts-Smith buried alleged SAS war crime evidence on USB in Sunshine Coast backyard
| The Age
(Apr '21)
Photo reveals Australian soldier drinking beer out of dead Taliban fighter's prosthetic leg | The Guardian (Dec '20)
What war crimes did Australian soldiers commit in Afghanistan and will anyone go to jail? - ABC News (Nov '20)
Australian special forces involved in murder of 39 Afghan civilians, war crimes report alleges | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The reputation of Australia’s special forces is beyond repair — it’s time for them to be disbanded | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Photo reveals Australian soldier drinking beer out of dead Taliban fighter's prosthetic leg | The Guardian (Dec '20)
What war crimes did Australian soldiers commit in Afghanistan and will anyone go to jail? - ABC News (Nov '20)
Australian special forces involved in murder of 39 Afghan civilians, war crimes report alleges | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The reputation of Australia’s special forces is beyond repair — it’s time for them to be disbanded | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Australian special forces soldiers incensed at war crimes inquiry clearing commanders of blame
| The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Allegations of murder and ‘blooding’ in Brereton report now face many obstacles to prosecution | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Brereton war crimes report fallout: what now for Australia's elite special forces? | The Guardian (Nov '20)
We knew the war crimes inquiry would be bad – but this is gut-wrenching and nauseating | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The Brereton Report: the failure of political and military leadership | John Menadue (Nov '20)
Allegations of murder and ‘blooding’ in Brereton report now face many obstacles to prosecution | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Brereton war crimes report fallout: what now for Australia's elite special forces? | The Guardian (Nov '20)
We knew the war crimes inquiry would be bad – but this is gut-wrenching and nauseating | The Guardian (Nov '20)
The Brereton Report: the failure of political and military leadership | John Menadue (Nov '20)
It’s time for Australia’s SAS to stop its culture of cover-up and take accountability for possible war crimes
| The Conversation
(Jul '20)
Former Australian SAS soldier Braden Chapman speaks out about unlawful killings and war crimes in Afghanistan - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (Mar '20)
Former Australian SAS soldier Braden Chapman speaks out about unlawful killings and war crimes in Afghanistan - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (Mar '20)
Why Australian commanders need to be held responsible for alleged war crimes in Afghanistan
| The Conversation
(Dec '20)
Grattan on Friday: Australia’s war crimes in Afghanistan – how could those up the chain not know? | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Grattan on Friday: Australia’s war crimes in Afghanistan – how could those up the chain not know? | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Afghanistan war crimes inquiry: Calls to drop prosecution of whistleblower David McBride
| Canberra Times
(Nov '20)
Dan Oakes explains why being cleared of prosecution over Afghan Files alleged war crimes reporting isn't end of battle | ABC (Oct '20)
Police raids and prosecution of whistleblower David McBride spark global condemnation | Michael West (Jun '19)
The Aussie Files: Scandal Of Criminal Proportions (Jun '19)
Dan Oakes explains why being cleared of prosecution over Afghan Files alleged war crimes reporting isn't end of battle | ABC (Oct '20)
Police raids and prosecution of whistleblower David McBride spark global condemnation | Michael West (Jun '19)
The Aussie Files: Scandal Of Criminal Proportions (Jun '19)
covid-19: economic support & recovery
Time is now to back science and tech: Caples - InnovationAus
(Sep '20)
After the virus: How to design a post-capitalist world | The Saturday Paper - Yanis Varoufakis (Aug '20)
Could Frydenberg ease this crisis by printing money? | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Forget JobSeeker. In our post-COVID economy, Australia needs a ‘liveable income guarantee’ instead | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australia's economic recovery has stalled – and it's not all because of Victoria | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Cycling and walking can help drive Australia’s recovery – but not with less than 2% of transport budgets | The Conversation (Jul '20)
After the virus: How to design a post-capitalist world | The Saturday Paper - Yanis Varoufakis (Aug '20)
Could Frydenberg ease this crisis by printing money? | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Forget JobSeeker. In our post-COVID economy, Australia needs a ‘liveable income guarantee’ instead | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australia's economic recovery has stalled – and it's not all because of Victoria | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Cycling and walking can help drive Australia’s recovery – but not with less than 2% of transport budgets | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Morrison government’s updated Covidsafe app unlikely to improve results, experts say | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Australia's economic response to Covid ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds | The Guardian - ANU (Aug ’20)
RBA tells the government not to worry about debt | The New Daily Reserve Bank - (Jul '20)
COVID-19 increases risk to international students’ mental health. Australia urgently needs to step up | The Conversation University of South Australia (May '20)
Australia's economic response to Covid ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds | The Guardian - ANU (Aug ’20)
RBA tells the government not to worry about debt | The New Daily Reserve Bank - (Jul '20)
COVID-19 increases risk to international students’ mental health. Australia urgently needs to step up | The Conversation University of South Australia (May '20)
The coronavirus pandemic provides an opportunity to address homelessness | The Conversation
(Mar '21)
Top economists back boosts to JobSeeker and social housing over tax cuts in pre-budget poll | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Top economists back boosts to JobSeeker and social housing over tax cuts in pre-budget poll | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Morrison government 'ignored' Climate Change Authority's advice on Covid recovery | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Australian company directors call for more infrastructure spending and a Green New Deal | The Guardian (Oct '20)
New gas-fired power not needed as renewable energy expands, grid operator says Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Australia's Reserve Bank fuels call for post-pandemic renewables push - Reserve Bank (RBA) | The Guardian (May '20)
Australian businesses call for climate crisis and virus economic recovery to be tackled together Australian Industry Group | The Guardian (May '20)
Business, unions and green groups call for sustainable Covid-19 recovery with clean energy transition | The Guardian (May '20)
'Expensive and underperforming': energy audit finds gas power running well below capacity | The Guardian - ANU Crawford School of Public Policy (Mar ’20)
New CSIRO, AEMO study confirms wind, solar and storage beat coal, gas and nuclear | Renew Economy - CSIRO, AEMO (Feb ’20)
Australian company directors call for more infrastructure spending and a Green New Deal | The Guardian (Oct '20)
New gas-fired power not needed as renewable energy expands, grid operator says Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Australia's Reserve Bank fuels call for post-pandemic renewables push - Reserve Bank (RBA) | The Guardian (May '20)
Australian businesses call for climate crisis and virus economic recovery to be tackled together Australian Industry Group | The Guardian (May '20)
Business, unions and green groups call for sustainable Covid-19 recovery with clean energy transition | The Guardian (May '20)
'Expensive and underperforming': energy audit finds gas power running well below capacity | The Guardian - ANU Crawford School of Public Policy (Mar ’20)
New CSIRO, AEMO study confirms wind, solar and storage beat coal, gas and nuclear | Renew Economy - CSIRO, AEMO (Feb ’20)
Reserve bank governor warns against lowering jobseeker payment | Reserve Bank of Australia | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Top economists back boosts to JobSeeker and social housing over tax cuts in pre-budget poll - Crawford School of Public Policy (ANU) | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Jobseeker should stay 'stronger for longer' for those excluded from other payments, report says | The Guardian Deloitte Access Economics (Jul '20)
Top economists back boosts to JobSeeker and social housing over tax cuts in pre-budget poll - Crawford School of Public Policy (ANU) | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Jobseeker should stay 'stronger for longer' for those excluded from other payments, report says | The Guardian Deloitte Access Economics (Jul '20)
Treasury warns JobMaker could encourage firms to lay off older workers | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Treasury cautioned Scott Morrison over cutting jobkeeper payment | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Treasury cautioned Scott Morrison over cutting jobkeeper payment | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Australia needs public investment during the Covid recession, not tax cuts | The Guardian
(Sep '20)
Don’t worry about the debt: we need more stimulus to avoid a prolonged recession | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Don’t worry about the debt: we need more stimulus to avoid a prolonged recession | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Australia could create hundreds of thousands of jobs by accelerating shift to zero emissions – report | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australian businesses call for climate crisis and virus economic recovery to be tackled together | The Guardian (May '20)
Business, unions and green groups call for sustainable Covid-19 recovery with clean energy transition | The Guardian (May '20)
More jobs in renewable-led COVID-19 economic recovery, EY report finds | ABC (Jun '20)
'Enormous opportunity': how Australia could become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Australian businesses call for climate crisis and virus economic recovery to be tackled together | The Guardian (May '20)
Business, unions and green groups call for sustainable Covid-19 recovery with clean energy transition | The Guardian (May '20)
More jobs in renewable-led COVID-19 economic recovery, EY report finds | ABC (Jun '20)
'Enormous opportunity': how Australia could become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Benefits of Coalition’s ‘gas-led recovery’ overstated and declining usage inevitable, report finds | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Leaked Covid-19 commission report calls for Australian taxpayers to underwrite gas industry expansion | The Guardian (May '20)
Leaked Covid-19 commission report calls for Australian taxpayers to underwrite gas industry expansion | The Guardian (May '20)
Money for social housing, not home buyers grants, is the key to construction stimulus | The Conversation
Grattan Institute (Jun '20)
Australia's economic response to Covid ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds | The Guardian Menzies Centre (Aug ’20)
More people will live in the country and work from home after COVID, experts say | ABC (may '20)
Australia's economic response to Covid ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds | The Guardian Menzies Centre (Aug ’20)
More people will live in the country and work from home after COVID, experts say | ABC (may '20)
Reserve Bank of Australia may have to buy state debt if Covid recovery slow, S&P says | The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Australian banks to buy more govt. debt under liquidity rule changes - AFR (Sep '20)
RBA tells the government not to worry about debt | New Daily (Jul '20)
The spending splurge matters, regardless of what modern monetary theory says | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australian banks to buy more govt. debt under liquidity rule changes - AFR (Sep '20)
RBA tells the government not to worry about debt | New Daily (Jul '20)
The spending splurge matters, regardless of what modern monetary theory says | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Big government is back, but not in Australia - 7am Podcast
(Apr '21)
Australia needs public spending – but beware the burden of white elephants | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
She won’t be right, mate: how the government shaped a blokey lockdown followed by a blokey recovery | The Conversation (Jun '20)
The big stimulus spending has just begun. Here’s how to get it right, quickly | The Conversation (May '20)
COVID-19: Australia’s fiscal response is now among the biggest in the world | Grattan Institute … % of GDP (Apr '20)
Let's look at the Thatcher years | BBC (Apr ’13)
Australia needs public spending – but beware the burden of white elephants | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
She won’t be right, mate: how the government shaped a blokey lockdown followed by a blokey recovery | The Conversation (Jun '20)
The big stimulus spending has just begun. Here’s how to get it right, quickly | The Conversation (May '20)
COVID-19: Australia’s fiscal response is now among the biggest in the world | Grattan Institute … % of GDP (Apr '20)
Let's look at the Thatcher years | BBC (Apr ’13)
Save lives or save the economy? That's a false choice – and it's obscene | Australian economy | The Guardian
(Jan '21)
New Zealand shows the best strategy for economic recovery is successfully managing Covid | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Data from 45 countries show containing COVID vs saving the economy is a false dichotomy | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Past pandemics show how coronavirus budgets can drive faster economic recovery - New Zealand | The Conversation (Jul '20)
We do not have to worry about paying off Australia's coronavirus debt for generations | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
New Zealand shows the best strategy for economic recovery is successfully managing Covid | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Data from 45 countries show containing COVID vs saving the economy is a false dichotomy | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Past pandemics show how coronavirus budgets can drive faster economic recovery - New Zealand | The Conversation (Jul '20)
We do not have to worry about paying off Australia's coronavirus debt for generations | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Culture beats construction in Covid economic recovery, report finds | Culture | The Guardian
(May '21)
Albanese says Coalition should use budget to invest in social housing, skills and manufacturing | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Why it doesn’t make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemic | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)
For most universities, there’s little point to the government’s COVID-19 assistance package | The Conversation (Apr '20)
Albanese says Coalition should use budget to invest in social housing, skills and manufacturing | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Why it doesn’t make economic sense to ignore climate change in our recovery from the pandemic | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)
For most universities, there’s little point to the government’s COVID-19 assistance package | The Conversation (Apr '20)
‘Mighty bleak’: economists warn delay in vaccinating Australians could devastate tourism | Australia news | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
No snapback: the budget sets us up for an unreasonably slow recovery. Here’s how | The Conversation (Oct '20)
No snapback: the budget sets us up for an unreasonably slow recovery. Here’s how | The Conversation (Oct '20)
JobSlayer: gas giants grab $300m subsidy then axe 3000 workers - Michael West
(Mar '21)
Just 609 young Australians have been hired under jobmaker scheme, Treasury reveals | Welfare | The Guardian (Mar '21)
JobFizzer: $4 billion subsidy scheme falls flat with employers | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Jobmaker will create just 10% 'genuinely additional' jobs of Coalition's total pledge, treasury says | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Just 609 young Australians have been hired under jobmaker scheme, Treasury reveals | Welfare | The Guardian (Mar '21)
JobFizzer: $4 billion subsidy scheme falls flat with employers | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Jobmaker will create just 10% 'genuinely additional' jobs of Coalition's total pledge, treasury says | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The discount airline tickets were a good photo op for Morrison, but a bad policy | Australian economy | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Business owners say staff shortages will undermine half-price airfares | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Travel industry dismisses 'meagre' half-price air ticket plan | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Marginal advantage: a whiff of pork in the government's great tourist ticket lottery | The Conversation (Mar '21)
Michael Pascoe: Morrison’s half-arsed half-price airfares stunt | New Daily (Mar '21)
Business owners say staff shortages will undermine half-price airfares | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Travel industry dismisses 'meagre' half-price air ticket plan | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Marginal advantage: a whiff of pork in the government's great tourist ticket lottery | The Conversation (Mar '21)
Michael Pascoe: Morrison’s half-arsed half-price airfares stunt | New Daily (Mar '21)
To talk up Australia's coronavirus economic recovery, Scott Morrison found the perfect weapon | ABC
(Jul ’20)
Scott Morrison says Australia cannot shut down to contain second wave of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Voodoo economics: the Treasurer harks back to the supply-side revolution of Thatcher and Reagan | The Monthly (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison says Australia cannot shut down to contain second wave of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Voodoo economics: the Treasurer harks back to the supply-side revolution of Thatcher and Reagan | The Monthly (Jul '20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation
(Sep '20)
TEMPORARY MIGRANTS IN AUSTRALIA DURING COVID-19 | Migrant Worker Justice Initiative (Sep '20)
AS IF WE WEREN’T HUMANS: The abandonment of temporary migrants in Australia during COVID-19 (Sep '20)
TEMPORARY MIGRANTS IN AUSTRALIA DURING COVID-19 | Migrant Worker Justice Initiative (Sep '20)
AS IF WE WEREN’T HUMANS: The abandonment of temporary migrants in Australia during COVID-19 (Sep '20)
Killing the golden goose: How Australia's international students are being driven away | ABC
(Oct '20)
‘I will never come to Australia again’: new research reveals the suffering of temporary migrants during the COVID-19 crisis | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Aus: One in five int’l students fear they will be made homeless | The Pie News (Aug '20)
90,000 foreign graduates are stuck in Australia without financial support: it’s a humanitarian and economic crisis in the making | The Conversation (Apr '20)
COVID-19 increases risk to international students’ mental health. Australia urgently needs to step up | The Conversation (May '20)
'A huge hit': foreign students may shun Australia after their treatment during Covid-19 crisis | The Guardian (May '20)
International students turn to foodbanks as casual work dries up in second Melbourne lockdown | The Guardian (Jul '20)
‘I will never come to Australia again’: new research reveals the suffering of temporary migrants during the COVID-19 crisis | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Aus: One in five int’l students fear they will be made homeless | The Pie News (Aug '20)
90,000 foreign graduates are stuck in Australia without financial support: it’s a humanitarian and economic crisis in the making | The Conversation (Apr '20)
COVID-19 increases risk to international students’ mental health. Australia urgently needs to step up | The Conversation (May '20)
'A huge hit': foreign students may shun Australia after their treatment during Covid-19 crisis | The Guardian (May '20)
International students turn to foodbanks as casual work dries up in second Melbourne lockdown | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Top economists back boosts to JobSeeker and social housing over tax cuts in pre-budget poll | The Conversation
(Sep ’20)
Winding back JobKeeper won't just be economically difficult for the Coalition — it'll be politically diabolical | ABC(Jun '20)
JobKeeper: Scott Morrison says $1,500 payment won’t be extended | News (May '20)
Jobactive virus kickbacks top $500 million | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Treasury cautioned Scott Morrison over cutting jobkeeper payment | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Our suicide research is clear: Australia needs more urgent action to address the Covid-19 fallout | The Guardian (May '20)
More than 70% of academics at some universities are casuals. They’re losing work and are cut out of JobKeeper | The Conversation (May ‘20)
The workers shut out of jobkeeper: 'I've lost 100% of my business' | The Guardian (Apr ‘20)
Why temporary migrants need JobKeeper | The Conversation (Apr ‘20)
Winding back JobKeeper won't just be economically difficult for the Coalition — it'll be politically diabolical | ABC(Jun '20)
JobKeeper: Scott Morrison says $1,500 payment won’t be extended | News (May '20)
Jobactive virus kickbacks top $500 million | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Treasury cautioned Scott Morrison over cutting jobkeeper payment | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Our suicide research is clear: Australia needs more urgent action to address the Covid-19 fallout | The Guardian (May '20)
More than 70% of academics at some universities are casuals. They’re losing work and are cut out of JobKeeper | The Conversation (May ‘20)
The workers shut out of jobkeeper: 'I've lost 100% of my business' | The Guardian (Apr ‘20)
Why temporary migrants need JobKeeper | The Conversation (Apr ‘20)
'Uncertainty makes it worse': living in a car and fearing the end of the Covid supplement | Welfare | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
'I wouldn't eat three meals a day': poverty findings heighten calls to maintain boosted jobseeker | The Guardian (May '20)
Spending the coronavirus bonus: 'I haven't bought my daughter a birthday present since 2012' | Welfare | The Guardian (Apr '20)
'I wouldn't eat three meals a day': poverty findings heighten calls to maintain boosted jobseeker | The Guardian (May '20)
Spending the coronavirus bonus: 'I haven't bought my daughter a birthday present since 2012' | Welfare | The Guardian (Apr '20)
I am living in fear of what life will be like when jobseeker is cut back | Welfare | The Guardian
(Mar ’21)
Revealed: see how some of Australia's poorest areas will be hit when jobseeker supplement ends | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Winding back JobKeeper and JobSeeker will push 740,000 Australians into poverty | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Cut to jobseeker payment estimated to cost Australian economy $31bn | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Impact of Covid19 JobKeeper & Jobkeeker measures on Poverty & Financial Stress | ANU (Aug ’20)
Revealed: see how some of Australia's poorest areas will be hit when jobseeker supplement ends | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Winding back JobKeeper and JobSeeker will push 740,000 Australians into poverty | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Cut to jobseeker payment estimated to cost Australian economy $31bn | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Impact of Covid19 JobKeeper & Jobkeeker measures on Poverty & Financial Stress | ANU (Aug ’20)
How cutting off jobkeeper will slow Australia's economic recovery | Australia news | The Guardian(Mar '21)
'I don’t know how we’ll survive': city cafes, still deserted, brace for the end of jobkeeper | Australian economy | The Guardian(Mar '21)
Scrapping jobkeeper too early risks Australian economy falling off a cliff, Covid inquiry told | The Guardian(May '20)
Australian business groups warn of coming cliff when free childcare and jobkeeper ends | The Guardian(Jun '20)
'I don’t know how we’ll survive': city cafes, still deserted, brace for the end of jobkeeper | Australian economy | The Guardian(Mar '21)
Scrapping jobkeeper too early risks Australian economy falling off a cliff, Covid inquiry told | The Guardian(May '20)
Australian business groups warn of coming cliff when free childcare and jobkeeper ends | The Guardian(Jun '20)
JobSlayer: gas giants grab $300m subsidy then axe 3000 workers - Michael West
(May '21)
Qantas, our biggest, richest welfare recipient | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Auditor general to investigate jobkeeper after it was used to pay dividends and bonuses | Business | The Guardian (Mar '21)
JobKeeper: Who’s going to call out the rorts when everyone is in on it? | Crikey (Feb '21)
JobKeeper gravy train keeps rolling on for corporate welfare rorters | Crikey (Feb '21)
The greatest rort on earth: JobKeeper is making billionaires richer | Crikey (Feb '21)
Qantas, our biggest, richest welfare recipient | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Auditor general to investigate jobkeeper after it was used to pay dividends and bonuses | Business | The Guardian (Mar '21)
JobKeeper: Who’s going to call out the rorts when everyone is in on it? | Crikey (Feb '21)
JobKeeper gravy train keeps rolling on for corporate welfare rorters | Crikey (Feb '21)
The greatest rort on earth: JobKeeper is making billionaires richer | Crikey (Feb '21)
Discount chain Best&Less received windfall of almost half its $42.6m jobkeeper subsidy | Business | The Guardian
(May '21)
Jobkeeper doubled return for investors compared to companies that did not have subsidy | Australian economy | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Fair Work investigates Solomon Lew's Just Group over JobKeeper | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Harvey Norman to keep $22m in jobkeeper despite profits doubling to $462m in pandemic | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Car dealer AP Eagers to give shareholders $64m in dividends after receiving $130m in jobkeeper subsidies | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Billionaires receive tens of millions in dividends from companies on jobkeeper | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Nick Scali CEO to get $4.4m dividend after company received jobkeeper payments | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
BossKeeper: how JobKeeper lined the pockets of top ASX directors, executives and shareholders - Michael West (Oct '20)
'Dividendkeeper': 17 leading companies receiving jobkeeper paid investors $250m in dividends | Business | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Jobkeeper doubled return for investors compared to companies that did not have subsidy | Australian economy | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Fair Work investigates Solomon Lew's Just Group over JobKeeper | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Harvey Norman to keep $22m in jobkeeper despite profits doubling to $462m in pandemic | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Car dealer AP Eagers to give shareholders $64m in dividends after receiving $130m in jobkeeper subsidies | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Billionaires receive tens of millions in dividends from companies on jobkeeper | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Nick Scali CEO to get $4.4m dividend after company received jobkeeper payments | Business | The Guardian (Feb '21)
BossKeeper: how JobKeeper lined the pockets of top ASX directors, executives and shareholders - Michael West (Oct '20)
'Dividendkeeper': 17 leading companies receiving jobkeeper paid investors $250m in dividends | Business | The Guardian (Sep '20)
HomeBuilder scheme attracts 11,400 applicants, but only 780 paid so far (6.8%) | SMH
(Oct '20)
Coalition's homebuilder scheme attracts fewer than 250 applicants and 'no payments have been made' | The Guardian (Aug '20)
HomeBuilder might be the most-complex least-equitable construction jobs program ever devised | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Scott Morrison’s HomeBuilder scheme is classic retail politics but lousy economics | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Coalition's homebuilder scheme attracts fewer than 250 applicants and 'no payments have been made' | The Guardian (Aug '20)
HomeBuilder might be the most-complex least-equitable construction jobs program ever devised | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Scott Morrison’s HomeBuilder scheme is classic retail politics but lousy economics | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Hundreds of travel agents close down amid coronavirus pandemic, others barely survive | ABC
(Nov '20)
Australia's economic recovery has stalled – and it's not all because of Victoria | The Guardian (Aug '20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Australia's economic response to Covid ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Cycling and walking can help drive Australia’s recovery – but not with less than 2% of transport budgets | The Conversation (Jul '20)
We are witnessing a cultural bloodbath in Australia that has been years in the making | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Australia's economic recovery has stalled – and it's not all because of Victoria | The Guardian (Aug '20)
‘Garbage’ and ‘cash cows’: temporary migrants describe anguish of exclusion and racism during COVID-19 | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Australia's economic response to Covid ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Cycling and walking can help drive Australia’s recovery – but not with less than 2% of transport budgets | The Conversation (Jul '20)
We are witnessing a cultural bloodbath in Australia that has been years in the making | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Australians with disabilities missing out on essential services as Covid-19 crisis escalates | The Guardian (Mar '20)
‘There have always been barriers for us’: how Covid-19 has further isolated deaf Australians | The Guardian (May '20)
‘There have always been barriers for us’: how Covid-19 has further isolated deaf Australians | The Guardian (May '20)
Long Covid more likely in working-age women than in men – study | Long Covid | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Australian women more likely to lose jobs and do more unpaid work during Covid recession | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar '21)
Australian women more likely to lose jobs and do more unpaid work during Covid recession | Australia news | The Guardian (Mar '21)
So long, National COVID-19 Commission, and thanks for all the fees | Crikey
(May '21)
Andrew Liveris is back to tell us gas is great — even as consumption falls | Crikey (Mar '21)
Covid Commission advised Morrison to underwrite gas pipelines, but ignored green jobs | RenewEconomy (Aug '20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (Jun '20)
Australia's Covid commission downplays 'green recovery' and confirms gas push | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Government refuses to release conflict-of-interest disclosures from Covid commission members | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Just one of six Covid commission members volunteers to release conflict-of-interest declaration | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Why is the Covid commission backing a fertiliser plant as its top recovery project? | The Guardian(May '20)
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals follow | Michael West Media (May '20)
Who is on the Covid Commission? (May '20)
Andrew Liveris is back to tell us gas is great — even as consumption falls | Crikey (Mar '21)
Covid Commission advised Morrison to underwrite gas pipelines, but ignored green jobs | RenewEconomy (Aug '20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (Jun '20)
Australia's Covid commission downplays 'green recovery' and confirms gas push | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Government refuses to release conflict-of-interest disclosures from Covid commission members | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Just one of six Covid commission members volunteers to release conflict-of-interest declaration | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Why is the Covid commission backing a fertiliser plant as its top recovery project? | The Guardian(May '20)
Covert-19: Government stacks Covid Commission with oil and gas mates, cosy deals follow | Michael West Media (May '20)
Who is on the Covid Commission? (May '20)
There may not be enough skilled workers in Australia’s pipeline for a post-COVID-19 recovery | The Conversation
(Jun '20)
Vital Signs: COVID-19 recession is different – and we need more stimulus to deal with it. | The Conversation (Jun '20)
International students turn to foodbanks as casual work dries up in second Melbourne lockdown | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Jobseeker should stay 'stronger for longer' for those excluded from other payments, report says | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Vital Signs: COVID-19 recession is different – and we need more stimulus to deal with it. | The Conversation (Jun '20)
International students turn to foodbanks as casual work dries up in second Melbourne lockdown | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Jobseeker should stay 'stronger for longer' for those excluded from other payments, report says | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Trouble at the mall as landlords and tenants ponder mutually assured destruction | The Conversation
(Aug '20)
And now for the bad news: our record unemployment is actually worse than it looks | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Vital Signs: the cost of lockdowns is nowhere near as big as we have been told | The Conversation (Jul '20)
'We don't know how many time-bombs are ticking': Australia's rent deferral debt trap | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Death of the travel agent: Covid-19 an existential threat for an industry without 'any product to sell' | The Guardian (Jul '20)
From Brazil's farms to Melbourne's cafes, coronavirus is crippling the coffee industry | ABC (Jul '20)
COVID-19: Australia’s fiscal response is now among the biggest in the world | Grattan Institute (Apr '20)
And now for the bad news: our record unemployment is actually worse than it looks | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Vital Signs: the cost of lockdowns is nowhere near as big as we have been told | The Conversation (Jul '20)
'We don't know how many time-bombs are ticking': Australia's rent deferral debt trap | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Death of the travel agent: Covid-19 an existential threat for an industry without 'any product to sell' | The Guardian (Jul '20)
From Brazil's farms to Melbourne's cafes, coronavirus is crippling the coffee industry | ABC (Jul '20)
COVID-19: Australia’s fiscal response is now among the biggest in the world | Grattan Institute (Apr '20)
Restaurants on footpaths: why Australia's indoor gatherings should be pushed outside in the Covid-19 era | The Guardian
(Jul '20)
Cycling and walking can help drive Australia’s recovery – but not with less than 2% of transport budgets | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
'The genie is out of the bottle': telehealth points way for Australia post pandemic | The Guardian (May ’20)
Fear of a four-day working week, in light of Jacinda Ardern's comments | ABC (May ’20)
Cycling and walking can help drive Australia’s recovery – but not with less than 2% of transport budgets | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
'The genie is out of the bottle': telehealth points way for Australia post pandemic | The Guardian (May ’20)
Fear of a four-day working week, in light of Jacinda Ardern's comments | ABC (May ’20)
Australian business has taken only $26bn of $150bn in cheap credit from Reserve Bank | The Guardian
(Jul '20)
Australia sells A$17 bln of new 2025 bond, sees solid demand | NASDAQ (Jul ’20)
The government has just sold $15 billion of 31-year bonds. But what actually is a bond? | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
Australia sells A$17 bln of new 2025 bond, sees solid demand | NASDAQ (Jul ’20)
The government has just sold $15 billion of 31-year bonds. But what actually is a bond? | The Conversation (Jul ’20)
Michael Pascoe: Early super withdrawals even bigger duds than feared | The New Daily
(Apr '21)
Early access to super doesn’t justify higher compulsory contributions | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Keating versus Hume: where willy-nilly meets obscene | Firstlinks (Sep ’20)
Superannuation early withdrawals near $30b as new financial year sees double-dipping | ABC (Jul ’20)
Super wipe out: Almost 500,000 Australians have emptied their nest eggs | Industry Super (Jul ’20)
Grattan confirms early release double downside of lower retirement incomes and greater age pension burden | Industry Super (Aug ’20)
Why we should worry less about retirement - and leave super at 9.5% | The Conversation (Nov ’18)
Out of touch MPs shoving workers towards poverty in retirement | Industry Super (Jun ’20)
The latest ideas to use super to buy homes are still bad ideas | The Conversation (Mar ’17)
Early access to super doesn’t justify higher compulsory contributions | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Keating versus Hume: where willy-nilly meets obscene | Firstlinks (Sep ’20)
Superannuation early withdrawals near $30b as new financial year sees double-dipping | ABC (Jul ’20)
Super wipe out: Almost 500,000 Australians have emptied their nest eggs | Industry Super (Jul ’20)
Grattan confirms early release double downside of lower retirement incomes and greater age pension burden | Industry Super (Aug ’20)
Why we should worry less about retirement - and leave super at 9.5% | The Conversation (Nov ’18)
Out of touch MPs shoving workers towards poverty in retirement | Industry Super (Jun ’20)
The latest ideas to use super to buy homes are still bad ideas | The Conversation (Mar ’17)
Immigration minister points finger at Victoria over New Zealand travellers | The Guardian
(oct ’20)
Federal and State blame game won’t shift the burden of economic revival | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Playing the COVID-19 blame game may feel good, but it could come at a cost — the government’s credibility | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Morrison government deflects blame for aged care crisis | AFR (Apr ’20)
Federal and State blame game won’t shift the burden of economic revival | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Playing the COVID-19 blame game may feel good, but it could come at a cost — the government’s credibility | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Morrison government deflects blame for aged care crisis | AFR (Apr ’20)
covid-19: public health response
What's the risk if Australia opens its international borders? An epidemiologist explains | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
New COVID variants have changed the game, and vaccines will not be enough. We need global 'maximum suppression' | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Covid Public Health Response - Country Performance | Lowy Institute (Jan '21)
How a single case of COVID-19 sparked a 'quick and early' lockdown and countrywide anxiety | ABC (Jan ’21)
It's time to rethink indoor airflow to reduce the spread of COVID-19, say experts | ABC (Nov ’20)
Herd immunity is a fatal strategy we should avoid at all costs | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
New COVID variants have changed the game, and vaccines will not be enough. We need global 'maximum suppression' | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Covid Public Health Response - Country Performance | Lowy Institute (Jan '21)
How a single case of COVID-19 sparked a 'quick and early' lockdown and countrywide anxiety | ABC (Jan ’21)
It's time to rethink indoor airflow to reduce the spread of COVID-19, say experts | ABC (Nov ’20)
Herd immunity is a fatal strategy we should avoid at all costs | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Aged care coronavirus preparation 'insufficient', royal commission finds | ABC
(Oct '20)
View from The Hill: Aged care crisis reflects poor preparation and a broken system | The Conversation (Jul '20)
The collapse of aged care (part two) The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
The collapse of aged care (part one) The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
The government has thrown another $171 million at the problem. But a real plan for aged care has been missing all along | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Why are there are more COVID-19 cases in private aged care than the public sector? | ABC (Aug ’20)
Aged care has been failing for years – coronavirus has merely highlighted systemic problems | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
A foreseeable catastrophe: how Covid-19 swept through Victoria’s nursing homes | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
The Morrison government can’t dodge responsibility for conditions in Victorian nursing homes | The Monthly (Jul ’20)
Australian aged-care sector pleads for extra $1.5bn coronavirus rescue package | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
View from The Hill: Aged care crisis reflects poor preparation and a broken system | The Conversation (Jul '20)
The collapse of aged care (part two) The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
The collapse of aged care (part one) The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
The government has thrown another $171 million at the problem. But a real plan for aged care has been missing all along | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Why are there are more COVID-19 cases in private aged care than the public sector? | ABC (Aug ’20)
Aged care has been failing for years – coronavirus has merely highlighted systemic problems | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
A foreseeable catastrophe: how Covid-19 swept through Victoria’s nursing homes | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
The Morrison government can’t dodge responsibility for conditions in Victorian nursing homes | The Monthly (Jul ’20)
Australian aged-care sector pleads for extra $1.5bn coronavirus rescue package | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Australia’s mishmash of COVID border closures is confusing, inconsistent and counterproductive
| The Conversation
(Jan '21)
Tony Abbott: some elderly Covid patients could be left to die naturally | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Covid-19 tragedy in aged care: whose side is the Coalition government on? | Michael West (Aug '20)
Will Scott Morrison take responsibility for the aged care crisis in Victoria? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Why did we expect Australia's aged care to cope amid Covid when it was struggling before it? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Victoria's Covid-19 aged care disaster: 'This virus is like a fire out of control' - AKA: Federal Government's 'Tick a Box' Policy | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Melbourne aged care is facing a coronavirus catastrophe. This is how it happened | ABC (Jul '20)
Tony Abbott: some elderly Covid patients could be left to die naturally | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Covid-19 tragedy in aged care: whose side is the Coalition government on? | Michael West (Aug '20)
Will Scott Morrison take responsibility for the aged care crisis in Victoria? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Why did we expect Australia's aged care to cope amid Covid when it was struggling before it? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Victoria's Covid-19 aged care disaster: 'This virus is like a fire out of control' - AKA: Federal Government's 'Tick a Box' Policy | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Melbourne aged care is facing a coronavirus catastrophe. This is how it happened | ABC (Jul '20)
'I can't save money for potential emergencies': COVID lockdowns drove older Australians into energy poverty
| The Conversation
(Jan '21)
683 deaths - The Morrison government is not taking the aged-care crisis seriously | The Monthly (Oct '20)
Morrison government’s Covid-19 aged care preparation ‘insufficient’, royal commission finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison's persistent effort to sidestep accountability for aged care is utterly transparent | The Guardian (Aug '20)
During the pandemic, Australia's aged care regulator has been toothless and plainly negligent | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
Passing the Buck: why Victoria’s Covid is raging in private aged care homes | Michael West (Jul '20)
Gov’s $5.8m aged-care app offers ‘no duty of care’ | The Saturday Paper (May '20)
Government caves in to a “few big interests”, ignores Aged Care Inquiry reforms | Michael West (Dec '19)
683 deaths - The Morrison government is not taking the aged-care crisis seriously | The Monthly (Oct '20)
Morrison government’s Covid-19 aged care preparation ‘insufficient’, royal commission finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison's persistent effort to sidestep accountability for aged care is utterly transparent | The Guardian (Aug '20)
During the pandemic, Australia's aged care regulator has been toothless and plainly negligent | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
Passing the Buck: why Victoria’s Covid is raging in private aged care homes | Michael West (Jul '20)
Gov’s $5.8m aged-care app offers ‘no duty of care’ | The Saturday Paper (May '20)
Government caves in to a “few big interests”, ignores Aged Care Inquiry reforms | Michael West (Dec '19)
Exclusive: The phone call that denied elderly patients access to hospital
| The Saturday Paper
The Saturday Paper
(Sep ’20)
Federal government holds back vital Covid-19 data | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Federal government holds back vital Covid-19 data | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
The federal Department of Health rejected requests from more than 1500 aged care homes for masks, gloves and gowns from the national medical stockpile
(Oct '20)
Brendan Murphy admits earlier federal action could have prevented some aged care deaths in Australia | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Brendan Murphy admits earlier federal action could have prevented some aged care deaths in Australia | The Guardian (Sep '20)
How elimination versus suppression became Covid's cold war | Coronavirus | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
All countries should pursue a Covid-19 elimination strategy: here are 16 reasons why | New Zealand | The Guardian (Jan '21)
New Zealand shows the best strategy for economic recovery is successfully managing Covid | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Coronavirus elimination or suppression? That's the multi-billion-dollar economic question | ABC (Jul '20)
Eradication, elimination, suppression: let’s understand what they mean before debating Australia’s course | The Conversation … (Aug '20)
Why Australia should switch course and try to eliminate COVID-19 | Grattan Grattan Institute … (Jul '20)
Experts call for Australia to replace coronavirus suppression strategy with elimination plan | ABC (Jul '20)
New Zealand's level four coronavirus lockdown has been strict. Here are some of the differences with Australia | ABC (Apr '20)
New Zealand wants coronavirus elimination, Australia wants COVID-19 'suppression' — but can we have both? |ABC (Apr '20)
Scott Morrison indicates ‘eliminating’ COVID-19 would come at too high a cost | The Conversation (Apr ’20)
Does stage 4 'shock and awe' in Melbourne mean we should have gone for elimination of coronavirus after all? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
All countries should pursue a Covid-19 elimination strategy: here are 16 reasons why | New Zealand | The Guardian (Jan '21)
New Zealand shows the best strategy for economic recovery is successfully managing Covid | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Coronavirus elimination or suppression? That's the multi-billion-dollar economic question | ABC (Jul '20)
Eradication, elimination, suppression: let’s understand what they mean before debating Australia’s course | The Conversation … (Aug '20)
Why Australia should switch course and try to eliminate COVID-19 | Grattan Grattan Institute … (Jul '20)
Experts call for Australia to replace coronavirus suppression strategy with elimination plan | ABC (Jul '20)
New Zealand's level four coronavirus lockdown has been strict. Here are some of the differences with Australia | ABC (Apr '20)
New Zealand wants coronavirus elimination, Australia wants COVID-19 'suppression' — but can we have both? |ABC (Apr '20)
Scott Morrison indicates ‘eliminating’ COVID-19 would come at too high a cost | The Conversation (Apr ’20)
Does stage 4 'shock and awe' in Melbourne mean we should have gone for elimination of coronavirus after all? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Morrison government’s updated Covidsafe app unlikely to improve results, experts say
| The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Releasing Covidsafe app usage numbers could risk public safety, government claims | The Guardian (Sep '20)
COVIDSafe's problems aren't Google or Apple's fault despite government claims | ZNet (Jul '20)
How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? | The Guardian (May '20)
COVIDSafe app tests revealed iPhone performance issues at launch that weren't shared with the public | ABC (Jun '20)
COVIDSafe was 'sunscreen' for coronavirus, until it wasn't. Have we chosen the right solution to the pandemic? | ABC (Jun '20)
Morrison says 'early mark' of eased restrictions depends on uptake of Covidsafe tracing app | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Releasing Covidsafe app usage numbers could risk public safety, government claims | The Guardian (Sep '20)
COVIDSafe's problems aren't Google or Apple's fault despite government claims | ZNet (Jul '20)
How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? | The Guardian (May '20)
COVIDSafe app tests revealed iPhone performance issues at launch that weren't shared with the public | ABC (Jun '20)
COVIDSafe was 'sunscreen' for coronavirus, until it wasn't. Have we chosen the right solution to the pandemic? | ABC (Jun '20)
Morrison says 'early mark' of eased restrictions depends on uptake of Covidsafe tracing app | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Anatomy of a cruise: how the Ruby Princess came to dock and disembark with coronavirus
| The Guardian
(May ’20)
Federal officials shielded from Ruby Princess inquiry (Aug '20)
Federal agriculture officials did not follow protocols in Ruby Princess debacle, Senate inquiry told | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Qantas and Virgin knew the Ruby Princess was a coronavirus time bomb but were powerless to stop it | ABC (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess: Gladys Berejiklian refuses calls to extend inquiry to hear from official who refused to appear | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess passengers let off ship after border force officer confused flu and coronavirus test results | The Guardian (Jul '20)
NSW lays blame for Ruby Princess on feds | The Saturday Paper (Jun ’20)
Federal officials shielded from Ruby Princess inquiry (Aug '20)
Federal agriculture officials did not follow protocols in Ruby Princess debacle, Senate inquiry told | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Qantas and Virgin knew the Ruby Princess was a coronavirus time bomb but were powerless to stop it | ABC (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess: Gladys Berejiklian refuses calls to extend inquiry to hear from official who refused to appear | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess passengers let off ship after border force officer confused flu and coronavirus test results | The Guardian (Jul '20)
NSW lays blame for Ruby Princess on feds | The Saturday Paper (Jun ’20)
In Cold Blood: how privatisation of CSL abandoned the victims of Australia's public health tragedy - Michael West
(May '21)
Astra Zeneca vaccine not effective against new Covid strains as African variant spreads to Indonesia - Michael West (May '21)
Pressure mounts on Australia to support Covid vaccine intellectual property waiver for developing nations | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian (May '21)
Can Australia produce mRNA COVID-19 vaccines such as Pfizer? - ABC News (Apr '21)
PNG could already have Covid vaccines if Australia and others had not blocked waiver, says MSF | Papua New Guinea | The Guardian (Mar '21)
Australian coronavirus vaccine rollout brought forward to mid-to-late-February - ABC News (Jan '21)
Why resistance is common in antibiotics, but rare in vaccines | The Conversation (Jan '21)
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is the first to publish peer-reviewed efficacy results. Here’s what they tell us — and what they don’t | The Conversation (Dec ’20)
Vaccine Morrison government secures two possible vaccine supplies with agreements worth $1.7 billion | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison's COVID-19 vaccine deal isn't all it's cracked up to be, according to the company which is supposed to be making it | Business Insider (Aug ’20)
Astra Zeneca vaccine not effective against new Covid strains as African variant spreads to Indonesia - Michael West (May '21)
Pressure mounts on Australia to support Covid vaccine intellectual property waiver for developing nations | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian (May '21)
Can Australia produce mRNA COVID-19 vaccines such as Pfizer? - ABC News (Apr '21)
PNG could already have Covid vaccines if Australia and others had not blocked waiver, says MSF | Papua New Guinea | The Guardian (Mar '21)
Australian coronavirus vaccine rollout brought forward to mid-to-late-February - ABC News (Jan '21)
Why resistance is common in antibiotics, but rare in vaccines | The Conversation (Jan '21)
The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is the first to publish peer-reviewed efficacy results. Here’s what they tell us — and what they don’t | The Conversation (Dec ’20)
Vaccine Morrison government secures two possible vaccine supplies with agreements worth $1.7 billion | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison's COVID-19 vaccine deal isn't all it's cracked up to be, according to the company which is supposed to be making it | Business Insider (Aug ’20)
Here are 9 ways we can make it easier for Australians to get the COVID-19 vaccine | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
4 million vaccines but only 1.6 million given out, amid jab plan changes | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison was so keen to own a successful vaccine rollout he forgot about the risk of overseeing a debacle | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
A $4 billion bungle: Vaccine delay ‘devastating’ for economic recovery | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Australia’s vaccination rollout strategy has been an epic fail. Now Scott Morrison is trying to gaslight us | Vaccines and immunisation | The Guardian (Apr '21)
The government's credentials for dealing with COVID are turning to dust amid vaccine confusion - ABC News (Apr '21)
From reassurance to shambles: how Australia’s coronavirus vaccine rollout unravelled | Vaccines and immunisation | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australian doctors condemn vaccine ‘farce’ after AstraZeneca reversal | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australia could have prepared a more ambitious vaccine strategy than most. So what went wrong? | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Expats praise the overseas vaccination model our government rules out | The New Daily (Apr '21)
4 ways Australia's COVID vaccine rollout has been bungled | The Conversation (Apr '21)
4 million vaccines but only 1.6 million given out, amid jab plan changes | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison was so keen to own a successful vaccine rollout he forgot about the risk of overseeing a debacle | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
A $4 billion bungle: Vaccine delay ‘devastating’ for economic recovery | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Australia’s vaccination rollout strategy has been an epic fail. Now Scott Morrison is trying to gaslight us | Vaccines and immunisation | The Guardian (Apr '21)
The government's credentials for dealing with COVID are turning to dust amid vaccine confusion - ABC News (Apr '21)
From reassurance to shambles: how Australia’s coronavirus vaccine rollout unravelled | Vaccines and immunisation | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australian doctors condemn vaccine ‘farce’ after AstraZeneca reversal | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australia could have prepared a more ambitious vaccine strategy than most. So what went wrong? | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Expats praise the overseas vaccination model our government rules out | The New Daily (Apr '21)
4 ways Australia's COVID vaccine rollout has been bungled | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Australian GPs grapple with vaccine shortfalls as pleas for more AstraZeneca doses are rejected | Health | The Guardian
(May '21)
Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout figures | Department of Health (Apr '21)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Daily Vaccinations (by country) | Our World in Data (Apr '21)
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people (by country) | Our World in Data
Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout figures | Department of Health (Apr '21)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Daily Vaccinations (by country) | Our World in Data (Apr '21)
COVID-19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people (by country) | Our World in Data
This nursing home resident was ready for a COVID-19 vaccination, but it never arrived - ABC News
(Apr '21)
Australian aged care homes still waiting for news of vaccine rollout | Crikey (Apr '21)
Australian aged care homes still waiting for news of vaccine rollout | Crikey (Apr '21)
Young Australians with disabilities lose out as Pfizer vaccine is rolled out to under-50s | Health | The Guardian
(May '21)
Australia has hospital departments ready to vaccinate people with disabilities. Why aren’t we being used? | Steven Faux | The Guardian (May '21)
Vaccinating the highest-risk groups first was the plan. But people with disability are being left behind | The Conversation (Apr '21)
‘Unforgivable’: Only 6 per cent of disability residents have received vaccines so far | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Australians with a disability ‘forgotten’ in coronavirus vaccine rollout, advocates say | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Disability care residents have been abandoned on vaccines. Why? | Crikey (Apr '21)
Disability sector labels wait for COVID-19 vaccines 'shameful' - ABC News (Apr ’21)
People with disabilities are living in the dark about the vaccine rollout | Crikey (Apr '21)
Disability services take Covid vaccinations 'into their own hands' amid rollout failures | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australia has hospital departments ready to vaccinate people with disabilities. Why aren’t we being used? | Steven Faux | The Guardian (May '21)
Vaccinating the highest-risk groups first was the plan. But people with disability are being left behind | The Conversation (Apr '21)
‘Unforgivable’: Only 6 per cent of disability residents have received vaccines so far | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Australians with a disability ‘forgotten’ in coronavirus vaccine rollout, advocates say | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Disability care residents have been abandoned on vaccines. Why? | Crikey (Apr '21)
Disability sector labels wait for COVID-19 vaccines 'shameful' - ABC News (Apr ’21)
People with disabilities are living in the dark about the vaccine rollout | Crikey (Apr '21)
Disability services take Covid vaccinations 'into their own hands' amid rollout failures | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison claimed Australia was outperforming other countries with its coronavirus vaccination rollout. Was he correct? - ABC News
(Apr '21)
Borders closed indefinitely? Government in retreat from vaccination targets | Crikey (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison is making important vaccine announcements on Facebook | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Coalition’s ‘stupid’ October target creates more problems for Australia’s vaccine rollout, thinktank says | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison spun a Covid vaccine story the public believed – and then it fell apart | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Morrison's vaccine rollout claims are getting less and less believable | Crikey (Apr ’21)
EU denies blocking vaccine shipment to Australia as PM defends rollout | The New Daily (Apr ’21)
Head in the sand: the federal government keeps pretending nothing is wrong | The Monthly (Apr ’21)
Australia's COVID-19 vaccine supply is still patchy. But will other vaccines help fill the void? - ABC News (Apr ’21)
Grattan on Friday: Vaccine rollout has enough problems without ministers politicking | The Conversation (Apr ’21)
Madonna King: Australia's vaccine rollout lays bare government immaturity | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Scott Morrison hypes vaccine hopes but there is a long road ahead | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Borders closed indefinitely? Government in retreat from vaccination targets | Crikey (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison is making important vaccine announcements on Facebook | The New Daily (Apr '21)
Coalition’s ‘stupid’ October target creates more problems for Australia’s vaccine rollout, thinktank says | Health | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Scott Morrison spun a Covid vaccine story the public believed – and then it fell apart | Scott Morrison | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Morrison's vaccine rollout claims are getting less and less believable | Crikey (Apr ’21)
EU denies blocking vaccine shipment to Australia as PM defends rollout | The New Daily (Apr ’21)
Head in the sand: the federal government keeps pretending nothing is wrong | The Monthly (Apr ’21)
Australia's COVID-19 vaccine supply is still patchy. But will other vaccines help fill the void? - ABC News (Apr ’21)
Grattan on Friday: Vaccine rollout has enough problems without ministers politicking | The Conversation (Apr ’21)
Madonna King: Australia's vaccine rollout lays bare government immaturity | The New Daily (Mar '21)
Scott Morrison hypes vaccine hopes but there is a long road ahead | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
The Pfizer vaccine is now crucial to Australia. Why the secrecy about how much we have? | Health | The Guardian
(Apr ’21)
Consultants are big pandemic winners, wrapped in a blanket of secrecy | Crikey (Apr ’21)
The 'known unknowns' — and baffling secrecy — of Australia's COVID vaccine rollout - ABC News (Apr ’21)
Six key things we don't know about Australia’s Covid vaccine rollout despite promises of ‘transparency’ | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Consultants are big pandemic winners, wrapped in a blanket of secrecy | Crikey (Apr ’21)
The 'known unknowns' — and baffling secrecy — of Australia's COVID vaccine rollout - ABC News (Apr ’21)
Six key things we don't know about Australia’s Covid vaccine rollout despite promises of ‘transparency’ | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Two NSW deaths reported after AstraZeneca vaccine, including man who developed blood clots | Health | The Guardian
(Apr ’21)
I've had a heart attack or take blood thinners: Can I get the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine? - ABC News (Apr ’21)
What is thrombocytopenia, the rare blood condition possibly linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine? | The Conversation (Apr ’21)
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine hot property after AstraZeneca blood clotting decision. But can Australia access them quickly? - ABC News (Apr ’21)
EMA finds possible link between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots, UK regulator offers under 30s alternative vaccines - ABC News (Apr ’21)
What can go wrong in the blood? A brief overview of bleeding, clotting and cancer | The Conversation (Jun ’17)
Direct oral anticoagulants compared with vitamin K antagonists for acute venous thromboembolism: evidence from phase 3 trials - PubMed (Apr ’14)
I've had a heart attack or take blood thinners: Can I get the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine? - ABC News (Apr ’21)
What is thrombocytopenia, the rare blood condition possibly linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine? | The Conversation (Apr ’21)
Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine hot property after AstraZeneca blood clotting decision. But can Australia access them quickly? - ABC News (Apr ’21)
EMA finds possible link between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots, UK regulator offers under 30s alternative vaccines - ABC News (Apr ’21)
What can go wrong in the blood? A brief overview of bleeding, clotting and cancer | The Conversation (Jun ’17)
Direct oral anticoagulants compared with vitamin K antagonists for acute venous thromboembolism: evidence from phase 3 trials - PubMed (Apr ’14)
Consulting firms: McKinsey says 'no' to fronting Senate inquiry | Crikey
(May ’21)
Accenture got $8m to track vaccines. What did taxpayers get? Infographics | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Government gives consultancy McKinsey another huge COVID-19 contract | Crikey (Apr ’21)
HealthEngine paid $3.8M for vaccine platform - InnovationAus (Apr ’21)
McKinsey’s good fortune grows as Australia’s vaccine woes worsen | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Big consulting firms are making millions from botched vaccine rollout | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Accenture got $8m to track vaccines. What did taxpayers get? Infographics | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Government gives consultancy McKinsey another huge COVID-19 contract | Crikey (Apr ’21)
HealthEngine paid $3.8M for vaccine platform - InnovationAus (Apr ’21)
McKinsey’s good fortune grows as Australia’s vaccine woes worsen | Crikey (Apr ’21)
Big consulting firms are making millions from botched vaccine rollout | Crikey (Apr ’21)
With a stronger quarantine system, Australia could offer more help to those trapped in India | Hassan Vally | The Guardian
(Apr ’21)
Foreign investors and actors not bound by ‘Australians first’ arrivals policy | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Another day, another hotel quarantine fail. So what can Australia learn from other countries? | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
Foreign investors and actors not bound by ‘Australians first’ arrivals policy | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Another day, another hotel quarantine fail. So what can Australia learn from other countries? | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
‘Disowned’: family says pleas for help ignored as Australian man dies of Covid-19 in India | Health | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Grattan on Friday: Unblocking the passage from India | The Conversation (May ’21)
Howard minister slams ban on India returnees | The Saturday Paper (May ’21)
Australia abandons its own - 7am Podcast (May ’21)
Panicked Scott Morrison tries to reverse India dog-whistle amid quarantine incompetence | Crikey (May ’21)
Grattan on Friday: Unblocking the passage from India | The Conversation (May ’21)
Howard minister slams ban on India returnees | The Saturday Paper (May ’21)
Australia abandons its own - 7am Podcast (May ’21)
Panicked Scott Morrison tries to reverse India dog-whistle amid quarantine incompetence | Crikey (May ’21)
The modelling behind Melbourne’s extended city-wide lockdown is problematic
| The Conversation
(Aug '20)
Covid vaccine rush could make pandemic worse, say scientists | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Eradication, elimination, suppression: let’s understand what they mean before debating Australia’s course | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Workplace transmissions: a predictable result of the class divide in worker rights | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Coronavirus having a devastating impact on migrant families sending money home | ABC (Aug '20)
Coronavirus: what will happen if we can’t produce a vaccine? | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess: Gladys Berejiklian refuses calls to extend inquiry to hear from official who refused to appear | The Guardian (Aug '20)
No, the extra hygiene precautions we’re taking for COVID-19 won’t weaken our immune systems | The Conversation (Aug '20)
View from The Hill: There’s no case for keeping secret any aged care facility’s COVID details | The Conversation (Aug '20)
‘An endless game of COVID-19 whack-a-mole’: a New Zealand expert on why Melbourne’s stage 4 lockdown should cover all of Victoria | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Does stage 4 'shock and awe' in Melbourne mean we should have gone for elimination of coronavirus after all? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Covid vaccine rush could make pandemic worse, say scientists | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Eradication, elimination, suppression: let’s understand what they mean before debating Australia’s course | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Workplace transmissions: a predictable result of the class divide in worker rights | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Coronavirus having a devastating impact on migrant families sending money home | ABC (Aug '20)
Coronavirus: what will happen if we can’t produce a vaccine? | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess: Gladys Berejiklian refuses calls to extend inquiry to hear from official who refused to appear | The Guardian (Aug '20)
No, the extra hygiene precautions we’re taking for COVID-19 won’t weaken our immune systems | The Conversation (Aug '20)
View from The Hill: There’s no case for keeping secret any aged care facility’s COVID details | The Conversation (Aug '20)
‘An endless game of COVID-19 whack-a-mole’: a New Zealand expert on why Melbourne’s stage 4 lockdown should cover all of Victoria | The Conversation (Aug '20)
Does stage 4 'shock and awe' in Melbourne mean we should have gone for elimination of coronavirus after all? | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Ruby Princess passengers let off ship after border force officer confused flu and coronavirus test results
| The Guardian
(Jul '20)
A foreseeable catastrophe: how Covid-19 swept through Victoria’s nursing homes | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Restaurants on footpaths: why Australia's indoor gatherings should be pushed outside in the Covid-19 era | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Vital Signs: Victoria’s privatised quarantine arrangements were destined to fail | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison says Australia cannot shut down to contain second wave of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jul '20)
4 steps to avert a full-blown coronavirus disaster in Victoria’s aged care homes | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Multiple sclerosis drug may help treat COVID-19 and lead to faster recovery | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Why Australia should switch course and try to eliminate COVID-19 Grattan Institute (Jul '20)
Experts call for Australia to replace coronavirus suppression strategy with elimination plan | ABC (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison set to slow the arrival home of Australians amid coronavirus fears | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Victoria's coronavirus surge could easily get away from us. This is the action we need now | ABC (Jul '20)
Melbourne’s lockdown came too late. It’s time to consider moving infected people outside the home | The Conversation (Jul '20)
'They change the rules': confusion reigns for frightened and stressed Melbourne public housing residents | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Overcrowding and affordability stress: Melbourne’s COVID-19 hotspots are also housing crisis hotspots | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Protecting the psychological health of children through effective communication about COVID-19 | The Lancet (Jul '20)
A foreseeable catastrophe: how Covid-19 swept through Victoria’s nursing homes | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Restaurants on footpaths: why Australia's indoor gatherings should be pushed outside in the Covid-19 era | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Vital Signs: Victoria’s privatised quarantine arrangements were destined to fail | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison says Australia cannot shut down to contain second wave of Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jul '20)
4 steps to avert a full-blown coronavirus disaster in Victoria’s aged care homes | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Multiple sclerosis drug may help treat COVID-19 and lead to faster recovery | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Why Australia should switch course and try to eliminate COVID-19 Grattan Institute (Jul '20)
Experts call for Australia to replace coronavirus suppression strategy with elimination plan | ABC (Jul '20)
Scott Morrison set to slow the arrival home of Australians amid coronavirus fears | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Victoria's coronavirus surge could easily get away from us. This is the action we need now | ABC (Jul '20)
Melbourne’s lockdown came too late. It’s time to consider moving infected people outside the home | The Conversation (Jul '20)
'They change the rules': confusion reigns for frightened and stressed Melbourne public housing residents | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Overcrowding and affordability stress: Melbourne’s COVID-19 hotspots are also housing crisis hotspots | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Protecting the psychological health of children through effective communication about COVID-19 | The Lancet (Jul '20)
COVIDSafe was 'sunscreen' for coronavirus, until it wasn't. Have we chosen the right solution to the pandemic?
(Jun '20)
Liberal politicians have linked Victoria's COVID-19 increase to Black Lives Matter protests. What are the facts? (Jun '20)
The COVID-19 “success story”: Why has the world singled out New Zealand for praise? (Jun '20)
Young women are hit doubly hard by recessions, especially this one (Jun '20)
Wondering who to see? The most responsible COVID strategy is 'social bubbles', study finds (Jun ’20)
NSW lays blame for Ruby Princess on feds (Jun ’20)
COVIDSafe app tests revealed iPhone performance issues at launch that weren't shared with the public (Jun ’20)
Cases, deaths and coronavirus tests: how Australia compares to the rest of the world (Jun ’20)
4 ways Australia’s coronavirus response was a triumph, and 4 ways it fell short (Jun ’20)
Liberal politicians have linked Victoria's COVID-19 increase to Black Lives Matter protests. What are the facts? (Jun '20)
The COVID-19 “success story”: Why has the world singled out New Zealand for praise? (Jun '20)
Young women are hit doubly hard by recessions, especially this one (Jun '20)
Wondering who to see? The most responsible COVID strategy is 'social bubbles', study finds (Jun ’20)
NSW lays blame for Ruby Princess on feds (Jun ’20)
COVIDSafe app tests revealed iPhone performance issues at launch that weren't shared with the public (Jun ’20)
Cases, deaths and coronavirus tests: how Australia compares to the rest of the world (Jun ’20)
4 ways Australia’s coronavirus response was a triumph, and 4 ways it fell short (Jun ’20)
If we want workers to stay home when sick, we need paid leave for casuals
(May ’20)
How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? (May ’20)
Whoever invents a coronavirus vaccine will control the patent – and, importantly, who gets to use it (May ’20)
Exclusive: Gov’s $5.8m aged-care app offers ‘no duty of care’ (May ’20)
Coronavirus has left Australian women anxious, overworked, insecure — and worse off than men again (May ’20)
Anatomy of a cruise: how the Ruby Princess came to dock and disembark with coronavirus (May ’20)
Arm yourself with trusted information and support during COVID-19 - Lung Foundation (May ’20)
This weekend is giving Australia its first glimpse of winter. Does that mean coronavirus will get worse? (May ’20)
Job Blooper: A $60 billion ‘error’ proves the wage subsidy has been weaponised (May ’20)
Australians are beginning to act as if the coronavirus is defeated. The biggest danger now is complacency (May ’20)
Worker claims unfair dismissal after questioning cleaning requirement for JobKeeper (May ’20)
Some Australians with a disability left without face-to-face care during coronavirus crisis (May ’20)
Coronavirus weekly: balancing a ‘new normal’ while keeping COVID-19 in check (May ’20)
Could blood thinners be a lifesaving treatment for COVID-19? Here’s what the science says and what it means for you (May ’20)
The government will spend $48 million to safeguard mental health. Extending JobKeeper would safeguard it even more (May ’20)
Stranded without support, international students across Australia rely on free food to survive (May ’20)
Vital Signs: rules are also signals, which is why easing social distancing is such a problem (May ’20)
Coronavirus: Ten reasons why you ought not to panic (May ’20)
How the coronavirus is affecting women’s work in Australia (May ’20)
Protect: Prevention is your best protection (Lung Foundation Australia) (May ’20)
Woman who suffered miscarriage in coronavirus quarantine was forced to return to hotel (May ’20)
The calculus of death shows the COVID lock-down is clearly worth the cost (May ’20)
Australians may not be ready to go back to normal even if coronavirus restrictions are lifted, survey finds (May ’20)
How did the Covidsafe app go from being vital to almost irrelevant? (May ’20)
Whoever invents a coronavirus vaccine will control the patent – and, importantly, who gets to use it (May ’20)
Exclusive: Gov’s $5.8m aged-care app offers ‘no duty of care’ (May ’20)
Coronavirus has left Australian women anxious, overworked, insecure — and worse off than men again (May ’20)
Anatomy of a cruise: how the Ruby Princess came to dock and disembark with coronavirus (May ’20)
Arm yourself with trusted information and support during COVID-19 - Lung Foundation (May ’20)
This weekend is giving Australia its first glimpse of winter. Does that mean coronavirus will get worse? (May ’20)
Job Blooper: A $60 billion ‘error’ proves the wage subsidy has been weaponised (May ’20)
Australians are beginning to act as if the coronavirus is defeated. The biggest danger now is complacency (May ’20)
Worker claims unfair dismissal after questioning cleaning requirement for JobKeeper (May ’20)
Some Australians with a disability left without face-to-face care during coronavirus crisis (May ’20)
Coronavirus weekly: balancing a ‘new normal’ while keeping COVID-19 in check (May ’20)
Could blood thinners be a lifesaving treatment for COVID-19? Here’s what the science says and what it means for you (May ’20)
The government will spend $48 million to safeguard mental health. Extending JobKeeper would safeguard it even more (May ’20)
Stranded without support, international students across Australia rely on free food to survive (May ’20)
Vital Signs: rules are also signals, which is why easing social distancing is such a problem (May ’20)
Coronavirus: Ten reasons why you ought not to panic (May ’20)
How the coronavirus is affecting women’s work in Australia (May ’20)
Protect: Prevention is your best protection (Lung Foundation Australia) (May ’20)
Woman who suffered miscarriage in coronavirus quarantine was forced to return to hotel (May ’20)
The calculus of death shows the COVID lock-down is clearly worth the cost (May ’20)
Australians may not be ready to go back to normal even if coronavirus restrictions are lifted, survey finds (May ’20)
Scott Morrison indicates ‘eliminating’ COVID-19 would come at too high a cost
(Apr ’20)
Coronavirus cases in Victoria rise by seven as Chief Health Officer flags total elimination of virus in Australia (Apr ’20)
COVID lockdowns have human costs as well as benefits. It’s time to consider both (Apr ’20)
No, Aussie bats won’t give you COVID-19. We rely on them more than you think (Apr '20)
We’ve known about pandemic health messaging since 1918. So when it comes to coronavirus, what has Australia learnt? (Apr ’20)
COVID lockdowns have human costs as well as benefits. It’s time to consider both (Apr ’20)
Morrison says 'early mark' of eased restrictions depends on uptake of Covidsafe tracing app (Apr ’20)
Australia pushes for global inquiry into outbreak (Apr ’20)
Coronavirus app: will Australians trust a government with a history of tech fails and data breaches? (Apr ’20)
Vital Signs: Modelling tells us the coronavirus app will need a big take-up, economics tells us how to get it (Apr ’20)
'I haven't left my building': life gets harder for vulnerable Australians during coronavirus crisis (Apr ’20)
The $130bn wage subsidy that united unions and Coalition, but left millions in the cold (Apr ’20)
90,000 foreign graduates are stuck in Australia without financial support: it’s a humanitarian and economic crisis in the making (Apr ’20)
Here's what Scott Morrison had to say after the National Cabinet meeting (Apr ’20)
JobKeeper wage system pushing small businesses to the edge (Apr ’20)
Australia's coronavirus relief exclusions prove we are not all in this together (Apr '20)
Aged care facilities sticking to coronavirus visitor restrictions despite federal advice (Apr '20)
New Zealand wants coronavirus elimination, Australia wants COVID-19 'suppression' — but can we have both? (Apr '20)
'We feel abandoned': international students in Australia facing coronavirus alone (Apr '20)
Australians want to open their homes to locked-down refugees. The government should let them (Apr '20)
Australia's landlords and tenants: what support is available in the coronavirus crisis? (Apr '20)
Coronavirus crisis sees evictions banned but some tenants still don't know how they'll pay the rent (Apr '20)
Those talking about a fast end to social distancing should consider the cost paid in human lives (Apr '20)
The Oncology Podcast: Cancer and COVID-19 with Professor Eva Segelov (Apr '20)
Are other countries looking at easing coronavirus restrictions and lockdown measures? (Apr '20)
Transmitting COVID-19 to another person could send you to prison for life. Here’s why this is worrisome (Apr '20)
Smoking increases your coronavirus risk. There’s never been a better time to quit (Apr '20)
Coronavirus has sped up changes to global order and sovereignty is making a comeback (Apr '20)
Corporate suppliers of masks and gowns price-gouging not-for-profit aged care providers (Apr '20)
Australian government experts at odds with health department over using hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus (Apr'20)
Coronavirus data modelling has Australia in good position, but COVID-19 'here to stay' (Apr '20)
Young people are anxious about coronavirus. Political leaders need to talk with them, not at them (Apr '20)
Australian children remain trapped in al-Hawl camp as region braces for coronavirus (Apr '20)
Hotel quarantine a ‘disaster’ and vulnerable people should be allowed home, doctor says (Apr '20)
The two meetings that changed the trajectory of Australia's coronavirus response (Apr '20)
Many hand sanitisers are ineffective against coronavirus, experts warn (Apr '20)
WHO considers changing guidance on wearing face masks (Apr '20)
I am a frontline doctor: here's how you can help me (Apr '20)
If coronavirus cases don’t grow any faster, our health system will probably cope (Apr ‘20)
Now the lucky country must decide: what is our least-worst option on COVID-19? (Apr '20)
Regaining control: the case for a short, sharp lockdown (rather than the slow trickle we’ve had so far) (Apr ‘20)
Australian officials again refuse to release coronavirus modelling (Apr '20)
'Left with nothing': Australia's migrant workforce face destitution without coronavirus safety net (Apr '20)
Coronavirus cases in Victoria rise by seven as Chief Health Officer flags total elimination of virus in Australia (Apr ’20)
COVID lockdowns have human costs as well as benefits. It’s time to consider both (Apr ’20)
No, Aussie bats won’t give you COVID-19. We rely on them more than you think (Apr '20)
We’ve known about pandemic health messaging since 1918. So when it comes to coronavirus, what has Australia learnt? (Apr ’20)
COVID lockdowns have human costs as well as benefits. It’s time to consider both (Apr ’20)
Morrison says 'early mark' of eased restrictions depends on uptake of Covidsafe tracing app (Apr ’20)
Australia pushes for global inquiry into outbreak (Apr ’20)
Coronavirus app: will Australians trust a government with a history of tech fails and data breaches? (Apr ’20)
Vital Signs: Modelling tells us the coronavirus app will need a big take-up, economics tells us how to get it (Apr ’20)
'I haven't left my building': life gets harder for vulnerable Australians during coronavirus crisis (Apr ’20)
The $130bn wage subsidy that united unions and Coalition, but left millions in the cold (Apr ’20)
90,000 foreign graduates are stuck in Australia without financial support: it’s a humanitarian and economic crisis in the making (Apr ’20)
Here's what Scott Morrison had to say after the National Cabinet meeting (Apr ’20)
JobKeeper wage system pushing small businesses to the edge (Apr ’20)
Australia's coronavirus relief exclusions prove we are not all in this together (Apr '20)
Aged care facilities sticking to coronavirus visitor restrictions despite federal advice (Apr '20)
New Zealand wants coronavirus elimination, Australia wants COVID-19 'suppression' — but can we have both? (Apr '20)
'We feel abandoned': international students in Australia facing coronavirus alone (Apr '20)
Australians want to open their homes to locked-down refugees. The government should let them (Apr '20)
Australia's landlords and tenants: what support is available in the coronavirus crisis? (Apr '20)
Coronavirus crisis sees evictions banned but some tenants still don't know how they'll pay the rent (Apr '20)
Those talking about a fast end to social distancing should consider the cost paid in human lives (Apr '20)
The Oncology Podcast: Cancer and COVID-19 with Professor Eva Segelov (Apr '20)
Are other countries looking at easing coronavirus restrictions and lockdown measures? (Apr '20)
Transmitting COVID-19 to another person could send you to prison for life. Here’s why this is worrisome (Apr '20)
Smoking increases your coronavirus risk. There’s never been a better time to quit (Apr '20)
Coronavirus has sped up changes to global order and sovereignty is making a comeback (Apr '20)
Corporate suppliers of masks and gowns price-gouging not-for-profit aged care providers (Apr '20)
Australian government experts at odds with health department over using hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus (Apr'20)
Coronavirus data modelling has Australia in good position, but COVID-19 'here to stay' (Apr '20)
Young people are anxious about coronavirus. Political leaders need to talk with them, not at them (Apr '20)
Australian children remain trapped in al-Hawl camp as region braces for coronavirus (Apr '20)
Hotel quarantine a ‘disaster’ and vulnerable people should be allowed home, doctor says (Apr '20)
The two meetings that changed the trajectory of Australia's coronavirus response (Apr '20)
Many hand sanitisers are ineffective against coronavirus, experts warn (Apr '20)
WHO considers changing guidance on wearing face masks (Apr '20)
I am a frontline doctor: here's how you can help me (Apr '20)
If coronavirus cases don’t grow any faster, our health system will probably cope (Apr ‘20)
Now the lucky country must decide: what is our least-worst option on COVID-19? (Apr '20)
Regaining control: the case for a short, sharp lockdown (rather than the slow trickle we’ve had so far) (Apr ‘20)
Australian officials again refuse to release coronavirus modelling (Apr '20)
'Left with nothing': Australia's migrant workforce face destitution without coronavirus safety net (Apr '20)
ABC's Norman Swan denies 'rancour' with chief medical officer after PM's office intervention on coronavirus | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | The Guardian
(Mar ’20)
Coronavirus: what the 2009 swine flu pandemic can tell us about the weeks to come (Mar ’20)
Australian government did not commission coronavirus campaign until a month after first case (Mar '20)
What is the Coronavirus Supplement from Centrelink, am I eligible and when does it start? (Mar '20)
We need a red team for Covid-19 (Mar '20)
Australians in their 20s have more confirmed cases of coronavirus than any other age group (Mar ‘20)
Want to Skype your GP to avoid exposure to the coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know about the new telehealth option (Mar ‘20)
Australia is crying out for clearer messaging on coronavirus, 'rambling' politicians told (Mar ‘20)
'Covid-19 will slam the door shut': Australia's family services brace for domestic violence spike (Mar ‘20)
‘We need a Shane Fitzsimmons’: Government's latest coronavirus advice sparks confusion (Mar ‘20)
Why Australia is not shutting schools to help control the spread of coronavirus (Mar ‘20)
The case for Endgame C: stop almost everything, restart when coronavirus is gone (Mar '20)
‘Cabin fever’: Australia must prepare for the social and psychological impacts of a coronavirus lockdown (Mar '20)
Coronavirus: Australia orders all arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days (Mar '20)
Scott Morrison addresses the nation about Covid-19 response …and about going to the footy (Mar ’20)
Coronavirus: how long does it take to get sick? How infectious is it? Will you always have a fever? COVID-19 basics explained (Mar '20)
Coronavirus: How behaviour can help control the spread of COVID-19 (Mar '20)
Australian schools stay open amid coronavirus but NSW brings in social distancing (Mar '20)
New Zealand and Australia close borders to foreigners amid coronavirus crisis (Mar '20)
Coronavirus: what the 2009 swine flu pandemic can tell us about the weeks to come (Mar ’20)
Australian government did not commission coronavirus campaign until a month after first case (Mar '20)
What is the Coronavirus Supplement from Centrelink, am I eligible and when does it start? (Mar '20)
We need a red team for Covid-19 (Mar '20)
Australians in their 20s have more confirmed cases of coronavirus than any other age group (Mar ‘20)
Want to Skype your GP to avoid exposure to the coronavirus? Here’s what you need to know about the new telehealth option (Mar ‘20)
Australia is crying out for clearer messaging on coronavirus, 'rambling' politicians told (Mar ‘20)
'Covid-19 will slam the door shut': Australia's family services brace for domestic violence spike (Mar ‘20)
‘We need a Shane Fitzsimmons’: Government's latest coronavirus advice sparks confusion (Mar ‘20)
Why Australia is not shutting schools to help control the spread of coronavirus (Mar ‘20)
The case for Endgame C: stop almost everything, restart when coronavirus is gone (Mar '20)
‘Cabin fever’: Australia must prepare for the social and psychological impacts of a coronavirus lockdown (Mar '20)
Coronavirus: Australia orders all arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days (Mar '20)
Scott Morrison addresses the nation about Covid-19 response …and about going to the footy (Mar ’20)
Coronavirus: how long does it take to get sick? How infectious is it? Will you always have a fever? COVID-19 basics explained (Mar '20)
Coronavirus: How behaviour can help control the spread of COVID-19 (Mar '20)
Australian schools stay open amid coronavirus but NSW brings in social distancing (Mar '20)
New Zealand and Australia close borders to foreigners amid coronavirus crisis (Mar '20)
covid: around the world
Ranking the effectiveness of worldwide COVID-19 government interventions | Nature
(Nov '20)
True number of global COVID-19 infections much higher than reported, Australian research estimates | ABC (Nov '20)
Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists | The Guardian (Apr '20)
'We did it to ourselves': scientist says intrusion into nature led to pandemic | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Coronavirus pandemic 'will cause famine of biblical proportions' | The Guardian (Apr '20)
True number of global COVID-19 infections much higher than reported, Australian research estimates | ABC (Nov '20)
Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists | The Guardian (Apr '20)
'We did it to ourselves': scientist says intrusion into nature led to pandemic | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Coronavirus pandemic 'will cause famine of biblical proportions' | The Guardian (Apr '20)
New Zealand and Australia were Covid success stories. Why are they behind on vaccine rollouts? | MSN
(Apr '21)
Vaccine inequality: Rich nations had vaccine options after AstraZeneca and J&J faced clot reports. Others may not have that luxury - CNN (Apr '21)
Vaccine inequity puts world on brink of 'catastrophic moral failure', says WHO chief – video | World news | The Guardian (Jan '21)
The big barriers to global vaccination: patent rights, national self-interest and the wealth gap | The Conversation (Jan '21)
UK's extended COVID-19 vaccine rollout a 'disaster' that could lead to vaccine-resistant strain, virologist says | ABC (Jan '21)
Nine out of 10 in poor nations to miss out on inoculation as west buys up Covid vaccines | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine has 70% efficacy, full trial data shows | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Vaccine inequality: Rich nations had vaccine options after AstraZeneca and J&J faced clot reports. Others may not have that luxury - CNN (Apr '21)
Vaccine inequity puts world on brink of 'catastrophic moral failure', says WHO chief – video | World news | The Guardian (Jan '21)
The big barriers to global vaccination: patent rights, national self-interest and the wealth gap | The Conversation (Jan '21)
UK's extended COVID-19 vaccine rollout a 'disaster' that could lead to vaccine-resistant strain, virologist says | ABC (Jan '21)
Nine out of 10 in poor nations to miss out on inoculation as west buys up Covid vaccines | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine has 70% efficacy, full trial data shows | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Past pandemics show how coronavirus budgets can drive faster economic recovery - New Zealand
| The Conversation
(Jul '20)
Air pollution may be ‘key contributor’ to Covid-19 deaths – study | The Guardian (Apr '20)
We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Coronavirus and Spanish flu: economic lessons to learn from the last truly global pandemic | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Air pollution may be ‘key contributor’ to Covid-19 deaths – study | The Guardian (Apr '20)
We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Coronavirus and Spanish flu: economic lessons to learn from the last truly global pandemic | The Conversation (Mar '20)
New Zealand's Covid-19 response the best in the world, say global business leaders
| The Guardian
(Oct '20)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
The new leader of the free world | Medium (May ’20)
Open, honest and effective: what makes Jacinda Ardern an authentic leader | The Conversation (May ’20)
New Zealand’s Prime Minister May Be the Most Effective Leader on the Planet | The Atlantic (Apr ’20)
Three reasons Jacinda Ardern’s coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership | The Conversation (Apr ’20)
Vanquish the Virus? Australia and New Zealand Aim to Show the Way | NY Times (Apr '20)
Coronavirus: How New Zealand relied on science and empathy | BBC (Apr '20)
Coronavirus: New Zealand PM says all arrivals must self-isolate | BBC (Mar '20)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
The new leader of the free world | Medium (May ’20)
Open, honest and effective: what makes Jacinda Ardern an authentic leader | The Conversation (May ’20)
New Zealand’s Prime Minister May Be the Most Effective Leader on the Planet | The Atlantic (Apr ’20)
Three reasons Jacinda Ardern’s coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership | The Conversation (Apr ’20)
Vanquish the Virus? Australia and New Zealand Aim to Show the Way | NY Times (Apr '20)
Coronavirus: How New Zealand relied on science and empathy | BBC (Apr '20)
Coronavirus: New Zealand PM says all arrivals must self-isolate | BBC (Mar '20)
No one else in the world has tamed a second wave this large like Daniel Andrews
| John Menadue
(Oct '20)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
Scott Morrison: How Australia's PM rebuilt his reputation | BBC (May '20)
Coronavirus: Australia orders all arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days | BBC (Mar '20)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
Scott Morrison: How Australia's PM rebuilt his reputation | BBC (May '20)
Coronavirus: Australia orders all arrivals to self-isolate for 14 days | BBC (Mar '20)
OECD Economic Outlook
(Jun '20)
Coronavirus has brought US 'to its knees', says CDC director | The Guardian (Jun '20)
The storm we can’t see (Washington Post) | Washington Post (may '20)
Coronavirus has brought US 'to its knees', says CDC director | The Guardian (Jun '20)
The storm we can’t see (Washington Post) | Washington Post (may '20)
In the first lockdown, England proved it could end homelessness. Why not now?
| The Guardian
(Jan '21)
Why does Boris Johnson delay coronavirus lockdown decisions? A psychologist gives her view | The Conversation (Jan '21)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
Coronavirus: why did England ignore an army of existing contact tracers? | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Without public faith in government actions, the UK will never beat Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
'London is so strange and sad': the sacked hospitality workers sleeping rough | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Boy, 7, asks 'am I next?' after mother and grandmother die with Covid-19 | The Guardian (Apr '20)
UK coronavirus response utterly hypocritical, says UN poverty expert | The Guardian (Apr '20)
How did Britain get its coronavirus response so wrong? | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Compulsory isolation in the fight against coronavirus: a clash of human rights and public health | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Why does Boris Johnson delay coronavirus lockdown decisions? A psychologist gives her view | The Conversation (Jan '21)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
Coronavirus: why did England ignore an army of existing contact tracers? | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Without public faith in government actions, the UK will never beat Covid-19 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
'London is so strange and sad': the sacked hospitality workers sleeping rough | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Boy, 7, asks 'am I next?' after mother and grandmother die with Covid-19 | The Guardian (Apr '20)
UK coronavirus response utterly hypocritical, says UN poverty expert | The Guardian (Apr '20)
How did Britain get its coronavirus response so wrong? | The Guardian (Apr '20)
Compulsory isolation in the fight against coronavirus: a clash of human rights and public health | The Conversation (Mar '20)
OECD Economic Outlook
(Jun '20)
The Secret to Germany’s COVID-19 Success: Angela Merkel Is a Scientist | The Atantic (Apr '20)
The Secret to Germany’s COVID-19 Success: Angela Merkel Is a Scientist | The Atantic (Apr '20)
How China used the media to spread its COVID narrative — and win friends around the world | The Conversation
(May '21)
Murky origins: why China will never welcome a global inquiry into the source of COVID-19 | The Conversation (Jan '21)
How China is controlling the COVID origins narrative — silencing critics and locking up dissenters | The Conversation (Jan '21)
China blocks entry to WHO team studying Covid's origins | The Guardian (Jan '21)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
China withheld data on coronavirus from WHO, recordings reveal | The Guardian (Jun '20)
China is fighting the coronavirus with a digital QR code. Here's how it works | CNN (Apr '20)
Murky origins: why China will never welcome a global inquiry into the source of COVID-19 | The Conversation (Jan '21)
How China is controlling the COVID origins narrative — silencing critics and locking up dissenters | The Conversation (Jan '21)
China blocks entry to WHO team studying Covid's origins | The Guardian (Jan '21)
OECD Economic Outlook (Jun '20)
China withheld data on coronavirus from WHO, recordings reveal | The Guardian (Jun '20)
China is fighting the coronavirus with a digital QR code. Here's how it works | CNN (Apr '20)
India's Coronavirus emergency tells a story poorly understood - Pearls and Irritations
(May '21)
What we know about the Indian B.1.617 variant of coronavirus - ABC News (May '21)
India wants access to cheap copies of Covid vaccines. So why is Australia holding out? | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
India COVID crisis: four reasons it will derail the world economy | The Conversation (Apr '21)
‘We are witnessing a crime against humanity’: Arundhati Roy on India’s Covid catastrophe | Coronavirus | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Vaccine hoarding is all the more disturbing as a Covid disaster unfolds in India | Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian (Apr '21)
What we know about the Indian B.1.617 variant of coronavirus - ABC News (May '21)
India wants access to cheap copies of Covid vaccines. So why is Australia holding out? | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
India COVID crisis: four reasons it will derail the world economy | The Conversation (Apr '21)
‘We are witnessing a crime against humanity’: Arundhati Roy on India’s Covid catastrophe | Coronavirus | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Vaccine hoarding is all the more disturbing as a Covid disaster unfolds in India | Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Nepal is being overwhelmed by Covid. We need help | KP Sharma Oli | The Guardian
(May '21)
Indian double-mutant COVID strain found in neighbouring Nepal as cases explode - ABC News (May '21)
Indian double-mutant COVID strain found in neighbouring Nepal as cases explode - ABC News (May '21)
How Taiwan beat COVID-19 – new study reveals clues to its success | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
Covid-19: Why Hong Kong's 'third wave' is a warning | BBC (Jul '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Japan (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - India (Jun '20)
How Vietnam managed to keep its coronavirus death toll at zero | CNN (May '20)
Covid-19: Why Hong Kong's 'third wave' is a warning | BBC (Jul '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Japan (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - India (Jun '20)
How Vietnam managed to keep its coronavirus death toll at zero | CNN (May '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Euro Zone
(Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - France (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Italy (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Spain (Jun '20)
Who in Europe is getting it right on Covid? | The Guardian (Oct '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - France (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Italy (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Spain (Jun '20)
Who in Europe is getting it right on Covid? | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Now the Swedish model has failed, it's time to ask who was pushing it
| The Guardian
(Jan '21)
We should have done more, admits architect of Sweden's Covid-19 strategy | The Guardian (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Sweden (Jun '20)
We should have done more, admits architect of Sweden's Covid-19 strategy | The Guardian (Jun '20)
OECD Economic Outlook - Sweden (Jun '20)
climate Politics
Liberal backbencher urges environment minister to speed up new protections | Australian politics | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
‘Breathtaking’: what Joe Biden’s sweeping climate plan means for Scott Morrison | Environment | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Who should pick up the tab for the costs of climate change in north Queensland? | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | The Guardian (Dec '20)
World awaits action by 'suicidal' Australia, says former climate chief | SMH (Dec '20)
NSW's clean energy plan means the federal government is even more isolated on fossil fuels | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Suing for climate action: can the courts save us from the black hole of political inaction? | The Guardian (Nov '20)
New polling shows 79% of Aussies care about climate change. So why doesn’t the government listen? | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Does anyone really believe we are going to avert a climate catastrophe? | John Menadue (Oct '20)
Labor agrees to support new gas projects after public brawl sparked by Joel Fitzgibbon | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian company directors call for more infrastructure spending and a Green New Deal | The Guardian (Oct '20)
We want to learn about climate change from weather presenters, not politicians | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
Instead they saved the Dish | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Coalition's axing of funding to climate change adaptation body condemned | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Scott Morrison does not want kids to have 'anxieties' about climate change after Greta Thunberg's speech | ABC (Sep '19)
As Angus Taylor ducks, weaves and dithers, China zooms past | The Guardian (Jun '19)
‘Breathtaking’: what Joe Biden’s sweeping climate plan means for Scott Morrison | Environment | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Who should pick up the tab for the costs of climate change in north Queensland? | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Liberal MPs pour cold water on inquiry backed by Frydenberg into bank lending for coal projects | The Guardian (Dec '20)
World awaits action by 'suicidal' Australia, says former climate chief | SMH (Dec '20)
NSW's clean energy plan means the federal government is even more isolated on fossil fuels | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Suing for climate action: can the courts save us from the black hole of political inaction? | The Guardian (Nov '20)
New polling shows 79% of Aussies care about climate change. So why doesn’t the government listen? | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Does anyone really believe we are going to avert a climate catastrophe? | John Menadue (Oct '20)
Labor agrees to support new gas projects after public brawl sparked by Joel Fitzgibbon | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian company directors call for more infrastructure spending and a Green New Deal | The Guardian (Oct '20)
We want to learn about climate change from weather presenters, not politicians | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
Instead they saved the Dish | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Coalition's axing of funding to climate change adaptation body condemned | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Scott Morrison does not want kids to have 'anxieties' about climate change after Greta Thunberg's speech | ABC (Sep '19)
As Angus Taylor ducks, weaves and dithers, China zooms past | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Australia's climate-criminal status is on global display. What now? | Crikey
(Apr '21)
As Morrison struggles with 2050, the climate leaders up the ante for 2030 | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Australia warned it could be isolated over climate inaction after Joe Biden victory | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Our world is facing irreversible destruction – and still there's no urgency in Australian climate policy | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
As Morrison struggles with 2050, the climate leaders up the ante for 2030 | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Australia warned it could be isolated over climate inaction after Joe Biden victory | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Our world is facing irreversible destruction – and still there's no urgency in Australian climate policy | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
Australia's climate wars were always stupid. Now they've got even dumber | Australian politics | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
Coalition's political games don’t mix well with existential threat | Pearls and Irritations (Jan '21)
Coalition's political games don’t mix well with existential threat | Pearls and Irritations (Jan '21)
Morrison Government opens door to paying for cleaner coal and gas with climate funds - ABC News
(Mar '21)
Josh Frydenberg backs probe into banks not lending due to climate risks | SMH (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison's climate language has shifted – but actions speak louder than words | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Nationals call for ANZ boycott after bank's push for net zero emissions | ANZ | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian PM's office omits net zero emissions from account of Morrison's talk with Johnson | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Josh Frydenberg backs probe into banks not lending due to climate risks | SMH (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison's climate language has shifted – but actions speak louder than words | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Nationals call for ANZ boycott after bank's push for net zero emissions | ANZ | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australian PM's office omits net zero emissions from account of Morrison's talk with Johnson | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Climate experts in dismay at choice of Mathias Cormann as OECD chief | OECD | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Mathias Cormann: the Australian OECD candidate trying to airbrush his climate record | Mathias Cormann | The Guardian (Feb '21)
'Trying to invert reality': Mathias Cormann's climate credentials will be a hard sell at the OECD | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Mathias Cormann talks up 'green recovery' in OECD pitch, despite record in office | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Mathias Cormann wants to be a chameleon on climate change when we've got a bin fire instead of a plan | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Mathias Cormann: the Australian OECD candidate trying to airbrush his climate record | Mathias Cormann | The Guardian (Feb '21)
'Trying to invert reality': Mathias Cormann's climate credentials will be a hard sell at the OECD | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Mathias Cormann talks up 'green recovery' in OECD pitch, despite record in office | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Mathias Cormann wants to be a chameleon on climate change when we've got a bin fire instead of a plan | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Business lobby group and corporations back Zali Steggall’s 2050 net zero target bill
| The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Zali Steggall’s new climate change bill comes just as economic sectors step up | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Zali Steggall’s new climate change bill comes just as economic sectors step up | The Conversation (Nov '20)
The Paris Agreement 5 years on: big coal exporters like Australia face a reckoning
| The Conversation
(Dec '20)
Until recently, pressure on Australia to drop carryover credits had little impact. But times change | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Biden says the US will rejoin the Paris climate agreement in 77 days. Then Australia will really feel the heat | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Today, Australia’s Kyoto climate targets end and our Paris cop-out begins. That’s nothing to be proud of, Mr Taylor | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)
About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Australia is the only country using carryover climate credits, officials admit | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Until recently, pressure on Australia to drop carryover credits had little impact. But times change | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Biden says the US will rejoin the Paris climate agreement in 77 days. Then Australia will really feel the heat | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Today, Australia’s Kyoto climate targets end and our Paris cop-out begins. That’s nothing to be proud of, Mr Taylor | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)
About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Australia is the only country using carryover climate credits, officials admit | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Federal government paying millions in consulting fees for advice on subsidising gas industry, documents show - ABC News
(Mar ’21)
Coalition quietly adds fossil fuel industry leaders to emissions reduction panel | Energy | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Green bank shouldn’t fund gas-fired power, ex-officials tell federal MPs | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Out on its own: Australia the only country to use climate funding to upgrade coal-fired plants | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Coalition quietly adds fossil fuel industry leaders to emissions reduction panel | Energy | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Green bank shouldn’t fund gas-fired power, ex-officials tell federal MPs | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Out on its own: Australia the only country to use climate funding to upgrade coal-fired plants | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Creative destruction: the COVID-19 economic crisis is accelerating the demise of fossil fuels
| The Conversation
(Aug '20)
IEEFA update: Coal finance is heading to its logical terminal conclusion | IEEFA (Jun '20)
Coal developers risk $600 billion as renewables outcompete worldwide | Carbon Tracker (Mar '20)
Investments in new power generating capacity would bring an economic return for decades | Climate
What you'd spend to prevent climate change — and what you could get with your money - ABC News (Dec ’19)
Saudi Aramco valuation falls below $2tn target | The Guardian (Nov'19)
Why are asset managers investing in fossil fuel companies? | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Australia is the world's third-largest exporter of CO2 in fossil fuels, report finds | ABC News (Aug '19)
Batteries the winner, as 5-minute rule promises to end gas market gaming | Renew Economy (Jun '19)
IEEFA update: Coal finance is heading to its logical terminal conclusion | IEEFA (Jun '20)
Coal developers risk $600 billion as renewables outcompete worldwide | Carbon Tracker (Mar '20)
Investments in new power generating capacity would bring an economic return for decades | Climate
What you'd spend to prevent climate change — and what you could get with your money - ABC News (Dec ’19)
Saudi Aramco valuation falls below $2tn target | The Guardian (Nov'19)
Why are asset managers investing in fossil fuel companies? | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Australia is the world's third-largest exporter of CO2 in fossil fuels, report finds | ABC News (Aug '19)
Batteries the winner, as 5-minute rule promises to end gas market gaming | Renew Economy (Jun '19)
Climate crisis bigger concern than pandemic for Australian businesses, survey finds | Business | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
Big-emitting Australian businesses could soon face costly carbon levy in Europe | Australian economy | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Reserve Bank warns of 25% GDP loss by 2100 unless action taken on climate change | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Big-emitting Australian businesses could soon face costly carbon levy in Europe | Australian economy | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Reserve Bank warns of 25% GDP loss by 2100 unless action taken on climate change | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Investors lead push for Australian business to cut emissions more than government forecasts
| The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Suncorp out of oil and gas drilling, leaving QBE isolated | Market Forces (Aug '20)
First State Super to divest from thermal coal mining investments | News (Jul '20)
Top super fund dumps coal miners as emissions cuts intensify | SMH (Jul '20)
Super giant HESTA divests coal, commits to 'net zero' investments by 2050 | SMH (Jun '20)
Adani mine: three major insurers to have no further involvement in coal project | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Westpac to withdraw support for thermal coalmining after 2030 | The Guardian (May '20)
QBE told to stop fuelling climate crisis | Insurance Business Magazine (Feb '20)
Suncorp out of oil and gas drilling, leaving QBE isolated | Market Forces (Aug '20)
First State Super to divest from thermal coal mining investments | News (Jul '20)
Top super fund dumps coal miners as emissions cuts intensify | SMH (Jul '20)
Super giant HESTA divests coal, commits to 'net zero' investments by 2050 | SMH (Jun '20)
Adani mine: three major insurers to have no further involvement in coal project | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Westpac to withdraw support for thermal coalmining after 2030 | The Guardian (May '20)
QBE told to stop fuelling climate crisis | Insurance Business Magazine (Feb '20)
Major investment firm dumps Exxon, Chevron and Rio Tinto stock
| The Guardian
(Aug '20)
Norway’s giant oil fund ditches stake in Australia's AGL over fossil fuel concerns | The Guardian (May '20)
Insurers withdrawing cover from coal projects double in 2019 | Unfriend Coal (Dec '19)
European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Norway’s giant oil fund ditches stake in Australia's AGL over fossil fuel concerns | The Guardian (May '20)
Insurers withdrawing cover from coal projects double in 2019 | Unfriend Coal (Dec '19)
European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing | The Guardian (Nov '19)
ANZ's climate policy reveals steps away from coal to support net zero emission by 2050
(Oct '20)
Banks Don't Want to Lend to Australia's Coal Miners Any More | Bloomberg (Oct '20)
Australia’s major banks keep on fueling the climate crisis | Market Forces (Mar '20)
Analysis: Global coal power set for record fall in 2019 | Carbon Brief (Nov '19)
Commonwealth Bank - Climate Risk Report (2019)
Banks increasing exposure to fossil fuels despite promises to fight climate change: report | ABC (Jan '19)
Banks Don't Want to Lend to Australia's Coal Miners Any More | Bloomberg (Oct '20)
Australia’s major banks keep on fueling the climate crisis | Market Forces (Mar '20)
Analysis: Global coal power set for record fall in 2019 | Carbon Brief (Nov '19)
Commonwealth Bank - Climate Risk Report (2019)
Banks increasing exposure to fossil fuels despite promises to fight climate change: report | ABC (Jan '19)
Climate change will kill you, part three: sickness - 7am Podcast
(Jan '21)
Climate change will kill you, part two: flood - 7am Podcast (Jan '21)
Climate change will kill you, part one: heat - 7am Podcast (Jan '21)
Climate change will kill you, part two: flood - 7am Podcast (Jan '21)
Climate change will kill you, part one: heat - 7am Podcast (Jan '21)
climate change action/inaction/denial
Coalition signs Australia up to agreements to price in climate risk | Australian politics | The Guardian
(Jan ’21)
The Morrison government has abrogated responsibility for the climate crisis to the states | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Let’s fix Australia’s environment with any pandemic recovery aid – the Kiwis are doing it | The Conversation (Jun ’20)
Green steel industry could secure jobs future for Australia's coalmining heartland | The Guardian (May '20)
It might sound ‘batshit insane’ but Australia could soon export sunshine to Asia via a 3,800km cable | The Conversation (Feb '20))
44 inspiring climate solutions from around the world that are tackling the climate crisis with practical action | Ashden (Feb '20)
The Morrison government has abrogated responsibility for the climate crisis to the states | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Let’s fix Australia’s environment with any pandemic recovery aid – the Kiwis are doing it | The Conversation (Jun ’20)
Green steel industry could secure jobs future for Australia's coalmining heartland | The Guardian (May '20)
It might sound ‘batshit insane’ but Australia could soon export sunshine to Asia via a 3,800km cable | The Conversation (Feb '20))
44 inspiring climate solutions from around the world that are tackling the climate crisis with practical action | Ashden (Feb '20)
80% of household water goes to waste – we need to get it back | The Conversation (Oct '19)
Stemming the tide of trash: 5 essential reads on recycling | The Conversation (mar '19)
Stemming the tide of trash: 5 essential reads on recycling | The Conversation (mar '19)
Climate change inaction spurs Berowra residents to take some action themselves with local ideas - ABC News
(Feb ’21)
Activists hail ‘historic win’ as NSW environment court rejects Bylong Valley coalmine | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Activists hail ‘historic win’ as NSW environment court rejects Bylong Valley coalmine | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
The Australian philanthropists spending big and fast to fight catastrophic climate change | ABC
(Nov ’20)
'We pay a tax to produce clean energy': the Queensland pig farmer who is leading the way on climate action | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Backyard beekeeping is on the rise as bee populations come under threat | ABC (may '20)
Mike and Annie Cannon-Brookes pledge $12m to supply solar systems for disaster relief | The Guardian (Feb '20)
The woman who loves garbage: Veena Sahajwalla on making the best of waste | The Guardian (Jan'16)
The burning question - Robert Macfarlane argues that writers can play a crucial role in helping us to imagine the impact of climate change | The Guardian (Sep '05)
'We pay a tax to produce clean energy': the Queensland pig farmer who is leading the way on climate action | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Backyard beekeeping is on the rise as bee populations come under threat | ABC (may '20)
Mike and Annie Cannon-Brookes pledge $12m to supply solar systems for disaster relief | The Guardian (Feb '20)
The woman who loves garbage: Veena Sahajwalla on making the best of waste | The Guardian (Jan'16)
The burning question - Robert Macfarlane argues that writers can play a crucial role in helping us to imagine the impact of climate change | The Guardian (Sep '05)
The reason the Morrison government struggles with the idea of targets - ABC News
(Apr '21)
Scott Morrison can't spin this one: Australia's climate pledges at this week's summit won't convince the world we're serious | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Michael McCormack says agriculture could be excluded from 2050 net zero emissions target | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '21)
World leaders deserve to know about Australia's abysmal climate change policy, so I wrote to them | The Guardian - Bob Carr (Dec '20)
Australia listened to the science on coronavirus. Imagine if we did the same for coal mining | The Conversation (may '20)
Australia is flattening the coronavirus curve. Why can’t we do the same for climate? | The Guardian (May ‘20)
Coalition claims it will meet 2030 emissions target – but only by using accounting loophole | The Guardian (Dec '19)
It’s the 10-year anniversary of our climate policy abyss. But don’t blame the Greens | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Scott Morrison can't spin this one: Australia's climate pledges at this week's summit won't convince the world we're serious | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Michael McCormack says agriculture could be excluded from 2050 net zero emissions target | Australian politics | The Guardian (Feb '21)
World leaders deserve to know about Australia's abysmal climate change policy, so I wrote to them | The Guardian - Bob Carr (Dec '20)
Australia listened to the science on coronavirus. Imagine if we did the same for coal mining | The Conversation (may '20)
Australia is flattening the coronavirus curve. Why can’t we do the same for climate? | The Guardian (May ‘20)
Coalition claims it will meet 2030 emissions target – but only by using accounting loophole | The Guardian (Dec '19)
It’s the 10-year anniversary of our climate policy abyss. But don’t blame the Greens | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Coalition government spent just 16 cents on climate crisis out of every $100, analysis finds | Australia news | The Guardian
(May '21)
Morrison off target on climate | The Saturday Paper (Apr '21)
Australia has wasted so many years when it comes to climate change | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Morrison government can’t conceal inaction on climate from US with ‘smoke and mirrors’ | Australian politics | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Climate change is a security threat the government keeps ignoring. We'll show up empty handed to yet another global summit | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Wake up, Mr Morrison: Australia's slack climate effort leaves our children 10 times more work to do | The Conversation (Feb '21)
The government is stuck in the fallacy of debt and deficit while ignoring the climate crisis | Australian economy | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Australia’s most senior former public servants and scientists reveal their anger about climate policy failure | ABC (may '20)
Top Australian former officials blast country’s ‘failure’ on climate change | Global Government Forum (May '20)
Morrison government dangles new carrots for industry but fails to fix bigger climate policy problem | The Conversation (May '20)
Transport is letting Australia down in the race to cut emissions | The Conversation (Mar '20)
30 years of Australia's hollow promises on climate policy | The Guardian (Feb '20)
As Angus Taylor ducks, weaves and dithers, China zooms past | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Morrison off target on climate | The Saturday Paper (Apr '21)
Australia has wasted so many years when it comes to climate change | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Morrison government can’t conceal inaction on climate from US with ‘smoke and mirrors’ | Australian politics | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Climate change is a security threat the government keeps ignoring. We'll show up empty handed to yet another global summit | The Conversation (Apr '21)
Wake up, Mr Morrison: Australia's slack climate effort leaves our children 10 times more work to do | The Conversation (Feb '21)
The government is stuck in the fallacy of debt and deficit while ignoring the climate crisis | Australian economy | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Australia’s most senior former public servants and scientists reveal their anger about climate policy failure | ABC (may '20)
Top Australian former officials blast country’s ‘failure’ on climate change | Global Government Forum (May '20)
Morrison government dangles new carrots for industry but fails to fix bigger climate policy problem | The Conversation (May '20)
Transport is letting Australia down in the race to cut emissions | The Conversation (Mar '20)
30 years of Australia's hollow promises on climate policy | The Guardian (Feb '20)
As Angus Taylor ducks, weaves and dithers, China zooms past | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Spot the difference: As world leaders rose to the occasion at the Biden climate summit, Morrison faltered | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
Global reset on climate action leaves Scott Morrison looking like yesterday’s man | Australian politics | The Guardian (Apr '21)
‘No action on anything’: Australia increasingly isolated as US and others ramp up climate ambition | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Coalition told it must hugely increase clean energy investment beyond hydrogen, carbon storage promise | Energy | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australia lags far behind other top economies on 'green recovery' pandemic spending | Australian politics | The Guardian (Mar '21)
The world is embracing climate action. Why isn't Australia? - 7am (Jan '21)
World awaits action by 'suicidal' Australia, says former climate chief | SMH (Dec ’20)
Australia’s climate effort slammed as ‘simply embarrassing’, among worst in the G20 | Renew Economy (Nov '20)
Global reset on climate action leaves Scott Morrison looking like yesterday’s man | Australian politics | The Guardian (Apr '21)
‘No action on anything’: Australia increasingly isolated as US and others ramp up climate ambition | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Coalition told it must hugely increase clean energy investment beyond hydrogen, carbon storage promise | Energy | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Australia lags far behind other top economies on 'green recovery' pandemic spending | Australian politics | The Guardian (Mar '21)
The world is embracing climate action. Why isn't Australia? - 7am (Jan '21)
World awaits action by 'suicidal' Australia, says former climate chief | SMH (Dec ’20)
Australia’s climate effort slammed as ‘simply embarrassing’, among worst in the G20 | Renew Economy (Nov '20)
Bold challenge to decarbonise Australia in 15 years laid down by Climate Council - ABC News
(Apr '21)
Australia's lack of effort on climate change is going to cost us | Climate change | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Hitting Home: The Compounding Costs of Climate Inaction | Climate Council (Jan '21)
Lack of climate action over 50 years will cost Australian economy $3.4tn and 880,000 jobs – report | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australia's lack of effort on climate change is going to cost us | Climate change | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Hitting Home: The Compounding Costs of Climate Inaction | Climate Council (Jan '21)
Lack of climate action over 50 years will cost Australian economy $3.4tn and 880,000 jobs – report | The Guardian (Oct '20)
No point complaining about it, Australia will face carbon levies unless it changes course | The Conversation
(Feb ’21)
Carbon tariffs: what are they and what could they mean for Australia? | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Carbon tariffs: what are they and what could they mean for Australia? | Greenhouse gas emissions | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Coalition vetoes funding for wind and battery farm in northern Queensland | Energy | The Guardian
(May ’21)
How Australia is blocking global climate action - 7am Podcast (Apr ’21)
Environment minister Sussan Ley says climate action not her portfolio in stoush with states | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr ’21)
Has the Australian government axed key climate adaptation projects? - Australian Associated Press (Feb '21)
Bad Investments: What will it take for the Coalition to give up its fossil-fuel addiction? | The Monthly (Dec '20)
Coalition's $100m scheme to fund recycled products has spent no money | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Coalition to divert renewable energy funding away from wind and solar | Energy | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Our government is choosing to fail on climate and trying to make a virtue of it | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Australia stops payments to Green Climate Fund | Climate Change News (Apr '19)
Australian government backs coal in defiance of IPCC climate warning | The Guardian (Oct '18)
Here’s 123 Things Our Leaders Did To ‘Confront’ Climate Change | New Matilda (Oct '18)
Australia tried to water down climate change resolution at Pacific Islands Forum: leader | Pacific Islands Forum | New Matilda (Sep '18)
Tony Abbott confirms cuts to Australia's carbon emissions reduction targets | Business Insider (Aug '15)
Renewable energy target slashed, wind farm commissioner to be established | SMH (Jun '15)
Clean Energy Finance Corporation directed by Government to stop funding wind farms | ABC (Jun '15)
How Australia is blocking global climate action - 7am Podcast (Apr ’21)
Environment minister Sussan Ley says climate action not her portfolio in stoush with states | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr ’21)
Has the Australian government axed key climate adaptation projects? - Australian Associated Press (Feb '21)
Bad Investments: What will it take for the Coalition to give up its fossil-fuel addiction? | The Monthly (Dec '20)
Coalition's $100m scheme to fund recycled products has spent no money | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Coalition to divert renewable energy funding away from wind and solar | Energy | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Our government is choosing to fail on climate and trying to make a virtue of it | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Australia stops payments to Green Climate Fund | Climate Change News (Apr '19)
Australian government backs coal in defiance of IPCC climate warning | The Guardian (Oct '18)
Here’s 123 Things Our Leaders Did To ‘Confront’ Climate Change | New Matilda (Oct '18)
Australia tried to water down climate change resolution at Pacific Islands Forum: leader | Pacific Islands Forum | New Matilda (Sep '18)
Tony Abbott confirms cuts to Australia's carbon emissions reduction targets | Business Insider (Aug '15)
Renewable energy target slashed, wind farm commissioner to be established | SMH (Jun '15)
Clean Energy Finance Corporation directed by Government to stop funding wind farms | ABC (Jun '15)
3 reasons meeting climate targets and dumping Kyoto credits won’t salvage Australia’s international reputation | The Conversation
(Dec '20)
Australia claims Kyoto success, but three decades as a climate wrecker is all it can boast | Renew Economy (Jul '20)
Australia's Kyoto loophole eight times larger than entire Pacific emissions | The Guardian (Aug '19)
How Australia's emissions can go up while looking like they go down | ABC (Dec '15)
Australia hit its Kyoto target, but it was more a three-inch putt than a hole in one | The Conversation (Jul '15)
Australia claims Kyoto success, but three decades as a climate wrecker is all it can boast | Renew Economy (Jul '20)
Australia's Kyoto loophole eight times larger than entire Pacific emissions | The Guardian (Aug '19)
How Australia's emissions can go up while looking like they go down | ABC (Dec '15)
Australia hit its Kyoto target, but it was more a three-inch putt than a hole in one | The Conversation (Jul '15)
Suing for climate action: can the courts save us from the black hole of political inaction? | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Talking Point: Governments face a reckoning in the courts over climate change failure | The Mercury (Jan '20)
Talking Point: Governments face a reckoning in the courts over climate change failure | The Mercury (Jan '20)
The number of climate deniers in Australia is more than double the global average, new survey finds | The Conversation
(Jun '20)
Climate denialism is bought and paid for by a rotten political system | Crikey (Nov '19)
How to answer the argument that Australia’s emissions are too small to make a difference | The Conversation (Jun ’19)
Morrison government attacked for climate change inaction | The New Daily (Dec '19)
Meta-analyses of the determinants and outcomes of belief in climate change | Nature (Feb '16)
Climate denialism is bought and paid for by a rotten political system | Crikey (Nov '19)
How to answer the argument that Australia’s emissions are too small to make a difference | The Conversation (Jun ’19)
Morrison government attacked for climate change inaction | The New Daily (Dec '19)
Meta-analyses of the determinants and outcomes of belief in climate change | Nature (Feb '16)
A linguist deconstructs Scott Morrison's speech | Crikey
(Jan '21)
The biggest Coalition conspiracy theory is climate change denial | Climate change | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Marise Payne declines to welcome adoption of net zero emissions target by Japan and South Korea | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Tony Abbott, former Australian PM, tells Israeli radio the world is 'in the grip of a climate cult' | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Climate explained: Why are climate change skeptics often right-wing conservatives? | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
The Morrison government’s biggest economic problem? Climate change denial | The Conversation (Oct '18)
Tony Abbott says climate change is 'probably doing good' | The Guardian (Oct '17)
The biggest Coalition conspiracy theory is climate change denial | Climate change | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Marise Payne declines to welcome adoption of net zero emissions target by Japan and South Korea | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Tony Abbott, former Australian PM, tells Israeli radio the world is 'in the grip of a climate cult' | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Climate explained: Why are climate change skeptics often right-wing conservatives? | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
The Morrison government’s biggest economic problem? Climate change denial | The Conversation (Oct '18)
Tony Abbott says climate change is 'probably doing good' | The Guardian (Oct '17)
‘Language of innovation’ wraps fossil fuel subsidies - InnovationAus
(Apr '21)
Will the world believe Morrison's climate policy like Australia has? | Crikey (Apr '21)
Google's Sky News Australia team-up will make it a climate misinformation powerhouse | RenewEconomy (Feb '21)
Morrison’s media code could be catastrophic for climate and energy news | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)
Google's Sky News Australia team-up will make it a climate misinformation powerhouse | RenewEconomy (Feb '21)
Will the world believe Morrison's climate policy like Australia has? | Crikey (Apr '21)
Google's Sky News Australia team-up will make it a climate misinformation powerhouse | RenewEconomy (Feb '21)
Morrison’s media code could be catastrophic for climate and energy news | Pearls and Irritations (Feb '21)
Google's Sky News Australia team-up will make it a climate misinformation powerhouse | RenewEconomy (Feb '21)
Farmers slam Nationals climate inaction, say it's already costing them | The New Daily
(Feb '21)
If the National Party is the answer, what on earth is the question? | Crikey (Feb '21)
Australians should be worried about future emissions. To be told otherwise is absurd | Climate change | The Guardian (Feb '21)
National party ministers pour cold water on Australia's push for net zero emissions by 2050 | National party | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Nationals coal push disrupts Scott Morrison's climate policy pivot | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Scott Morrison knows setting a net zero target means picking a fight with the National party | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Nationals call for ANZ boycott after bank's push for net zero emissions | ANZ | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Forgotten farmers, mining and anti-green invective: how the Nationals became a party for coal | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Pro-coal, pro-nuclear, anti-renewables MP is Australia's new resources minister | RenewEconomy (Feb '20)
If the National Party is the answer, what on earth is the question? | Crikey (Feb '21)
Australians should be worried about future emissions. To be told otherwise is absurd | Climate change | The Guardian (Feb '21)
National party ministers pour cold water on Australia's push for net zero emissions by 2050 | National party | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Nationals coal push disrupts Scott Morrison's climate policy pivot | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Scott Morrison knows setting a net zero target means picking a fight with the National party | Australian politics | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Nationals call for ANZ boycott after bank's push for net zero emissions | ANZ | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Forgotten farmers, mining and anti-green invective: how the Nationals became a party for coal | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Pro-coal, pro-nuclear, anti-renewables MP is Australia's new resources minister | RenewEconomy (Feb '20)
US climate summit to be a reckoning for Morrison | The Saturday Paper
(Apr '21)
Silent treatment: how Scott Morrison earned Boris Johnson's climate summit snub | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison refuses to commit to net zero emissions target by 2050 | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australia has a problem with climate change denial. The message just isn't getting through | The Guardian(Jun '20)
Q&A: former Tuvalu PM says Scott Morrison denies climate change is happening in Pacific | Q+A | The Guardian (Dec '19)
That Lump of Coal | The Conversation (Feb '17)
Silent treatment: how Scott Morrison earned Boris Johnson's climate summit snub | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison refuses to commit to net zero emissions target by 2050 | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australia has a problem with climate change denial. The message just isn't getting through | The Guardian(Jun '20)
Q&A: former Tuvalu PM says Scott Morrison denies climate change is happening in Pacific | Q+A | The Guardian (Dec '19)
That Lump of Coal | The Conversation (Feb '17)
Net zero won't be achieved in inner city wine bars: Morrison | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
Scott Morrison backs coal wealth for decades to come | The Age (Jan '21)
Morrison caught in his own carbon spin cycle | The New Daily (Nov '19)
'Shorten wants to end the weekend': Morrison attacks Labor's electric vehicle policy | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Scott Morrison brings coal to question time: what fresh idiocy is this? | The Guardian (Feb '17)
Scott Morrison backs coal wealth for decades to come | The Age (Jan '21)
Morrison caught in his own carbon spin cycle | The New Daily (Nov '19)
'Shorten wants to end the weekend': Morrison attacks Labor's electric vehicle policy | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Scott Morrison brings coal to question time: what fresh idiocy is this? | The Guardian (Feb '17)
How one think tank poisoned Australia’s climate debate | Crikey
(Jan '19)
Gina Rinehart company revealed as $4.5m donor to climate sceptic thinktank | The Guardian (Jul '18)
With friends like these: just how close are the Liberal Party and IPA? | The Conversation (Jun '16)
The IPA’s influence on climate change policy is a far greater threat than terrorism | Ausst Independent Media (Jun '16)
Gina Rinehart company revealed as $4.5m donor to climate sceptic thinktank | The Guardian (Jul '18)
With friends like these: just how close are the Liberal Party and IPA? | The Conversation (Jun '16)
The IPA’s influence on climate change policy is a far greater threat than terrorism | Ausst Independent Media (Jun '16)
Yeah, nah: Scott Morrison’s PR tries but fails to hide climate denial and inaction | Mumbrella
(Jan '20)
Scott Morrison does not want kids to have 'anxieties' about climate change after Greta Thunberg's speech | ABC (Sep '19)
Our world is facing irreversible destruction – and still there's no urgency in Australian climate policy | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
We want to learn about climate change from weather presenters, not politicians | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
Eden-Monaro Liberal candidate says reducing fuel is the only way to manage bushfires | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Climate explained: Why are climate change skeptics often right-wing conservatives? | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
Scott Morrison does not want kids to have 'anxieties' about climate change after Greta Thunberg's speech | ABC (Sep '19)
Our world is facing irreversible destruction – and still there's no urgency in Australian climate policy | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
We want to learn about climate change from weather presenters, not politicians | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
Eden-Monaro Liberal candidate says reducing fuel is the only way to manage bushfires | The Guardian (Jun ’20)
The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Climate explained: Why are climate change skeptics often right-wing conservatives? | The Conversation (Sep ’19)
We are the 1%: the wealth of many Australians puts them in an elite club wrecking the planet | The Conversation
(Jan '21)
Kiwi-led study finds terrifying tipping point possibly only 20 years away | Newshub (Jan '21)
The tipping points at the heart of the climate crisis | The Guardian (Sep '20)
What are Tipping Points in the Climate Crisis? | Earth (Apr '20)
Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change | Carbon Brief (Feb '20)
From Meteorology to Mitigation: Understanding Global Warming | e-Education (Jan '20)
Social tipping points are the only hope for the climate | Vox (Jan '20)
How social ‘tipping points’ could limit global warming | The Conversation (Jan '20)
As Climate Change Worsens, A Cascade of Tipping Points Looms | Yale University (Dec '19)
Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points’ | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against | Nature (Nov '19)
Kiwi-led study finds terrifying tipping point possibly only 20 years away | Newshub (Jan '21)
The tipping points at the heart of the climate crisis | The Guardian (Sep '20)
What are Tipping Points in the Climate Crisis? | Earth (Apr '20)
Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change | Carbon Brief (Feb '20)
From Meteorology to Mitigation: Understanding Global Warming | e-Education (Jan '20)
Social tipping points are the only hope for the climate | Vox (Jan '20)
How social ‘tipping points’ could limit global warming | The Conversation (Jan '20)
As Climate Change Worsens, A Cascade of Tipping Points Looms | Yale University (Dec '19)
Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points’ | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Climate tipping points — too risky to bet against | Nature (Nov '19)
Global heating pace risks ‘unstoppable’ sea level rise as Antarctic ice sheet melts | Climate change | The Guardian (May '21)
Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Alarm as Arctic sea ice not yet freezing at latest date on record | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Just 3% of world’s ecosystems remain intact, study suggests | Wildlife | The Guardian (Apr '21)
'Existential threat to our survival': see the 19 Australian ecosystems already collapsing | The Conversation (Feb '21)
New plans for Barwon-Darling river system still prioritise irrigation over environment | The Guardian (Jun '20)
'Existential threat to our survival': see the 19 Australian ecosystems already collapsing | The Conversation (Feb '21)
New plans for Barwon-Darling river system still prioritise irrigation over environment | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia urged to overhaul environment laws and reverse 'decline of our iconic places' | Australian politics | The Guardian
(Jan '21)
Australia's environment in unsustainable state of decline, major review finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Morrison government has failed in its duty to protect environment, auditor general finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia's environment in unsustainable state of decline, major review finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Morrison government has failed in its duty to protect environment, auditor general finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Environment department tried to bury research that found huge underspend on Australian threatened species | Endangered species | The Guardian (May '21)
Australian scientists say logging, mining and climate advice is being suppressed | Environment | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Australian scientists say logging, mining and climate advice is being suppressed | Environment | The Guardian (Sep '20)
It's not too late to save them: 5 ways to improve the government's plan to protect threatened wildlife | The Conversation
(Jan '21)
Shark, ray populations have declined by 'alarming' 70 per cent since 1970s, study finds | ABC News (Jan '21)
Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk … National Audit Office (Jun '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Which animals should live or die on Australia's long list of threatened species? | ABC (Jun ‘19)
One million species at risk of extinction, UN report warns, and we are mostly to blame | ABC (May ‘19)
Record numbers of Australia's wildlife species face 'imminent extinction' | The Guardian (Mar ‘19)
Rare Australian species could slip into extinction as jobs axed at environment department | ABC (May ‘18)
An end to endings: how to stop more Australian species going extinct | The Conversation (Mar '19)
What makes some species more likely to go extinct? | The Conversation (Aug ‘18)
'A national disgrace': Australia's extinction crisis is unfolding in plain sight | The Guardian (Feb ‘18)
Australia leads on extinction rate: report | SMH (Mar ‘18)
Shark, ray populations have declined by 'alarming' 70 per cent since 1970s, study finds | ABC News (Jan '21)
Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk … National Audit Office (Jun '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Which animals should live or die on Australia's long list of threatened species? | ABC (Jun ‘19)
One million species at risk of extinction, UN report warns, and we are mostly to blame | ABC (May ‘19)
Record numbers of Australia's wildlife species face 'imminent extinction' | The Guardian (Mar ‘19)
Rare Australian species could slip into extinction as jobs axed at environment department | ABC (May ‘18)
An end to endings: how to stop more Australian species going extinct | The Conversation (Mar '19)
What makes some species more likely to go extinct? | The Conversation (Aug ‘18)
'A national disgrace': Australia's extinction crisis is unfolding in plain sight | The Guardian (Feb ‘18)
Australia leads on extinction rate: report | SMH (Mar ‘18)
Australia’s plans for a $2 billion airstrip in the Antarctic is environmental vandalism | Pearls and Irritations
| John Menadue
(Feb '21)
'It's an ecological wasteland': offsets for Sydney toll way were promised but never delivered | Environment | The Guardian | The Guardian (Feb '21)
'Development should stop': serious flaws in offsets plan for new western Sydney airport | Sydney | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Morrison government flouts own review by proposing 'watered down' environmental standards | Environment | The Guardian | The Guardian (Feb '21)
A major report excoriated Australia's environment laws. Sussan Ley's response is confused and risky | The Conversation (Jan '21)
Changes to Australia's environment laws would risk return to 'confusion', inquiry told | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australian threatened species at risk with no recovery plans finalised in past 18 months | The Guardian (Nov '20)
How much the budget undervalued conservation: 16 World Heritage sites received less than Sydney Harbour | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Nationals MPs threaten to quit NSW government unless koala protection watered down | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Let there be no doubt: blame for our failing environment laws lies squarely at the feet of government | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk … | The GuardianNational Audit Office (Jun '20)
Scientists fear Coalition's push to deregulate environmental approvals will lead to extinction crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia's national environment laws 'actually allow extinction to happen' | The Guardian (May '20)
A Record Of The Coalition's Environmental Vandalism. | Situation Theatre (May '19)
'It's an ecological wasteland': offsets for Sydney toll way were promised but never delivered | Environment | The Guardian | The Guardian (Feb '21)
'Development should stop': serious flaws in offsets plan for new western Sydney airport | Sydney | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Morrison government flouts own review by proposing 'watered down' environmental standards | Environment | The Guardian | The Guardian (Feb '21)
A major report excoriated Australia's environment laws. Sussan Ley's response is confused and risky | The Conversation (Jan '21)
Changes to Australia's environment laws would risk return to 'confusion', inquiry told | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australian threatened species at risk with no recovery plans finalised in past 18 months | The Guardian (Nov '20)
How much the budget undervalued conservation: 16 World Heritage sites received less than Sydney Harbour | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Nationals MPs threaten to quit NSW government unless koala protection watered down | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Let there be no doubt: blame for our failing environment laws lies squarely at the feet of government | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Morrison government urged to fix flawed environmental offsets leaving threatened species at risk … | The GuardianNational Audit Office (Jun '20)
Scientists fear Coalition's push to deregulate environmental approvals will lead to extinction crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia's national environment laws 'actually allow extinction to happen' | The Guardian (May '20)
A Record Of The Coalition's Environmental Vandalism. | Situation Theatre (May '19)
Frydenberg proposed delisting wetland to allow Queensland's Toondah Harbour development
| The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Developer lobbied Frydenberg to de-list area of wetland for Queensland's Toondah Harbour complex | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Josh Frydenberg's office asked if environmental rule changes could be kept secret | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Josh Frydenberg overruled department to block Lord Howe Island wind turbines | Lord Howe Island | The Guardian (May '19)
Developer lobbied Frydenberg to de-list area of wetland for Queensland's Toondah Harbour complex | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Josh Frydenberg's office asked if environmental rule changes could be kept secret | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Josh Frydenberg overruled department to block Lord Howe Island wind turbines | Lord Howe Island | The Guardian (May '19)
Logging exempt from environment laws despite destroying threatened species’ Victorian habitat, court finds | Logging and land-clearing | The Guardian
(May '21)
Toondah harbour wetlands: developer accused of not being honest about its plans | Queensland | The Guardian (May '21)
With no work in lockdown, tour operators helped find coral bleaching on Western Australia’s remote reefs | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Morrison government has failed in its duty to protect environment, auditor general finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
State MPs dismayed at NSW Forestry logging unburnt habitat after bushfires (Mar ’20) | The Guardian
We wrote the report for the minister on fish deaths in the lower Darling – here’s why it could happen again | The Conversation (Apr ‘19)
Toondah harbour wetlands: developer accused of not being honest about its plans | Queensland | The Guardian (May '21)
With no work in lockdown, tour operators helped find coral bleaching on Western Australia’s remote reefs | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Morrison government has failed in its duty to protect environment, auditor general finds | The Guardian (Jun '20)
State MPs dismayed at NSW Forestry logging unburnt habitat after bushfires (Mar ’20) | The Guardian
We wrote the report for the minister on fish deaths in the lower Darling – here’s why it could happen again | The Conversation (Apr ‘19)
NSW ‘koala war’ flares as Gladys Berejiklian sacks parliamentary secretary for crossing floor
| The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Matt Kean chides Sussan Ley over 'disappointing' destruction of Port Stephens koala habitat | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Federal minister gives green light for koala habitat to be bulldozed for Port Stephens quarry | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The NSW koala wars showed one thing: the Nationals appear ill-equipped to help rural Australia | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Environment Minister Sussan Ley faces a critical test: will she let a mine destroy koala breeding grounds? | The Conversation (Sep '20)
'Sliding towards extinction': koala may be given endangered listing as numbers plummet | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Koalas will be driven to extinction before 2050 in NSW, major inquiry finds (Jun '20) | The Guardian
Matt Kean chides Sussan Ley over 'disappointing' destruction of Port Stephens koala habitat | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Federal minister gives green light for koala habitat to be bulldozed for Port Stephens quarry | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The NSW koala wars showed one thing: the Nationals appear ill-equipped to help rural Australia | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Environment Minister Sussan Ley faces a critical test: will she let a mine destroy koala breeding grounds? | The Conversation (Sep '20)
'Sliding towards extinction': koala may be given endangered listing as numbers plummet | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Koalas will be driven to extinction before 2050 in NSW, major inquiry finds (Jun '20) | The Guardian
Richard Flanagan on Tasmania's toxic secret - 7am Podcast
(Apr '21)
75% of Australia's marine protected areas are given only 'partial' protection. Here's why that's a problem | The Conversation (Jan '21)
Across the world, trees are growing faster, dying younger – and will soon store less carbon | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Australian government stops listing major threats to species under environment laws | The Guardian (May '20)
National Parks left to burn after jobs and funding cuts (Nov '19)
Native forest protections are deeply flawed, yet may be in place for another 20 years | The Conversation (Mar '18)
Death by 775 cuts: how conservation law is failing the black-throated finch | The Conversation (Jan '19)
75% of Australia's marine protected areas are given only 'partial' protection. Here's why that's a problem | The Conversation (Jan '21)
Across the world, trees are growing faster, dying younger – and will soon store less carbon | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Australian government stops listing major threats to species under environment laws | The Guardian (May '20)
National Parks left to burn after jobs and funding cuts (Nov '19)
Native forest protections are deeply flawed, yet may be in place for another 20 years | The Conversation (Mar '18)
Death by 775 cuts: how conservation law is failing the black-throated finch | The Conversation (Jan '19)
Pardoo Beef made big political donations as it sought Kimberley clearing permits | WA Today
(Mar '21)
Plan to bulldoze almost 2,000 hectares of land in Great Barrier Reef catchment rejected | The Guardian (Nov '20)
NSW ‘koala war’ flares as Gladys Berejiklian sacks parliamentary secretary for crossing floor | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Bush and koalas found to be threatened by 'gratuitous' NSW land-clearing plan | Logging and land-clearing | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Deforestation in Australia: How does your state (or territory) compare? | ABC (Oct '20)
NSW will allow land to be cleared up to 25m from property boundary, citing bushfire concerns | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Logging after the Black Summer bushfires | The Saturday Paper (Sep '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Why aren’t Australia’s environment laws preventing widespread land clearing? | The Conversation (Mar '18)
NSW land-clearing approvals increased 13-fold since laws relaxed in 2016 | The Guardian(Mar '18)
To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws | The Conversation (Mar '19)
Land clearing on the rise as legal ‘thinning’ proves far from clear-cut | The Conversation (Jun '17)
Australia needs better policy to end the alarming increase in land clearing | The Conversation (Aug '16)
Queensland land clearing is undermining Australia’s environmental progress | The Conversation (Feb ‘16)
Plan to bulldoze almost 2,000 hectares of land in Great Barrier Reef catchment rejected | The Guardian (Nov '20)
NSW ‘koala war’ flares as Gladys Berejiklian sacks parliamentary secretary for crossing floor | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Bush and koalas found to be threatened by 'gratuitous' NSW land-clearing plan | Logging and land-clearing | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Deforestation in Australia: How does your state (or territory) compare? | ABC (Oct '20)
NSW will allow land to be cleared up to 25m from property boundary, citing bushfire concerns | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Logging after the Black Summer bushfires | The Saturday Paper (Sep '20)
Million hectares of threatened species' habitat cleared without assessments | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Why aren’t Australia’s environment laws preventing widespread land clearing? | The Conversation (Mar '18)
NSW land-clearing approvals increased 13-fold since laws relaxed in 2016 | The Guardian(Mar '18)
To reduce fire risk and meet climate targets, over 300 scientists call for stronger land clearing laws | The Conversation (Mar '19)
Land clearing on the rise as legal ‘thinning’ proves far from clear-cut | The Conversation (Jun '17)
Australia needs better policy to end the alarming increase in land clearing | The Conversation (Aug '16)
Queensland land clearing is undermining Australia’s environmental progress | The Conversation (Feb ‘16)
How Australia became one of the worst deforesters in the world - Hack - triple j | ABC (Oct '18)
Fact check: Is Queensland clearing land as fast as Brazil? - ABC News (Dec '17)
Fact check: Is Queensland clearing land as fast as Brazil? - ABC News (Dec '17)
Plastic superhighway: the awful truth of our hidden ocean waste | The Guardian
(Jun '20)
At least 1,241 tonnes of microplastics are dumped into Aussie farmland every year from wastewater sludge | The Conversation (Jun '20)
At least 1,241 tonnes of microplastics are dumped into Aussie farmland every year from wastewater sludge | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Fire & Drought
Ex-fire chiefs say government 'asleep at the wheel' when it comes to climate crisis | SBS
(Dec '19)
National Parks left to burn after jobs and funding cuts | SMH (Nov '19)
Former Australian fire chiefs say Coalition ignored their advice because of climate change politics | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Former fire chiefs 'tried to warn Scott Morrison' to bring in more water-bombers ahead of horror bushfire season | ABC (Nov '19)
Ex-emergency chiefs sound climate alarm | The Canberra Times (Apr '19)
National Parks left to burn after jobs and funding cuts | SMH (Nov '19)
Former Australian fire chiefs say Coalition ignored their advice because of climate change politics | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Former fire chiefs 'tried to warn Scott Morrison' to bring in more water-bombers ahead of horror bushfire season | ABC (Nov '19)
Ex-emergency chiefs sound climate alarm | The Canberra Times (Apr '19)
A staggering 1.8 million hectares burned in 'high-severity' fires during Australia's Black Summer
| The Conversation
(Mar '21)
More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires | Sydney University (Jan '20)
More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires | Sydney University (Jan '20)
Fire and flood: 'Whole areas of Australia will be uninsurable' | Australia news | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Fossil fuel industry levy should pay for bushfire impact, climate action group report says | ABC (Jul '20)
Scientists call on MPs to urgently reduce Australia's emissions amid bushfire crisis | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Watching our politicians fumble through the bushfire crisis, I’m overwhelmed by déjà vu | The Conversation (Jan '20)
We’re Going To Need A ‘Scotty From Marketing’ When the Climate Refugees Start Flooding Australia | New Matilda (Jan ’20)
Australia fire crisis fuels protests calling for bolder action on climate change | Washington Post - Washington Post (Jan '20)
Bushfires, bots and arson claims: Australia flung in the global disinformation spotlight | The Conversation (Jan '20)
Climate Change Increases the Risk of Wildfires | Science Brief …ScienceBrief Review (Jul '20)
Bushfire crisis conditions eight times more likely under 2C warming, analysis shows | The Guardian (Mar '20)
What are the links between climate change and bushfires? – explainer | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Scott Morrison says no evidence links Australia's carbon emissions to bushfires | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Climate change is bringing a new world of bushfires | The Conversation (Sep '19)
Fossil fuel industry levy should pay for bushfire impact, climate action group report says | ABC (Jul '20)
Scientists call on MPs to urgently reduce Australia's emissions amid bushfire crisis | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Watching our politicians fumble through the bushfire crisis, I’m overwhelmed by déjà vu | The Conversation (Jan '20)
We’re Going To Need A ‘Scotty From Marketing’ When the Climate Refugees Start Flooding Australia | New Matilda (Jan ’20)
Australia fire crisis fuels protests calling for bolder action on climate change | Washington Post - Washington Post (Jan '20)
Bushfires, bots and arson claims: Australia flung in the global disinformation spotlight | The Conversation (Jan '20)
Climate Change Increases the Risk of Wildfires | Science Brief …ScienceBrief Review (Jul '20)
Bushfire crisis conditions eight times more likely under 2C warming, analysis shows | The Guardian (Mar '20)
What are the links between climate change and bushfires? – explainer | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Scott Morrison says no evidence links Australia's carbon emissions to bushfires | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Climate change is bringing a new world of bushfires | The Conversation (Sep '19)
Indigenous expertise is reducing bushfires in northern Australia. It's time to consider similar approaches for other disasters | The Conversation
(Feb '21)
Fighting Fire with Fire - Victor Steffensen - Australian Story - ABC TV (Apr '20)
Fighting Fire with Fire - Victor Steffensen - Australian Story - ABC TV (Apr '20)
Will we learn from the bushfire summer? Not if the wrong questions are asked
| The Guardian
(Feb '20)
Thinning forests doesn't reduce bushfire risk and could make some blazes worse, study finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The burn legacy: why the science on hazard reduction is contested | The Conversation (Feb '20)
'Black summer' bushfires in Cann River showed the different ways we respond to crisis | ABC (Jul '20)
In fact, there’s plenty we can do to make future fires less likely | The Conversation (Jan '20)
Scott Morrison’s biggest failure in the bushfire crisis: an inability to deliver collective action | The Conversation (Jan ’20)
Thinning forests doesn't reduce bushfire risk and could make some blazes worse, study finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The burn legacy: why the science on hazard reduction is contested | The Conversation (Feb '20)
'Black summer' bushfires in Cann River showed the different ways we respond to crisis | ABC (Jul '20)
In fact, there’s plenty we can do to make future fires less likely | The Conversation (Jan '20)
Scott Morrison’s biggest failure in the bushfire crisis: an inability to deliver collective action | The Conversation (Jan ’20)
Morrison government urged to cut emissions to tackle root cause of worsening bushfires
| The Guardian
(Oct '20)
Australia must prepare for future shaped by extreme climate, bushfire royal commission report warns | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australia must prepare for future shaped by extreme climate, bushfire royal commission report warns | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Blue Mountains did not receive a cent from $177m NSW bushfire disaster fund | Australia news | The Guardian
| The Guardian
(Jan ’21)
Anthony Pratt's Visy wins $10m from Australia's bushfire recovery fund | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Last summer’s fish carnage sparked public outrage. Here’s what has happened since | The Conversation (Feb '20)
‘Postcode lottery’ hindered bushfire aid for residents on NSW-Victorian border, inquiry hears | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Anthony Pratt's Visy wins $10m from Australia's bushfire recovery fund | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Last summer’s fish carnage sparked public outrage. Here’s what has happened since | The Conversation (Feb '20)
‘Postcode lottery’ hindered bushfire aid for residents on NSW-Victorian border, inquiry hears | The Guardian (Jun '20)
$0: The amount the government has so far spent from its $100 million fund to support regional economic recovery after the bushfires and COVID-19, which was announced in last year’s budget | The Guardian
(Mar ’21)
One year on, why are bushfire-hit communities struggling for funding? | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
'We're all just waiting': NSW south coast residents still in limbo three months after bushfires | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Bushfire grants and loans face shake-up over lengthy application process | ABC (Mar '20)
Bushfire grants not enough and take too long to approve, St Vincent de Paul Society says | The Guardian (May '20)
One year on, why are bushfire-hit communities struggling for funding? | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
'We're all just waiting': NSW south coast residents still in limbo three months after bushfires | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Bushfire grants and loans face shake-up over lengthy application process | ABC (Mar '20)
Bushfire grants not enough and take too long to approve, St Vincent de Paul Society says | The Guardian (May '20)
Scott Morrison says drought the Coalition's 'first call' – but makes no mention of climate
| The Guardian
(Oct '19)
Farmers' protest is a sign water politics is about to go into hyperdrive | The Guardian (Aug '19)
Last summer’s fish carnage sparked public outrage. Here’s what has happened since | The Conversation (Feb '20)
These drought-hit young people feel forgotten, but they're speaking up with their ideas on dealing with the dry | ABC News (Oct '19)
We are talking about 'drought-proofing' again – they are simplistic solutions that will destroy Australia | The Guardian (Jul '19)
The Darling River is simply not supposed to dry out, even in drought | The Conversation (Jan '19)
One Day Closer Every Day (Sep '19)
Farmers' protest is a sign water politics is about to go into hyperdrive | The Guardian (Aug '19)
Last summer’s fish carnage sparked public outrage. Here’s what has happened since | The Conversation (Feb '20)
These drought-hit young people feel forgotten, but they're speaking up with their ideas on dealing with the dry | ABC News (Oct '19)
We are talking about 'drought-proofing' again – they are simplistic solutions that will destroy Australia | The Guardian (Jul '19)
The Darling River is simply not supposed to dry out, even in drought | The Conversation (Jan '19)
One Day Closer Every Day (Sep '19)
'Top down' disaster resilience doesn't work. The National Recovery and Resilience Agency must have community at its heart | The Conversation
(May '21)
Coalition allocates $600m for new ‘resilience’ agency to help combat threat of natural disasters | Coalition | The Guardian (May '21)
Coalition allocates $600m for new ‘resilience’ agency to help combat threat of natural disasters | Coalition | The Guardian (May '21)
Vital Signs: a global carbon price could soon be a reality – Australia should prepare
| The Conversation
(Nov '20)
Key Gillard-Era Reform Carbon Price Would Have Saved 72 Million Tonnes of Emissions | The Australia Institute (Aug '20)
Carbon pricing: it’s a proven way to reduce emissions but everyone’s too scared to mention it | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Carbon pricing works: the largest-ever study puts it beyond doubt | The Conversation (Jan '20)
A 60% rise in industrial emissions points to failure of Coalition's 'safeguard mechanism' | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Climate explained: how emissions trading schemes work - they can help us shift to a zero carbon future | The Conversation (Aug '19)
Key Gillard-Era Reform Carbon Price Would Have Saved 72 Million Tonnes of Emissions | The Australia Institute (Aug '20)
Carbon pricing: it’s a proven way to reduce emissions but everyone’s too scared to mention it | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Carbon pricing works: the largest-ever study puts it beyond doubt | The Conversation (Jan '20)
A 60% rise in industrial emissions points to failure of Coalition's 'safeguard mechanism' | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Climate explained: how emissions trading schemes work - they can help us shift to a zero carbon future | The Conversation (Aug '19)
Australia quietly updated its emissions targets, but it’s not the change climate advocates had hoped for
| ABC News
(Jan '21)
Inside the Liberal state stepping into a low-emissions future | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Australia already 'carrying its load' on emissions and must adapt to warmer climate, PM says | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Climate crisis: business, farming and environment leaders unite to warn Australia 'woefully unprepared' | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Scientists call on MPs to urgently reduce Australia's emissions amid bushfire crisis | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Coalition reveals new emissions reduction measures, including paying polluters to stay under cap | The Guardian (May '20)
Snowy 2.0 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing – it will push carbon emissions up, not down | The Conversation (Mar '20)
We can be a carbon-neutral nation by 2050, if we just get on with it | The Conversation (Mar '19)
Inside the Liberal state stepping into a low-emissions future | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Australia already 'carrying its load' on emissions and must adapt to warmer climate, PM says | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Climate crisis: business, farming and environment leaders unite to warn Australia 'woefully unprepared' | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Scientists call on MPs to urgently reduce Australia's emissions amid bushfire crisis | The Guardian (Jan '20)
Coalition reveals new emissions reduction measures, including paying polluters to stay under cap | The Guardian (May '20)
Snowy 2.0 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing – it will push carbon emissions up, not down | The Conversation (Mar '20)
We can be a carbon-neutral nation by 2050, if we just get on with it | The Conversation (Mar '19)
The budget should have been a road to Australia's low-emissions future. Instead, it's a flight of fancy | The Conversation
(May '21)
Asleep at the Wheel: why Australia's emissions policy debacle puts hundreds of communities at risk - Michael West (Nov '20)
Morrison government dangles new carrots for industry but fails to fix bigger climate policy problem | The Conversation (May '20)
Asleep at the Wheel: why Australia's emissions policy debacle puts hundreds of communities at risk - Michael West (Nov '20)
Morrison government dangles new carrots for industry but fails to fix bigger climate policy problem | The Conversation (May '20)
Coal giant AGL again tops list of Australia's biggest emitters | RenewEconomy
(Feb '21)
Australia pumped out an extra six months' worth of emissions than previously recorded | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Morrison government deserves 'zero credit' for drop in emissions | The New Daily (Feb '21)
PM's claim Australian coal produces much lower emissions is 'nonsense' - Australian Associated Press (Feb '21)
Australia quietly updated its emissions targets, but it’s not the change climate advocates had hoped for | ABC News (Jan '21)
Australia's path to net zero emissions is massively behind schedule | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Industrial emissions set to rise for another decade despite Coalition's pledge to cut carbon pollution | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘No purpose’ to Coalition’s climate policy after big polluters increase emissions by 1.6m tonnes | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Yes, carbon emissions fell during COVID-19. But it’s the shift away from coal that really matters | The Conversation (May '20)
Australia's emissions reach the highest on record, driven by electricity sector | The Guardian (Jul '19)
Whichever way you spin it, Australia’s greenhouse emissions have been climbing since 2015 | The Conversation (Jun '19)
Quarterly Update of Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: June 2019 | (Jun '19)
Some observations on Australia's post-2020 emissions reduction target | Climate Change Authority - Climate Change Authority (Aug '15)
Australia pumped out an extra six months' worth of emissions than previously recorded | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Morrison government deserves 'zero credit' for drop in emissions | The New Daily (Feb '21)
PM's claim Australian coal produces much lower emissions is 'nonsense' - Australian Associated Press (Feb '21)
Australia quietly updated its emissions targets, but it’s not the change climate advocates had hoped for | ABC News (Jan '21)
Australia's path to net zero emissions is massively behind schedule | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Industrial emissions set to rise for another decade despite Coalition's pledge to cut carbon pollution | The Guardian (Oct '20)
‘No purpose’ to Coalition’s climate policy after big polluters increase emissions by 1.6m tonnes | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Yes, carbon emissions fell during COVID-19. But it’s the shift away from coal that really matters | The Conversation (May '20)
Australia's emissions reach the highest on record, driven by electricity sector | The Guardian (Jul '19)
Whichever way you spin it, Australia’s greenhouse emissions have been climbing since 2015 | The Conversation (Jun '19)
Quarterly Update of Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: June 2019 | (Jun '19)
Some observations on Australia's post-2020 emissions reduction target | Climate Change Authority - Climate Change Authority (Aug '15)
Australian transport emissions back to pre-pandemic levels, report suggests
| The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Transport is letting Australia down in the race to cut emissions | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Transport is letting Australia down in the race to cut emissions | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Nationals' push to carve farming from a net-zero target is misguided and dangerous
| The Conversation
(Feb '21)
How can Australian agriculture achieve net zero emissions by 2030? | University of Melbourne (May '20)
How can Australian agriculture achieve net zero emissions by 2030? | University of Melbourne (May '20)
All Greenhouse Gas Emissions - by Country
… Our World in Data
CO2 Emissions - by Country … Worldometer
Where in the world do people emit the most CO2? … Our World in Data
Carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere reach record high | Pollution | The Guardian (Apr '21)
1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions – study | The Guardian (Nov '20)
CO2 Emissions - by Country … Worldometer
Where in the world do people emit the most CO2? … Our World in Data
Carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere reach record high | Pollution | The Guardian (Apr '21)
1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions – study | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australia inching closer to committing to net zero by 2050, top energy adviser says
| The Guardian
(Jan '21)
Centre-right thinktank warns Morrison government of 'grave future for coal exports' | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Net zero: what if Australia misses the moment on climate action? | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison refuses to commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 | ABC News (Sep '20)
Morrison government has not modelled a zero emissions scenario | Renew Economy (May '20)
Net zero emissions by 2050 push is on, whether the Federal Government follows or not | ABC News (Jul '20)
Centre-right thinktank warns Morrison government of 'grave future for coal exports' | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Net zero: what if Australia misses the moment on climate action? | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Scott Morrison refuses to commit to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 | ABC News (Sep '20)
Morrison government has not modelled a zero emissions scenario | Renew Economy (May '20)
Net zero emissions by 2050 push is on, whether the Federal Government follows or not | ABC News (Jul '20)
Macquarie Asset Management sets 2040 goal of net zero carbon emissions
| SP Global
(Dec '20)
Australia’s biggest property companies are making net-zero emissions pledges – now we can track them | The Conversation (Oct '19)
Aussie big business signs up to Net Zero Carbon Commitment | GBCA (Sep '18)
Business sector 'driving Australia's push towards net zero emissions' | Sky News (Feb '20)
Woolongong Council adopts net zero emissions by 2030 target | Woolongong Council (Dec '19)
Australia’s biggest property companies are making net-zero emissions pledges – now we can track them | The Conversation (Oct '19)
Aussie big business signs up to Net Zero Carbon Commitment | GBCA (Sep '18)
Business sector 'driving Australia's push towards net zero emissions' | Sky News (Feb '20)
Woolongong Council adopts net zero emissions by 2030 target | Woolongong Council (Dec '19)
Bishop Philip Huggins has written to prime minister Scott Morrison asking him to be an “inspirational leader” on climate change | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Business Council of Australia backs Zali Steggall's climate change bill for 2050 net zero target | Business | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Coalition should commit to halving emissions this decade, says conservative thinktank | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Investors lead push for Australian business to cut emissions more than government forecasts | The Guardian (Oct '20)
National Farmers Federation calls for Australia to reduce net emissions to zero by 2050 | ABC News (Aug ’20)
Investors call on Australia's largest oil and gas company to set greenhouse targets | The Guardian (May '20)
Q&A recap: business council calls for legislated target of net zero emissions by 2050 | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Major energy companies call on Coalition to set target of net zero emissions by 2050 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Business Council of Australia backs Zali Steggall's climate change bill for 2050 net zero target | Business | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Coalition should commit to halving emissions this decade, says conservative thinktank | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Investors lead push for Australian business to cut emissions more than government forecasts | The Guardian (Oct '20)
National Farmers Federation calls for Australia to reduce net emissions to zero by 2050 | ABC News (Aug ’20)
Investors call on Australia's largest oil and gas company to set greenhouse targets | The Guardian (May '20)
Q&A recap: business council calls for legislated target of net zero emissions by 2050 | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Major energy companies call on Coalition to set target of net zero emissions by 2050 | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia ranked worst of 57 countries on climate change policy
| The Guardian
(Dec '19)
CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Country Profiles and Complete Dataset | Our World in Data (Aug '20)
Germany is shutting down its coal industry for good, so far without sacking a single worker | ABC News (Feb '20)
Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Australia Just Killed Off Another Prime Minister in Its Endless Showdown Over Climate Policy | Mother Jones (Aug '18)
About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)
CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Country Profiles and Complete Dataset | Our World in Data (Aug '20)
Germany is shutting down its coal industry for good, so far without sacking a single worker | ABC News (Feb '20)
Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Australia Just Killed Off Another Prime Minister in Its Endless Showdown Over Climate Policy | Mother Jones (Aug '18)
About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)
GM vows to stop making petrol and diesel cars by 2035
| The Driven
(Jan ’21)
Nothing to lose but your chains: The emerging market transport leapfrog | Carbon Tracker (Nov ’20)
Tesla stock soars, worth more than Big Oil, as Battery Day approaches | The Driven (Aug ’20)
Electric cars produce less CO2 than petrol vehicles, study confirms | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Clean, green machines: the truth about electric vehicle emissions | The Conversation (Sep '19)
'Shorten wants to end the weekend': Morrison attacks Labor's electric vehicle policy | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Electric car growth and greater fuel efficiency spark calls for change to fuel excise funding | ABC (Aug ’18)
How electric cars can help save the grid | The Conversation (Mar ’17)
Nothing to lose but your chains: The emerging market transport leapfrog | Carbon Tracker (Nov ’20)
Tesla stock soars, worth more than Big Oil, as Battery Day approaches | The Driven (Aug ’20)
Electric cars produce less CO2 than petrol vehicles, study confirms | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Clean, green machines: the truth about electric vehicle emissions | The Conversation (Sep '19)
'Shorten wants to end the weekend': Morrison attacks Labor's electric vehicle policy | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Electric car growth and greater fuel efficiency spark calls for change to fuel excise funding | ABC (Aug ’18)
How electric cars can help save the grid | The Conversation (Mar ’17)
"Historic opportunity:" NSW hints at EV incentives and petrol car sales ban | The Driven
| The Driven
(May ’21)
‘The worst electric vehicle policy in the world’: automotive coalition pans Victoria’s EV tax | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Apr ’21)
Labor unveils first electric vehicle policy since Coalition said party was 'waging war on the weekend' | Labor party | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
Government releases plans for electric vehicles, not considering cash incentives for new owners - ABC News (Feb ’21)
‘The worst electric vehicle policy in the world’: automotive coalition pans Victoria’s EV tax | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Apr ’21)
Labor unveils first electric vehicle policy since Coalition said party was 'waging war on the weekend' | Labor party | The Guardian (Mar ’21)
Government releases plans for electric vehicles, not considering cash incentives for new owners - ABC News (Feb ’21)
The trucking industry has begun to turn electric — but passenger vehicles will take a little longer | The Conversation
(Apr ’21)
Swap and go: electric trucks to run between Sydney and Brisbane using exchangeable batteries | Transport | The Guardian (Apr ’21) *
Cheaper electric cars are coming but is it still too early to jump on board? It depends who you ask - ABC News (Mar ’21) *
EV-Volumes - The Electric Vehicle World Sales Database *
The US jumps on board the electric vehicle revolution, leaving Australia in the dust | The Conversation (Feb ’21)
Australia risks being left behind in petrol-fuelled 'parallel world' as other countries embrace electric cars | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Alan Kohler: Electric vehicles will tow us forward, despite Scott Morrison | The New Daily (Feb ’21)
Electric vehicles close to ‘tipping point’ of mass adoption | Environment | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Global sales of electric cars accelerate fast in 2020 despite pandemic | Environment | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Electric cars have few downsides except price. One company is looking to change that | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Here’s why electric cars have plenty of grunt, oomph and torque | The Conversation (Aug ’19)
Swap and go: electric trucks to run between Sydney and Brisbane using exchangeable batteries | Transport | The Guardian (Apr ’21) *
Cheaper electric cars are coming but is it still too early to jump on board? It depends who you ask - ABC News (Mar ’21) *
EV-Volumes - The Electric Vehicle World Sales Database *
The US jumps on board the electric vehicle revolution, leaving Australia in the dust | The Conversation (Feb ’21)
Australia risks being left behind in petrol-fuelled 'parallel world' as other countries embrace electric cars | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Alan Kohler: Electric vehicles will tow us forward, despite Scott Morrison | The New Daily (Feb ’21)
Electric vehicles close to ‘tipping point’ of mass adoption | Environment | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Global sales of electric cars accelerate fast in 2020 despite pandemic | Environment | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Electric cars have few downsides except price. One company is looking to change that | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Here’s why electric cars have plenty of grunt, oomph and torque | The Conversation (Aug ’19)
Ford plans for all cars sold in Europe to be electric by 2030 | Ford | The Guardian
(Feb ’21)
JLR to make Jaguar brand electric-only by 2025 | Jaguar Land Rover | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
General Motors plans to exclusively offer electric vehicles by 2035 | CNBC (Jan ’21)
JLR to make Jaguar brand electric-only by 2025 | Jaguar Land Rover | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
General Motors plans to exclusively offer electric vehicles by 2035 | CNBC (Jan ’21)
Australia missing out on EVs | The Saturday Paper
(Apr ’21)
Infrastructure Victoria panel calls for end of new petrol car sales, amid slow take-up of electric vehicles - ABC News (Apr ’21)
'All the bones are there': could a new electric vehicle be built in Australia? | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
'Do-nothing document': Australian electric vehicle strategy lets emissions keep rising | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Australia's electric vehicle policy steers us to a future based on fossil fuels. It needs to be dumped | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Does Australia have the least efficient cars in the developed world? - Australian Associated Press (Feb ’21)
Coalition accused of wasting 18 months on 'nothing' electric vehicle strategy | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
'We'll be left behind': Australia's electric car inertia is getting it nowhere | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Electric vehicle sales triple in Australia despite lack of government support | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Australia risks becoming dumping ground for world’s heavy polluting cars | The Driven (May ’20)
Labor's Climate Change Spokesman, Mark Butler, says Australia has the lowest uptake of electric vehicles in the OECD. Is he correct? - ABC News (May ’19)
Coalition 'tying themselves in knots' on electric vehicles, Mike Cannon-Brookes says | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Infrastructure Victoria panel calls for end of new petrol car sales, amid slow take-up of electric vehicles - ABC News (Apr ’21)
'All the bones are there': could a new electric vehicle be built in Australia? | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
'Do-nothing document': Australian electric vehicle strategy lets emissions keep rising | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Australia's electric vehicle policy steers us to a future based on fossil fuels. It needs to be dumped | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian (Feb ’21)
Does Australia have the least efficient cars in the developed world? - Australian Associated Press (Feb ’21)
Coalition accused of wasting 18 months on 'nothing' electric vehicle strategy | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
'We'll be left behind': Australia's electric car inertia is getting it nowhere | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Electric vehicle sales triple in Australia despite lack of government support | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Australia risks becoming dumping ground for world’s heavy polluting cars | The Driven (May ’20)
Labor's Climate Change Spokesman, Mark Butler, says Australia has the lowest uptake of electric vehicles in the OECD. Is he correct? - ABC News (May ’19)
Coalition 'tying themselves in knots' on electric vehicles, Mike Cannon-Brookes says | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Morrison govt under pressure to redo ‘misleading’ electric car modelling | The New Daily
| The New Daily
(Apr ’21)
'Extremely expensive' to subsidise electric vehicles: Energy minister | Sky News Australia (Feb ’21)
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says an electric vehicle can't tow a boat or trailer. Is he correct? - Politics - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (May ’19)
'Extremely expensive' to subsidise electric vehicles: Energy minister | Sky News Australia (Feb ’21)
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says an electric vehicle can't tow a boat or trailer. Is he correct? - Politics - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (May ’19)
Distance-based road charges will improve traffic — and if done right won’t slow Australia’s switch to electric cars
| The Conversation
(Jan '21)
Volkswagen ID electric car range pushed back to 2023 in Australia as brand labels new EV taxes "ridiculous" | Cars Guide (Dec '20)
Think taxing electric vehicle use is a backward step? Here’s why it’s an important policy advance | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Instead of taxing electric vehicles, heavy vehicles should pay more for the damage they cause | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Victoria's electric vehicle tax could reduce clean car use by 25%, researcher says | The Guardian (Nov '20)
South Australia's new tax on electric vehicles ridiculed as 'a big tax on not polluting' | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Wrong way, go back: a proposed new tax on electric vehicles is a bad idea | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Volkswagen ID electric car range pushed back to 2023 in Australia as brand labels new EV taxes "ridiculous" | Cars Guide (Dec '20)
Think taxing electric vehicle use is a backward step? Here’s why it’s an important policy advance | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Instead of taxing electric vehicles, heavy vehicles should pay more for the damage they cause | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Victoria's electric vehicle tax could reduce clean car use by 25%, researcher says | The Guardian (Nov '20)
South Australia's new tax on electric vehicles ridiculed as 'a big tax on not polluting' | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Wrong way, go back: a proposed new tax on electric vehicles is a bad idea | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Australians could have saved over $1 billion in fuel if car emissions standards had been introduced 3 years ago
| The Conversation
(May '19)
Cap vehicle emissions if you won't price carbon, Chief Scientist tells government | Brisbane Times Alan Finkel (May '19)
Labor’s plan for transport emissions is long on ambition but short on details | The Conversation (Apr '19)
Emissions standards on cars will save Australians billions of dollars, and help meet our climate targets | The Conversation (Mar ’17)
Cap vehicle emissions if you won't price carbon, Chief Scientist tells government | Brisbane Times Alan Finkel (May '19)
Labor’s plan for transport emissions is long on ambition but short on details | The Conversation (Apr '19)
Emissions standards on cars will save Australians billions of dollars, and help meet our climate targets | The Conversation (Mar ’17)
Electric cars ‘will be cheaper to produce than fossil fuel vehicles by 2027’ | Automotive industry | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Electric cars are already cheaper to own and run, says study | The Guardian (Feb '19)
Electric cars have few downsides except price. One company is looking to change that | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Electric cars are already cheaper to own and run, says study | The Guardian (Feb '19)
Electric cars have few downsides except price. One company is looking to change that | The Guardian (Jul ’20)
Why e-bikes can succeed where earlier bike-share schemes failed
| The Conversation
(Feb ’21)
Sydney cycling: has the city that 'hates bikes' finally turned the corner? | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Australia is facing a 'once-in-a-lifetime opportunity' as cycling booms, advocates say | ABC (may '20)
Sydney cycling: has the city that 'hates bikes' finally turned the corner? | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Australia is facing a 'once-in-a-lifetime opportunity' as cycling booms, advocates say | ABC (may '20)
Who’s most affected on public transport in the time of coronavirus?
| The Conversation
(Mar ‘20)
Calls to put public health at centre of Sydney's transport conundrum | SMH (Dec '19)
Calls to put public health at centre of Sydney's transport conundrum | SMH (Dec '19)
renewable energy
Australian farmers call for renewable energy zones as Nationals push coal and nuclear | National party | The Guardian
(Feb ’21)
Last year was dismal in many respects but it was a landmark for renewables in Australia | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
'Immense' potential of renewable energy could propel Australia to net zero 2050 target | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Renewables cut Australia's emissions more than Covid, energy analysis finds | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Business, unions and green groups call for sustainable Covid-19 recovery with clean energy transition | The Guardian (May '20)
Australia's Reserve Bank fuels call for post-pandemic renewables push | The Guardian (May '20)
The new electricity boom: renewable energy makes staggering leap but can it last? | The Guardian (Jul '19)
Australia can be powered 100% by renewables by early 2030s, says Garnaut | Renew Economy (Apr '19)
Last year was dismal in many respects but it was a landmark for renewables in Australia | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
'Immense' potential of renewable energy could propel Australia to net zero 2050 target | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Renewables cut Australia's emissions more than Covid, energy analysis finds | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Business, unions and green groups call for sustainable Covid-19 recovery with clean energy transition | The Guardian (May '20)
Australia's Reserve Bank fuels call for post-pandemic renewables push | The Guardian (May '20)
The new electricity boom: renewable energy makes staggering leap but can it last? | The Guardian (Jul '19)
Australia can be powered 100% by renewables by early 2030s, says Garnaut | Renew Economy (Apr '19)
Batteries not included: Coalition's stunning hatred of new technology | RenewEconomy
(May '21)
What a rooftop solar tax means for consumers. In a word, ‘Ouch!’ | New Daily (Mar '21)
What a rooftop solar tax means for consumers. In a word, ‘Ouch!’ | New Daily (Mar '21)
Against the odds, South Australia is a renewable energy powerhouse. How on Earth did they do it? | The Conversation
(Mar '21)
Australia’s states have been forced to go it alone on renewable energy, but it’s a risky strategy | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
NSW promises to build more renewable energy than Victoria and Queensland combined | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Australia’s states have been forced to go it alone on renewable energy, but it’s a risky strategy | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
NSW promises to build more renewable energy than Victoria and Queensland combined | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
Garnaut's Sunshot to create Australia's first renewable energy industrial park | RenewEconomy
(Dec ’20)
Victoria plans 300MW Tesla battery to help stabilise grid as renewables increase | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australian outback cattle station to house world's largest solar farm, powering Singapore | The Guardian (Oct '20)
NSW government says renewable energy zone in New England could power 3.5m homes | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Victoria plans 300MW Tesla battery to help stabilise grid as renewables increase | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Australian outback cattle station to house world's largest solar farm, powering Singapore | The Guardian (Oct '20)
NSW government says renewable energy zone in New England could power 3.5m homes | The Guardian (Jul '20)
AEMO says Australia "well ahead" of 90 per cent renewables scenario for 2040 | RenewEconomy (May ’20)
Australia's electricity grid could run with 75% renewables, market operator says | The Guardian (apr ’20)
New gas-fired power not needed as renewable energy expands, grid operator says | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Australia's electricity grid could run with 75% renewables, market operator says | The Guardian (apr ’20)
New gas-fired power not needed as renewable energy expands, grid operator says | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Australia's first solar panel recycling plant swings into action | RenewEconomy
(May '21)
Alan Kohler: Australia’s solar tsunami to trigger coal collapse | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Australian outback cattle station to house world's largest solar farm, powering Singapore | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Adani looks to build large scale solar farm in Queensland coal country | Renew Economy (Oct '15)
CEFC tips another $250m into large scale solar projects | Renew Economy (Sep '15)
Royalla Solar Farm
Alan Kohler: Australia’s solar tsunami to trigger coal collapse | The New Daily (Feb '21)
Australian outback cattle station to house world's largest solar farm, powering Singapore | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Adani looks to build large scale solar farm in Queensland coal country | Renew Economy (Oct '15)
CEFC tips another $250m into large scale solar projects | Renew Economy (Sep '15)
Royalla Solar Farm
Australia was the first casualty of the big blackout lie blaming wind power – the US could be next | Ketan Joshi | Environment | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
Energy executives say gas market – not windfarms – to blame for South Australia's woes | The Guardian (Mar ’17)
Energy executives say gas market – not windfarms – to blame for South Australia's woes | The Guardian (Mar ’17)
Australia is at a crossroads in the global hydrogen race – and one path looks risky | The Conversation
(Mar '21)
Fortescue to produce green hydrogen from 2023, and targets green steel | RenewEconomy (Mar '21)
Andrew Forrest on how green steel and hydrogen offer a chance to fix our climate and our economy - ABC News (Jan ’21)
Gigawatt-scale: the world's 13 largest green-hydrogen projects | Recharge News (Jan ’21)
Fortescue to produce green hydrogen from 2023, and targets green steel | RenewEconomy (Mar '21)
Andrew Forrest on how green steel and hydrogen offer a chance to fix our climate and our economy - ABC News (Jan ’21)
Gigawatt-scale: the world's 13 largest green-hydrogen projects | Recharge News (Jan ’21)
Are renewables the cheapest new source of power? - Australian Associated Press
(Feb '21)
Annual CSIRO update finds renewables are cheapest new-build power | CSIRO (dec '18)
Annual CSIRO update finds renewables are cheapest new-build power | CSIRO (dec '18)
‘Insanely cheap energy’: how solar power continues to shock the world | Energy | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
The world’s best solar power schemes now offer the “cheapest…electricity in history” with the technology cheaper than coal and gas in most major countries. | Carbon Brief (Oct '20)
Wind and solar plants will soon be cheaper than coal in all big markets around world, analysis finds | The Guardian (Mar '20)
New CSIRO, AEMO study confirms wind, solar and storage beat coal, gas and nuclear | Renew Economy (Feb ’20)
The world’s best solar power schemes now offer the “cheapest…electricity in history” with the technology cheaper than coal and gas in most major countries. | Carbon Brief (Oct '20)
Wind and solar plants will soon be cheaper than coal in all big markets around world, analysis finds | The Guardian (Mar '20)
New CSIRO, AEMO study confirms wind, solar and storage beat coal, gas and nuclear | Renew Economy (Feb ’20)
Up to 11,000 renewable energy jobs could be lost under Morrison government policies | The Guardian
(Jun '20)
45,000 renewables jobs are Australia’s for the taking – but how many will go to coal workers? | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australia could create hundreds of thousands of jobs by accelerating shift to zero emissions – report | The Guardian (Jun '20)
More jobs in renewable-led COVID-19 economic recovery, EY report finds | ABC (Jun '20)
45,000 renewables jobs are Australia’s for the taking – but how many will go to coal workers? | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Australia could create hundreds of thousands of jobs by accelerating shift to zero emissions – report | The Guardian (Jun '20)
More jobs in renewable-led COVID-19 economic recovery, EY report finds | ABC (Jun '20)
Almost 90% of new power in Europe from renewable sources in 2016 | Environment | The Guardian
(Jan ’21)
2050 net zero: Australia left behind as Asia goes green | The Saturday Paper (Jan '21)
2050 net zero: Australia left behind as Asia goes green | The Saturday Paper (Jan '21)
Leading the charge: how the hospitality sector is building Australia's EV network | Electric, hybrid and low-emission cars | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Andrew Forrest on how green steel and hydrogen offer a chance to fix our climate and our economy - ABC News (Jan '21)
Want an economic tonic, Mr Morrison? Use that stimulus money to turbocharge renewables | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Angus Taylor's gas plan is an astoundingly bad idea, on so many levels | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Atlassian's Mike Cannon-Brookes says clean energy 'best opportunity' for COVID-19 rebound | ABC (Jul '20)
New gas-fired power not needed as renewable energy expands, grid operator says | The Guardian (Jul '20)
IEEFA Australia: Dubbo’s new renewables zone shows the path away from fossil fuels | IEEFA (Jul '20)
Australia's Reserve Bank fuels call for post-pandemic renewables push | The Guardian (May ’20)
It’s time Coalition listened to experts on climate and energy, and plotted a Green New Deal | Renew Economy (May ’20)
Rise of renewables may see off oil firms decades earlier than they think | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Annual update finds renewables are cheapest new-build power | CSIRO (Dec '18)
Andrew Forrest on how green steel and hydrogen offer a chance to fix our climate and our economy - ABC News (Jan '21)
Want an economic tonic, Mr Morrison? Use that stimulus money to turbocharge renewables | The Conversation (Jul '20)
Angus Taylor's gas plan is an astoundingly bad idea, on so many levels | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Atlassian's Mike Cannon-Brookes says clean energy 'best opportunity' for COVID-19 rebound | ABC (Jul '20)
New gas-fired power not needed as renewable energy expands, grid operator says | The Guardian (Jul '20)
IEEFA Australia: Dubbo’s new renewables zone shows the path away from fossil fuels | IEEFA (Jul '20)
Australia's Reserve Bank fuels call for post-pandemic renewables push | The Guardian (May ’20)
It’s time Coalition listened to experts on climate and energy, and plotted a Green New Deal | Renew Economy (May ’20)
Rise of renewables may see off oil firms decades earlier than they think | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Annual update finds renewables are cheapest new-build power | CSIRO (Dec '18)
Who's about to get rich off the green energy revolution? | The Saturday Paper
(Feb '21)
Green giants: the massive projects that could make Australia a clean energy superpower | The Guardian (Nov '20)
'Enormous opportunity': how Australia could become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Climate explained: could the world stop using fossil fuels today? | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Australia's electricity grid could run with 75% renewables, market operator says | The Guardian (Apr '20)
How this seaweed could slash dairy emissions | Stuff (Feb '20)
Australia could soon export sunshine to Asia via a 3,800km cable | The Conversation (Feb '20)
44 inspiring climate solutions from around the world that are tackling the climate crisis with practical action | Ashden (Feb '20)
Green giants: the massive projects that could make Australia a clean energy superpower | The Guardian (Nov '20)
'Enormous opportunity': how Australia could become the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Climate explained: could the world stop using fossil fuels today? | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Australia's electricity grid could run with 75% renewables, market operator says | The Guardian (Apr '20)
How this seaweed could slash dairy emissions | Stuff (Feb '20)
Australia could soon export sunshine to Asia via a 3,800km cable | The Conversation (Feb '20)
44 inspiring climate solutions from around the world that are tackling the climate crisis with practical action | Ashden (Feb '20)
Renewable energy listed for first time as one of Australia's top infrastructure priorities | Infrastructure | The Guardian
(Feb '21)
Australia could fall apart under climate change. But there’s a way to avoid it | The Conversation (Nov '19)
If we could design JobKeeper within weeks, we can exit coal by 2030. Here’s how to do it | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Meridian proposes new wind and battery “energy park” for northern NSW | Renew Economy(May '20)
Let’s fix Australia’s environment with any pandemic recovery aid – the Kiwis are doing it | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Australia could fall apart under climate change. But there’s a way to avoid it | The Conversation (Nov '19)
If we could design JobKeeper within weeks, we can exit coal by 2030. Here’s how to do it | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Meridian proposes new wind and battery “energy park” for northern NSW | Renew Economy(May '20)
Let’s fix Australia’s environment with any pandemic recovery aid – the Kiwis are doing it | The Conversation (Jun '20)
biodiversity, water, ecosystems, agriculture
Environmentally friendly pollutants - what your detergent does to waterways | The Conversation
(Mar '21)
Water injustice runs deep in Australia. Fixing it means handing control to First Nations | The Conversation (Feb '21)
Our national water policy is outdated, unfair and not fit for climate challenges: major new report | The Conversation (Feb '21)
Australia, it’s time to talk about our water emergency | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Farmers push back on Coalition’s gas plan saying quality of land and water takes priority | The Guardian (Sep '20)
NSW approves coal mine expansion under drinking water catchment | Renew Economy (Mar ’20)
Poor water infrastructure is greater risk than coronavirus, says UN | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
NSW and Queensland coal industry uses as much water as all Sydney households, report finds | The Guardian (May ’20)
Water injustice runs deep in Australia. Fixing it means handing control to First Nations | The Conversation (Feb '21)
Our national water policy is outdated, unfair and not fit for climate challenges: major new report | The Conversation (Feb '21)
Australia, it’s time to talk about our water emergency | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Farmers push back on Coalition’s gas plan saying quality of land and water takes priority | The Guardian (Sep '20)
NSW approves coal mine expansion under drinking water catchment | Renew Economy (Mar ’20)
Poor water infrastructure is greater risk than coronavirus, says UN | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
NSW and Queensland coal industry uses as much water as all Sydney households, report finds | The Guardian (May ’20)
NT government urged to reject 'speculative' licence for its largest private water allocation | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
'Absolute disgrace': Adani pipeline plan won't activate water trigger | SMH (Sep '18)
NSW water officials knew decades of unmeasured floodplain harvesting by irrigators was illegal | The Guardian (May ’20)
Adani water plan ticked off within hours despite lack of detail, internal CSIRO emails reveal | ABC (May ’20)
At least 1,241 tonnes of microplastics are dumped into Aussie farmland every year from wastewater sludge | The Conversation (Jun ’20)
Questions raised over decision to let cotton farms harvest first rainfall in years | The Guardian (Feb ’20)
Company approved to take 96 million litres of water from drought-ravaged Queensland town | ABC (Jan ’20)
NSW secretly exploring long-dismissed plan to turn coastal rivers inland | The Guardian (Sep ’19)
'Absolute disgrace': Adani pipeline plan won't activate water trigger | SMH (Sep '18)
NSW water officials knew decades of unmeasured floodplain harvesting by irrigators was illegal | The Guardian (May ’20)
Adani water plan ticked off within hours despite lack of detail, internal CSIRO emails reveal | ABC (May ’20)
At least 1,241 tonnes of microplastics are dumped into Aussie farmland every year from wastewater sludge | The Conversation (Jun ’20)
Questions raised over decision to let cotton farms harvest first rainfall in years | The Guardian (Feb ’20)
Company approved to take 96 million litres of water from drought-ravaged Queensland town | ABC (Jan ’20)
NSW secretly exploring long-dismissed plan to turn coastal rivers inland | The Guardian (Sep ’19)
First Nations call for increased water ownership of Murray-Darling river system - ABC News
(Apr ’21)
"Scientifically Indefensible": how a $13 billion political fix is killing the Murray Darling Basin - Michael West (Apr ’21)
Up the river: Hope is running dry in the Murray–Darling Basin | The Monthly (Apr ’21)
Murray-Darling Basin: NSW government officials busted favouring irrigator groups | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
The mystery of the Murray-Darling’s vanishing flows | ABC (Nov ’20)
Murray-Darling basin: scientists warn end to water buybacks will be a disaster for the river | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Economic effects of water recovery in the Murray–Darling Basin | NSW Govt (Sep ’20)
Murray-Darling mismanagement: floods, water theft, and Burke and Wills’s camels | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Shortfalls in the Murray–Darling Basin | The Saturday Paper (Jun '20)
"Scientifically Indefensible": how a $13 billion political fix is killing the Murray Darling Basin - Michael West (Apr ’21)
Up the river: Hope is running dry in the Murray–Darling Basin | The Monthly (Apr ’21)
Murray-Darling Basin: NSW government officials busted favouring irrigator groups | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
The mystery of the Murray-Darling’s vanishing flows | ABC (Nov ’20)
Murray-Darling basin: scientists warn end to water buybacks will be a disaster for the river | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Economic effects of water recovery in the Murray–Darling Basin | NSW Govt (Sep ’20)
Murray-Darling mismanagement: floods, water theft, and Burke and Wills’s camels | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Shortfalls in the Murray–Darling Basin | The Saturday Paper (Jun '20)
'Death of the river system': Nationals make it legal to illegally take water from Upper Darling - Michael West
(May ’21)
Murray-Darling Basin: fight looms over NSW plan to license floodplain harvesting | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Murray-Darling Basin: fight looms over NSW plan to license floodplain harvesting | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Labor to vote against Morrison government's proposed changes to environmental laws | The Guardian
(Sep '20)
Australian government stops listing major threats to species under environment laws | The Guardian (May '20)
Scientists claim Coalition misrepresented their evidence to Great Barrier Reef inquiry | The Guardian (Oct '20)
NSW will allow land to be cleared up to 25m from property boundary, citing bushfire concerns | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australia joins US, China and Russia in refusing to sign leaders' pledge on biodiversity | The Guardian (Sep '20)
New plans for Barwon-Darling river system still prioritise irrigation over environment | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia, it’s time to talk about our water emergency | The Conversation (May '18)
'It's only important if you eat food': inside a film on the honeybee crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Don’t count your fish before they hatch: experts react to plans to release 2 million fish into the Murray Darling | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Australian government stops listing major threats to species under environment laws | The Guardian (May '20)
Scientists claim Coalition misrepresented their evidence to Great Barrier Reef inquiry | The Guardian (Oct '20)
NSW will allow land to be cleared up to 25m from property boundary, citing bushfire concerns | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Australia joins US, China and Russia in refusing to sign leaders' pledge on biodiversity | The Guardian (Sep '20)
New plans for Barwon-Darling river system still prioritise irrigation over environment | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia, it’s time to talk about our water emergency | The Conversation (May '18)
'It's only important if you eat food': inside a film on the honeybee crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Don’t count your fish before they hatch: experts react to plans to release 2 million fish into the Murray Darling | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Time for some home truths about deforestation | The Guardian
(Dec '20)
The state of ocean acidification | CSIRO (Nov '20)
One-fifth of ecosystems in danger of collapse – here’s what that might look like | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse, analysis finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
The state of ocean acidification | CSIRO (Nov '20)
One-fifth of ecosystems in danger of collapse – here’s what that might look like | The Conversation (Nov '20)
Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse, analysis finds | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Food systems are responsible for a third of global anthropogenic GHG emissions | Nature Food
(Mar '21)
New research: nitrous oxide emissions 300 times more powerful than CO₂ are jeopardising Earth’s future | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Three ways farms of the future can feed the planet and heal it too | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Climate explained: how climate change will affect food production and security | The Conversation (Dec '19)
$1m a minute: the farming subsidies destroying the world - report | The Guardian (Sep '19)
Not just activists, 9 out of 10 people are concerned about animal welfare in Australian farming | The Conversation (May '19)
New research: nitrous oxide emissions 300 times more powerful than CO₂ are jeopardising Earth’s future | The Conversation (Oct '20)
Three ways farms of the future can feed the planet and heal it too | The Conversation (Dec '19)
Climate explained: how climate change will affect food production and security | The Conversation (Dec '19)
$1m a minute: the farming subsidies destroying the world - report | The Guardian (Sep '19)
Not just activists, 9 out of 10 people are concerned about animal welfare in Australian farming | The Conversation (May '19)
The low-hanging fruit in the climate battle? Cutting down on meat | Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Intensive farming is eating up the Australian continent – but there’s another way | The Conversation
(Jul '20)
We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics | The Guardian(Apr '20)
Is factory farming (partly) to blame for Coronavirus | The Guardian(Mar ’20)
We have to wake up: factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics | The Guardian(Apr '20)
Is factory farming (partly) to blame for Coronavirus | The Guardian(Mar ’20)
Cotton farms in the Murray-Darling Basin - Department of Agriculture
Environmental Issues With Cotton - Cotton Environmental Impact | The World Counts
Organic cotton might be worse for the environment than regular cotton — Quartz(May ’17)
How Is Cotton Made And Why Is It So Bad? | Sustainable Fashion Collective(Dec ’14)
Environmental Issues With Cotton - Cotton Environmental Impact | The World Counts
Organic cotton might be worse for the environment than regular cotton — Quartz(May ’17)
How Is Cotton Made And Why Is It So Bad? | Sustainable Fashion Collective(Dec ’14)
‘Life support’ measures could buy Great Barrier Reef another two decades, study finds | Great Barrier Reef | The Guardian
(Feb ‘21)
‘Severely threatened and deteriorating’: global authority on nature lists the Great Barrier Reef as critical | The Conversation (Dec ‘20)
Unesco urged to declare Great Barrier Reef 'in danger' | The Guardian (Jun ‘20)
Snow-white coral of once-vibrant Great Barrier Reef a sign urgent action must be taken | The Guardian (Apr ‘20)
We just spent two weeks surveying the Great Barrier Reef. What we saw was an utter tragedy | The Conversation (Apr ‘20)
Great Barrier Reef scientists told to focus on projects to make government look good | The Guardian (Sep ‘18)
Politicised science on the Great Barrier Reef? It’s been that way for more than a century | The Conversation (Aug ‘18)
‘Severely threatened and deteriorating’: global authority on nature lists the Great Barrier Reef as critical | The Conversation (Dec ‘20)
Unesco urged to declare Great Barrier Reef 'in danger' | The Guardian (Jun ‘20)
Snow-white coral of once-vibrant Great Barrier Reef a sign urgent action must be taken | The Guardian (Apr ‘20)
We just spent two weeks surveying the Great Barrier Reef. What we saw was an utter tragedy | The Conversation (Apr ‘20)
Great Barrier Reef scientists told to focus on projects to make government look good | The Guardian (Sep ‘18)
Politicised science on the Great Barrier Reef? It’s been that way for more than a century | The Conversation (Aug ‘18)
Australia's marine (un)protected areas: government zoning bias has left marine life in peril since 2012
| The Conversation
(Feb ‘21)
Lord Howe Island coral bleaching 'most severe we've ever seen', scientists say | Lord Howe Island | The Guardian (Apr ‘19)
Lord Howe Island coral bleaching 'most severe we've ever seen', scientists say | Lord Howe Island | The Guardian (Apr ‘19)
Great Barrier Reef Foundation shows how the private sector does it | Crikey
(May ‘21)
‘A mockery’: Great Barrier Reef Foundation raises just $21m of $357m target | The Guardian (Jul ‘20)
‘A mockery’: Great Barrier Reef Foundation raises just $21m of $357m target | The Guardian (Jul ‘20)
Where does the plastic in our oceans come from? - Our World in Data
(May '21)
More than 14m tonnes of plastic believed to be at the bottom of the ocean | The Guardian (Oct '20)
More than 14m tonnes of plastic believed to be at the bottom of the ocean | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Fossil Fuel Industry
Taxpayers could save $7.8bn a year if diesel fuel rebates scheme was wound back | Australian politics | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Calls to phase out fossil fuel subsidies after speculation about net-zero emissions target - ABC News (Apr ’21)
The Morrison government subsidising dirty fuel amid the climate crisis beggars belief | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Matt Canavan says Australia doesn’t subsidise the fossil fuel industry, an expert says it does | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Matt Canavan says there's no government subsidisation of Australia's fossil fuel industries. Is he correct? | ABC(Jul '20)
Global fossil fuel subsidies reach $5.2 trillion, and $29 billion in Australia | Renew Economy(May '19)
How do we rein in the fossil fuel industry? Here are eight ideas | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Fossil fuel subsidies increased in 2017, says IEA | Renew Economy(Oct '18)
How your tax dollars subsidise fossil fuels | Market Forces
Calls to phase out fossil fuel subsidies after speculation about net-zero emissions target - ABC News (Apr ’21)
The Morrison government subsidising dirty fuel amid the climate crisis beggars belief | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Matt Canavan says Australia doesn’t subsidise the fossil fuel industry, an expert says it does | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Matt Canavan says there's no government subsidisation of Australia's fossil fuel industries. Is he correct? | ABC(Jul '20)
Global fossil fuel subsidies reach $5.2 trillion, and $29 billion in Australia | Renew Economy(May '19)
How do we rein in the fossil fuel industry? Here are eight ideas | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Fossil fuel subsidies increased in 2017, says IEA | Renew Economy(Oct '18)
How your tax dollars subsidise fossil fuels | Market Forces
If Australia's resources were taxed the way Norway's are, we could secure the future of our schools | The Guardian
(Feb '20)
Australia’s Top 40 Tax Dodgers 2020: fossil fuels dominate once more | Michael West (Jan '20)
New resources minister Keith Pitt rejects calls for higher taxes on gas industry | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Australia’s Top 40 Tax Dodgers 2020: fossil fuels dominate once more | Michael West (Jan '20)
New resources minister Keith Pitt rejects calls for higher taxes on gas industry | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Australia should hold auction to hasten coal closures, says conservative think tank | RenewEconomy
(Jan ’21)
How Australia can phase out coal power while maintaining energy security | The Conversation (Jan ’21)
Stop believing in fairy tales: Australia’s coal industry doesn’t employ many people or pay its fair share of tax | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Centre-right thinktank warns Morrison government of 'grave future for coal exports' | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
NSW plan for 21 coalmines would create seven years of nation's emissions, expert says | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Thermal coal exports are under threat — but there’s more to the story than just China’s politics | Small Caps (May '20)
Ranking the top five coal exporting countries globally | Energy Business (Jan '20)
The Changing Global Market for Australian Coal | RBA (Sep '19)
Are there really 54,000 people employed in thermal coal mining? - ABC News (Jul '19)
Australian Coal Summary | World-o-meters -
Coal Exports by Country | Worlds Top Exports -
How Australia can phase out coal power while maintaining energy security | The Conversation (Jan ’21)
Stop believing in fairy tales: Australia’s coal industry doesn’t employ many people or pay its fair share of tax | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Centre-right thinktank warns Morrison government of 'grave future for coal exports' | The Guardian (Oct ’20)
NSW plan for 21 coalmines would create seven years of nation's emissions, expert says | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Thermal coal exports are under threat — but there’s more to the story than just China’s politics | Small Caps (May '20)
Ranking the top five coal exporting countries globally | Energy Business (Jan '20)
The Changing Global Market for Australian Coal | RBA (Sep '19)
Are there really 54,000 people employed in thermal coal mining? - ABC News (Jul '19)
Australian Coal Summary | World-o-meters -
Coal Exports by Country | Worlds Top Exports -
Yallourn, one of Australia's last brown coal power stations, to close early in favour of giant battery | Energy | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Renewable energy could render five of Australia’s remaining coal plants unviable by 2025 | Energy | The Guardian (Feb '21)
BHP cuts Mount Arthur coalmine valuation by $1.5bn after thermal coal price plunges | BHP | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Australia's newest coal-fired power plant deemed worthless by Japanese owner | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Renewable energy could render five of Australia’s remaining coal plants unviable by 2025 | Energy | The Guardian (Feb '21)
BHP cuts Mount Arthur coalmine valuation by $1.5bn after thermal coal price plunges | BHP | The Guardian (Jan '21)
Australia's newest coal-fired power plant deemed worthless by Japanese owner | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Forget about the trade spat – coal is passé in much of China, and that's a bigger problem for Australia | The Conversation
(Jan '21)
Australian coal shipments to China at standstill amid unresolved trade tensions | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Australian coal exports to China slump, but prices are mixed | Reuters (Nov '20)
Australian coal shipments to China at standstill amid unresolved trade tensions | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Australian coal exports to China slump, but prices are mixed | Reuters (Nov '20)
Documents suggest Adani retained long-term plan to build Australia's biggest mine | The Guardian
(Nov '20)
Adani executive Lucas Dow talks up bigger coal mine in leaked video at LNP fundraising event | ABC (Mar '20)
Morrison government faces legal challenge over Adani pipeline plan | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Adani coalmine: minister loses legal challenge on water pipeline assessment | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Government concedes error on Adani pipeline decision | The Conversation (Jun '19)
Interactive: Everything you need to know about Adani – from cost, environmental impact and jobs to its possible future | The Conversation (May '19)
Adani water plan ticked off within hours despite lack of detail, internal CSIRO emails reveal | ABC (May ’19)
'Absolute disgrace': Adani pipeline plan won't activate water trigger | The Conversation (Sep '18)
Greg Hunt approves Adani’s Carmichael coal mine, again: experts respond | The Conversation (Oct '16)
Adani executive Lucas Dow talks up bigger coal mine in leaked video at LNP fundraising event | ABC (Mar '20)
Morrison government faces legal challenge over Adani pipeline plan | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Adani coalmine: minister loses legal challenge on water pipeline assessment | The Guardian (Jun '19)
Government concedes error on Adani pipeline decision | The Conversation (Jun '19)
Interactive: Everything you need to know about Adani – from cost, environmental impact and jobs to its possible future | The Conversation (May '19)
Adani water plan ticked off within hours despite lack of detail, internal CSIRO emails reveal | ABC (May ’19)
'Absolute disgrace': Adani pipeline plan won't activate water trigger | The Conversation (Sep '18)
Greg Hunt approves Adani’s Carmichael coal mine, again: experts respond | The Conversation (Oct '16)
NSW government pays Shenhua $100m to cancel coalmine project | New South Wales | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Shell expects to pay Australia no resource tax on gas drawn from Gorgon project | Royal Dutch Shell | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Pembroke's Olive Downs coal mine approved despite department's concerns about waterways - ABC News (Mar '21)
Coalition granting fossil fuel companies up to $250,000 to attend industry events | Energy | The Guardian (Jan '21)
How coal baron Trevor St Baker turned a $1m power plant into a money-making machine | The Guardian (Dec '20)
‘No purpose’ to Coalition’s climate policy after big polluters increase emissions by 1.6m tonnes | The Guardian (Aug '20)
BHP to destroy at least 40 Aboriginal sites, up to 15,000 years old, to expand Pilbara mine | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Queensland strikes royalties deal with Adani coalmine, allowing it to defer payment | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Rio Tinto’s evidence condemned by Juukan Gorge traditional owners after revelation it could have avoided blowing up sacred sites | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Rio Tinto did not tell traditional owners blowing up Juukan Gorge site was just one option for mine | The Guardian (Aug '20)
New Acland coalmine fined just $9,461 for 34 separate noise violations | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australian government granted BHP repeated approval to increase carbon emissions | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Big polluters again allowed to lift emissions without penalty | The Guardian(Feb '20)
Resources industry to receive coronavirus boost with land release for coal and gas exploration in Queensland | ABC (May ’20)
The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Shell expects to pay Australia no resource tax on gas drawn from Gorgon project | Royal Dutch Shell | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Pembroke's Olive Downs coal mine approved despite department's concerns about waterways - ABC News (Mar '21)
Coalition granting fossil fuel companies up to $250,000 to attend industry events | Energy | The Guardian (Jan '21)
How coal baron Trevor St Baker turned a $1m power plant into a money-making machine | The Guardian (Dec '20)
‘No purpose’ to Coalition’s climate policy after big polluters increase emissions by 1.6m tonnes | The Guardian (Aug '20)
BHP to destroy at least 40 Aboriginal sites, up to 15,000 years old, to expand Pilbara mine | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Queensland strikes royalties deal with Adani coalmine, allowing it to defer payment | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Rio Tinto’s evidence condemned by Juukan Gorge traditional owners after revelation it could have avoided blowing up sacred sites | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Rio Tinto did not tell traditional owners blowing up Juukan Gorge site was just one option for mine | The Guardian (Aug '20)
New Acland coalmine fined just $9,461 for 34 separate noise violations | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australian government granted BHP repeated approval to increase carbon emissions | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Big polluters again allowed to lift emissions without penalty | The Guardian(Feb '20)
Resources industry to receive coronavirus boost with land release for coal and gas exploration in Queensland | ABC (May ’20)
The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me | The Guardian (Oct ’19)
Birriah elders accuse Shine Energy of using Indigenous links to promote coal-fired power | Indigenous Australians | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Shine Energy invited to apply for Collinsville power station grant two days after securing it | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Shine Energy invited to apply for Collinsville power station grant two days after securing it | The Guardian (Jul '20)
‘I’m not selling’: what happens when an Australian town is consumed by a US coalminer? | Coal | The Guardian
(May '21)
NSW planning body gives green light to Hunter Valley coalmine expansion | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
How can NSW allow new coalmines while committing to net zero emissions? It’s bizarre | Coal | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Gas consortium seeks approval to drill 7,700 wells next to two Queensland national parks | Fossil fuels | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Grant of $3.3m for Shine Energy approved despite not being entirely appropriate, auditor general finds | Coal | The Guardian (Mar '21)
Coal seam gas company pushes to drill hundreds of new wells at off-limits Queensland site | Energy | The Guardian (Jan '21)
NSW ‘pandering’ to Morrison government by declaring Hunter Valley gas-fired power station essential | The Guardian (Dec '20)
NSW Independent Planning Commission accused of acting as 'rubber stamp' as coalmine approved | The Guardian (Dec '20)
NSW planning commission approves $3.6bn Narrabri gas project in state's north | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Queensland government approves $1bn coking coalmine in the Galilee Basin | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Whitehaven Vickery mine expansion to extract 250% more coal approved by NSW | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Pembroke wins Olive Downs coking coal mine approval with $1 million environmental condition - ABC News (May '20)
NSW planning body gives green light to Hunter Valley coalmine expansion | Australia news | The Guardian (Apr '21)
How can NSW allow new coalmines while committing to net zero emissions? It’s bizarre | Coal | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Gas consortium seeks approval to drill 7,700 wells next to two Queensland national parks | Fossil fuels | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Grant of $3.3m for Shine Energy approved despite not being entirely appropriate, auditor general finds | Coal | The Guardian (Mar '21)
Coal seam gas company pushes to drill hundreds of new wells at off-limits Queensland site | Energy | The Guardian (Jan '21)
NSW ‘pandering’ to Morrison government by declaring Hunter Valley gas-fired power station essential | The Guardian (Dec '20)
NSW Independent Planning Commission accused of acting as 'rubber stamp' as coalmine approved | The Guardian (Dec '20)
NSW planning commission approves $3.6bn Narrabri gas project in state's north | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Queensland government approves $1bn coking coalmine in the Galilee Basin | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Whitehaven Vickery mine expansion to extract 250% more coal approved by NSW | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Pembroke wins Olive Downs coking coal mine approval with $1 million environmental condition - ABC News (May '20)
Gas Gush: the toadies of mainstream media trot out government's fossil fuel fracking campaign | Michael West
(Mar ’21)
The Morrison government subsidising dirty fuel amid the climate crisis beggars belief | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Rescue package for oil refineries | The Saturday Paper (Dec '20)
Morrison Government opens door to paying for cleaner coal and gas with climate funds - ABC News (May ’20)
Mining giant given millions in grant by Coalition from fund for Indigenous disadvantage | The Guardian (Mar '20)
The Morrison government subsidising dirty fuel amid the climate crisis beggars belief | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Rescue package for oil refineries | The Saturday Paper (Dec '20)
Morrison Government opens door to paying for cleaner coal and gas with climate funds - ABC News (May ’20)
Mining giant given millions in grant by Coalition from fund for Indigenous disadvantage | The Guardian (Mar '20)
Gas Gush: the toadies of mainstream media trot out government's fossil fuel fracking campaign - Michael West
(Mar ‘21)
'Zero return': government savaged over taxpayer grants to open up new gas basin in Australia | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Gas for export 12 times larger than gas for manufacturing (Nov '20)
Gas ‘completely dominated’ discussion about Covid-19 recovery, commission adviser says | The Gusrdian (Jun '20)
No, Prime Minister, gas doesn’t ‘work for all Australians’ and your scare tactics ignore modern energy problems | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Gas plan locks in decades of high emissions, experts warn | The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
Phasing out gas would benefit Australian manufacturers and households | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Morrison says you're either for gas or against it. Of course it's not as simple as that | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Australia's Chief Scientist is wrong on gas, say leading experts (Aug ’20)
Sinking billions of taxpayer dollars into gas would make Australia an international pariah | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Narrabri Gas Project should be blocked, says ex-chief scientist (Aug '20)
Hopes of a gas boom fizzle | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
New territory opens for keen gas explorers (Queensland Govt Announcement) (Jun '20)
Trouble with gas: the Coalition is betting on fossil fuel for recovery – the sums don't add up | The Guardian(May '20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)
Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | ABC (May '20)
A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)
Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Global Natural Gas Supplies to China … (Nature Magazine)
'Zero return': government savaged over taxpayer grants to open up new gas basin in Australia | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Gas for export 12 times larger than gas for manufacturing (Nov '20)
Gas ‘completely dominated’ discussion about Covid-19 recovery, commission adviser says | The Gusrdian (Jun '20)
No, Prime Minister, gas doesn’t ‘work for all Australians’ and your scare tactics ignore modern energy problems | The Conversation (Sep '20)
Gas plan locks in decades of high emissions, experts warn | The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
Phasing out gas would benefit Australian manufacturers and households | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Morrison says you're either for gas or against it. Of course it's not as simple as that | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Australia's Chief Scientist is wrong on gas, say leading experts (Aug ’20)
Sinking billions of taxpayer dollars into gas would make Australia an international pariah | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Narrabri Gas Project should be blocked, says ex-chief scientist (Aug '20)
Hopes of a gas boom fizzle | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
New territory opens for keen gas explorers (Queensland Govt Announcement) (Jun '20)
Trouble with gas: the Coalition is betting on fossil fuel for recovery – the sums don't add up | The Guardian(May '20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)
Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | ABC (May '20)
A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)
Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Global Natural Gas Supplies to China … (Nature Magazine)
Australian energy board chair says gas-fired power plant in Hunter Valley ‘doesn’t stack up’ | Energy | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
'Expensive and underperforming': energy audit finds gas power running well below capacity | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Australia's untapped gas reserves could unleash three years' worth of global emissions | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Suncorp out of oil and gas drilling, leaving QBE isolated | Market Forces (Aug '20)
4 reasons why a gas-led economic recovery is a terrible, naïve idea | The Conversation (Aug '20)
IEEFA update: Australia sponsors a failing gas industry - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) tankers in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are motoring in circles while they wait to find a market for their unwanted product | IEEFA (Jul '20)
A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)
Is the Coalition's gas nirvana just an attempt to have its fossil fuel cake and eat it too? (May '20)
Australia's electricity grid could run with 75% renewables, market operator says | The Guardian (Apr '20)
A Savage Call: energy tsar calls time on Australia’s gas cartel | Michael West (Jul '20)
Gaslighting on emissions: IEEFA says burning LNG “worse than coal” for climate | Renew Economy (Mar '20)
Cheap gas, really? Why gas — from coal seams or ships — may not mean low power prices | ABC (Feb '20)
'Expensive and underperforming': energy audit finds gas power running well below capacity | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Australia's untapped gas reserves could unleash three years' worth of global emissions | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Suncorp out of oil and gas drilling, leaving QBE isolated | Market Forces (Aug '20)
4 reasons why a gas-led economic recovery is a terrible, naïve idea | The Conversation (Aug '20)
IEEFA update: Australia sponsors a failing gas industry - Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) tankers in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are motoring in circles while they wait to find a market for their unwanted product | IEEFA (Jul '20)
A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)
Is the Coalition's gas nirvana just an attempt to have its fossil fuel cake and eat it too? (May '20)
Australia's electricity grid could run with 75% renewables, market operator says | The Guardian (Apr '20)
A Savage Call: energy tsar calls time on Australia’s gas cartel | Michael West (Jul '20)
Gaslighting on emissions: IEEFA says burning LNG “worse than coal” for climate | Renew Economy (Mar '20)
Cheap gas, really? Why gas — from coal seams or ships — may not mean low power prices | ABC (Feb '20)
AWA mining lobby says no new project would be approved under Graeme Samuel reforms | Western Australia | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Andrew Liveris is back to tell us gas is great — even as consumption falls | Crikey (Mar '21)
Gas industry donates millions to Australian political parties | Australian politics | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Queensland election: why the resources council's jobs figures don't pass 'the laugh test' | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | Renew Economy (May '20)
Gas companies say they are working with Covid commission and expect federal support soon | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
The gas cartel has bought Morrison lock, stock and barrel | Macro Business (Aug ’20)
Is the Coalition's gas nirvana just an attempt to have its fossil fuel cake and eat it too? | The Guardian (May ’20)
Gas lobby seizes Covid moment, and declares war on Australia’s future | Renew Economy (May ’20)
Resources industry to receive coronavirus boost with land release for coal and gas exploration in Queensland | ABC (May '20)
Zali Steggall calls for probe of Coalition plan to underwrite gas, hydro and coal power | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Melissa Price lobbied by energy company before coal-fired power review requested | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Coal baron and LNP donor blasts RBA for sounding alarm on climate change | Climate change | The Guardian (Mar ’19)
Minerals Council's masterclass in spin and corporate lobbying - Michael West (Jan ’18)
Andrew Liveris is back to tell us gas is great — even as consumption falls | Crikey (Mar '21)
Gas industry donates millions to Australian political parties | Australian politics | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Queensland election: why the resources council's jobs figures don't pass 'the laugh test' | The Guardian (Oct '20)
Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | Renew Economy (May '20)
Gas companies say they are working with Covid commission and expect federal support soon | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
The gas cartel has bought Morrison lock, stock and barrel | Macro Business (Aug ’20)
Is the Coalition's gas nirvana just an attempt to have its fossil fuel cake and eat it too? | The Guardian (May ’20)
Gas lobby seizes Covid moment, and declares war on Australia’s future | Renew Economy (May ’20)
Resources industry to receive coronavirus boost with land release for coal and gas exploration in Queensland | ABC (May '20)
Zali Steggall calls for probe of Coalition plan to underwrite gas, hydro and coal power | The Guardian (Apr ’20)
Melissa Price lobbied by energy company before coal-fired power review requested | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Coal baron and LNP donor blasts RBA for sounding alarm on climate change | Climate change | The Guardian (Mar ’19)
Minerals Council's masterclass in spin and corporate lobbying - Michael West (Jan ’18)
energy policy & markets
The Morrison government subsidising dirty fuel amid the climate crisis beggars belief | The Guardian
(Dec ’20)
Federal Government threatens to build gas plant if electricity sector doesn't replace retiring coal-fired power stations | ABC (Sep ’20)
Under Biden, the US would no longer be a climate pariah – leaves Morrison exposed | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
IEEFA Australia: Renewables or gas – which will we choose? | IEEFA (Jul ’20)
Big win for fossil fuels as regulators seek 12 month delay on 5-minute rule change | Renew Economy (Mar ’20)
Energy impasse is Australia's 'largest failure in public policy', Business Council says | The Guardian (Dec ’18)
Australia's energy policy is a world-class failure and Abbott wears the gold medal of blame | The Guardian (Mar ’17)
Ten years of backflips over emissions trading leave climate policy in the lurch | The Conversation (Dec ’16)
Federal Government threatens to build gas plant if electricity sector doesn't replace retiring coal-fired power stations | ABC (Sep ’20)
Under Biden, the US would no longer be a climate pariah – leaves Morrison exposed | The Conversation (Aug ’20)
IEEFA Australia: Renewables or gas – which will we choose? | IEEFA (Jul ’20)
Big win for fossil fuels as regulators seek 12 month delay on 5-minute rule change | Renew Economy (Mar ’20)
Energy impasse is Australia's 'largest failure in public policy', Business Council says | The Guardian (Dec ’18)
Australia's energy policy is a world-class failure and Abbott wears the gold medal of blame | The Guardian (Mar ’17)
Ten years of backflips over emissions trading leave climate policy in the lurch | The Conversation (Dec ’16)
“Technology not taxes” is a slogan not a policy - Pearls and Irritations
(May ’21)
Scott Morrison to spend extra $539 million on new 'clean' energy projects. But will they reduce emissions? - ABC News (May ’21)
The Coalition's tech roadmap is a strategy based on an old and discredited argument | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
By 2020 standards, Angus Taylor's low-emissions technology statement is not really a climate policy | Energy | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Morrison government lays down five technologies for its clean energy investment | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison to spend extra $539 million on new 'clean' energy projects. But will they reduce emissions? - ABC News (May ’21)
The Coalition's tech roadmap is a strategy based on an old and discredited argument | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
By 2020 standards, Angus Taylor's low-emissions technology statement is not really a climate policy | Energy | The Guardian (Sep '20)
Morrison government lays down five technologies for its clean energy investment | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Morrison government seeks greater powers to direct taxpayer funds into gas pipelines | RenewEconomy
(Mar ’21)
Out on its own: Australia the only country to use climate funding to upgrade coal-fired plants | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Out on its own: Australia the only country to use climate funding to upgrade coal-fired plants | The Guardian (Apr ’19)
Australia's electricity predicted to be cheaper in 2023, helped by green power and lower gas prices | The Guardian
(Dec ’20)
Australia must stop 'whingeing' and make a decision on national energy market, operator says | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
2020 Electricity Statement of Opportunities Report | AEMO (Aug ’20)
Australia must stop 'whingeing' and make a decision on national energy market, operator says | The Guardian (Nov ’20)
2020 Electricity Statement of Opportunities Report | AEMO (Aug ’20)
The Coalition is backing a gas plant that also runs on hydrogen. Is this the future or a folly? | Energy | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Hydrogen's “false promise” could hamper climate progress, lock in fossil fuels | RenewEconomy (May ’21)
The government’s embrace of ‘clean hydrogen’ helps no one but the fossil fuel industry | Fossil fuels | The Guardian (May ’21)
Hydrogen's “false promise” could hamper climate progress, lock in fossil fuels | RenewEconomy (May ’21)
The government’s embrace of ‘clean hydrogen’ helps no one but the fossil fuel industry | Fossil fuels | The Guardian (May ’21)
Australia's miners urge Europe to define nuclear power and fossil fuels with carbon capture as 'sustainable' | Energy | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Energy Minister Angus Taylor launches $50 million fund for carbon capture projects - ABC News (Mar '21)
WA’s Gorgon project fails to deliver on pollution deal, adding millions of tonnes of carbon a year | SMH (Feb '21)
Western Australia LNG plant faces calls to shut down until faulty carbon capture system is fixed | Carbon capture and storage (CCS) | The Guardian (Jan '21)
There are still no large-scale coal with CCS operations in Australia | Australia Institute (Dec '20)
Angus Taylor says Australia has the world's largest carbon capture and storage project. Here's what he's not saying - ABC News (Sep '20)
Revisiting failed climate strategy of CCS renders investors speechless - Michael West (Jun '20)
Holy Grail of Carbon Capture Continues to Elude Coal Industry | IEEFA (Jun '18)
Coal industry’s carbon capture dream is a dangerous fantasy | Renew Economy (Mar '18)
Coal on limited lifespan as CCS hopes go up in smoke | RenewEconomy (Jun '17)
America’s Flagship ‘Clean Coal’ Experiment Abandoned After 11 Years And $7.5 Billion | HuffPost Australia Sustainability (Jun '17)
The Challenges for CCS - Grattan Institute (Jan '17)
The latest bad news on carbon capture from coal power plants: higher costs | The Conversation (Dec '15)
Carbon Storage FAQs |
Energy Minister Angus Taylor launches $50 million fund for carbon capture projects - ABC News (Mar '21)
WA’s Gorgon project fails to deliver on pollution deal, adding millions of tonnes of carbon a year | SMH (Feb '21)
Western Australia LNG plant faces calls to shut down until faulty carbon capture system is fixed | Carbon capture and storage (CCS) | The Guardian (Jan '21)
There are still no large-scale coal with CCS operations in Australia | Australia Institute (Dec '20)
Angus Taylor says Australia has the world's largest carbon capture and storage project. Here's what he's not saying - ABC News (Sep '20)
Revisiting failed climate strategy of CCS renders investors speechless - Michael West (Jun '20)
Holy Grail of Carbon Capture Continues to Elude Coal Industry | IEEFA (Jun '18)
Coal industry’s carbon capture dream is a dangerous fantasy | Renew Economy (Mar '18)
Coal on limited lifespan as CCS hopes go up in smoke | RenewEconomy (Jun '17)
America’s Flagship ‘Clean Coal’ Experiment Abandoned After 11 Years And $7.5 Billion | HuffPost Australia Sustainability (Jun '17)
The Challenges for CCS - Grattan Institute (Jan '17)
The latest bad news on carbon capture from coal power plants: higher costs | The Conversation (Dec '15)
Carbon Storage FAQs |
The Morrison government is sabotaging its renewable energy agency | The Guardian
(Sep ’20)
Solar Surge Is Making Coal Plants Unprofitable in Top Exporter | Bloomberg (Jul ’20)
Solar growth in Australia undercutting coal generators’ economic competitiveness | IEEFA (Aug ’19)
Solar Surge Is Making Coal Plants Unprofitable in Top Exporter | Bloomberg (Jul ’20)
Solar growth in Australia undercutting coal generators’ economic competitiveness | IEEFA (Aug ’19)
"I don't get it:" Why an old wind farm is unable to add a new big battery | RenewEconomy
(May ’21)
‘Clarke and Dawe’: Keith Pitt refuses to say a battery can back up a wind farm – video | Australia news | The Guardian (May ’21)
Coalition vetoes funding for wind and battery farm in northern Queensland | Energy | The Guardian (May ’21)
Josh Frydenberg overruled department to block Lord Howe Island wind turbines | Lord Howe Island | The Guardian (May '19)
Lord Howe microgrid in doubt as Frydenberg rules out wind turbines | RenewEconomy (May '19)
‘Clarke and Dawe’: Keith Pitt refuses to say a battery can back up a wind farm – video | Australia news | The Guardian (May ’21)
Coalition vetoes funding for wind and battery farm in northern Queensland | Energy | The Guardian (May ’21)
Josh Frydenberg overruled department to block Lord Howe Island wind turbines | Lord Howe Island | The Guardian (May '19)
Lord Howe microgrid in doubt as Frydenberg rules out wind turbines | RenewEconomy (May '19)
Investing in coal power would be an expensive mistake | Trent Zimmerman and Philip Dunne | The Guardian
(May ’21)
Paying Australia’s coal-fired power stations to stay open longer is bad for consumers and the planet | The Conversation (May ’21)
Coal electricity: The government's dirty plan to extend this outdated model | The New Daily (May ’21)
Two moderate Liberal MPs say government should not back new coal plants | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Paying Australia’s coal-fired power stations to stay open longer is bad for consumers and the planet | The Conversation (May ’21)
Coal electricity: The government's dirty plan to extend this outdated model | The New Daily (May ’21)
Two moderate Liberal MPs say government should not back new coal plants | The Guardian (Feb '20)
Explainer: what is the electricity transmission system, and why does it need fixing? | The Conversation
(Oct '20)
Angus Taylor's gas plan is an astoundingly bad idea, on so many levels | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
PM’s taskforce backing gas received advice from lobbying firm with Saudi links | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Grattan on Friday: Morrison signs up to the gas gospel, but the choir is not in tune | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison’s ‘gas-led recovery’: what is it and will it really make energy cheaper? | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison's power plan is nothing but a gas-fuelled calamity | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
IEEFA update: Australia sponsors a failing gas industry … Institute of Energy Economics (Jul '20)
Energy executives say gas market – not windfarms – to blame for South Australia's woes | The Guardian (Mar ’17)
Angus Taylor's gas plan is an astoundingly bad idea, on so many levels | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
PM’s taskforce backing gas received advice from lobbying firm with Saudi links | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Grattan on Friday: Morrison signs up to the gas gospel, but the choir is not in tune | The Conversation (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison’s ‘gas-led recovery’: what is it and will it really make energy cheaper? | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Scott Morrison's power plan is nothing but a gas-fuelled calamity | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
IEEFA update: Australia sponsors a failing gas industry … Institute of Energy Economics (Jul '20)
Energy executives say gas market – not windfarms – to blame for South Australia's woes | The Guardian (Mar ’17)
Australian energy board chair says gas-fired power plant in Hunter Valley ‘doesn’t stack up’ | Energy | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
‘Unjustifiable’: new report shows how the nation’s gas expansion puts Australians in harm’s way | The Conversation … Climate Council (Dec '20)
Benefits of Coalition’s ‘gas-led recovery’ overstated and declining usage inevitable, report finds | The Guardian … Grattan Institute (Nov '20)
'Expensive and underperforming': energy audit finds gas power running well below capacity | The Guardian … Crawford School of Public Policy (ANU) (Jul '20)
‘Unjustifiable’: new report shows how the nation’s gas expansion puts Australians in harm’s way | The Conversation … Climate Council (Dec '20)
Benefits of Coalition’s ‘gas-led recovery’ overstated and declining usage inevitable, report finds | The Guardian … Grattan Institute (Nov '20)
'Expensive and underperforming': energy audit finds gas power running well below capacity | The Guardian … Crawford School of Public Policy (ANU) (Jul '20)
This $1 billion energy deal promises to cut emissions and secure jobs. So why on earth is gas included? | The Conversation
(Apr '21)
Scott Morrison signs $1bn deal to shore up energy reliability in South Australia | Energy | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Morrison government seeks greater powers to direct taxpayer funds into gas pipelines | RenewEconomy (Mar '21)
Gas for export 12 times larger than gas for manufacturing (Nov '20)
Gas ‘completely dominated’ discussion about Covid-19 recovery, commission adviser says | The Guardian (Jun '20)
No, Prime Minister, gas doesn’t ‘work for all Australians’ and your scare tactics ignore modern energy problems (Sep '20)
Gas plan locks in decades of high emissions, experts warn | The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
Phasing out gas would benefit Australian manufacturers and households | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Morrison says you're either for gas or against it. Of course it's not as simple as that | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Australia's Chief Scientist is wrong on gas, say leading experts | SMH (Aug ’20)
Sinking billions of taxpayer dollars into gas would make Australia an international pariah | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Hopes of a gas boom fizzle | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Trouble with gas: the Coalition is betting on fossil fuel for recovery – the sums don't add up | The Guardian (May '20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)
Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | ABC (May '20)
A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)
Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Scott Morrison signs $1bn deal to shore up energy reliability in South Australia | Energy | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Morrison government seeks greater powers to direct taxpayer funds into gas pipelines | RenewEconomy (Mar '21)
Gas for export 12 times larger than gas for manufacturing (Nov '20)
Gas ‘completely dominated’ discussion about Covid-19 recovery, commission adviser says | The Guardian (Jun '20)
No, Prime Minister, gas doesn’t ‘work for all Australians’ and your scare tactics ignore modern energy problems (Sep '20)
Gas plan locks in decades of high emissions, experts warn | The Saturday Paper (Sep ’20)
Phasing out gas would benefit Australian manufacturers and households | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Morrison says you're either for gas or against it. Of course it's not as simple as that | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Australia's Chief Scientist is wrong on gas, say leading experts | SMH (Aug ’20)
Sinking billions of taxpayer dollars into gas would make Australia an international pariah | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Hopes of a gas boom fizzle | The Saturday Paper (Aug '20)
Trouble with gas: the Coalition is betting on fossil fuel for recovery – the sums don't add up | The Guardian (May '20)
Coronavirus economic recovery committee looks set to push Australia towards gas-fired future | ABC (May '20)
Taylor puts gas and CCS at centre of technology roadmap, coal and nuclear not excluded | ABC (May '20)
A single mega-project exposes the Morrison government’s gas plan as staggering folly | The Conversation (May '20)
Scott Morrison’s gas transition plan is a dangerous road to nowhere | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Morrison government to pledge another $58.6m to ‘gas-fired recovery’ in budget | Energy | The Guardian
(May '21)
Coalition hands gas subsidy to billionaire as UN calls for rapid methane cuts | RenewEconomy (May '21)
'Zero return': government savaged over taxpayer grants to open up new gas basin in Australia | The Guardian (Dec '20)
New territory opens for keen gas explorers | Qld Govt (Queensland Govt Announcement) (Jun '20)
Coalition hands gas subsidy to billionaire as UN calls for rapid methane cuts | RenewEconomy (May '21)
'Zero return': government savaged over taxpayer grants to open up new gas basin in Australia | The Guardian (Dec '20)
New territory opens for keen gas explorers | Qld Govt (Queensland Govt Announcement) (Jun '20)
Farmers launch legal challenge against approval of $3.6bn Narrabri gas project | The Guardian
(Dec '20)
Narrabri gas project should not have been approved while Santos plans remain uncertain, opponents say | The Guardian … (Nov '20)
Federal government gives environmental approval to controversial $3.6bn Narrabri gas project | The Guardian … (Nov '20)
Narrabri’s gas-fired liability | The Monthly … Locals fear coal-seam gas mining in the Pilliga will destroy the forest, the water and the tourism industry (Nov '20)
Narrabri Gas Project should be blocked, says ex-chief scientist (Aug '20)
Narrabri gas project should not have been approved while Santos plans remain uncertain, opponents say | The Guardian … (Nov '20)
Federal government gives environmental approval to controversial $3.6bn Narrabri gas project | The Guardian … (Nov '20)
Narrabri’s gas-fired liability | The Monthly … Locals fear coal-seam gas mining in the Pilliga will destroy the forest, the water and the tourism industry (Nov '20)
Narrabri Gas Project should be blocked, says ex-chief scientist (Aug '20)
Pumped hydro isn’t our energy future, it’s our past | The Conversation
(Oct '20)
NSW has approved Snowy 2.0. Here are six reasons why that’s a bad move | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Snowy 2.0 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing – it will push carbon emissions up, not down | The Conversation (Mar ’20)
Snowy Hydro 2.0 will cost more and deliver less than promised, 30 experts say | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Snowy 2.0 will not produce nearly as much electricity as claimed. We must hit the pause button | The Conversation (Oct ’19)
NSW has approved Snowy 2.0. Here are six reasons why that’s a bad move | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Snowy 2.0 is a wolf in sheep’s clothing – it will push carbon emissions up, not down | The Conversation (Mar ’20)
Snowy Hydro 2.0 will cost more and deliver less than promised, 30 experts say | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Snowy 2.0 will not produce nearly as much electricity as claimed. We must hit the pause button | The Conversation (Oct ’19)
The end of coal? Why investors aren't buying the myth of the industry's 'renaissance' | The Guardian
(Dec '20)
NSW’s bullish coal export plan defies the global market realities | IEEFA (Jun '20)
China losing interest in Australian coal isn't about diplomacy – it's simply market dynamics | The Guardian (Oct '20)
More coal power generation closed than opened around the world this year, research finds | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
IEEFA update: Coal finance is heading to its logical terminal conclusion | IEEFA (Jun '20)
NSW’s bullish coal export plan defies the global market realities | IEEFA (Jun '20)
China losing interest in Australian coal isn't about diplomacy – it's simply market dynamics | The Guardian (Oct '20)
More coal power generation closed than opened around the world this year, research finds | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
IEEFA update: Coal finance is heading to its logical terminal conclusion | IEEFA (Jun '20)
S&P Global Ratings downgrades Peabody on transaction 'tantamount to a default' | S&P Global Market Intelligence
(Jan ’21)
Asset manager BlackRock threatens to sell shares in worst climate polluters | Financial sector | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Church of England restricts investment in companies that don’t meet its climate standards | The Church of England (Dec ’20)
Anglo American to divest from thermal coal operations by 2023 | (Dec ’20)
Nearly 130 financiers are now refusing to back thermal coal | Stockkead (Sep ’20)
Second major Korean brokerage withdraws financial backing for Adani's coal projects | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Major investment firm dumps Exxon, Chevron and Rio Tinto stock | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Norway’s giant oil fund ditches stake in Australia's AGL over fossil fuel concerns | The Guardian (May '20)
Asset manager BlackRock threatens to sell shares in worst climate polluters | Financial sector | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Church of England restricts investment in companies that don’t meet its climate standards | The Church of England (Dec ’20)
Anglo American to divest from thermal coal operations by 2023 | (Dec ’20)
Nearly 130 financiers are now refusing to back thermal coal | Stockkead (Sep ’20)
Second major Korean brokerage withdraws financial backing for Adani's coal projects | The Guardian (Aug ’20)
Major investment firm dumps Exxon, Chevron and Rio Tinto stock | The Guardian (Aug '20)
Norway’s giant oil fund ditches stake in Australia's AGL over fossil fuel concerns | The Guardian (May '20)
Australian super funds to vote against company directors not tackling climate crisis | Business | The Guardian (Apr '21)
First State Super to divest from thermal coal mining investments | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Top super fund dumps coal miners as emissions cuts intensify | SMH (Jul '20)
First State Super to divest from thermal coal mining investments | The Guardian (Jul '20)
Top super fund dumps coal miners as emissions cuts intensify | SMH (Jul '20)
ANZ to stop lending to Australia's biggest coal port over its exposure to fossil fuels | Banking | The Guardian
(Feb ’21)
Citi pledges to stop thermal coal-mining financing by 2030 | Banking News (Jul '20)
Banks Don't Want to Lend to Australia's Coal Miners Any More | Bloomberg - Bloomberg (Jun '20)
Westpac to withdraw support for thermal coalmining after 2030 | The Guardian (May ’20)
European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Citi pledges to stop thermal coal-mining financing by 2030 | Banking News (Jul '20)
Banks Don't Want to Lend to Australia's Coal Miners Any More | Bloomberg - Bloomberg (Jun '20)
Westpac to withdraw support for thermal coalmining after 2030 | The Guardian (May ’20)
European Investment Bank to phase out fossil fuel financing | The Guardian (Nov '19)
Adani mine: three major insurers to have no further involvement in coal project | The Guardian
(Jun '20)
Suncorp out of oil and gas drilling, leaving QBE isolated | Market Forces (Aug '20)
Suncorp out of oil and gas drilling, leaving QBE isolated | Market Forces (Aug '20)
Climate science
Australia has its hottest day on record as Sydney residents brace for heat, fires and smoke | Washington Post
(Dec '19)
Climate change preparation key as Canberra beats heatwave record | Canberra Times (Jan '19)
Weather records broken as Queensland nears three dozen consecutive days over 40 degrees | ABC (Jan '19)
Australian climate variability & change - Time series graphs | Bureau of Meteorology … Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Climate change preparation key as Canberra beats heatwave record | Canberra Times (Jan '19)
Weather records broken as Queensland nears three dozen consecutive days over 40 degrees | ABC (Jan '19)
Australian climate variability & change - Time series graphs | Bureau of Meteorology … Australian Bureau of Meteorology
‘Severely threatened and deteriorating’: global authority on nature lists the Great Barrier Reef as critical | The Conversation
(Dec ‘20)
While we fixate on coronavirus, Earth is hurtling towards a catastrophe worse than the dinosaur extinction | The Conversation (Apr '20)
Affluence is killing the planet, warn scientists | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Coronavirus is a wake-up call: our war with the environment is leading to pandemics | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Australia’s ‘failing’ environmental laws will fuel further public health crises, Nobel laureate warns | The Guardian (May '20)
222 scientists say cascading crises are the biggest threat to the well-being of future generations | The Conversation (Feb '20)
While we fixate on coronavirus, Earth is hurtling towards a catastrophe worse than the dinosaur extinction | The Conversation (Apr '20)
Affluence is killing the planet, warn scientists | The Conversation (Jun '20)
Coronavirus is a wake-up call: our war with the environment is leading to pandemics | The Conversation (Mar '20)
Australia’s ‘failing’ environmental laws will fuel further public health crises, Nobel laureate warns | The Guardian (May '20)
222 scientists say cascading crises are the biggest threat to the well-being of future generations | The Conversation (Feb '20)
Climate Change Performance Index Report - 2021
(Jan '21)
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports
Rising levels of carbon dioxide increasing extreme weather events in Australia, report finds | The Guardian (Nov '20)
State of the climate: five big issues from the report that will affect every Australian | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Prepare for hotter days, says the State of the Climate 2020 report for Australia | The Conversation (Nov '20)
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report | IPCC (Aug '20)
The UN’s 1.5°C special climate report at a glance | The Conversation (Dec '18)
New UN report outlines ‘urgent, transformational’ change needed to hold global warming to 1.5°C | The Conversation (Oct '18)
Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports
Rising levels of carbon dioxide increasing extreme weather events in Australia, report finds | The Guardian (Nov '20)
State of the climate: five big issues from the report that will affect every Australian | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Prepare for hotter days, says the State of the Climate 2020 report for Australia | The Conversation (Nov '20)
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report | IPCC (Aug '20)
The UN’s 1.5°C special climate report at a glance | The Conversation (Dec '18)
New UN report outlines ‘urgent, transformational’ change needed to hold global warming to 1.5°C | The Conversation (Oct '18)
Nothing to lose but your chains: The emerging market transport leapfrog | Carbon Tracker
(Nov '20)
The Future’s Not in Plastics: Why plastics demand won’t rescue the oil sector | Carbon Tracker (Sep '20)
Changing the Game – BP takes climate issue by the horns | Carbon Tracker (Aug ’20)
It’s Closing Time: The Huge Bill to Abandon Oilfields Comes Early (Jun '20) …
How To Retire Early: Making Accelerated Coal Phaseout Feasible and Just (Jun ’20)
New Analysis Shows the Global Transition from Coal to Clean Energy Has Reached a Financial Tipping Point (Jun '20)
Foot off the gas: increased reliance on natural gas in the power sector risks an emissions lock-in: analysis | Climate Action Tracker (Jun '17)
The Future’s Not in Plastics: Why plastics demand won’t rescue the oil sector | Carbon Tracker (Sep '20)
Changing the Game – BP takes climate issue by the horns | Carbon Tracker (Aug ’20)
It’s Closing Time: The Huge Bill to Abandon Oilfields Comes Early (Jun '20) …
How To Retire Early: Making Accelerated Coal Phaseout Feasible and Just (Jun ’20)
New Analysis Shows the Global Transition from Coal to Clean Energy Has Reached a Financial Tipping Point (Jun '20)
Foot off the gas: increased reliance on natural gas in the power sector risks an emissions lock-in: analysis | Climate Action Tracker (Jun '17)
Aim High, Go Fast: Why Emissions Need to Plummet this Decade | Climate Council
(Apr '21)
Reserve Bank warns of 25% GDP loss by 2100 unless action taken on climate change | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Scientists’ warning on affluence | Nature Nature Magazine Research Journal (Jun '20)
Scientists fear Coalition's push to deregulate environmental approvals will lead to extinction crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)
World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia’s ‘failing’ environmental laws will fuel further public health crises, Nobel laureate warns | The Guardian (may '20)
Climate change could spark 'global systemic crisis', scientists warn | News (Feb '20)
Australia’s ‘failing’ environmental laws will fuel further public health crises, Nobel laureate warns | The Guardian (may '20)
Former fire chiefs warn Australia unprepared for escalating climate threat | The Guardian (Apr '19)
Reserve Bank warns of 25% GDP loss by 2100 unless action taken on climate change | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Scientists’ warning on affluence | Nature Nature Magazine Research Journal (Jun '20)
Scientists fear Coalition's push to deregulate environmental approvals will lead to extinction crisis | The Guardian (Jun '20)
World has six months to avert climate crisis, says energy expert | The Guardian (Jun '20)
Australia’s ‘failing’ environmental laws will fuel further public health crises, Nobel laureate warns | The Guardian (may '20)
Climate change could spark 'global systemic crisis', scientists warn | News (Feb '20)
Australia’s ‘failing’ environmental laws will fuel further public health crises, Nobel laureate warns | The Guardian (may '20)
Former fire chiefs warn Australia unprepared for escalating climate threat | The Guardian (Apr '19)
climate emergency - the world view
The young people taking their countries to court over climate inaction | Environment | The Guardian
(May ’21)
So what has the rest of the world promised to do about climate change? | Environment | The Guardian (Apr ’21)
Climate change and disaster displacement | UNHCR Report
Air pollution a cause of UK girl's death, finds global landmark ruling | ABC (Dec ’20)
World is in danger of missing Paris climate target, summit is warned | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé named top plastic polluters for third year in a row | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Ships moved more than 11 billion tonnes of our stuff around the globe last year, and it’s killing the climate. This week is a chance to change | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
World fails to meet a single target to stop destruction of nature – UN report | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Climate emergency: global action is ‘way off track’ says UN head | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Corporations told to draw up climate rules or have them imposed | The Guardian (Oct '19)
So what has the rest of the world promised to do about climate change? | Environment | The Guardian (Apr ’21)
Climate change and disaster displacement | UNHCR Report
Air pollution a cause of UK girl's death, finds global landmark ruling | ABC (Dec ’20)
World is in danger of missing Paris climate target, summit is warned | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé named top plastic polluters for third year in a row | The Guardian (Dec ’20)
Ships moved more than 11 billion tonnes of our stuff around the globe last year, and it’s killing the climate. This week is a chance to change | The Conversation (Nov ’20)
World fails to meet a single target to stop destruction of nature – UN report | The Guardian (Sep ’20)
Climate emergency: global action is ‘way off track’ says UN head | The Guardian (Mar ’20)
Corporations told to draw up climate rules or have them imposed | The Guardian (Oct '19)
Biden administration says Australia needs to cut greenhouse gas emissions sooner | Climate change | The Guardian
(Apr '21)
Who's attending Biden's climate summit? | Reuters (Apr '21)
Secretary of state says countries investing in new coal ‘will hear from US’ | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
US and China commit to cooperating on climate crisis | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Dizzying pace of Biden's climate action sounds death knell for era of denialism | Climate change | The Guardian (Jan '21)
John Kerry commits US to climate crisis fight but warns world is way off pace | John Kerry | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Major US companies ask Congress to put a price on carbon | Fast Company (May '19)
Who's attending Biden's climate summit? | Reuters (Apr '21)
Secretary of state says countries investing in new coal ‘will hear from US’ | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
US and China commit to cooperating on climate crisis | Climate change | The Guardian (Apr '21)
Dizzying pace of Biden's climate action sounds death knell for era of denialism | Climate change | The Guardian (Jan '21)
John Kerry commits US to climate crisis fight but warns world is way off pace | John Kerry | The Guardian (Jan ’21)
Major US companies ask Congress to put a price on carbon | Fast Company (May '19)
New Zealand minister calls for finance sector to disclose climate crisis risks in world first
| The Guardian
(Sep ’20)
PM Jacinda Ardern opens UN climate summit with pledge to lead way on food production | RNZ News (Sep ’19)
PM Jacinda Ardern opens UN climate summit with pledge to lead way on food production | RNZ News (Sep ’19)
Australia's climate policies not ambitious enough for summit invite, Boris Johnson told Scott Morrison | Scott Morrison | The Guardian
(Mar '21)
Australia accused of 'shamefully' holding back global action on climate change | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Europe trade talks: Australia urged to be 'more ambitious' on climate | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian … (Feb '21)
Australia's new climate pledge to UN criticised for not improving on 2030 target | CNN … (Jan '21)
Australia is the last Western holdout on the climate crisis. But some states and businesses are calling for change | CNN (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison yet to be granted speaking slot at weekend climate summit | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison pressured by Britain, France and Italy to announce 'bold' climate action | The Guardian (Nov '20)
IEEFA Australia: Renewables or gas – which will we choose? | IEEFA (Jul '20)
Coronavirus and climate: Australia's chance to shift to green energy | BBC (Apr '20)
Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)
UN climate talks: Australia accused of 'cheating' and thwarting global deal | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Australia ranked worst of 57 countries on climate change policy | The Guardian (Dec '19)
About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Climate talks at COP25 a 'disappointment' as Australia gets special mention | ABC (Dec '19)
Australia needs to intensify efforts to meet its 2030 emissions goal | OECD (Jan '19)
Poor countries urge Australia to honour Green Climate Fund commitments | The Guardian (Oct '18)
Australia accused of 'shamefully' holding back global action on climate change | Australia news | The Guardian (Feb '21)
Europe trade talks: Australia urged to be 'more ambitious' on climate | Australian foreign policy | The Guardian … (Feb '21)
Australia's new climate pledge to UN criticised for not improving on 2030 target | CNN … (Jan '21)
Australia is the last Western holdout on the climate crisis. But some states and businesses are calling for change | CNN (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison yet to be granted speaking slot at weekend climate summit | The Guardian (Dec '20)
Scott Morrison pressured by Britain, France and Italy to announce 'bold' climate action | The Guardian (Nov '20)
IEEFA Australia: Renewables or gas – which will we choose? | IEEFA (Jul '20)
Coronavirus and climate: Australia's chance to shift to green energy | BBC (Apr '20)
Australia's use of accounting loophole to meet Paris deal found to have no legal basis | The Guardian (Dec '19)
UN climate talks: Australia accused of 'cheating' and thwarting global deal | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Australia ranked worst of 57 countries on climate change policy | The Guardian (Dec '19)
About 100 countries at UN climate talks challenge Australia's use of carryover credits | The Guardian (Dec '19)
Climate talks at COP25 a 'disappointment' as Australia gets special mention | ABC (Dec '19)
Australia needs to intensify efforts to meet its 2030 emissions goal | OECD (Jan '19)
Poor countries urge Australia to honour Green Climate Fund commitments | The Guardian (Oct '18)
Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Jacinda Ardern is at her best in a crisis. Now she must tackle housing affordability
(Dec '20)
Life after Christchurch: one survivor's journey of recovery and reckoning (Nov '20)
Gold star for you: New Zealand council puts stickers on bins of best recyclers (Nov '20)
The 'staggering' potential of New Zealand's returning diaspora
New Zealand media put Christchurch gunman in his place with focus on victims (Aug '20)
Is the PM a transformer? Or just a manager? (Jul '20)
Did a tragic family secret influence Kate Sheppard’s mission to give New Zealand women the vote? (Jul '20)
Post-Covid New Zealand tackles a new threat – anxiety over an uncertain future (Jul '20)
Reforming cannabis laws is a complex challenge, but New Zealand’s history of drug reform holds important lessons (Jun ’20)
New Zealand supermarket chain becomes first to use 'period' label on menstrual products (Jun ’20)
Trust, risk and routine arming: the killing of a frontline officer challenges New Zealand police practice (Jun ’20)
Black Lives Matter outrage must drive police reform in Aotearoa-New Zealand too (Jun ’20)
New Zealand drops armed police trial after public concern (Jun ’20)
Armed police not what NZ needs (Jun ’20)
New Zealand tackles 'period poverty' with free sanitary products for all schoolgirls (Jun ’20)
Documents reveal serious lack of consultation before police armed response teams launched (May ’20)
Like Christmas: New Zealand's post-Covid books boom (May ’20)
'New Zealanders don't think like that': Kind Kiwi claps back at Melbourne woman after racist outburst (May ’20)
Move over culture wars, New Zealand's post-virus election will be about economics (Apr ’20)
The challenges and benefits of outdoor recreation during NZ’s coronavirus lockdown (Mar ‘20)
As an MP in self-isolation, I’ve seen New Zealand’s collective power to respond to a crisis (Mar ’20)
Ardern: New Zealand has ‘fundamentally changed’ since Christchurch shootings (Mar ’20)
Far-right extremists still threaten New Zealand, a year on from the Christchurch attacks (Mar ’20)
In New Zealand, we are starting to value women’s work fairly. It’s time for the world to follow (Mar ’20)
Product of Australia – it’s fashionable to beat up on New Zealanders
‘These children are in limbo’: the New Zealanders locked out of Australia’s NDIS (Feb ’20)
Not much love actually: Jacinda Ardern was right to call out Australia’s ‘corrosive’ policies (Feb ’20)
Jacinda Ardern lashes Scott Morrison for ‘testing’ friendship over deportations to New Zealand (Feb ’20)
Vested interests in New Zealand politics are too big to ignore – we need a Royal Commission (Feb ’20)
The haka isn’t yours – stop performing it (Jan ’20)
I pioneered the four-day week – now it must be used to fight the climate crisis (Jan ’20)
New Zealand lobby group plans to sue Australia over citizenship law change (Jan ’20)
Aotearoa is at last finding its voice, helping us heal after a year of tragedy (Dec ’19)
New Zealand to get 10 Gbps fibre to premises in 2020 (Nov ’19)
New Zealand’s well-being approach to budget is not new, but could shift major issues (May ’19)
Jacinda Ardern urges leaders to widen their definition of ‘prosperity’ – video (Jul ’19)
New Zealand's electoral system — is it better than ours? (may ’19)
The paradox of happiness: the more you chase it the more elusive it becomes (May ’19)
Four lessons we must take away from the Christchurch terror attack (Mar ’19)
Life after Christchurch: one survivor's journey of recovery and reckoning (Nov '20)
Gold star for you: New Zealand council puts stickers on bins of best recyclers (Nov '20)
The 'staggering' potential of New Zealand's returning diaspora
New Zealand media put Christchurch gunman in his place with focus on victims (Aug '20)
Is the PM a transformer? Or just a manager? (Jul '20)
Did a tragic family secret influence Kate Sheppard’s mission to give New Zealand women the vote? (Jul '20)
Post-Covid New Zealand tackles a new threat – anxiety over an uncertain future (Jul '20)
Reforming cannabis laws is a complex challenge, but New Zealand’s history of drug reform holds important lessons (Jun ’20)
New Zealand supermarket chain becomes first to use 'period' label on menstrual products (Jun ’20)
Trust, risk and routine arming: the killing of a frontline officer challenges New Zealand police practice (Jun ’20)
Black Lives Matter outrage must drive police reform in Aotearoa-New Zealand too (Jun ’20)
New Zealand drops armed police trial after public concern (Jun ’20)
Armed police not what NZ needs (Jun ’20)
New Zealand tackles 'period poverty' with free sanitary products for all schoolgirls (Jun ’20)
Documents reveal serious lack of consultation before police armed response teams launched (May ’20)
Like Christmas: New Zealand's post-Covid books boom (May ’20)
'New Zealanders don't think like that': Kind Kiwi claps back at Melbourne woman after racist outburst (May ’20)
Move over culture wars, New Zealand's post-virus election will be about economics (Apr ’20)
The challenges and benefits of outdoor recreation during NZ’s coronavirus lockdown (Mar ‘20)
As an MP in self-isolation, I’ve seen New Zealand’s collective power to respond to a crisis (Mar ’20)
Ardern: New Zealand has ‘fundamentally changed’ since Christchurch shootings (Mar ’20)
Far-right extremists still threaten New Zealand, a year on from the Christchurch attacks (Mar ’20)
In New Zealand, we are starting to value women’s work fairly. It’s time for the world to follow (Mar ’20)
Product of Australia – it’s fashionable to beat up on New Zealanders
‘These children are in limbo’: the New Zealanders locked out of Australia’s NDIS (Feb ’20)
Not much love actually: Jacinda Ardern was right to call out Australia’s ‘corrosive’ policies (Feb ’20)
Jacinda Ardern lashes Scott Morrison for ‘testing’ friendship over deportations to New Zealand (Feb ’20)
Vested interests in New Zealand politics are too big to ignore – we need a Royal Commission (Feb ’20)
The haka isn’t yours – stop performing it (Jan ’20)
I pioneered the four-day week – now it must be used to fight the climate crisis (Jan ’20)
New Zealand lobby group plans to sue Australia over citizenship law change (Jan ’20)
Aotearoa is at last finding its voice, helping us heal after a year of tragedy (Dec ’19)
New Zealand to get 10 Gbps fibre to premises in 2020 (Nov ’19)
New Zealand’s well-being approach to budget is not new, but could shift major issues (May ’19)
Jacinda Ardern urges leaders to widen their definition of ‘prosperity’ – video (Jul ’19)
New Zealand's electoral system — is it better than ours? (may ’19)
The paradox of happiness: the more you chase it the more elusive it becomes (May ’19)
Four lessons we must take away from the Christchurch terror attack (Mar ’19)
Everyone deserves a decent, secure life. It’s time New Zealand talked about rent controls | Chlöe Swarbrick | The Guardian
(May '21)
New Zealand’s new housing policy is really just a new tax package — and it’s a shambles | The Conversation (Apr '21)
New Zealand once led the world on social housing – it should again | New Zealand | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Covid-19 an opportunity to tackle our housing crisis (Apr ’20)
‘They allowed the perfect storm’: UN expert damns New Zealand’s housing crisis (Feb ’20)
New Zealand’s waiting list for state housing hits record high (Jan ’20)
New Zealand’s new housing policy is really just a new tax package — and it’s a shambles | The Conversation (Apr '21)
New Zealand once led the world on social housing – it should again | New Zealand | The Guardian (Nov '20)
Covid-19 an opportunity to tackle our housing crisis (Apr ’20)
‘They allowed the perfect storm’: UN expert damns New Zealand’s housing crisis (Feb ’20)
New Zealand’s waiting list for state housing hits record high (Jan ’20)