Patient Perspective Engagement
Membership of a Support Group
Yes | 0 |
No | 0 |
Formerly (Not Currently) | 0 |
I Don’t Know | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Discussing my Journey
I’m comfortable talking about it because it raises awareness | 0 |
I’m not comfortable talking about it | 0 |
I would prefer not to talk about it but I’m comfortable talking about it when asked | 0 |
I am careful about who I talk to about my journey | 0 |
I’m not sure | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Reason(s) for Support Group Membership
To get information about services available | 0 |
To get information about treatment options | 0 |
To get information about the latest research | 0 |
To share the story of my own brain tumour journey | 0 |
To hear about other peoples brain tumour journey | 0 |
To be involved socially with others on a similar journey | 0 |
To have someone to talk to | 0 |
To have someone to help with some day to day living tasks eg. transport | 0 |
To offer my support to other brain tumour patients and carers | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
Success of the Support Group
Information about services available | 0 |
Information about treatment options | 0 |
Information about latest research | 0 |
Someone to talk to | 0 |
The opportunity to share my brain tumour journey | 0 |
The opportunity to hear about other peoples brain tumour journey | 0 |
It has provided an understanding social setting | 0 |
Someone to help with some day to day living tasks eg. transport | 0 |
I have been able to offer support to other brain tumour patients and carers | 0 |
It has not really helped at all | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
Reasons for not belonging to a support group
I have fully recovered and no longer need support | 0 |
The support group I was a member of didn’t offer me the support I needed | 0 |
There were conflicts within the group that made it difficult to stay | 0 |
I have never been made aware of the existence of a support group | 0 |
The support group meets at a time and place that is not convenient for me | 0 |
I haven’t felt that a support group is beneficial to me | 0 |
I’m too unwell to travel to a support group meeting | 0 |
Other * | 0 |