Patient Perspective – Hospital
Satisfaction with Hospital Quality of Care:
Satisfied: | 0 |
Neutral: | 0 |
Dissatisfied | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Post Operative Complications
Stroke | 0 |
Blood Clot | 0 |
Paralysis | 0 |
Infection | 0 |
Bacterial Meningitis | 0 |
Public Patient | 0 |
Private Health Insurance | 0 |
Privately Funded | 0 |
Not Answered | 0 |
Would a Care Co-Ordinator have assisted you in your journey? *
Yes | 0 |
No | 0 |
I Don’t Know | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
ISSUES OF TRAVEL TO HOSPITAL (for regionally domiciled patients)
Respondents to this question: | 0 |
Obtaining accommodation near the hospital | 0 |
The cost of travel and accommodation | 0 |
Organising transport to and from hospital | 0 |
Not having support networks nearby | 0 |
Leaving family members behind in my home town | 0 |
Communications difficulties | 0 |
Other * | 0 |