Patient Perspective Quality of Life
Fatigue (PATIENT)
Yes, I do suffer chronic fatigue | 0 |
Yes, I do suffer increased fatigue but I am not chronically fatigued | 0 |
No, I do not suffer increased fatigue | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
How have your fatigue levels changed since your brain tumour? *
A significant increase in fatigue | 0 |
A marginal increase in fatigue | 0 |
No change in fatigue levels | 0 |
A marginal decrease in fatigue | 0 |
A significant decrease in fatigue | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Balance Issues
Constant balance problems | 0 |
Every now and then | 0 |
I had balance problems but I have since returned to normal | 0 |
I have never had balance issues | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
BALANCE ISSUES (grouped by Tumour Type):
Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) – 0
Constant balance problems | 0 |
Every now and then | 0 |
I had balance problems but I have since returned to normal | 0 |
I have never had balance issues | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Oligodendroglioma – 0
Constant balance problems | 0 |
Every now and then | 0 |
I had balance problems but I have since returned to normal | 0 |
I have never had balance issues | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Astrocytoma – 0
Constant balance problems | 0 |
Every now and then | 0 |
I had balance problems but I have since returned to normal | 0 |
I have never had balance issues | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Meningioma – 0
Constant balance problems | 0 |
Every now and then | 0 |
I had balance problems but I have since returned to normal | 0 |
I have never had balance issues | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
My fatigue is debilitating and prevents my ability to function normally | 0 |
My fatigue does prevent a normal lifestyle but it is not debilitating | 0 |
My fatigue is moderately debilitating but does not prevent my ability to function normally | 0 |
Quality of Sleep since Surgery or Treatment
Better | 0 |
Worse | 0 |
About the Same | 0 |
Not Answered | 0 |
Amount of Sleep since Surgery or Treatment
Less than 2 hrs per day | 0 |
2-4 hrs per day | 0 |
4-6 hrs per day | 0 |
6-7 hrs per day | 0 |
7-8 hrs per day | 0 |
More than 8 hrs per day | 0 |
Not Answered | 0 |
Type of Memory Loss
Short Term memory loss
0 |
Long Term memory loss
0 |
Both Short and Long Term memory loss
0 |
No memory loss issues
0 |
Length of Time with Memory Loss
< 1 Month | 0 |
1-6 Months | 0 |
6-12 Months | 0 |
1-2 Years | 0 |
> 2 Years | 0 |
No Memory Loss | 0 |
If your physical and mental well being has been affected by stress can you tell us to what extent stress has had an impact?
Very Considerably | 0 |
Somewhat Considerably | 0 |
A Mild Impact | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
Rest during the day
More than 3 times a day | 0 |
Everyday | 0 |
Most days | 0 |
Some days | 0 |
None | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Currently Driving a Motor Vehicle
Yes | 0 |
No | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Current Work Arrangements
Employed Full-Time | 0 |
Employed Part-Time | 0 |
Self-employed | 0 |
Not employed but looking for work | 0 |
Not employed and not looking for work | 0 |
Homemaker | 0 |
Doing volunteer work | 0 |
Retired | 0 |
Student | 0 |
Prefer Not to Answer | 0 |
I have not been able to return to work | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
All the time | 0 |
Frequently | 0 |
Sometimes | 0 |
Never | 0 |
Not Sure | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
I am unable to read for the length of time that I used to | 0 |
I have to study in smaller chunks of time | 0 |
I often need to excuse myself from conversations | 0 |
I don’t retain written or verbal information | 0 |
My concentration has returned to normal | 0 |
My concentration has not been affected | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
Impact on Overall Quality of Life
Loss of Income | 0 |
Financial Impact (Cost of Surgery/Treatment) | 0 |
Loss of independence | 0 |
Alienation from family/friends | 0 |
Loss of physical mobility | 0 |
Loss of motivation | 0 |
Anxiety & Depression | 0 |
There has been no impact on my quality of life | 0 |
Other * | 0 |