Patient Perspective Support
When did you reach out for support? *
When I was first diagnosed | 0 |
Just before surgery | 0 |
Just after surgery | 0 |
During my stay in hospital | 0 |
Soon after I left hospital | 0 |
Weeks after leaving hospital | 0 |
Months after leaving hospital | 0 |
I didn’t reach out for support | 0 |
I don’t know | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
What support services (if any) did health care professionals inform you of?
Brain Tumour Alliance Australia | 0 |
Cure Brain Cancer Foundation | 0 |
Local Rehabilitation Hospital | 0 |
Local Counselling Service | 0 |
None | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
Which Financial Support Services are needed.
Assistance in dealing with Financial Institutions | 0 |
Assistance in dealing with Utility Providers | 0 |
Information about Hardship Grants | 0 |
Information about Emergency Relief Services | 0 |
Information about where to get financial help | 0 |
Assistance with accessing Superannuation | 0 |
Assistance with Child Care Subsidies or Grants | 0 |
What sort of support services do you feel could be made more available in your ongoing brain tumour journey?
Better counselling services | 0 |
More accessible support groups | 0 |
Better information from government agencies | 0 |
Availability of a Care Coordinator | 0 |
Better information about obtaining financial support | 0 |
Disability Parking Information | 0 |
Home Help Information | 0 |
Not Applicable | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
Areas of Family Support Important to You
Being able, if required, to advocate on my behalf | 0 |
Understanding personality changes that may occur | 0 |
Being able to assist me with various tasks | 0 |
Being prepared to take up slack at home | 0 |
Being able to communicate honestly with family and friends | 0 |
Other * | 0 |
My partner or spouse accompanied me to all of my appointments | 0 |
I was on my own | 0 |
A friend accompanied me to most or some of my appointments | 0 |
My late husband attended the initial consultation and then after his passing my two sons accompanied me | 0 |
A friend accompanied me to all of my appointments | 0 |
My partner or spouse accompanied me to most or some of my appointments | 0 |
A parent or guardian accompanied me to all of my appointments | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Overall Effect on Family *
It has brought us closer together | 0 |
It has adversely affected our family | 0 |
It hasn’t affected us at all | 0 |
I don’t know | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Do you feel isolated from your support? *
NO, I don’t feel isolated | 0 |
YES, I do feel isolated | 0 |
I’m not sure | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Has your Employer/Workplace been supportive of you?
Yes, they have been supportive | 0 |
No, they haven’t been supportive | 0 |
Not Applicable | 0 |
Not answered | 0 |
Main responses from Family and Friends
Making allowances for changes in behaviour | 0 |
Making allowances for diminished ability to contribute to household | 0 |
Assisting with tasks that otherwise I would complete | 0 |
Being able to communicate honestly with family and friends | 0 |
Recognising that I am not completely recovered | 0 |
Providing financial support | 0 |
I have been alienated from my family | 0 |
Some family members think that I am over-reacting and malingering | 0 |
Some friends think that I am over-reacting and malingering | 0 |
Other * | 0 |