Treatments, Therapies, Medications & Rehabilitation
List post other post hospital treatments
Where did you have your Proton Beam Therapy?
List any side effects to your post hospital treatment.
Are you receiving regular MRIs as part of your ingoing treatment and monitoring of your tumour?
How many CT Scans and MRIs have you had?
Are you able to rate your overall post hospital treatment?
How long has your treatment been continuing?
Rehabilitation Services (Post Hospitalisation)
Tell us about any rehabilitation services that you were referred to AFTER you left hospital.
Include also any services and treatments that you arranged yourself, independent of referrals and whether they were helpful to you.
Was a referral made for post-operative, post-hospital rehabilitation?
These options include your evaluation of their effectiveness and who arranged these treatments: Me (you arranging treatment independently) - Medical Team (your doctor or follow up medical team - Both (arranged in conjunction with you and your medical team).
To select multiple entries - hold down the Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) key.
Any comments about the standard of information provided (optional)
Other Treatments, Services
Treatments Outside Australia, Follow Up Treatments.
Have you received treatment in another country?
Which country have you received treatment in?
List details of treatments that you have received in another country.
What other follow up, or ongoing, treatments are you having, or have had?
List any side effects of your medication.
Have you had any immunotherapy treatment?
List the immunotherapy treatments you've had.
Have you been satisfied with these follow up treatments?
Choose the medications you recall being prescribed for you.
Medications Side Effects
Describe the side effects of your medications
Make any additional notes about side effects pertaining to particular medications.
Do you (or did you) understand the purpose of your medication
List any side effects of medication (list medication first, followed by side effect)
Care Co-Ordination Nurse
Would the provision of a brain tumour care co-ordinator have helped you deal with your brain tumour?
Outline how a care co-ordinator may have helped you.
List the names of the clinical trials you've taken part in.
Continuity of Care
How would you rate the overall continuity of care from your medical team? This includes referrals to follow up services and communication between the various health care professionals.
Complimentary & Alternative Therapies
Have you used any complimentary or alternative therapies?
List any other complimentary therapies that you have used.