Please Offer Me a Seat

This project is for those of us who struggle to stand while using public transport. A free badge and card will be available to help you alert fellow passengers that you need a seat. 88% of disabilities are not visible, furthermore, most people who need a seat are not inclined to request one.

Patient Perspective

Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) is now an accepted health care idea… however, in Australia there is no method of tracking the treatment outcomes of brain tumour patients through the life cycle of the disease. Patient Perspective aims to solve this problem. One day, all diseases will be tracked this way.

Under the Hood

From a the son of rural Vet who knows bullshit when he sees it – if you’re sick of the corruption, the secrecy, the lies, the duplicity, or, as the cow said to the farmer, you’re sick of the bullshit, I invite you to take a look with me … ‘Under the Hood’.