The Reportàge Project, a collection of intelligent journalism from reputable sources, was cobbled together because let’s face it, we have a surfeit of opinion about Politics, Refugees, Climate Change, Poverty, Disability, our First Nations people, Health Care (including mental health) and even Religion. These are topics that are, to a lesser or greater extent, of particular interest to me. Unfortunately, much discourse, argument, conflict, or disagreement comes about as a result of some people absorbing, then adopting, little more than the ill-informed rantings of dilettantes.
It may well be true that the journalism that I’ve compiled is informed partly, by the views that I already hold and yes there is also some opinion, however, in the spirit of the Platonic Dialogues, should you disagree with what is there, I encourage you to compile a collection to juxtapose it and let me know. It would be welcomed. The Reportàge Project is a start – how you respond to it is up to you.