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Mental Health - Conversations
- Women are drinking more during the pandemic, and it’s probably got a lot to do with their mental health (Jun ’20)
- Stress, isolation, suicide: Australia's new mental health officer on the challenges of Covid-19 (May ‘20)
- Is isolation a feeling? (May ‘20)
- We face a pandemic of mental health disorders. Those who do it hardest need our support (Mar ‘20)
- How do you start a conversation about mental health with someone who is depressed? (Oct '19)
- Why I won't tell someone who's suicidal to 'just ask for help' (Aug '19)
- Getting serious about mental health - Prof. Ian Hickie (Jan '11)
(Talking about) Suicide
- Rural mental health service inundated by women hoping 'farm speak' will save men (Jul ’20)
- The ‘silent’ statistics (Jul ’20)
- Suicide figures are the tip of the iceberg: new research (Jul ’20)
- Stress, isolation, suicide: Australia's new mental health officer on the challenges of Covid-19 (May ‘20)
- Is isolation a feeling? (May ‘20)
- Predicting the pandemic’s psychological toll: why suicide modelling is so difficult (May ’20)
- Our suicide research is clear: Australia needs more urgent action to address the Covid-19 fallout (May ’20)
- Coronavirus pandemic plan for mental health too small, suicides likely to increase, expert says (May '20)
- Are you worried someone you care about is thinking of suicide? Here’s how you can support them from afar (Apr '20)
- Middle-aged men make up the largest age-specific increase in suicides, but we can learn from history (Feb '20)
- World Health Organisation Report (Sep '19)
- Scott Morrison's suicide prevention adviser says mental health system may increase risk of self-harm (Aug '19)
- Why I won't tell someone who's suicidal to 'just ask for help' (Aug '19)
- After a six-year-old attempted suicide, I thought it wouldn’t happen again. I was wrong (Jul '19)
- 'Unspeakable': how can Australia stop the Indigenous suicide epidemic? (May '19)
- Can we talk... about mental illness and suicide …National Mental Health Commission (Aug '12)
- Causes of Mental Illness
- How does racism impact on mental wellbeing? (Jun ’20)
- Young women are hit doubly hard by recessions, especially this one (Jun '20)
- How does racism impact mental wellbeing? (Jun ’20)
- Coronavirus Australia: Mental health impacts ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 (May '20)
- What's driving poor mental health among young Australians? We asked them (Nov '19)
Prevention of Mental Illness (Good Mental Health Ideas)
- Swimming out of the darkness: How cold-water swimming helps with mental health (Jul ’20)
- Ways to practise self-care when you have no time or money (Jul ’20)
- If Australia really wants to tackle mental health after coronavirus, we must take action on homelessness (Jun ’20)
- How to Manage Your Fear During the Coronavirus (Mar ’20)
- Raise the Medicare levy to pay for mental health, says Victoria (Feb '20)
- Middle-aged men make up the largest age-specific increase in suicides, but we can learn from history (Feb '20)
- We need to move on from self-care to something that cannot be captured by capitalism (Jan '20)
- 3 in 4 people with a mental illness develop symptoms before age 25. We need a stronger focus on prevention (Nov '19)
- Australia can avoid a new generation of asylums if doctors and politicians listen (May '15)
Mental Health - Stories
- Mental health website for people with intellectual disability created with help of those with lived experience (Aug '20)
- When and how to talk about your mental health in a new relationship (Jun ’20)
- Neglected to death: David Harris’ life reveals the awful burden of mental illness (May ’20)
- My family's history reveals the terrible toll a pandemic takes on mental health (May ’20)
- Woman who suffered miscarriage in coronavirus quarantine was forced to return to hotel (May ’20)
- How loneliness helped me find my place in the world (Mar '20)
- My life with autistic twins: 'Your family is cracking, but through the cracks comes light' (Jan '20)
- MRI scans causing anxiety, claustrophobia (Dec '19) The Power of Self Belief and Self Care; and the Scourge of Anxiety (Aug '19)
- What it's like to be homeless and have a mental illness (jul '18)
- 'The ground's been ripped from under them': mental health fears for the children of the pandemic (Aug '20)
- As ‘lockdown fatigue’ sets in, the toll on mental health will require an urgent response (Aug '20)
- Lifeline's texting service is quietly helping young people who never would've picked up the phone (Jul ’20)
- Predicting the pandemic’s psychological toll: why suicide modelling is so difficult (May ’20)
- COVID-19 Support - Australian Government (May ’20)
- COVID-19 National Health Plan – Supporting the mental health of Australians through the Coronavirus pandemic (May ’20)
- Our suicide research is clear: Australia needs more urgent action to address the Covid-19 fallout (May ’20)
- The government will spend $48 million to safeguard mental health. Extending JobKeeper would safeguard it even more (May ’20)
- Coronavirus has boosted telehealth care in mental health, so let’s keep it up (may '20)
- Coronavirus pandemic plan for mental health too small, suicides likely to increase, expert says (may '20)
- We need to flatten the ‘other’ coronavirus curve, our looming mental health crisis (Apr '20)
- What can you use a telehealth consult for and when should you physically visit your GP? (Apr '20)
- Are you worried someone you care about is thinking of suicide? Here’s how you can support them from afar (Apr '20)
- Can’t sleep and feeling anxious about coronavirus? You’re not alone (mar '20)
- Coronavirus is stressful. Here are some ways to cope with the anxiety (Mar '20)
- 7 science-based strategies to cope with coronavirus anxiety (Mar '20)
- Is your mental health deteriorating during the coronavirus pandemic? Here’s what to look out for (Mar '20)
- Victoria to introduce mental health tax after royal commission finds it 'woefully unprepared' (Nov '19)
- The drought is pushing rural women to breaking point, as doctors urge them to 'get help early' (Oct '19)
- Loneliness is a social cancer, every bit as alarming as cancer itself (Nov '19)
- Thinking about thinking helps kids learn. How can we teach critical thinking? (Jan '20)
- Mental health commissioner says staff being failed with '1970s-style' HR programs (Sep '16) Number of articles:
Mental Health - Support