This library has hundreds of articles and is best viewed on a desktop or tablet – in other words, not really readable on a mobile. Go back to the Flip Side – there’s plenty there to keep you occupied, I’m sure. Sorry about that. Leave the paper boy a tip though.

- Unused buildings will make good housing in the world of COVID-19 (Jul ’20)
- Our lives matter – Melbourne public housing residents talk about why COVID-19 hits them hard (Jul ’20)
- ‘Vertical cruise ships’? Here’s how we can remake housing towers to be safer and better places to live (Jul ’20)
- Public housing ‘renewal’ likely to drive shift to private renters, not owners, in Sydney (Jul ’20)
- Homelessness: can the Covid-19 crisis help end rough sleeping in Australia for good? (Jun ’20)
- If Australia really wants to tackle mental health after coronavirus, we must take action on homelessness (Jun ’20)
- NSW launches $36 million program to get rough sleepers into homes (Jun '20)
- Money for social housing, not home buyers grants, is the key to construction stimulus (Jun '20)
- Coronavirus lays bare 5 big housing system flaws to be fixed (may '20)
- Home for Good: Social Housing for an Ageing Population (may '20)
- The start of something new: a homeless family's respite at a boutique hotel amid the pandemic (may '20)
- Build public housing for 30,000 to boost Australia's post-crisis economy, Acoss says (Apr '20)
- Why the focus of stimulus plans has to be construction that puts social housing first (Apr '20)
- The need to house everyone has never been clearer. Here’s a 2-step strategy to get it done (Apr '20)
- 6 steps towards remaking the homelessness system so it works for young people (Apr '20)
- Hotel Corona: How the pandemic could fix homelessness (ABC)
- Forced by coronavirus to close its doors to the homeless, Wayside Chapel hits the streets (Apr '20)
- Homelessness and overcrowding expose us all to coronavirus. Here’s what we can do to stop the spread (Mar ‘ 20)
- Morrison must protect the most vulnerable Australians to combat the coronavirus crisis (Mar ‘ 20)
- The many faces of social housing – home to 1 in 10 Australians (Mar ’20)
- 'Dying in poverty’: disability pensioners left out of boosted welfare payments fear for future (Mar ‘20)
- We’re innovative when housing bushfire victims. Why not all the homeless? (Mar '20)
- The lost kids (Mar '20)
- As simple as finding a job? Getting people out of social housing is much more complex than that (Dec '19)
- Shh! Don’t mention the public housing shortage. But no serious action on homelessness can ignore it (Oct '19)
- Growing numbers of renters are trapped for years in homes they can’t afford (Oct '19)
- Focus on managing social housing waiting lists is failing low-income households (Aug '19)
- 'Out in the cold': Council shuts down scheme to help homeless sleep in churches (Aug '19)
- Homelessness and the house of lies (aug '19)
Is homelessness growing in NSW and are there 60,000 people waiting for social housing, sometimes for up to 10 years?
… aap Factcheck
(Jun '19)
- Homelessness soars in our biggest cities, driven by rising inequality since 2001 (May '19)
- As simple as finding a job? Getting people out of social housing is much more complex than that (Dec '19)
- 'National obscenity': Australia's story of housing boom and homelessness (May '19)
- Is social housing essential infrastructure? How we think about it does matter (Feb '19)
- Unconditional charity: Why it's okay to give money to homeless people (Aug '18)
- Homelessness: The real housing crisis gripping Australia (Aug '18)
- Can homelessness ever be solved? (jul '18)
- What it's like to be homeless and have a mental illness (jul '18)
- Unless prisoners have a good place to live after release, prison drug rehabilitation won’t work (Oct '17)
- What do single, older women want? Their ‘own little space’ (and garden) to call home, for a start (Oct '17)
- Class divide defies social mixing and keeps public housing stigma alive (Aug '17)
- How to survive if you ever become homeless (Jun '17)
- Family break-up raises homelessness risk, and critical period is longer for boys (Jun '17)
- What housing issues should the budget tackle? This is what our experts say (Apr '17)
- Homeless in Britain: ‘I graduated with honours – and ended up on the streets’ (Jan '17)
- Why secure and affordable housing is an increasing worry for age pensioners (Dec '16)
- The Thatcher years in statistics (Apr '13)
- Housing Ministers' Advisory Committee Social Housing Initiative Review - KPMG (Sep '12)
Number of articles:
Homelessness/Social Housing
- Government argues Centrelink robodebt letter did not 'compel' recipients to provide documents (Jul '20)
- Robodebt claims the life of a 19-year-old mum (Jul '20)
- 'I called him my golden child': Mum who lost son to suicide joins calls for robodebt apology (Jun '20)
- 'Not correct' that robodebt caused suicides, former head of Human Services says (Jul '20)
- Government may not repay 200 Centrelink debts raised using ‘unlawful’ method (Jul '20)
- Centrelink staff forced to administer botched robodebt scheme deserve apology, union says (Jul '20)
- Robodebt victims forced to wait for refunds from unlawful Centrelink debts (Jul '20)
- From robodebt to racism: what can go wrong when governments let algorithms make the decisions (Jun '20)
- The ‘problem’ is not ‘fixed’. Why we need a royal commission into robodebt (Jun '20)
- Senior ministers may be hauled into court over robo-debt class action (Jun '20)
- Scott Morrison apologises for 'any hurt or harm' caused by robodebt scheme (Jun '20)
- Robodebt: total value of unlawful debts issued under Centrelink scheme to exceed $1bn (Jun '20)
- Centrelink was warned robodebts could be inaccurate more than four years ago (Jun '20)
- 'It should not have taken so long': robodebt took a huge toll – there must be real accountability (Jun '20)
- Calls for royal commission into robodebt and apology from Morrison government (Jun '20)
- Coalition won’t rule out passing new laws to reboot robodebt scheme (Jun '20)
- Robodebt scandal: leak reveals unlawful debts predate 2015 but government has no plans to pay back money (May '20)
- Coalition told robodebt 'no longer viable' and should be abolished, leaked advice reveals (May '20)
- Robodebt was a flagrant abuse of government power. It should never have seen the light of day (May '20)
- Robodebt: government to refund 470,000 unlawful Centrelink debts worth $721m (May '20)
- Robodebt: Centrelink to issue hundreds of thousands of class action notices for trial (May ‘20)
- Robodebt: government admits it will be forced to refund $550m under botched scheme (Mar ‘20)
- Centrelink continues to chase welfare clients for robodebts despite coronavirus (Mar '20)
- Officials refuse to say how many flawed robodebts they have found (Mar '20)
- Centrelink accidentally sends pensioner's personal information to wrong man (Mar'20)
- On robodebt, the Morrison government is defending the indefensible (Feb '20)
- Coalition says it has no duty of care for welfare recipients over robodebt (Feb '20)
- Centrelink sent Tracey a $45,500 parenting allowance bill, but she doesn't have any children (Feb '20)
- Government was warned robodebt scheme was unlawful – but won't say when (Feb '20)
- Robodebt legal warning came on same day scheme was suspended by Federal Government (Feb '20)
- Disability pensioners were increasingly drawn into robodebt while scheme was under scrutiny (Feb '20)
- Government admits robodebt was unlawful as it settles legal challenge (Nov '19)
- The robodebt horror was all about boosting the budget. That's the brutal truth (Nov '19)
- Centrelink accused of issuing $14,500 robodebt to pensioner with intellectual impairment (Oct '19)
- If the PM thought money for farmers was 'welfare', they'd be getting robo-debt notices (Oct '19)
- 'It's so draining': single mother pursued over debt caused by Centrelink mistake (Sep '19)
- Homeless woman says Centrelink took entire $3,500 tax return for disputed robodebt (Aug '19)
- Over 2000 people died after receiving Centrelink robo-debt notice, figures reveal (Feb '19)
- Centrelink robo-debt system wrongly targets Australian of the Year finalist (Jan '17)
Stories of Disadvantage
- Joining the job queue: 'I never wanted to rely on Centrelink. It beats people down' (Jul ’20) JobSeeker welfare recipients fear end of life-changing Coronavirus Supplement (May ‘20) Coronavirus left this family broke. Here's how to pay the rent if you've lost your income (May ‘20) Just getting by before the coronavirus crisis, Australia's newly unemployed face an uncertain future (Apr '20) Spending the coronavirus bonus: 'I haven't bought my daughter a birthday present since 2012' (Apr ‘20) 'I've spent many nights crying': welfare recipients on the true cost of robodebt (Feb '20) 'The system is truly Orwellian': our horrifying experiences with robodebt (Oct '19) ‘I didn’t want to be homeless with a baby’: young women share their stories of homelessness (Jul '19)
Gig Economy
Migrant Workers
Government Policy
Work & Unemployment
- Here we go again, government blames the jobless for unemployment (Jul ‘20)
- The 'job snob' stereotype has been used for decades to denigrate the unemployed. Facts tell a different story (Jul ‘20)
- ‘Deeply hurtful’ claims of Australian jobseekers turning down work are based on scant evidence (Jun ‘20)
- Unemployment is no fun at the best of times, but it's particularly strange during a pandemic (Jun ‘20)
- Redesigning Employment Services after COVID-19 (may '20)
- Jobactive agencies to reap millions amid soaring coronavirus unemployment (Apr '20)
- Lower-income earners more likely to lose jobs due to coronavirus (Apr '20)
- Casual and migrant workers are at the mercy of an economy that punishes its victims (Apr '20)
- Why temporary migrants need JobKeeper (Apr '20)
- Delivery workers are now essential. They deserve the rights of other employees (Mar '20)
- Anglicare finds five jobseekers applying for every entry-level position (Oct '19)
- Jobactive workers speak out: 'How the hell did I end up doing this to these people?' (Oct '19)
- Making an art form out of cruelty to people who are unemployed (Oct '19)
- Scott Morrison’s ‘work harder to earn more’ nonsense shows how out of touch with workers he is (Oct '19)
- When it comes to jobs, one is not enough for many Australians (sep '19)
- What we missed while we looked away – the growth of long‐term unemployment (Jul '19)
- How to stop workers being exploited in the gig economy (Oct '18)
- Why coronavirus will deepen the inequality of our suburbs (Aug '20)
- Covid-19 has revealed a pre-existing pandemic of poverty that benefits the rich (Jul '20)
- Low-paid, young women: the grim truth about who this recession is hitting hardest (Jul '20)
- Melbourne tower lockdowns unfairly target already vulnerable public housing residents (Jul ’20)
- ‘Tick-a-box approach’: fears Australia’s efforts to tackle modern slavery risk being derailed (Jun ’20)
- After Robodebt, it’s time to address ParentsNext (Jun ’20)
- As coronavirus widens the renter-owner divide, housing policies will have to change (Apr ’20)
- Women released from prison are at much greater risk of violence (Mar ’20)
- One in eight people in Australia living in poverty, report finds (Feb '20)
- As big cities get even bigger, some residents are being left behind (Feb '20)
- Montessori education could reduce the advantage gap between rich and poor, but it's only available to the rich (Jan '20)
- I’m an ex-prisoner and education behind bars saved my life (Jan '20)
- Is hard work enough to lift anyone out of poverty? This question divides the nation (Nov '19)
- Tackling the cycle of inequality of girls in the developing world by numbers (Oct '19)
- Vast majority of disability pension applicants say Centrelink treated them unfairly (Oct '19)
- One in five Australians went hungry over past year, study finds (Oct '19)
- Big Issue founder launches magazine to tackle illiteracy (Jun '19)
- Poverty as a Moral Question (Apr '19)
- Ideas of home and ownership in Australia might explain the neglect of renters’ rights (Nov '18)
- Modern slavery bill welcomed, but no penalties for breaching act (Jun '18)
- Joining the job queue: 'I never wanted to rely on Centrelink. It beats people down' (Jul ’20)
- Church leaders join environment groups to call for increase to JobSeeker payments (Jul ’20)
- Coalition plays down reports of permanent $75 rise in jobseeker payment (Jun ‘20)
- Work for the Dole facing coronavirus 'timebomb', says economic think tank (Jun ‘20)
- Morrison government announces return to mutual obligation for jobseekers (Jun ‘20)
- 'I wouldn't eat three meals a day': poverty findings heighten calls to maintain boosted jobseeker (May ‘20)
- When the Coronavirus Supplement stops, JobSeeker needs to increase by $185 a week (may ‘20)
- Reducing the dole to its pre-coronavirus rate would be a massive brake on the economy (may ‘20)
- JobSeeker payments will be wound back once coronavirus crisis is over, Morrison says (Apr ‘20)
- 'Time to click reset': coronavirus offers chance to end Australia's welfare wars (Apr ‘20)
- Spending the coronavirus bonus: 'I haven't bought my daughter a birthday present since 2012' (Apr ‘20)
- 'It will change my life entirely': young people on getting the $550 coronavirus supplement (Apr '20)
- Government did not plan to inform jobseekers their welfare appointments were suspended (Mar ‘20)
- The Australian welfare system has always been needlessly cruel. Now it’s punishing half the country (Mar ‘20)
- Australian jobseekers to get $550 increase as part of huge coronavirus welfare package (Mar '20)
- Welfare recipients on cashless debit card will have $750 stimulus payment quarantined (Mar '20)
- Sick or disabled people on Newstart face 'unrealistic' obligations to find work (Mar '20)
- Cashless welfare card: how does it work and what changes is the government proposing? (Feb '20)
- Jacqui Lambie says people scared and confused by Coalition’s cashless welfare card plan (Nov '19)
- Man died of bowel cancer while waiting for disability support pension approval (May '19)
- 'Senseless cruelty': peak welfare body pushes for $95-a-week increase to Newstart (Jan '20)
- There’s mounting evidence against cashless debit cards, but the government is ploughing on regardless (Nov '19)
- ‘Please listen to us’: the Newstart recipients trying to convince Scott Morrison he’s wrong (Nov '19)
- I'm an addict and on the dole, but it's not drugs that keep me in this nightmare (Oct '19)
- Lesson for Australia. Make it hard for people to get benefits, and they’ll stop, but they mightn’t get jobs (Oct '19)
- Newstart recipient has payments suspended after appearing at Senate inquiry (Oct '19)
- More than 120,000 people whose welfare was suspended were not at fault, data shows (Aug '19)
- Newstart recipient on Q&A: 'How would you suggest people like me have a go?' (Aug '19)
- 'Unfunded empathy': Scott Morrison pushes back on growing calls to lift Newstart rate (Jul '19)
- Life on the breadline: Centrelink's 'mutual obligation' is a system of humiliation (May '19)
- Punished by the lucrative welfare-to-work industry: 'I was contemplating suicide' (May '19)
- Coalition stopped welfare payments to 55,000 homeless or at-risk jobseekers in six months (Apr '19)
- The demerit system is ruthless social policy, designed to keep the poor powerless (Jul ‘18)
- Duncan Storrar went on Q&A – now his personal life is dragged through the mud (May '16)
- You're not a 'bludger' if you pay no net tax in Australia (May '16) Number of articles: